Traffic police fine resolution number: decoding, number format

Ways to find out and pay an administrative fine by resolution number

Check the fine by resolution number?
Searching for a fine by resolution number will allow you to find out for which offense the sanction was applied. The identification number is located at the top of the receipt, next to it is information about in which region the current norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation were violated. Useful to know: how to pay a traffic fine with a 50% discount?

The fine by resolution number can be checked in several ways:

  1. Personal visit to the territorial department of the traffic police or FSSP.
  2. Through the Internet:
      Official website of Sberbank-Online;
  3. Portal "Government Services";
  4. Traffic Police website.
  5. By SMS messages.

The choice of method for obtaining information depends on the fine payer.

In a modern rule of law state, law-abiding citizens must unquestioningly comply with the rules of the law. In addition to the rules of behavior in certain life situations, government acts also prescribe the duties of citizens that must be fulfilled regardless of the circumstances and the influence of outsiders.

Such norms are set out in the administrative code. It is he who regulates the behavior of individuals, which contributes to the preservation of order in the country, and provides for liability for non-compliance with the provisions of the code. Such actions or inactions that run counter to the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses are considered administrative violations.

Crossing the road in the wrong place is an example of an administrative offense

If they are detected, the authorized bodies draw up a protocol and issue a resolution based on it. In Art. 28.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation specifies cases when a resolution is issued without drawing up a protocol. These are situations where it is almost impossible to challenge and disagree with an offense. For example, recording a traffic violation on an automated traffic police camera. The prosecutor's resolution also does not require the preparation of preliminary documents.

Video recording of violation

According to Art. 4.5, clause 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, within 2 months the violator must be held accountable. If the case is heard by a judge, the period increases to 3 months.

Only a civil servant, namely a judge or a traffic police inspector, has the authority to issue a resolution.

Note! Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate have the right to fill out a resolution on the spot, without trial, and the judge makes a determination only during the proceedings.

In the following cases, a traffic police officer has the right to draw up a resolution at the scene of the offense:

  • if the person who violated the traffic rules and was stopped by the inspection does not deny his guilt;
  • if the moment of the violation is recorded using automated photo and video recording equipment.

Important! The inspection officer has the authority to issue a warning or issue a fine. Other penalties are applied by court decision.

The traffic police resolution has five semantic parts:

  1. Introductory part. It indicates the details of the official, the place of registration and the number of the proceedings under which it is issued, or the basis that served as the basis for the start of the proceedings (for example, an accident).
  2. The second part provides a brief overview of the violation.
  3. The third part is motivational. Its completion provides for an indication of the violated legal norms.
  4. The effective part contains conclusions and a requirement for the perpetrator to fulfill the administrative responsibility assigned to him.
  5. The final part contains information on how to obtain a copy of the decision for interested parties, and also indicates the deadline for appeal.

Important! Without the signature of the person who made the decision, it is considered an invalid document, that is, it has no legal force.

After the relevant document is issued, it is necessary to register it. This allows you to monitor the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated therein by the guilty person, maintain general statistics of administrative offenses and determine the level of government influence in the event of gross and frequent illegal actions in society.

Registration of administrative violations is carried out by the secretary of the administrative commission. They are entered into a special register in chronological order. Each resolution is assigned a universal number, which is used to track the execution of the punishment in the automatic control system, if the department has one. At the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, decisions on traffic violations are registered within 15 days and are immediately reflected in the fines database.

It is filled out by an authorized person, with the obligatory signature of the document. A copy of the decision is handed to the violator immediately or sent within three days from the date of issue by post.

You can check fines on the State Services website

You can file a complaint against the decision within 10 days after the relevant decision is made. Therefore, it is in the interests of the offender not to wait for the Russian Post to deliver his copy, but to take all necessary measures to quickly receive it on his own.

You can find out how to obtain this document from an official, and this is also stated in the resolution itself. If this period of appeal is missed through no fault of the violator, it can be restored by filing a corresponding application with the court and attaching the necessary evidence, for example, a postal notice stamping the date of receipt of the item. Having studied them, the judge issues an order to restore the missed deadline or issues a reasoned refusal.

Thus, only officials have the right to make decisions. It is not always necessary to draw up a protocol. After the expiration of the allocated 10-day period for appealing this decision, it enters into legal force. And according to Art. 4. 5 paragraph 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, after the expiration of a two-month period, an official’s issuance of a decision on an administrative offense is illegal, but the judge can make a decision within three months.

