How to find out which cars are registered to me - several ways

Car enthusiasts are by nature kind and trusting citizens. Because of this, they often end up in situations that could have been avoided. For example, it happens that a car seller trusts the buyer’s promises to immediately re-register the car in his name after the purchase. But, for some reason, he does not fulfill his promise. As a result, the seller receives penalty receipts and transport tax for a long time after the transaction is completed. How can I find out how many cars are registered to me? Where to go to get the latest and most reliable data about a car?

Vehicle legality and registration

When selling a vehicle, the seller is not obliged to deregister it. This is already the prerogative of the new owner. He must complete the registration steps within 10 days.

Otherwise, he will pay a fine from 1500 to 2000 rubles. For legal entities, the penalty is higher - from 2000 to 3500 rubles. Officials pay from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

But there are exceptions to any rule. You must deregister the car yourself in the following cases:

  • hijacking;
  • disposal;
  • change of owner;
  • moving to another country.

Let's look at all the options for finding out how many cars are registered to me in detail.

What is the need for the procedure

This information will be useful in various situations. For example, during litigation or other civil and legal disputes. But, usually, you have to double-check in order to find out whether the new owner has transferred the vehicle to himself or not.

Starting from 2013, there is no need to deregister a car when selling it. The new owner must re-register it independently within 10 days, after which the former owner will be deregistered automatically.

Therefore, if you want to understand whether the new car owner of the purchased car has re-registered it in his name, then you have the right to obtain this information using various methods: via the Internet, or by visiting a traffic police department.

Check with the traffic police

At the nearest branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate you can always find out how many cars are registered with the car owner. A citizen only needs to provide identification, and the inspector will immediately provide all the information on registered cars.

In very rare cases, multiple documents may be required. This entire check will take only 15-20 minutes. This verification option is the most reliable, because the traffic police information base is updated daily and is the most reliable.

Federal Tax Service - Federal Tax Service

Employees of this organization are obliged to provide the applicant with all data about the cars that are registered with him at the first request. The Federal Tax Service monitors how transport tax is paid, which means it is aware of all vehicles related to taxpayers.

Detailed information about cars registered with a person or about forgotten debts and unpaid taxes can be easily and quickly checked in the taxpayer’s personal account for individuals. You just need to follow the link:

There are three ways to enter your account.

  1. Using an electronic signature.
  2. Enter your username and password in the registration card.
  3. Through the Unified Identification and Authentication System account.

To avoid getting into unpleasant situations after selling a car related to vehicle registration, you should regularly check the information available about it with the car registration authorities. You can obtain the missing up-to-date information by visiting the nearest State Traffic Inspectorate office. There are also simpler options - through the portals of the State Services, Federal Tax Service, Autocode - without leaving your home via the global Internet.

Obtaining information through the traffic police

You can find out how many cars you have by contacting any traffic police department . Employees should immediately provide you with the necessary information regarding cars registered in your name.

They receive data from a special database. This takes a little time, about 10-20 minutes. You will be provided with the necessary information only by full name. Sometimes other personal information may be required.

This verification method is the most reliable and effective, since the information is constantly updated in the traffic police database.

Another source of information about the cars that are registered with you is the Federal Tax Service . This organization controls the payment of transport tax, so employees have information about vehicles owned by taxpayers and are obliged to provide it in response to a request from the person to whom such information concerns.

State Services website

This option is the most common of all.
The portal will help you find all the information related to the car owner and his car. The first thing you need to do on the State Services website is register online. But for this you will need to prepare a list of documents:

  • passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number.

By entering all of the above data in a special form, you will receive an activation code on the official State Services portal - The code must be entered in the dedicated field to enter your personal account. All this will take about 15 minutes.

Follow the system prompts and complete the identification process.

Now we get access to the portal. Register an account. All entered personal data will be carefully checked. Therefore, you need to provide only reliable and up-to-date information.

A registration confirmation letter will be sent to your email address. You will receive an SMS notification on your phone that the verification has been completed. Now access to all services on the portal is granted.

Select the item “Authorities” on the main page of the State Services website. Next, go to the item “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”. This section contains the item “Registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them.” The program prompts you to fill out an application form according to the form.

Following the instructions of the program, we enter the required data into the electronic request form. A response is sent to the sender’s email indicating that it is ready.

The undeniable advantage of the State Services search engine is the officiality of the information received and its relevance.

If the new owner of the car does not register it

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 gives the buyer of the vehicle 10 days to re-register the car in his name. If the previous owner discovers that re-registration has not been carried out within 10 days after the sale, and the buyer does not make contact (does not answer the phone, comes up with excuses), he is recommended to relieve himself of responsibility and stop registering the car. To do this, it is necessary to send a corresponding application to any division of the MREO traffic police, supporting it with a purchase and sale agreement for the vehicle.

