Instructions for replacing a driver's license in Novosibirsk

Deadlines for replacing a driver's license

The law of the Russian Federation does not have a specific time frame allocated for replacing a driver’s license at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate due to the expiration of its validity period. A person can carry out this procedure at any time by lining up in advance at a certain branch of a government structure (MREO or MFC).

At the same time, even if the document is deprived of legal force for quite a long time, traffic police officers do not have the right to charge a fine from the driver for driving without documents.

This is due to the fact that, according to the law, a citizen is not considered a violator until his guilt is proven (when stopped by an inspector or using video recording).

What documents will be required

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation establishes an exhaustive list of documents that will be required to replace a driver’s license. It is recommended to collect and prepare them in advance, since some of them require material costs and time. Of course, you can assemble the entire package in one day, but it is better to take care of this in advance.

At the moment, the documents required to renew a driver’s license will be as follows:
  • a drawn up and completed application requesting replacement and issuance of a new document. If you contact the traffic police and the MFC in person, you can make an application in advance. If the replacement takes place online, simply fill out the form provided on the website;
  • passport;
  • a medical certificate confirming that there are no obstacles to driving a vehicle. There are some nuances associated with obtaining these documents, so it makes sense to look at them separately;
  • a valid or expired driver's license. It is worth remembering that replacement can begin no earlier than six months before the expiration date of the document;
  • receipt for payment of state duty. In most cases, there is no need to print a receipt, since all information immediately goes into a single database.

IMPORTANT !!! It is recommended that you make copies of key documents yourself in advance, since sometimes inspectors require them, and printing them directly on site can be difficult.

Depending on the place where the driver’s license is replaced, photographs may take place directly at the department, or you will have to bring the photographs yourself. To avoid unnecessary expenses and misunderstandings, you should clarify this nuance in advance.

The inspector does not have the right to demand other documents. Otherwise, you can appeal the decision to a higher official or to court.

Reasons for early replacement of the device

In accordance with the regulations “On Road Safety”, a motorist has the right to replace his driver’s license, even if he has not expired. This happens in the following situations:

  • Due to natural wear or mechanical damage, information about the owner of the crust cannot be read;
  • The old VU was lost or stolen;
  • The driver changed his personal data (last name, first name, patronymic or place of registration) before the end of the document’s validity period (due to marriage or for any other reason).

Very often, motorists apply to extend their license 1-2 weeks before the expiration of its legal period, in order to receive a new driving license in a timely manner. After all, this procedure usually drags on for a long period. And by contacting the traffic police ahead of schedule, the driver will have the opportunity to use his old license all this time without losing his personal transport.

Replacement of a driver's license at the MFC

This method can be considered the simplest, but slowest option. It can only be recommended if there is enough time left. First, you need to call the hotline and find out which departments deal with these issues. After this, the collected package of documents is submitted to the center. From the moment you take it you need to wait 1 to 2 weeks. After the employee calls, you can come and receive a new document.

In 2021, what documents are needed at the MFC?

The general list is general and includes:
  • a completed application for the production and issuance of a new document. You can take it both on the official website and directly on the spot;
  • passport and its copies;
  • old driver's license, if not lost;
  • medical certificate obtained from a specialized institution;
  • receipt for payment of state duty. Today its size is 2 thousand rubles.

In addition to the above documents, you must electronically submit photographs that will be required to issue a new driver’s license.

The procedure for exchanging expired rights for new ones

The procedure for changing rights after 10 years includes four simple steps. All stages are required, since otherwise new rights may simply not be issued.

  1. Preparation of all necessary papers and certificates;
  2. Contacting a government agency with a corresponding application;
  3. Passing the test;
  4. Obtaining a new driver's license.

At each of the listed stages, the driver may encounter pitfalls, which we will discuss in the article below.


Before starting to apply somewhere and sign up for a queue to receive a certificate, a citizen should collect a complete package of documents:

  • Passport (if you don’t have one, you can use your birth certificate, paired with a certificate of your place of registration);
  • Old ID;
  • Two photographs, 21x35 mm in size (in some traffic police departments the driver is photographed on the spot);
  • Written permission from the court to issue new licenses (if there are debts on a loan, alimony or fines, the judge may prohibit government agencies from renewing the citizen’s license);
  • Medical statement;
  • Application for a replacement certificate due to the end of its validity period;
  • Receipt for payment of the single state duty.

