What is the penalty for creating an emergency situation on the road resulting in an accident?

Is there a fine for the very fact of an accident in 2021?

No. There are absolutely no penalties in current legislation for committing a traffic accident. And, if you come across information somewhere on the Internet supposedly about new fines for road accidents, then this is not true.

Of course, we are talking directly about sanctions for getting into an accident - in the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation you will not find liability specifically for a collision or any other interaction of vehicles that led to damage to cars, harm to human health or their death.

However, the 2021 legislation includes fines that are issued after an accident directly for violations related to it. Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about traffic violations as the cause of the accident. These may be punishments that were caused by this incident and the associated failure to comply with certain legal requirements.

At the same time, many incidents happen without a fine - that is, none of the participants are issued an administrative order.

Road accident without an administrative fine for violation

In general, sanctions in case of accidents can be divided into the following groups:

  • the vast majority of decisions are provided for violations that led to an accident - one or another violation of traffic rules (for example, creating an obstacle),
  • but most often, a fine for an accident means imposing punishment on the culprit for the victims,
  • drivers may also be at risk of failure to comply with the conditions associated with the incident - for example, if the participant did not display an emergency sign or completely left the scene of the accident,
  • and a number of other violations further toughen those penalties that would have been milder without additional conditions - again, an example: if a driver hits a pedestrian while drunk, he may face a longer prison term than if he were sober.

Below we will consider, in order, all these fines for road accidents in the context of what their sizes are and what exactly they are assigned for.

What about guilt in committing the incident?

Just as there is no fine for an accident as for the fact of getting into it, there is no punishment for guilt in committing an accident. In this case, the culprit may be issued a decree for a specific violation of the Rules (for example, for unsafe reversing). However, there is no additional sanction specifically for causing an accident in 2021.

Let's look at what penalties may be in case of an accident, depending on the violations and the specific circumstances of the incident, in a convenient tabular form!
What are the fines for a specific type of accident?

Type of accidentPunishment
Minor accident without injuries, if drivers are soberPunishment will follow for a specific violation of traffic rules by the culprit, which led to the accident. What is the fine? From 500 rubles to 5,000 or deprivation of rights for up to 1.5 years.
Minor accident with violations that did not affect the incidentThe fine will be issued by the traffic police officers who came to register the participants (for example, for the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance). Here the amounts also vary from 500 rubles to deprivation of rights.
A minor accident, if after it the conditions of the traffic rules are not metA fine is also provided if the driver, for example, did not put up a warning triangle or removed the car when he should not have done so. The amount of the sanction is 1,000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code)
Road accidents with injuries or deaths, if the culprit was sober and did not leave the scene of the accidentIn addition to the fine for violation of the Rules, which led to the incident, the culprit may additionally be issued a decree for harm to health or for the death of people, entailing a fine of 2,500 rubles (Article 12.24 of the Administrative Code) to deprivation of rights or criminal prosecution with a term of imprisonment of up to 7 years ( Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Road accidents with injuries or deaths, if the culprit was drunk or fled the scene of the accidentHere, too, in addition to liability for traffic violations that caused the accident, the culprit will be punished for a drunken accident and injured/dead people. But the term of imprisonment can increase in this case to 15 years (Part 6 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code)

Administrative liability for road accidents

Almost any traffic accident is the result of failure to comply with traffic rules. In this case, the driver’s actions must be at fault. In practice, there are very few accidents where neither party to the accident violated traffic rules and, accordingly, is not at fault.

Therefore, only the guilty party can be held liable for the fact of an accident. To qualify a violation, it is necessary to establish all the objective circumstances of the incident. An accident can occur for various reasons and depending on it, the elements of a specific offense will arise.

In practice, minor accidents without serious damage to property or personal injury occur for the following reasons:
  • failure to maintain the minimum safe distance when driving in traffic. In heavy traffic, drivers very often do not maintain a distance between cars, which, with minimal carelessness, can lead to a collision. Since the collision is incidental in most cases, no serious consequences occur. The article of the Code of Administrative Offenses contains punishment for the incorrect positioning of a car on the roadway, and the lateral spacing between cars should also be taken into account. Therefore, the culprit of an accident without injuries 2021, failure to maintain distance, faces a fine of one and a half thousand rubles;
  • Collisions often occur when traffic light or traffic controller instructions are violated. In this case, the violator may be fined in the amount of 1 thousand rubles;
  • a similar penalty is provided for driving incorrectly at intersections where traffic lights are not installed;
  • Failure to provide priority to municipal transport is punishable by a small fine of 500 rubles. However, the carrier may demand compensation for damages if it can prove that the driver was the culprit. For example, in case of an accident on tram tracks, the fine for demurrage can significantly exceed the administrative penalty.

