Nexus Alfa Moped Operator's Manual (applies to Nexus Racer model)

It is generally accepted that driving a scooter is the prerogative of exclusively young motorcyclists and older people. This opinion was formed due to the relative simplicity of the device and, as a consequence, the control of this two-wheeled vehicle. It is difficult to argue to what extent such a statement is true, but, as qualified experts advise, you should never take riding a scooter lightly. The latter is most often the sin of those who get behind the wheel of a scooter after long-term use of two-wheeled units with a large number of cubes.

It’s not difficult to guess what the consequences of such a frivolous attitude are. This is an increased danger on the road, not only for the most careless driver, but also for those around him. Typically, such a biker is capable of causing no less harm than a young beginner. In any case, regardless of the experience and number of years in the saddle of other two-wheeled vehicles, a novice scooter driver must follow a number of basic recommendations.

First stage

The scooter that you decide to constantly use must undergo technical inspections to eliminate undesirable consequences during the period of active use. In this case, you should not save, since the driver’s health very often depends on the condition and quality of the vehicle.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that the vehicle’s maneuverability, controllability and predictability directly depend on the correct and high-quality technical condition of the moped. Before starting the journey, it is recommended to check the level of each fluid in the moped. Carefully monitor the amount of oil so as not to provoke the process of engine jamming. Start the scooter on a central support or stand - this will prevent incorrect and accidental movement while the engine is warming up.

Registration conditions

We would like to remind you that a scooter up to 50cc belongs to the category of mopeds, has restrictions on movement on the road and does not require state registration. And if the engine capacity is from 50 to 125 cubic meters, then it already belongs to the category of motorcycles. And then all the rights and responsibilities of a motorcyclist apply to the owner of a powerful scooter. In this case, registration of the vehicle and obtaining a state license are required. numbers.

Second phase

Knowledge about braking will help preserve your health while moving. How to drive a moped? Learn to brake deliberately and correctly when the situation on the road requires it. Braking may not seem like a difficult task, but even a small mistake can cause serious injury and danger to others.

To avoid unpleasant incidents, follow certain points:

  • Start the braking process in advance, when you have calculated the end point of your stop.
  • Use not only the rear brake, but also the front brake.
  • There is no need to perform sharp braking, as this creates a danger for other active road users.
  • Constantly monitor the technical condition of the entire brake system. Wet or faulty pads can interfere with braking performance.
  • Consider weather conditions - they affect the braking distance, as well as the full effectiveness of the braking system.
  • Remember that on poor quality road surfaces it becomes much more difficult to calculate the trajectory and the braking distance itself. Therefore, be careful when you see changes in the asphalt or other road surface along your immediate route of travel.

If simple rules are not followed, a moped can easily hit curbs, collide with other vehicles or pedestrians. Sometimes dangerous skidding occurs and even the driver falls. When your successful movement is over, it is recommended to turn off the engine. Pay attention to the future parking space. Professionals do not advise leaving your scooter on slopes or on poor road surfaces.

Torque limiter

For beginners, switching down is quite difficult and not entirely clear. The likelihood that the rear wheel will suddenly lock is high. Therefore, motorcycle manufacturers have been installing a so-called torque limiter in the clutches of most motorcycles for about 10 years. The torque limiter should not be confused with the slipper clutch used on racing motorcycles. The main difference is that the limiter is activated when the clutch is not fully depressed, namely at the moment when you release the clutch. So if you accelerate in second gear, squeeze the clutch, lower the engine speed and now release the clutch, then the torque limiter will work a fraction of a second before the lever drops. The limiter is designed to combat the “jumping” of the rear wheel if you make a mistake with the speed at which you shift down or up. Remember - the limiter does not work with the clutch fully released and is not a panacea against locking the rear wheel.

Third stage

Lots of videos show you how to ride a scooter. One of the most important points is passing turns of any complexity and maneuverability. There are many myths and misconceptions, but professionals give clear advice that will help you operate a scooter correctly and efficiently.

