STOP sign for vehicles in traffic regulations

When is a stop sign ticket issued?

A stop sign ticket is issued if the driver fails to stop in front of it. In accordance with the traffic rules, this must be done directly in front of it or an additional line. They are mandatory, as they mark potentially dangerous areas.

In such places, driving without stopping is prohibited for a reason. In accordance with the rules, the sign is installed at railway crossings, in places where pedestrians gather, or at closed intersections. So it’s not for nothing that he appears on the sidelines; you need to pay special attention to him.

Differences between "STOP" and "STOP - CONTROL" signs

The “Stop Control” road sign (established in clause 3.17.3 of the Traffic Regulations), as well as the “STOP” sign (2.5), require the driver to stop the vehicle before continuing to drive. This is the main similarity in the requirements of these two road signs. The differences between their functions and parameters of requirements for vehicle drivers are as follows:

  • firstly, at a “stop control” sign, in many cases drivers are required not only to completely stop the vehicle, but also to present the vehicle for inspection and inspection. This can be various types of control - the presence of relevant documents, for the presence of unauthorized passengers, for the presence of certain cargo, etc. It all depends on for what purposes and to ensure what legal regime this sign is installed.
  • secondly, in contrast to the STOP sign, the driver is ordered to stop the vehicle at a special site or in a part of the roadway specially marked with road markings.
  • thirdly, the “Stop Control” sign is installed not for the purpose of optimizing or regulating traffic, but to ensure compliance with the conditions of some legal regime that is not directly related to traffic on the road. Those. In many ways, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of instructions regulated by the stop sign is determined not by the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (TRAF), but by other regulations, both federal and local (regional) level. For example, this could be the introduction of a legal regime of a ban on entry into administrative areas, settlements during quarantine imposed due to epizootics, or when entering specially protected areas of national nature reserves and reserves.

What is the fine for driving without stopping?

Priority sign No. 2.5 is subject to a mandatory full stop requirement. If the driver asks what fine he will have to pay, he will be surprised. After drawing up the protocol, the amount will be announced, which varies depending on the situation:

  • Stop sign – 500 rubles ;
  • Stop line – 800 rubles .

Even if your friend prefers not to stop in front of the lines, you should not imitate his actions. In such cases, the risk of getting into an accident increases sharply, which is confirmed by statistics. If you follow the traffic rules, you can protect yourself from road accidents.

Penalty for crossing a stop line in front of a traffic light in 2021

If the driver drove without stopping when the stop sign was installed, this will be a traffic violation. Based on the Code of Administrative Offences, a fine is provided for this violation. The corresponding article in the code is Part 1 of Article 12.16 - for non-compliance with signs or markings installed on the road, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.

The driver must stop before the stop line, before the intersection or just before the sign. If you drive without stopping, this will be a violation for which the traffic police officer will issue a fine of 500 rubles.

The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersection, and if there is a sign 8.13 - along the main road.

It happens that a driver notices a yellow traffic light late, and other cars are driving right behind him. Then it is safer to drive through a yellow light than to resort to emergency braking before the stop line.

Stop line is a road marking numbered 1.12, indicating the place where the driver is required to stop in the presence of a 2.5 (STOP) sign, a prohibitory signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller.

Who will issue a ticket for a stop sign?

A stop sign is a mandatory fine, but drivers often believe that they will not have to face administrative liability. The reason for this is the lack of traffic police inspectors who could draw up a European protocol or a standard protocol. People try to take advantage of this opportunity by calmly driving straight across the line.

If you don't stop at a stop sign, you shouldn't ask what the fine is. Yes, traffic police inspectors do not try to catch violators, since they must independently recognize the potential danger. If you fail to stop before crossing without a barrier or at a dangerous intersection, you can get into a life-threatening accident.

How to pay a fine for a stop line?

If there is a pedestrian crossing, marking 1.12 (stop line) in 2021 is placed 1 m in front of it. When a traffic light is located in front of a railway crossing, a stop line will be drawn at a distance of 5 m.

If you do not live at the place of registration and doubt whether you drove over the stop line, you can find out online whether the camera recorded the manipulation. A day or two after the violation, all fines appear in the database of the State Information System - GIS traffic police.

The “Stop Control” sign can be installed at quarantine and police posts for the duration of operational special events.

If the camera records a violation, the driver will receive a notification within a few days. It will arrive at the address indicated in the vehicle registration certificate. The fine must be paid within 60 calendar days from the date of the decision. Plus, there are an additional 10 days to appeal penalties.

The driver can continue to follow his route only after all the procedures provided for by law and the Traffic Rules have been completed (checking documents, inspecting or inspecting vehicles, etc.), and naturally, after the appropriate permission from the checkpoint officer.

Everyone who once tested their license knows that there is such a “Stop” sign. But not everyone already remembers what requirements it interprets.