Knowing all the legal nuances of issuing a resolution on an administrative offense, you can eliminate the minor consequences of such acts in a timely manner and prevent the transition of administrative liability to criminal liability.

The resolution is a review of an administrative offense. When the violation was minor, the decision is made directly at the scene of the offense. In a more complex situation, the decision is considered through the court and can be either in your favor or against you.

How to decipher the number of the traffic police resolution?

Before finding out why the fine was issued, you must carefully check your passport details. It happens that a resolution comes to the full namesake or a fine is issued for a car that was recently sold. It is worth paying attention to:

  • Full name, date of birth, place of registration of the offender;
  • the location of the road on which the violation was committed;
  • Availability of photographs from a video camera. The license plate of the vehicle (all letters and numbers) must be clearly legible in the photo;
  • indication of the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses or other legal act on the basis of which the fine was imposed;
  • details of the violation, which must be detailed in the resolution.

If all personal data is correct, and the photograph shows a car owned by the recipient, then you can begin to decipher the license plate number. It is a twenty-digit number without letters, spaces, or additional symbols. Previously, a numbering system based on numbers and letters was adopted, but it is more difficult to understand.

How to find out your fines? Just a few years ago, in order to obtain information about the imposition of a fine, you had to call or come in person to the traffic police department. Now it has become much faster and more comfortable to get the necessary information.

To do this you need:

  1. go to the official website of the traffic police, go through the check here and in the right corner, where all the services of the site are offered, click on the “Check fines” button.
  2. In this section, enter the car registration number and the number and series of the driver's license.
  3. Next, enter the verification code and click “Request”.
  4. After a few minutes, the result will appear on the screen.

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Quite quickly you can find a traffic police fine by the number of the resolution. When a notification from the traffic police arrives at your home, it contains complete information about the reason, nature and amount of the fine.

The document reflects the following points:

  • Last name and first name of the participant in the offense;
  • Place of the offense;
  • Date and time of the offense.

Along with the notification, you will also receive a receipt that needs to be paid. If the offense is caught on camera, a photo from the scene of the incident is additionally attached. This photo should clearly show the license plate number and model of the vehicle. The number of the resolution also contains the elements of the offense and the article of legislation according to which the fine was issued.

To determine the nature of the violation, you need to know what the order number looks like. The top line of the document contains the order number, series and location of the offense. At the very bottom of the resolution you can see the amount of the fine to be paid. The names of fines can be found and studied on the traffic police website.

In the process of violating traffic rules, the inspector draws up a protocol and makes a decision on the case and imposes a fine, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

After the decision is made, there are two solutions to the problem that has arisen:

  1. Agree with the traffic police officer and pay the fine as soon as possible;
  2. Appeal the decision.

According to the law, until guilt is proven, the driver is not considered guilty and can prove his innocence.

Now let's look at what actions are necessary to appeal the protocol:

  1. A complaint can be filed within 10 days after the protocol is drawn up. If the fine was assessed through surveillance cameras, then the time limit for appealing begins from the day you received the notice by mail.
  2. You can submit a complaint directly to the head of the traffic police, to court or to higher administrative authorities.

Consider filing an application with the court:

  1. After submitting it, after 3 days your complaint is sent to a judge for consideration. You need to decide where you will send the complaint to the district or city court.
  2. Then contact the office and write a claim according to the sample. You need to take the resolution, passport and protocol with you. When filing an application with the court, there is no need to pay a state fee.
  3. When filing a complaint, treat it responsibly. The information must be presented in full and contain all facts and evidence.
  4. A complaint is, first of all, regulatory and legal aspects that, in your opinion, were violated.
  5. The protocol is not subject to appeal. A complaint can only be filed against a decision. Another important role is played by who issued the decision to you and then decide whether to file a complaint.

How can I view fines?

There is another available way to check the traffic police fine:

  1. You need to go to the official Yandex portal and register here.
  2. Then fill in all the listed fields.
  3. You must provide the number and series of your driver's license and vehicle registration.
  4. After filling, check the entered data and click on the “Check” button.
  5. After some time, the result will appear on the screen.
  6. If you have a debt, you can pay it off immediately.