If at least one of the listed documents is missing, you will not be able to go through the procedure in accordance with the procedure established by law. Therefore, it is better to find out what is needed to change your driver’s license after expiration.

Where to contact

Only one structure is responsible for replacing VU on the territory of the Russian Federation - MREO. But you can submit an application to this body not only directly, but also through related services, such as:

  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Government services portal.

The first option provides

the same application procedure as in the case of a visit to the traffic police (preparation of documents, visiting a specialist and undergoing an inspection). But the queue at the MFC is usually much shorter. And unlike the MREO, this structure has no territorial attachment to the applicant (that is, you can apply in any city, regardless of your registration).

The second option for obtaining a new license for a car allows the driver to perform all actions (except for obtaining a certificate) at home. To do this, he just needs to register on the official website of government services, fill out the appropriate form and attach scanned documents to it. After a while, the traffic police will send a response, which will indicate the address of the department where you can pick up the finished certificate.

Issue date

According to generally accepted regulations, the issuance of licenses to the traffic police must occur within one day. But due to long queues, this period usually drags on for several days. Moreover, this also applies to those cases when a person turns for help to a multifunctional center or to a government services website. And if the traffic police officer finds shortcomings among the documents provided, then the whole process will have to start all over again.


The total cost of replacing a driver's license directly depends on several criteria. Namely:

  • Method of application (when paying the state fee through the MREO or MFC, the citizen will be charged 2,000 rubles. But when registering a driver’s license using the government services portal, the mandatory fee will be reduced by 30%);
  • Financial institution (when paying the state fee through a bank or terminal, a certain commission is deducted from the client. And depending on the regulations of the structure, this amount will fluctuate significantly);
  • Number of doctors listed on the medical certificate.

Also, the price may change when choosing an international format crust, since it is 400 rubles more expensive than a standard plastic driver’s license.

How to sign up for a license at the traffic police

  • Personally. You can sign up for a driver's license in person by visiting the traffic police department. You must have a passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty with you. You must go to the registration desk and provide a receipt. You will be asked to complete an application for a driver's license. This application is taken from you and sent to the terminal. There you need to get a ticket. It will tell you the date and time your license will be ready and when you can pick it up.
  • Through Gosuslugi. The second option is to use the State Services website or application. In this case, you don’t need to go anywhere. You fill out the fields in the electronic form. After submitting your application, you will receive a notification. It indicates the day and time when you can get your license.

The period for obtaining a driver's license is from 5 to 30 working days.

On the appointed day, at the required time, you come to the traffic police department. First, you will be given a certificate of completion of a driving school and a medical certificate. Then you take a photo of your license and receive a driver's license.

Also read: How to sign up for a license through State Services

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination again?

In accordance with the regulations “On Road Traffic Safety”, the following categories of persons are required to undergo repeated medical examination:

  • Students receiving tertiary education for the first time;
  • Experienced drivers who change their license after its expiration date (if the license does not expire and is replaced for another reason, the driver does not need a medical certificate);
  • Motorists who received a new category;
  • Citizens who get behind the wheel after being deprived of their driving license;
  • Persons who have health restrictions written down in the form;

The list of mandatory doctors consists of a therapist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and narcologist. The passage of additional specialists can only occur if there are compelling reasons for this.

How to change rights after 10 years through State Services and MFC?

A driver's license becomes invalid in the following cases:

  • your driver's license has expired;
  • the personal data specified in the rights have changed;
  • the driver's license has been damaged in such a way that it is impossible to read the information on it;
  • the certificate was obtained in violation of the law;
  • the licenses are false;
  • the information on the certificate is false;
  • the person wrote a statement that the document was lost or stolen;
  • the person has received a new driver's license;
  • the person has medical restrictions on the right to drive a vehicle.

If there is at least one of the presented cases, the driver’s license must be replaced.

