What fine does a driver face for installing blue or green lights?

Improving and upgrading a vehicle, or, more simply, tuning, can go to the extreme. To the extreme which is associated with danger on the road. And on the road, safety must come first! After all, no appearance can replace lost health, much less life. What we all mean is that when operating a vehicle, it is necessary to comply with the requirements prescribed by traffic rules and other regulatory documents that advocate for our peace of mind. Let's say you put xenon in the headlights that are blinding, or LEDs in the headlights of the wrong color. As a result, from afar in the dark it is not clear whether there is a car there or a Christmas tree. And from here all possible unpleasant consequences follow. In addition, the driver of such a car may also be charged a fine. So, can they issue a fine for dimensions of the wrong color, no matter blue, green, yellow or another color, on what basis and how much!? It is this question that we will answer in our article.

Where does it say that blue (green) lamps cannot be installed in the dimensions?

Let's turn to the basics, to the traffic rules, namely to the document “Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles...”. Here we will be interested in the appendix to this section “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.” In section 3, paragraph 3.6 prohibits operation if:

The vehicle is equipped with: at the front - lighting devices with lights of any color except white, yellow or orange, and retroreflective devices of any color except white;

Here all that remains is to argue about the shades and what is white light and what is something else. But if you want to go to the extreme, then this topic can of course be developed, but we won’t. Actually, from the logical conclusions it becomes clear that blue or green dimensions do not fit into the concept of the List of Malfunctions and Conditions at all... So, if there is a violation, then there is a punishment for it.

Is it possible to install blue light bulbs in the dimensions or headlights of a car and what are the dangers?

Penalty for blue lights

Supporters of traffic rules like to say that the rules are written in blood. But is this so obvious when it comes to the ban on placing lamps of a prohibited color in the headlights or other lights? Perhaps, when using red lamps in headlights, this becomes obvious to many car enthusiasts. And it is not for nothing that deprivation of rights is provided for this. But is it really dangerous to use other colors in lighting devices? In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to drive with blue light bulbs in the dimensions, low and high beam headlights, fog lights, whether blue is allowed in the backlight of the license plate and what fines there are for this.

Fine for having blue (green) lights on a car

Let's look through the booklet of the Code of Administrative Offenses under Chapter 12 and understand that for dimensions of the wrong color, one of the most universal articles will be used, namely 12.5. Here you need to refer to part 3

Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the Admission of Vehicles... entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles. for a period of 6 months to 1 year with confiscation of the specified instruments and devices.

Yes, it should be noted that the seemingly harmless action of changing the color of the dimensions can be punished so severely. Indeed, deprivation of a driver’s license, that is, a special license, is a rather harsh punishment. It only remains to note that the deprivation of a special right is carried out by a judicial act, that is, such a decision is made by a judge. If we talk about the confiscation of lamps with blue or green light, which is provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, then the confiscation must take place with 2 witnesses, or with a video recording. A protocol for the seizure of items will be drawn up. Confiscation of items of an administrative violation allows for Article 243 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The inspector's decision can be challenged in court.

What is the penalty for failure to comply with the required requirements?

For daytime running lights

Based on traffic regulations, the use of DRLs is mandatory in the following cases :

  • transportation of minor children;
  • riding a motor vehicle;
  • transportation of oversized or dangerous and explosive substances;
  • on minibuses and public transport.

According to Article 19 of the Traffic Regulations, paragraph 19.5, all drivers while driving in the city and on the highway are required to turn on DRLs or low beam lights, or fog lights. If these requirements are met, adequate safety for pedestrians and other motorists on the road will be ensured.

If these requirements are not met, the fine for violation will be 500 rubles (Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

12.20 article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangles

Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangles - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Turn signals not included

Before performing various maneuvers in any situation, the driver undertakes to turn on the turn signals, regardless of whether there are other cars on the road.

Responsibility for violating the rules of maneuvering is based on Part 1 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which states that for this traffic violation the driver:

  1. give a warning;
  2. or a fine of 500 rubles is issued.