You can check the fine through the Sberbank website and pay it online.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to the website in your personal account and select the “Payments and Transfers” section.
  2. Then select your region of residence, and select the traffic police department below.
  3. Now click on “Pay fines”.
  4. And then “Search for fines.”
  5. Next, select a bank card from which you can pay the fine.
  6. Do not forget to indicate the number and series of your driver's license, and the registration number of the car.
  7. If you receive a message that no fines were found based on the entered data. Then we can say with confidence that, according to the driver’s license, there is no debt on traffic police fines.

This is a rather difficult method of checking a fine if you are not registered on the State Services website. But for those who have registered and have access to the portal, this is the most reliable way to check the debt, according to the rights and state number of the car.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, you need to go to the State Services website and go to the main menu of the portal.
  2. Find and select from the list provided.
  3. If you were unable to enter this section, then click on the “Public Services” button, which is located at the top of the site, where you will find a section on traffic police fines.
  4. Now click on the “Get a service” section. You can add this service to your favorites in the Unified Portal if you often plan to visit the site and check your debt.
  5. Next, without spaces, you need to enter the registration number of the car.
  6. A little lower is the series and number of the driver's license.
  7. After a few minutes, fines, if any, will appear on the screen.

There is also one big advantage of the State Services portal:

  1. If you find a fine, you can pay it off right here, and after a while the debt will be canceled from the portal database.
  2. You can pay the fine in any way convenient for you.
  3. To pay the correct fine amount, it must be compared with the traffic police fine table.
  4. The statute of limitations for fines is 24 months.
  5. If more than two years have passed and the fine has not been paid, it is automatically removed from the portal database. But it is better, in order to avoid more serious measures, to pay the debt within two months from the date the fine was assessed.

There is a service called “Payment for government services.” Here you can check the debt using your driver’s license or the decree number.

You need to go to the main page of the site and select the section you need there:

  • Driver's license verification;
  • By resolution number.

If you selected the section on driver's licenses, then you need to enter their series and number. In a few minutes you will get the result.

When the system for searching for fines was just gaining momentum in the Russian Federation, it was decided that in order to get a result for searching for a fine, it was necessary to enter the driver’s last name, first name and patronymic.

But later this result was rejected for a number of reasons:

  • Many people have information about the driver's last name and initials, and this violates confidentiality;
  • By entering your first and last name, you can receive someone else's debt. How many people have the same initials?
  • There could be another driver behind the wheel who was driving the car by proxy and a fine could be issued against him.

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The resolution number is deciphered as follows:

  1. Above the decree number is the series and registration number;
  2. On the left is the date, time and year of the offense;
  3. On the right you can find the region and registration address of the offender;
  4. Next is the division and the surname and initials of the traffic police inspector who compiled it;
  5. The type and cause of the violation are described below;
  6. Even lower is the point on the basis of which the amount of the fine is calculated;
  7. Then enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the driver who violated the traffic rules and the amount of the fine.

Information about penalties imposed for traffic violations can be obtained not only by the registration plate of the car, but also by the UIN - a unique identifier from the traffic police resolution. To do this, find the appropriate search form and enter the document number. After some time, data on the fine will appear on the screen, according to which you can pay the debt in any convenient way - including online.

The unavailability of information on the selected resolution indicates that the GIS GMP employees simply did not have time to enter it into the system. But, if the data is not available for a long time, it is worth contacting the traffic police by phone for clarification. Sometimes the reason for lack of access is an incorrectly entered resolution number, in other cases the document turns out to be unregistered and not subject to payment.

Check traffic police fines through State Services: online

Most roads are equipped with cameras that record traffic violations. And when a driver makes a mistake while driving a car, a fine is automatically generated. Also, the car owner may forget to pay for it. To avoid such situations, just visit the State Services portal, traffic police fines and check if everything is in order.

Instructions for checking fines through State Services

When figuring out how to view fines on State Services, familiarize yourself with the algorithm of steps. The procedure is quite simple and will not cause difficulties.

Authorization on the portal

You must register before checking. First, go to the State Services portal. The service will prompt the user to register. To do this, you need to provide personal information.

A verified account allows you to receive many services remotely. You can make an appointment with a doctor, appointments with other structures, order certificates and various documents, apply for a foreign passport, etc.

Registration can be simplified when a minimum of standard information is indicated, where it is necessary to enter passport data. For a complete, confirmed version, you need to mark all the required information and confirm your identity using an electronic signature or through the MFC.

