What is the fine for violating the “Weight limit” sign?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article we will again talk about prohibiting road signs. This time the meanings of road signs 3.11 - 3.16 will be analyzed, i.e. signs directly related to the characteristics of the vehicle (weight and size).

Among others, signs for height restrictions, weight restrictions and vehicle length restrictions will be considered.

Let me remind you that earlier, as part of the series of articles “Road Signs”, the following articles were published:

  • Warning road signs.
  • Signs: pedestrian crossing, beware of children, slippery road, speed bump.
  • Signs: road works, wild animals, traffic jams, other dangers.
  • Priority signs: main road, give way, driving without stopping is prohibited.
  • Prohibiting traffic signs: traffic is prohibited, entry is prohibited.
  • Signs: pedestrians are prohibited, bicycles are prohibited, and trailers are prohibited.

Weight limit sign

A weight limit sign prohibits the movement of vehicles whose actual weight exceeds the weight on the sign:

In this case, the movement of vehicles weighing more than 7000 kg is prohibited. Naturally, this restriction does not apply to category B passenger cars.

This sign is installed, for example, in front of bridges to take into account their load capacity and prevent overload. The sign is also installed before ice crossings. Violation of its requirements can be very dangerous, because can lead to the destruction of the crossing and immersion of the car under water.

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Rules for the movement of heavy trucks in the automatic weight control zone have been adopted. The Federal Tax Service has approved the application form for the death or destruction of a vehicle. In Russia, it is forbidden to disembark children without a ticket from buses. A new sign 6.22 has been introduced in the traffic rules - “photo and video recording” Testing for alcohol dependence has been postponed for another year. The Ministry of Health has updated the requirements for completing car first-aid kits, the Ministry of Transport has approved the procedure and terms for storing diagnostic maintenance cards. Obtaining permission for international transport will now be done in a new way. You can now check your MTPL policy for authenticity online. The Central Bank has set new tariffs for MTPL.

/ Blog feed / Autolegal Blog / Sign 3.11 “Weight limit”. What does it mean?

Sign 3.11 “Weight limit”. What does it mean?

The number of multi-ton trucks driving along the roads of our country amounts to many thousands. At the same time, it is no secret to anyone that it is heavy trucks that cause the most significant damage to road infrastructure and, first of all, bridges and overpasses. In order to limit the ability of truck drivers to drive where they want, local authorities, in agreement with the traffic police, install sign 3.11 “Weight limit” in the relevant areas. This sign is prohibitive in nature and restricts the movement of vehicles whose total actual weight is greater than that indicated on the sign.

Sign 3.11 cannot be installed in any order in those places where local authorities deem it necessary. Each of its installations must have a factual justification. For example, if a “Weight Limit” sign is placed at the entrance to a bridge or overpass, this means that its installation was preceded by appropriate surveys and tests of the structure.

In the northern regions of our country, sign 3.11 can be used before ice crossings used for vehicular traffic.

In this case, it does not matter what type of vehicle is moving along the road section. Only its total mass is taken into account. If it exceeds the value indicated on the sign, passage is prohibited!

This is important: the actual gross weight should not be confused with the maximum authorized weight. By actual we mean the current weight of the vehicle. For example, if the permitted maximum weight of a truck is 7 tons, and the actual weight at the time of travel does not exceed that indicated on the sign (for example, 5 tons), then the vehicle has the right to continue driving

What is the fine for violating sign 3.11 “Weight limit”?

Responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements established by the specified sign is established by part 11 of article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and entails an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

Administrative cases under this article are considered by officials of the traffic police. At the same time, as practice shows, decisions under Art. 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are issued in violation of the law, which then makes it possible to successfully appeal them in court.

If you have been held accountable for violating the requirements of road signs limiting the weight of a vehicle, and you believe that this was done unlawfully, contact the lawyers on our website for help:

How to recover moral damages under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?

Video recording as evidence in court

weight limit

09.04.2019 21:12


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01.04.2021 22:22

Nizhny Tagil is a temporary bridge along Krasnoarmeyskaya Street. A shame. They cannot carry out reconstruction.


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Automotive news

Rules for the movement of heavy trucks in the automatic weight control zone have been adopted

The Federal Tax Service has approved the application form for the loss or destruction of a vehicle

In Russia it is forbidden to disembark children without a ticket from buses

A new sign 6.22 has been introduced into the traffic rules - “photo and video recording”

Testing for alcohol addiction has been postponed for another year.

The Ministry of Health has updated the requirements for the configuration of car first aid kits

Sign limiting the weight per vehicle axle

A sign limiting the mass per axle of a vehicle (popularly - limiting the mass per axle) prohibits the movement of vehicles with at least one axle carrying a mass exceeding that indicated on the sign:

In the sign from the example it is 6,000 kg.

This sign can be used in conjunction with plates 8.20.1 and 8.20.2:

Accordingly, if the first sign is present, the sign applies to two-axle trolleys, and if the second sign is present, it applies to three-axle trolleys.

The axle weight limit sign is used, for example, during seasonal traffic restrictions on federal highways. You can read more about this in the article “Restrictions for the movement of trucks in 2012.”