Attention! The fine for driving with an expired driver's license or no driver's license ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the length of the delay (Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

The complete package of documents for replacing a driver's license must contain:

  1. Passport of the person who is replacing the document;
  2. Application for a driver's license. You can download a sample application on our website or take it to the MFC.;
  3. Old ID;
  4. Photo 3 by 4 (or you can take a photo at the MFC branch);
  5. In some cases, a medical certificate confirming your health status;
  6. A receipt confirming that the state fee has been paid.

If a driver’s license is replaced after successful completion of training for a new driver’s category, the list of documentation changes slightly. A mandatory document will be a certificate confirming completion of training for the right to drive a vehicle. Such a document is issued to a person after passing the theoretical and practical exams.

To exchange or restore a driver's license, you must have the necessary documents on hand. The standard list includes:

  • application (the form can be downloaded on the website or taken when visiting the MFC);
  • identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • national or international valid driver's license;
  • receipt for payment of state duty;
  • a document confirming the change of personal data (if the change is made on this basis);
  • a certificate with the conclusion of a medical commission (not required only in case of loss or damage to rights, as well as changes in the owner’s data).

You must apply for a document from the clinic if your national license is replaced after its expiration date or if the driver develops new diseases that constitute grounds for imposing restrictions on driving. During the medical examination, the applicant must visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist and narcologist.

For drivers applying for a professional license, they will additionally need to be examined by a neurologist, otolaryngologist and electroencephalography. A medical report is issued in a form approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 003-В/у. The document replaced a medical certificate. The conclusion of a medical organization is valid for one year.

The procedure for registering new rights provides for a clear deadline for issuing the document. A driver's license will be issued at the same place where the application was submitted. The replacement period established by law is 15 days. Often the certificate will be issued ahead of schedule, so we recommend checking the readiness of the document on the MFC website or by phone.

An important point is how much a new driver’s document costs. The cost of obtaining a national license is 2,000 rubles. It will not be possible to exchange your license if the applicant has submitted papers with inaccurate data to the MFC, has not passed the medical examination, has not passed the traffic rules exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate, or has been deprived of the right to drive a vehicle.

Contacting an insurance company

A mandatory MTPL policy includes not only a person’s personal information, but also serial data on his rights. Therefore, it would be logical to change the insurance form after receiving a new driver’s license. But in practice, insurers do not consider the renewal of a driver's license to be a serious change in the client base, as a result of which the policy is often not terminated. However, the motorist must provide the individual number of his insurance policy to OSAGO, so that upon expiration of his work period, insurers can issue him a new form with correct data.

Reasons for refusal to replace the device

Previously, traffic police officers could refuse to issue a citizen a new driving license if he had unpaid fines or loans. But today this criterion has no effect on obtaining a crust. The only option in which the applicant will be refused a document is considered to be his inconsistency for health reasons, revealed during repeated tests during a medical examination.

Therefore, before replacing your driver’s license, you should undergo a medical examination in a separate order, so that if problems arise, you do not waste time and money.

Replacement of a driver's license for public services

This method is considered not only the most convenient and fastest, but also the cheapest of all. All documents and applications can be prepared directly at home on the website. To do this, you will need to go to your personal account, go to the appropriate section and fill out the form provided. At the appointed time (usually the next day), you must come to the selected traffic police authority, where a new document is issued. At the same time, you won’t have to waste time in long queues and wait until the inspector is free. All documents have been prepared in advance and you just need to pick up your new license.

IMPORTANT !!! In addition, payment of state fees on the website occurs at a discount. Instead of 2 thousand, its size will be 1400 rubles. You won't have to print any receipts.

The only disadvantage of this method is the need for pre-registration. To create an account on the site, you need to personally appear at a special center where verification takes place. The service can be either paid or free, depending on the location. After activation, you can use your personal account in full.

Fine for driving with an expired license

We learned where to change rights after their expiration, and what needs to be prepared in advance for this. In conclusion, it is worth adding that driving with an invalid driver’s license will result in a fine in the amount of 5-15 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to overstay your residence permit.

To avoid a temporary suspension from driving, you should apply for a new license in advance. And then you will be able to continue driving the vehicle until you receive a new document in your hands.

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