Adding a car to State Services

When registration is successful, you need to log into your personal account and then go to the service catalog. There, select the “ Transport and Driving ” section and click on “ Add Vehicle ”.

The electronic form that opens is filled out. It is enough to indicate the make and number of the car, as well as PTS and SOP data.

Checking fines

  • To check, in the transport section, select the category “ Car and traffic fines ”.
  • Then proceed in the following order:
  1. Click “ Check ”;
  2. In the verification section that opens, you need to choose exactly how the search will take place. You can specify not only the vehicle details, but also the fine receipt number. In the first option, you need to enter the details of the driver and his car. In the second case, only the receipt number is indicated.

After this, the search begins. The system will display all the information found using the specified data. If there are no fines, a notification will appear on State Services stating that there are no fines. If they exist, then information about them is published.

How to get a document?

The violation resolution, which contains the number required to pay the fine, is an official document that has legal force. It must be issued to the driver who violated the rules. And the information that the resolution contains is used when paying - in order to find out the amount and to repay the debt on time (and even within 20 days, which allows you to save up to 50% of the amount).

There are three ways to obtain a resolution:

  1. Right on the road. The decision is drawn up by traffic police officers and they immediately give the violator a copy of the document. The original is transferred to the traffic police for inclusion in the electronic database;
  2. In a court. This situation arises if the offender did not admit his guilt at the scene of the incident, but it was proven at the court hearing;
  3. By email or regular mail (registered mail). This option is possible when recording a violation using a camera or other recording device.

Determining the reason for the fine by resolution number

The advantage of independently searching the UIN for a fine is timely payment. Moreover, most car owners decide to repay their debt to the state only after receiving a letter. However, information about a violation in this way does not arrive immediately, but after a few days.

After receiving the document, you can find out all the information about the violation and the penalty, including:

  1. Passport details of the offender;
  2. Address or place of commission of the offense;
  3. The exact date and time of registration of the violation;
  4. The vehicle number, which is attached to the resolution in the form of a photograph with clearly visible numbers proving the location of the vehicle at the scene of the violation;
  5. Details of the incident;
  6. Link to regulatory documents and articles that the driver violated by his actions.

Checking and searching for fines

Decoding of traffic police fine numbers is available for free online on the traffic police website. You can check all the information you are interested in according to the state. the registration number of the car or by the number of its registration certificate.

You can also check the traffic police fine by UIN on the state payment resource. services. Here you can also check using the old code format.

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If necessary, these services can be downloaded, printed and paid online. Other payment methods via bank or terminal.

How to find out whether the fine has been paid or not?

Having dealt with all the information contained in the resolution and having found out the reason for the fine, it is recommended to pay it as soon as possible.

You can make payment using various methods:

  • Using the terminal of any bank;
  • Now you can pay your debt online. If you have a virtual wallet, then making a payment will not be difficult.

To be sure that the payment was successful, you can use your mobile phone.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the message, indicate the word traffic police;
  • Number of the car;
  • Number and series of driver's license. Enter all words and numbers with a space;
  • Send the entered information to number 9112;
  • In the future, the driver receives the amount of the fine owed;
  • The cost of a sent message is 4 rubles.

You can also check your payment online. This can be done on the traffic police website or the State Services portal. In the section of these sites, the vehicle number is entered and after a few minutes the result of the question appears.

You can also check payment through the bailiff service. But this can only be done when the amount of debt is large and the case is taken to court. To find the information you need, you should visit the FSSP website. But you need to know the number of your writ of execution.

Check traffic police fines through State Services for free online

With the introduction of the Gosuslugi portal, Russian drivers have the opportunity to find out up-to-date information and perform a number of actions online, without a personal visit to the traffic police. Among such opportunities is payment of administrative fines imposed on the car owner. Let’s look at how you can find out about the penalty imposed and how to pay the fine through State Services.

Checking traffic police fines through State Services - step by step

Timely payment of administrative fines imposed on drivers allows you to avoid problems with the law. A variety of sanctions may be applied to the defaulter, up to and including suspension of the driver’s license and confiscation of property to pay for the payment.

Timely payment, on the contrary, allows you not only to avoid an increase in the amount due to penalties, but also to reduce the amount of the fine by 50% . A similar provision is provided for in Article 32.

2 of the Administrative Code, and is valid if the fine was repaid within 20 days from the date of imposition. Therefore, it is so important for drivers to learn about administrative penalties in a timely manner.

Today this can be done using the State Services portal.