ATTENTION !!! It is worth highlighting separately when the person responsible for the accident does not have a compulsory insurance policy. This cannot be the direct cause of the accident, so qualification in this case occurs cumulatively and the driver is prosecuted for the actions that caused the accident, as well as for the fact of lack of insurance.

The fine for an accident without insurance, the amount of the fine in the traffic police will be only 800 rubles, however, in this case, serious civil liability is likely to arise, which will be discussed below.

Serious liability is provided for failure to fulfill the driver's duties in the event of an accident. For example, liability for leaving the scene of an accident in a parking lot means deprivation of rights for up to 1.5 years, or arrest for up to half a month. If, as a result of an accident, serious harm was caused to the driver’s health, the driver faces criminal liability. However, there are exceptions to the rule when abandonment is not a violation - taking the patient to the hospital if this is necessary immediately.

What does the culprit face for an accident with victims?

So, we will start with those punishments that are often meant by fines for road accidents - for culpability in an accident with injured people. The amount of punishment here directly depends on the degree of harm to health, as well as on the presence of dead and their number. Let's look at these cases in detail.

Minor accident without injuries

Here, as we noted above, the only responsibility can be as follows:

  • the culprit of the accident will be fined for violating traffic rules as the cause of the accident,
  • a decree can also be issued for failure to comply with the requirements of the Rules of Conduct after an accident on the road - both participants are already at risk,
  • in addition, any other violations identified upon arrival by the traffic police may result in a fine (no MTPL insurance, drunkenness, lack of license, and so on) - here the victim may also bear responsibility.

The size of the sanction for a minor accident without injuries

Mild severity

Amount of fine for an accident : 2,500 – 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 1.5 years.

The specified amounts and terms are established by part 1 of article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Please note that the fine for minor injury to the health of a victim in an accident is established regardless of the main punishment for the specific cause of the accident. For example, the culprit may be fined 1,000 rubles for obstructing an intersection and an additional 5,000 for the person injured in this incident.

Those signs that determine one or another degree of harm to health are defined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522, paragraph 3 of the document.

With moderate harm to health

Amount of fine for an accident : from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles or imprisonment for 1.5-2 years.

Here the driver is already charged under Part 2 of Article 12.24 of the Administrative Code. We discussed in more detail the various degrees of harm suffered by victims and the responsibility for them in a separate article about deprivation of rights for an accident.

With grievous harm

Possible penalties:

  • restriction of freedom for up to 3 years,
  • forced labor for up to 2 years,
  • arrest up to 6 months,
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

As it becomes clear, the Russian Criminal Code is already at work here. These are the penalties established in 2021 for grievous harm to the health of victims caused by guilt in the incident, part 1 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code. And let us remind you again that in this case the culprit will not always avoid a fine for an accident - in addition to the criminal article, a punishment will be imposed for the violation that led to the accident.

And the penalties listed above will only apply if the culprit was sober and did not flee the scene of the incident.

Have been involved in an accident with injuries or deaths

If the victim died

If an accident leads to the death of people, then 2 types of punishments are possible depending on their number.

If 1 person died:

  • forced labor for up to 4 years,
  • imprisonment for up to 5 years.

If 2 or more people died:

  • the period of forced labor increases to 5 years,
  • and in case of imprisonment, its term will be up to 7 years.

This is regulated, respectively, by parts 3 and 5 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Please note that these penalties apply in cases of death in an accident due to the negligence of the culprit. If intent is proven, then other criminal charges will be imposed.

Important note!

  • This article describes the basic principles of how legislation works. Meanwhile, in judicial practice everything depends on specific circumstances.
  • In 96% of all cases there are subtleties that can affect the outcome of the entire case.
  • Therefore, we recommend entrusting the matter to professionals who will study your business and select the right winning strategy.

The TonkostiDTP website employs professional road accident lawyers with experience in all major types of disputes (MTPL, guilt, administrative penalties).

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If only the culprit suffered

The above penalties apply if other people were injured and the driver was the culprit. But what if the person at fault in the accident was the only one injured? Will he face a fine for an accident in this case?

No. Neither Article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, nor 264 of the Criminal Code applies if, as a result of the incident, harm to health was caused only to the culprit. The fact is that, according to modern legislation, a person cannot be both a victim of an accident and a culprit.