Read more about the fine for not turning on the turn signal and driving in the wrong direction here.

Low beam off

Since 2010, drivers have been required to drive with low beams on at all times, day and night. According to Article 12.20 of the Administrative Code, the amount of the fine issued for headlights without low beams on will be 500 rubles .

Inoperative or driving with one faulty

  • the violator pays a fine of 500 rubles due to a faulty or dirty lighting device;
  • or the driver may be limited to a verbal warning.

Installation of light bulbs of blue and other colors in dimensions

According to paragraphs of Article 3 of the Traffic Regulations, the list of acceptable colors of lighting devices is as follows :

  1. At the front of the vehicle, white, yellow or orange colors are acceptable.
  2. Only red, yellow and orange devices are installed at the rear of the vehicle.
  3. When illuminating the rear license plate and reversing lights, only white can be used.

The blue color is not indicated in this paragraph, because installing blue or blue light bulbs is an offense in which the operation of vehicles is prohibited in accordance with Part 3 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which specifies the permitted colors.

The presence of lighting devices whose color and mode of operation of the lights contradicts road safety requirements guarantees deprivation of rights for a period of 6-12 months with confiscation of these devices and devices (12.5 of the Administrative Code).

Detention of a vehicle if it has blue (green, yellow) dimensions installed

Also, a motorist may have questions about the possibility of detaining his vehicle if suddenly a traffic police inspector stops the car and charges him with dimensions of the wrong color. In order to answer the question about the possible detention of a vehicle, it is necessary to refer to Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And here, when reading the article, it becomes clear that in relation to Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, detention can only be applied for part 2, and we have part 3. That is, they cannot detain a vehicle for blue (green) dimensions. Well, at least something makes me happy!

What fine does a driver face for installing blue or green lights?

The issue of installing colored, namely green or blue, side lights on a vehicle is actually very serious. Some motorists, in order to surprise others, are ready to resort to the most radical, sometimes completely inappropriate and unacceptable measures. You need to tune your “iron” horse wisely and without fanaticism, otherwise such radicalism can lead to fines and even deprivation of rights. Those who like to turn their car into a Christmas tree will pay dearly for their inappropriate and dangerous fantasies.

The current state of affairs with dimensions of the wrong color (blue, green, etc.)

Actually, most motorists already know that experimenting with the “wrong” light in dimensions is not worth it. And those lamps of blue, green and other colors that are sold in auto parts stores are mainly intended for interior lighting and instrument lighting. That is, in reality we quite rarely encounter such an offense. As for shades of white, that is, when there were incandescent lamps and LEDs were inserted into the dimensions, then usually such a replacement takes place without consequences, that is, no one finds fault with the fact that a lamp with a different spectrum is installed in the socket, which is provided according to the manufacturer’s documentation TS. However, this cannot be said about xenon and LEDs, when such light sources are used in headlights for high and low beam.

Communities › LED Tuning › Forum › What threatens blue LEDs in dimensions?

Actually, yesterday the marker lamp burned out, on the way I stopped at a car dealership to buy a new one, but the usual markers were not on sale, I bought LED ones, and upon installation it turned out that they glow blue. To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to this, well, blue and blue, by the way, during the day it’s not so noticeable... but when I turned on the headlights at night, I was surprised, the headlights shone in a rich blue color, but they don’t dazzle, they just shine like regular headlight lamps, but only in blue. Since I have lens headlights, the low beam does not mix with the blue dimensions... the question arose, is there any fine for such dimensions? I don’t know anything about this matter, and on the Internet they write all sorts of crap that is not relevant to the matter. I would be grateful for the information... ga.d-cd.net/13b3ca6s-960.jpg

Penalty for installing blue lighting fixtures

First of all, let's turn to the main road law - the Rules of the Road. So, paragraph 19.5 reads: “ During daylight hours, low-beam headlights or daytime running lights must be turned on on all moving vehicles for the purpose of identifying them.”