Driving without stopping is prohibited other 3.17.3. Control I have heard different interpretations of these signs, for example that at the Stop Control sign you need to stop and wait until the guard waves his wand to move on. Here the question arises: what to do if there is no guard. In fact, everything is very simple, you don’t need to guess and read numerous interpretations, you just need to look at the rules, where everything is quite clearly written. Moreover, knowledge of the rules often helps to avoid unnecessary fines due to ignorance of traffic police officers. Don’t be afraid to politely argue with them if you are sure you are right.

All car owners undergo the maintenance procedure, regardless of whether they want it or not. To insure a car under MTPL, you need to undergo maintenance. Authorities very often change laws regarding the frequency of technical inspections.

Let's imagine that the driver did not react in time to a red traffic light and braked with his front wheels on the line.

In mandatory mode, this plate is installed together with the priority road sign 2.4. "Give way."

If the offense was committed at an intersection not regulated by a traffic light or traffic controller, then there will be a minimum punishment under Part 1 of Art. 12.16. Code of Administrative Offenses – a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, which, in accordance with Part 1.3. stat. 32.2. Code of Administrative Offences, can be paid with a 50% discount (if payment is made within 20 days from the date of the decision). The actions of a government representative, in this case, may include: personal inspection, inspection of the vehicle, checking documents not only of the driver, but also of all persons present in the car.

The number in the designation means nothing for drivers, but you should pay special attention to the advanced functionality, otherwise there is a risk of receiving an unexpected fine.

The traffic police believe that with such requirements, instructors in driving schools will stop training drivers to perform the same exercises on the site. In addition, candidates will not be able to memorize city routes that were known in advance.

Procedure for issuing an administrative penalty

A fine for not stopping at a stop sign is mandatory. The driver must be very familiar with the procedure to ensure that it is carried out correctly. Otherwise, the actions will turn out to be a violation on the part of the representatives of the state traffic police.

  • Confirmation of violation;
  • Drawing up a protocol;
  • Issuing a fine.

Each stage has important features. Car owners should become familiar with them so that critical mistakes are not made. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, you should visit the auto legal portal to get useful information.

Confirmation of violation

First, the traffic police inspector must prove the violation. If he does not do this, drawing up the contract is considered an unlawful act. Drivers often take advantage of this subtlety, because it is difficult to confirm a fine for failure to stop at a stop sign. This requires witnesses or video footage. When the necessary evidence is presented, you will have to agree with the statement.

Drawing up a protocol

Driving without stopping is prohibited, the fine is small, but even to formalize it you will need a report from the scene of the incident. At this stage, auto lawyers also advise inquiring about the actions of the traffic police inspector. In some cases, fabulous details appear on paper, including hitting a stop line. This is a serious offense and you should not sign such documents. It is worth pointing out any errors in the description of the place, so as not to shell out a tidy sum later.

Registration of a fine

You can always find out from the traffic police inspector what the fine is for a stop sign, and he has no right to deceive the driver. If this happens, you can safely record the conversation, and then report a serious offense during execution. Moreover, instant payments were canceled several years ago, so you should not agree to persuasion. The transfer of funds to an official is punishable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which means that payment to the specified amount will have to be made later.

When should you stop at the stop line in 2021?

If the driver drove without stopping when the stop sign was installed, this will be a traffic violation. Based on the Code of Administrative Offences, a fine is provided for this violation. The corresponding article in the code is Part 1 of Article 12.16 - for non-compliance with signs or markings installed on the road, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.

The driver must stop before the stop line, before the intersection or just before the sign. If you drive without stopping, this will be a violation for which the traffic police officer will issue a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 2.5 can be installed in front of a railway crossing or quarantine post. In these cases, the driver must stop in front of the stop line, and if there is no stop line, in front of the sign.

It happens that the camera makes a mistake and the driver receives a fine for a violation that he did not commit. For example, there may be a shadow from the bumper behind the stop line, while the wheels are in front of the line. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Punishment is applied if a person stops at the stop line or further, when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal or a traffic controller’s gesture.

Is there deception?

Failure to stop at a stop sign is not considered a serious traffic violation. A small amount of a fine rarely interests traffic police inspectors, so fraud is discussed in rare cases. Although there are still times when drivers are faced with such unlawful actions. They should be stopped, for which you will have to submit an application to the prosecutor's office for an inspection. Yes, it will take some time, but the fight against corruption, even on such a small scale, is useful for every car enthusiast.

The traffic rules precisely describe all the signs that a driver must know. The stop may not be that important, but even it should not be overlooked. Regular issuance of fines gradually leads to a worsening of the situation, so a person has a “chance” of being deprived of his driver’s license for some period of time. It is better to try to avoid such mistakes, especially since they can save lives.

Good to know:

  • Repeated insurance fine
  • Norms and amount of fines for tinting
  • Unpaid traffic police fines: consequences in 2021
  • Fine for expired MTPL insurance policy
  • Table of traffic police fines for 2021
  • I sold my car and received a fine. What to do?
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