This state of affairs is confirmed by judicial practice. Thus, the Supreme Court, in its Resolution of the Plenum No. 20 of June 25, 2019 (paragraph 19), indicated that in this case there should be no punishment for the culprit.

In addition, if as a result of the accident several people were injured with varying degrees of severity, which implies punishment under different parts of Article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (under the first and second simultaneously), then only one punishment is applied - with a more severe sanction (that is, part 2), because that one violation cannot be punished twice, even if it contains signs of 2 or more offenses. This also follows from the provisions of the PP of the Supreme Court (same paragraph 19).

Punishment for fatal accidents

If the victim died as a result of a traffic accident, then the culprit of the accident will be punished, which is determined in Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If during court proceedings it is proven that the cause of death of the injured herd was an accident, then the court will render its verdict against the person who was previously found guilty of the accident itself. The sentence will be imposed taking into account all, both mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

This year, a citizen responsible for a fatal accident may incur the following liability:

  • When only one person died as a result of a traffic accident, the citizen found guilty may be sentenced to forced labor for up to four years, or to imprisonment for up to five years. At the same time, he will be deprived of the right to drive vehicles for the next three years;
  • When it is established that at the time of the accident the citizen responsible for it was in a state of intoxication, he will be deprived of his freedom for up to seven years. At the same time, he will lose the right to drive a car for three years;
  • If more than two people died as a result of the accident, the culprit may be sentenced to forced labor for up to five years, or imprisoned for up to seven years. As in previous cases, he will not be able to drive a car for the next three years;
  • When more than two people died in an accident, and the culprit was drunk, he can be punished with correctional labor for up to five years, or sent to prison for up to nine years. He will also lose his license for three years.

What are the fines immediately after an accident?

Now we move on to the amounts of penalties when you were in an accident, but did not fulfill certain conditions or committed other violations after the accident.

For not displaying an emergency sign

What is the fine : 1,000 rubles.

According to traffic regulations, you need to display an emergency stop sign:

  • at least 15 meters before the car in a populated area,
  • no less than 30 meters on a highway outside a populated area.

For failure to comply with this requirement of the Rules, the participant will be fined in the amount of 1,000 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, it does not matter whether the culprit did not display an emergency sign or whether the victim was in an accident. It also doesn’t matter whether you don’t have an emergency sign at all, or you were simply too lazy to put it on, or didn’t know about such an obligation - punishment can follow in all these cases.

Please note that in practice in 2021, traffic police officers are unlikely to issue a fine for a sign to the second participant if at least the first driver posted one. Although the obligation applies to all participants (even if, for example, 10 cars collided in one pile, everyone must put it up). And in general, this traffic police fine is not always issued at the scene of an accident.

Let’s not forget all the driver’s responsibilities after an accident:

  • immediately turn on the emergency lights after an accident,
  • do not touch the car in certain cases,
  • call the traffic police,
  • and a number of other requirements of paragraphs 2.5-2.6.1 of the Rules.

Fine for duties after an accident to display an emergency sign and not to move the car

For moving the car

What is the fine : 1,000 rubles.

If you got into an accident and removed the car when it was impossible to do this, then Part 1 of Article 12.27 also applies here.

But the responsibilities of the traffic rules establish the following:

  • The driver involved in the accident must stop and not move the car immediately after the collision,
  • if there are no injuries or fatalities, then all participants must photograph or video record the circumstances of the accident and remove cars from the road if they interfere with the flow of traffic,
  • if there are injured/dead, then do not touch the car,
  • but if there are victims, if they need to be taken to the hospital and it is impossible to do this by passing cars, then you can go with them to a medical facility, but then be sure to return to the scene of the accident.

For blocking a road or tram tracks

What is the fine : 1,000 rubles plus payment for tram downtime (if there was one).

The same fine is provided for failure to fulfill duties after an accident in the form of, on the contrary, an uncleaned car. From the list above you understand that the driver is obliged to remove the car from the roadway if 3 conditions are met:

  1. there were no injuries in the accident,
  2. the vehicle blocks the road - that is, interferes with the movement of other cars (forces them to change speed or trajectory) - including even in courtyards, parking lots and parking lots,
  3. Before removing the car, photos or videos of the circumstances of the accident were taken.

Here, however, there is a small flaw in the traffic rules: tram tracks are not a carriageway. At the same time, clause 2.6.1 obliges the participant in the accident to remove the car only from the roadway. However, in 2021 practice this also works for paths.