Visually calculate in advance the trajectory along which you will enter the turn. Adjust the speed to your desired level. If the speed is too high, the likelihood of a decrease in traction characteristics with the road surface increases - start maneuvers quite moderately. Compliance with these rules allows you to correctly control the scooter at the time of the turn.

You shouldn't be a hero on the roads in a city where there is constant active traffic and there are a lot of pedestrians. An experienced driver enters a turn only after completing the braking procedure. Videos with extreme sports will not help you here.

Methods for entering a turn:

  • Tilt your body along with the tilt of the moped.
  • At low speed, only the vehicle can be tilted.

1 method. For a long time it has been recognized as universal and more in demand. An experienced driver of both large and small motorcycles speaks of this method as extremely convenient and extremely safe.

Method 2. Requires experience and skill. Used for cornering where the radius is significantly reduced. It’s not worth the risk if you’re only driving a moped for the first month. Beginners are strictly prohibited from using the second method.

Always remember that the braking process must be completely completed when the scooter enters a turn. This is the only way to protect yourself and others from unpleasant accidents and injuries. Compliance with such a simple but very important set of rules will greatly simplify driving and make it safe.

Proper control of a scooter helps to avoid many accidents that have negative consequences. Try to carefully cross the tram track only at angles that are close to straight lines. When entering such paths at an acute angle, the likelihood of falling from the moped or with it increases. You should not drive on the marking lines in the rain, as they become very slippery and can disrupt the trajectory of your movement.

The rules are quite simple, but if you know them clearly and navigate the current situation on the road, you will be able to carry your scooter without any consequences or negative aspects that can overshadow a pleasant and comfortable trip.

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Features of traffic rules for scooters

Despite the ease of operation, riding a scooter without a license is prohibited.

On a scooter up to 50 cc. You can drive if you have a license of any category. This transport attracts young people who love mobility, so many are often interested in the question of how old you can be to ride it. The answer is – from 16 years old.

Anyone can master driving from scratch. To do this, just go to a driving school, where they will teach you the rules of the road and show you in practice how to ride a scooter correctly.

And we will focus on some important points that will be useful to you.

In the city, in general traffic, the driver of a scooter with a capacity of up to 50 cc. must only drive in the far right lane. You can also ride on bike paths and on the side of the road as long as you don't interfere with pedestrians. Another feature is that if the road has two or more lanes in the same direction, then it is forbidden to turn left and turn around in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to treat the scooter like a bicycle. Namely, get to the pedestrian crossing, stop, turn off the engine and roll it like a bicycle along the zebra crossing across the road.

Remember that you can ride a scooter together only if you have a driver’s license and have more than two years of driving experience.

Is it possible to travel with a child? Can. But then you should use a special seat and protection for children on all fronts. Starting from shoes and ending with a buttoned helmet on his head. In this case, the speed should be minimal.

All motorcycle speeds and its maximum speed

The maximum speed of a motorcycle depends on the power of the bike and the drive gear ratios.
Motorcycles of different sizes can reach speeds from one hundred and forty kilometers to three hundred and forty kilometers per hour. You don't need to make your bike's top speed an end in itself. Much more important is how dynamic your motorcycle is at all possible speeds. Gear ratios can be increased or decreased to improve the motorcycle's performance. For example, for city streets the maximum speed is not higher than 220 km/h. In this case, the gear ratios are selected so that at this speed the sixth gear is turned into the cutoff. The motorcycle will gain such important dynamics for it.

For track racing, the gear ratios are chosen slightly differently so that all six gears are used until a top speed of 280 kilometers per hour is achieved.

Replacing gear ratios is considered the cheapest tuning and does not affect the wear of the motorcycle.

Brand advantages

If the electric starter malfunctions, which almost never happens, you can always start the moped manually using a kick starter. A four-stroke engine is installed, the cooling system is air; to put it simply, cooling occurs by blowing air over the engine. This type of transport can easily carry two adults, with a maximum load capacity of one hundred and fifty kilograms. For driver safety, the factory installs steel bars on the front of the moped.