Sign Requirements Weight Limit

It is prohibited to operate trucks on road sections where sign 3.12 is installed if the specified limit exceeds the actual weight of the vehicle.

This means that moving in the direction of the sign will be an administrative violation. Therefore, drivers are forced to drive around sections of roads with weight restrictions.

Requirements for overloading vehicles are provided for in cases where there may be a bridge or overpass on a section of the road, the operation of which has restrictions on physical load.

Otherwise, driving along this section of the road may be unsafe for both the driver and other road users. In addition, damage to the road owner may be caused.

The tonnage of a vehicle is often indicated at water crossings. Failure to comply with direct instructions can lead to extremely adverse consequences.

Height restriction sign

A height restriction road sign prohibits the movement of vehicles whose height is greater than that indicated on the sign:

It is installed in front of structures whose span height is less than 5 meters. I note that the sign is usually installed with a small margin (20 centimeters), however, I do not recommend violating its requirements under any circumstances.

This is due to the fact that every year there are accidents in which trucks crash into bridges or elevated pedestrian crossings. Since a knocked-down bridge usually falls on the car’s cabin, this violation does not bode well for the driver.

However, I note that collisions usually occur due to the fact that the truck has a raised bed. However, just tall cars sometimes knock down bridges.

Sign on traffic rules tickets

This sign prohibits the movement of vehicles that:

More details

Is it possible for this road train to cross the bridge if the actual weight of the vehicle is 8 tons and the trailer is 5 tons?

More details

Prohibitory signs are a category of traffic rules signs that introduce or cancel various prohibitions on the actions of drivers on certain sections of the road. Prohibitory signs include such types of signs as, for example, a sign prohibiting entry, prohibiting any movement on a specific section of the road, a sign limiting the height or weight of a vehicle, a sign limiting speed, parking place, etc.

Prohibition signs are one of the largest sets of traffic rules signs, which include a wide variety of situations in which certain restrictions may be introduced. Due to the variety of prohibition signs, there are also a lot of images on them, which can complicate their study and mislead an inexperienced driver when encountering them. Sign 3.11 - The mass limit has a bright red color in its color scheme, which will always signal to you that one or another limitation is being introduced next, but which one should be carefully studied and remembered.

A clear understanding and knowledge of traffic rules prohibiting signs will protect you from large fines, which may even include deprivation of your license, as well as from various kinds of unpleasant situations in the form of all kinds of accidents.

Ban on the movement of heavy trucks

However, not only the poor quality of the road surface is accompanied by the sad consequences of driving a vehicle whose weight exceeds the permissible maximum vehicle weight on a particular section of the route. If such a prohibition is neglected, more disastrous results may arise. In particular, the Weight Limit sign is also installed in front of bridges connecting two opposite banks of a river or passing over railway tracks.

It’s not hard to guess what will happen to a car that dares to rush across a bridge that cannot support too much weight. Maybe the first recklessness will work out, but constant increased loads on engineering structures will provoke their destruction. At a certain point, the bridge may not be able to support the heavy weight of the vehicle, and as a result, it will simply collapse. It is easy to guess that not only the car will be seriously damaged, but people may also suffer and even die. It is possible to avoid tragedy only in cases where drivers strictly follow the instructions of road signs.

Is it possible for this road train to cross the bridge if the actual weight of the vehicle is 8 tons and the trailer is 5 tons?

Sign 3.11 “Weight limit” prohibits the movement of vehicles, including vehicle combinations, the total actual weight of which is more than 10 tons.

Requirements of road sign 3.12

Sign 3.12 is aimed at ensuring optimal load parameters on the axles of a truck; for its violation, a fine is imposed for overloading the truck.

This rule will allow you to drive a vehicle safely, and will also not harm the roads, bridge structures and overpasses encountered on the trucker’s path.

Accordingly, the driver does not have the right to move in the direction of the sign if there are excess values ​​on the truck axle.

This indicates that the upcoming road surface is made taking into account the standards for traffic with a permissible load on any axle of the vehicle structure.

Ignoring the instructions of a road sign can not only cause damage to the owner of the road, but can also be dangerous for drivers of heavy trucks.

Road sign 3.11 weight limit: installation rules

Sign 3.11 is installed directly in front of objects with the maximum permissible load.

The sign itself indicates the physical weight of the entire vehicle. If a truck with a trailer falls within the acceptable parameters, then passage is possible.

The maximum load is checked when loading the vehicle, as indicated in the documentation. At traffic police posts they check the weight of truckers to ensure they are overweight.

If the vehicle's weight exceeds the permissible limits, the driver may be warned that he will be prohibited from moving in a certain direction.

If the weight exceeds the established parameters, then a fine for overloading the truck will be issued to the driver, manager, as well as the carrier organization itself.

The sign is placed in a place where a section of the road goes to a bridge, overpass or crossing. It is allowed to install temporary signs that differ from ordinary ones by having a yellow background on the sign.

If there is a contradiction between a permanent and temporary sign, the driver should be guided by the requirements of the temporary signs.

As a rule, sign 3.11 weight limit can be duplicated by a sign indicating the distance to the start of the prohibited zone or the direction to detour.

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