Authorization on the site

Any actions provided on the portal can only be performed from an individual account. Therefore, before you pay the fine through Gosuslugi, you will need to log in.

Creating a personal account allows you to receive advice, submit applications to government agencies, order certificates and official documents. All this is done online , without a personal visit to the department you need.

To authorize on the site, go to the State Services website. It is located at the email address After entering the portal’s home page, the system will prompt the new user to register on the site. There are three authorization options for State Services, intended for private citizens, and another one for organizations.

  1. Simplified registration. To receive it, you only need to enter your full name. and contact phone number or email. Allows you to access reference information from various departments and pay fines. In order to find out about the presence of administrative penalties from the traffic police, this is quite enough.
  2. Standard registration. If the user wants to gain access to the standard functionality of the site, he will need to provide the system with additional information - passport data and SNILS number. A standard account allows you to request certificates and extracts from various departments, submit applications and complaints.
  3. Confirmed registration. Implies the ability to order official documents or carry out legal actions through the State Services portal. For example, car owners will be able to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance remotely, change their license, and deregister their car.

After filling out and sending the electronic form, an SMS code is sent to the email or phone number specified by the user. You must enter it on the website within 3 days and come up with a unique login and password, which will be required for further login to your personal account.

Adding a car to your personal account

To add data about your vehicle to your personal account, you should sequentially go from your personal account to the sections “ Catalog - “ Add Vehicle”.

Next, click the ( + ) icon, after which an electronic form will open to fill out. All that remains is to enter into it the data about the car requested by the system - make, state registration number, PTS and SOP.

Filling out the fine verification form

To find out whether you have received fines from the traffic police, you need to do the following:

  • In your personal account, select the “ Services ” category, and then, in the list presented, select “ Transport ”.
  • Here we select the section “ Search for fines ” (the button on the far left).
  • After moving to a new page, click the “ Get service ” button (located on the right side of the screen).
  • In chapter "Fines» select a category to search - by car data, or by fine receipt number. In the first case, you need to enter the personal data of the driver (full name, passport, license number and date of issue) and vehicle. In the second case, the receipt number, if you know it.

  • Then click the “ Find ” button at the bottom of the screen. After processing the information you provide, the system provides information about the presence or absence of fines for the current day.

Payment of traffic police fines through Gosuslugi

To pay a fine through “ Government Services ”, you need to select “ Car fines ” in your personal account in the payment section. Next, click the “ Get service ” button, after which data on current fines will appear on the screen. On the right side, opposite the amount of the imposed penalty, there will be a blue button “ Proceed to payment ”.

After clicking it, select the form of payment - plastic card, electronic wallet, or by phone. After the money is transferred, a check is sent by email notifying you that the fine has been paid.

If payment is made within 20 days from the date of accrual of the fine, then the violator is given a 50% discount .

Pros and cons of online verification through Gosuslugi

Paying a fine through Gosuslugi has two undeniable advantages - speed and convenience. To find and pay off debt, all you need is Internet access from any device – PC, laptop, smartphone.

Liability for failure to pay a fine for traffic violations

You will have to pay a fine for violating traffic rules.

Otherwise, debt can lead to serious complications:

  1. When crossing the border, the driver may not be allowed to pass, according to a court decision to restrict travel abroad.
  2. Property may be seized.
  3. Arrest for 15 days.
  4. Subject to forced labor for a period of 50 hours.
  5. If the fine is serious, a criminal case may be opened against the offender.

In fact, each document has its own deadline.

It is necessary to consider how long the resolution has and when it comes into force:

  • The fine that was assessed had to be paid within 2.5 months. After the decision is made, it can be appealed no later than 10 days later. At the end of this period, the resolution comes into force.
  • When the protocol has been drawn up, according to the law, the decision must be made within 2 months.
  • If the case is heard in court, then 3 months are given to issue a decision. If you file a complaint at your place of residence, the validity period is suspended.
  • If the court decision specified in the decree has not been enforced within two years, then it is considered overdue. Most often this refers to fines. When additional questions arise, it is better to consult a lawyer.

Not every driver has such information, when too old traffic police fines, the decision of which came into force 24 months ago, may not be paid. These actions are based in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You need to know that a decision can be appealed within 10 days after it has been issued but has not yet entered into force. If you fail to pay the debt, after 60 days you may be subject to another administrative penalty and your driver's license may be revoked after a court decision.

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