At the same time, the Rules clearly allow for one possibility of replacing the low beam - clause 19.4. allows the use of fog lights instead of low beam headlights.

Thus, during the day you should have either low-beam headlights, fog lights, or daytime running lights on in front. There is no mention in the traffic rules that there are enough side lights during the day.

How to distinguish side lights from DRLs?

Let's say you're buying a car, new or used, and want to determine whether it has DRLs. Running lights are fundamentally different from conventional side lights, both in their greater brightness and mode of operation. Even if the car’s lighting control is in the “OFF” position, when the engine starts, the DRLs light up themselves, and when the headlights are turned on, they either reduce their brightness or turn off completely.

Light and law

Although the Rules have put everything in its place, many car enthusiasts are trying to modify their old cars that do not yet have standard DRLs. What is the reason? The fact is that the need to burn low beam lamps all day can lead to the fact that you are much more likely (especially if your light sources are halogen) to be left with one functioning headlight. And then any inspector on the road at night can stop such a one-eyed car, fine the driver, and even prohibit further movement. And he will be right! According to paragraph 2.3.1, “it is prohibited to drive with the headlights and tail lights off (absent) in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility.”

In other words, either learn to change a headlight bulb in the dark, under the snow, in the cold, and quickly, like assembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle, or take care of the low-beam headlight bulbs. Therefore, during the day I advise you to drive with fog lights or DRLs. The owner can install the latter independently or in a car service center, but the requirements for the placement and brightness of such lights must be met.

What not to do:

  • Installation of LED lamps in colorless turn signal lamps, which glow brightly white while driving, until the turn signal is switched on. Then they start flashing orange. Due to the use of LEDs, the idea may fail when meeting with a meticulous inspector.
  • The use of an electronic unit, which, when starting the engine, turns on the high beam lamps (or high beam spirals in combined lamps) with a reduced (40–70% of the nominal) brightness. The headlights are located above the foglights and are therefore better visible. Traffic police officers are unlikely to distinguish them from simply burning low-beam headlights, especially if double-filament lamps of the H4 type are used. And they should not blind oncoming drivers due to reduced brightness. And, naturally, as soon as you turn on the low beam headlights, all the above functions should be disabled.
  • Installation of powerful LED lamps instead of “dimensions” (weak incandescent light bulbs). Then it’s enough to turn on the “dimensions” and all problems are solved? Not certainly in that way! Firstly, there may be problems with the traffic police, and secondly, with this mode of use in the car, quite a lot of lamps will be on on the instrument panel and on the rear of the car. And, let me remind you, the side lights in the back will burn and burn out, for which the inspector can arrange for you to spend the night in an open field if the lamp does not light and you do not know how to change it.

I highly recommend (unless you have a system for automatically turning on the lights during the day): mark your car in some way, because surrounding drivers and pedestrians are already accustomed to the fact that the car on the road is quite clearly marked with the help of lighting devices. Therefore, vehicles with non-lit lighting equipment are perceived as a kind of ghost that may not be noticed.

And further. In tunnels, remember to switch the DRLs to low beam. I have repeatedly seen how the traffic police crew was waiting for drivers who were too lazy to do this at the exit of the tunnel. And remember that you cannot drive around the clock with the DRLs on, because when darkness falls, your car will become a ghost for those driving behind - the side lights in the lanterns do not light up. And the light from the DRLs themselves at night will not be enough to illuminate the way.

How to avoid a fine for headlights? Requirements for lighting devices

Traffic rules regulate a variety of aspects of the use of motor vehicles.
This also applies to lighting devices such as headlights and signal lights. After all, the safety of all road users depends on their correct operation. Today, many drivers are interested in the question: what is the fine for violating the use of lighting devices? Is it possible to avoid a fine and how to contribute to this? We will consider these and many other issues related to the use of car headlights in this article.

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