Portal Autocode

The latest Internet site where you can find out about all vehicles registered to a car is Autocode. Thanks to it, any citizen can get the information he is interested in about a car by simply entering the vehicle’s VIN code in the search field.

The portal provides the following information:

  • presence of fines;
  • vehicle production date;
  • information about ongoing technical inspections;
  • last name and other data of the previous owner;
  • MTPL policy data;
  • mileage;
  • history of customs inspections;
  • relationships with bank loans;
  • presence of damage;
  • crime statistics;
  • registration restrictions;
  • was registered in any taxi company?

This service was created specifically for citizens, in order to provide them with a good opportunity to check their car. Thanks to the site, car enthusiasts are provided with complete information on the vehicle from a reliable source. Knowing about the car not only the technical data, but also its legal status, you can significantly reduce the risks that the buyer inevitably experiences.

The only drawback of Autocode is its small database. It can only track vehicles registered in Moscow and the Moscow region.

We can only hope that the advantages and developments of this system will subsequently spread throughout the entire country. You will no longer need to rely on the seller’s word of honor and crime will leave this area of ​​business forever.

Specialized sites

Federal Law No. 283 of August 3, 2018 “On state registration of vehicles in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” created the organizational and legal basis for registering cars. It provided the opportunity to participate in the registration process:

  • Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of the Russian Federation selling vehicles under an agreement with the equipment manufacturer or its representative;
  • direct manufacturers of cars and other machines that fall under the definition of a vehicle.

This status can be acquired subject to compliance with legal requirements and inclusion in the state register. Special organizations can register vehicles manufactured and sold on the basis of an agreement with a company admitted to the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union, and which have not previously been operated on the territory of foreign states.

Specialized organizations register cars on behalf of their owners:

  • prepare documents and submit them to the state registration department;
  • check and confirm the accuracy of information about the vehicle;
  • identify the vehicle and the identity of its owner;
  • transmit information in the prescribed manner to the body registering the vehicle;
  • produce state car license plates (if permits are available);
  • handed over to the owner of the vehicle with established state-issued license plates and ready-made registration documents.

Specialized organizations prepare documents.


To check the history of a car, a minimum of information is required:

  • vehicle registration number or VIN code;
  • number and series of the vehicle registration certificate.

Using online services, information provided by the car seller is verified. This allows you to refuse a purchase if you doubt the truth of the information. Checking a vehicle's history helps you find out:

  • the number of previous owners, as well as the time interval during which each of them owned the car;
  • number of insured events, road accidents and description of damage received;
  • the car was or is wanted, whether it was used as a taxi or official transport for a legal entity;
  • vehicle mileage and the results of technical inspections and diagnostics.

To check the car's history, you need a VIN code.

Electronic auto history reports include information about all types of vehicles provided by the State Traffic Inspectorate and commercial online services.

Portal "Autocode"

The next reliable source of detailed information about car owners is the Autocode website. However, only residents of the capital or region can use it. The disadvantage of the portal is the long waiting time for the requested information. The issuance delay can be up to 24 hours.

Other paid services

In addition to those listed, there are many other resources on the Internet that offer to obtain information of interest without registration, which contains all the data regarding the registration of a vehicle. Such services are provided on a commercial basis. Their cost depends on the selected resource. Request execution speeds vary greatly, from a few minutes to many hours.

The main disadvantage of this method of obtaining data is the inability to verify the accuracy of the transmitted information. Information may be outdated, incomplete, or invalid.

Paid services

On the Global Network it is easy to find a great many sites that are ready to provide all the data about the owner of the car for a certain fee. Depending on the resource, the amount of payment for search information varies, as well as the waiting time.

However, all these paid services have a dubious reputation among experienced car enthusiasts. The information they provide has unclear sources and is often insufficient and fragmentary. Sometimes data is out of date due to its age. This state of affairs makes us think that a criminal component is not excluded here.

Why use sites that do not solve problems, but only create them? Official government sources are always ready to provide reliable and free information of an up-to-date nature to all interested parties: State Services, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Federal Tax Service.

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How to check vehicle registration offline?

All vehicles are registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. A citizen who wants to find out about the cars registered to him must contact any branch of the MREO with a request to provide him with this information. He must have an identification document (passport) with him. The entire procedure takes up to 30 minutes. Depending on the region and the selected division of the MREO, a citizen may be required to write an official statement addressed to the head of the traffic police with a request to provide personal data. In this case, the response will be given in writing within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

In addition to the traffic police, vehicles are registered with the Federal Tax Service, since annually tax authorities calculate the amount of transport tax and send notices to vehicle owners about the need to make payment. The procedure for obtaining information from the Federal Tax Service is the same as from the traffic police. A citizen must provide an identification document or write an application addressed to the head of the department with a request for personal data.

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