Safety bars on the Alpha moped are installed for driver safety

A clear electronic instrument panel, on which there are indicators for low and high beams, an icon for the turn signals, and displays data about the selected speed. Learning to ride a moped with such a panel is quite convenient, because you can always see what works or, conversely, does not work in the equipment. An undoubted advantage is the presence of rear-view mirrors. The running-in of a new moped should be at least three thousand kilometers . For good grinding of parts and calibration of the working gap. Proper running-in is the key to a long and reliable engine service. And riding in a serviceable vehicle is a pleasure.

Design Features

The wheels are 17-inch in size, but unlike the front, the rear has a slightly larger volume. The brakes have a drum design and are activated by levers located on the handlebars of the moped. Hydraulic front shock absorbers and pseudo hydraulic rear shock absorbers are installed - spring type.

Moped design

One cannot ignore the appearance of the Alpha, which has excellent external characteristics. The color range is presented in three primary colors, perfectly combined with the shine of chrome. Footrests are not only practical and comfortable, but also beautiful. Unusual shaped chrome muffler. In the rear of the seat there is space for installing a trunk, which can serve not only as a storage space, but also as a comfortable backrest for the passenger.

The trunk is not only a place for storage, but also a comfortable backrest for the passenger


An equally important point is how to drive the scooter when cornering. There are many myths and misconceptions about this, while experts are more clear.

You should first visually calculate the entry trajectory and adjust the speed limit to the required level. At increased speeds, there is a high probability of a decrease in adhesion characteristics with the road surface, therefore, it is necessary to start the maneuver moderately. Compliance with this rule will ensure controllability during the turn. There are two ways to enter a turn:

  1. tilting the body in unison with the tilt of the scooter;
  2. Tilt of the vehicle only (applicable at low speeds).

The first method is the most common and universal. Experienced riders of both small and large motorcycles describe it as safe and comfortable. The second one requires more skill and is used to enter a turn with a reduced radius.

It is not recommended for beginners to use it for the first time. It’s also worth remembering that before starting this maneuver, you should definitely finish braking.

Following these simple but important rules will not only make driving a scooter easier and safer, but will also make any trip pleasant and comfortable.


How to learn to ride a scooter

Either by training yourself or by using the services of a professional instructor, you can master all the intricacies of the trip. Those who have successfully completed the training stage themselves advise beginners to remember and at the first start not to hold the right throttle too tightly, turning it slowly.

When the scooter starts moving, you must be ready to release it immediately. If the vehicle takes off too quickly, this is very important. The stop will occur immediately after releasing the throttle.

When choosing a site for training, you should prefer uncrowded places away from the roadway.

Technical characteristics of the Alpha moped:

  • Engine, volume 72 cubic centimeters;
  • Maximum engine power 5 hp;
  • Maximum speed 65 km/h;
  • Air cooling system;
  • Dimensions 1840*660*1025 mm;
  • Drum brakes;
  • Fuel consumption is 1.8 liters per hundred kilometers;
  • Two seats;
  • Claimed load capacity 120 kg;
  • The net weight of the moped is 81 kg;
  • Electromechanical instrument panel;
  • Battery 12 V/ 4 Ah;
  • Wheel size 2.50-17/ 2.75-17;
  • Cast aluminum wheels;
  • Possible colors: red, black, blue.

Young people and experienced drivers are increasingly paying attention to motorized transport in the warm season. Preference is given, first of all, to a type of wheeled vehicle that is primarily reliable and easy to operate. And, undoubtedly, the best option in terms of quality and price.

It immediately becomes obvious that the choice of the Chinese-made Alpha moped meets all these parameters. Alpha mopeds are the cheapest on the Russian market. The cost of a new one is around 22 thousand rubles, and for a beginner it is quite possible to purchase it through an advertisement or from someone else, which will cost even less. Just visit the classifieds website in your city.

Do not forget that motorcycles are very popular all over the world, but they are also unsafe in the wrong hands. And in order not to cause harm to yourself and the world around you, if you have no experience driving a motorcycle, then first of all you need to learn how to ride. - really, both independently (with the help of video lessons from the site) and with an instructor.

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