In cases where there are injuries or deaths in the accident or it is impossible to record the circumstances of the incident, it is prohibited to remove the car. And therefore, a fine is possible here for stopping on tram tracks and, as a result, trams downtime after an accident.

Committing an accident that obstructs traffic on the road

For malfunctions after an accident

How much is the fine : from 500 rubles to deprivation of rights.

We are talking about damage from an accident, with which you will have to choose: either drive home, risking a fine, or call a tow truck. And the range of punishment amounts here is quite wide, since there can be a wide variety of such injuries.

But most often a fine of 500 rubles is provided under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for non-compliance of the technical condition of the car with the Basic Provisions of the Traffic Regulations. Let's list the most common ones:

  • after an accident, you are driving without a headlight or taillight in the dark, or without both headlights in the daytime,
  • the tires on the wheels or rims are damaged,
  • you are driving without a rear view mirror,
  • the sound signal is broken,
  • the mudguard fell off,
  • Seat belts jammed.

Please note that in the event of an accident, a fine for such conditions will be illegal. In this case, you will have the opportunity to repair the damage on the spot, and the traffic rules in paragraph 2.3.1 give you the opportunity to proceed to the place of repair or parking.

But if your bumper falls off after an accident, and license plates are attached to it, and you are driving without them, then you can easily be deprived of your license (Part 2 of Article 12.2). In this case, you can avoid a fine by fixing the registration signs as approximately as possible in the place where they should have been if you were driving with a bumper.

For calling the traffic police in a minor accident

In this case there is no fine and cannot be. Although, in practice, on the roads, when you try to call employees, they will most likely put all possible pressure on you so that you register according to the European protocol. They can also force you to come to the department, instead of going to you when called.

You can refuse the European protocol, even if all legal conditions for the possibility of its registration are met. Just like you can use a loophole in the law to avoid a trip to the traffic police. Everything is very simple - in both cases, when calling the traffic police, simply indicate that you do not have a pen and sheets of paper to record eyewitnesses and participants in the accident, as required by paragraph 2.6.1 of the Rules, and also do not have means for photographic recording.

What is the penalty for leaving the scene of an accident?

What is the punishment : from deprivation of rights for 1-1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days to imprisonment for up to 15 years.

It is better not to hide from the scene of an accident. This is because, having left, you don’t know if there are people injured in the accident. After all, in this case you will face criminal prosecution.

Meanwhile, there are 2 situations when leaving the scene of an accident is not punishable:

  1. if you were forced to take the victims to the hospital, provided that after this you immediately returned to the place,
  2. if there is no guilt in leaving the scene of an accident, this is a large number of cases, and all of them are considered individually in the courts (for example, if you did not notice a collision in a minor accident or were forced to chase after a second participant who was hiding).

We discussed in more detail the options for avoiding punishment for driving away with an accident in a special article about this.

Responsibility for leaving the scene of an accident

As for punishments, they depend on the presence of victims and dead and the degree of harm to health.

  • If the accident is minor without injuries or fatalities, or if the harm to health is slight or moderate, and one of the participants (not necessarily the culprit) fled the scene of the accident, then you face deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days under Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • In case of serious harm to health, leaving the incident will threaten the culprit with Part 2 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a maximum penalty of up to 7 years in prison.
  • The same circumstances, but if someone died in an accident, will lead to Part 4 of the same criminal article - a maximum of imprisonment of up to 12 years.
  • And if several people died, then the culprit can be imprisoned for up to 15 years under Part 6 of Article.

Criminal liability

If a driver or passenger is seriously injured in an accident, the culprit is punished under the Criminal Code. Under Article 264 of the Criminal Code the following penalties will apply:

Violation Punishment
The victim was seriously injured imprisonment for up to 3 years, forced labor for up to 2 years
The victim was seriously injured; the driver was drunk and fled the scene of the accident. imprisonment for up to 7 years, forced labor for up to five years
A man died imprisonment up to 5 years, forced labor up to 4 years
A man died, the driver was drunk and fled the scene of the accident imprisonment up to 5 years
Two or more people died imprisonment up to 7 years, forced labor up to 5
Two or more died, the driver was drunk and fled the scene of the accident imprisonment from 8 to 15 years

Severe injuries, as defined by the government, are those that cause a person to lose hearing, vision, speech or ability to function. Termination of pregnancy is also a serious harm to health.

How much is the sanction if the culprit was drunk?

How much is the fine : from 30,000 rubles with deprivation of rights from 1.5 to 2 years to imprisonment for up to 12 years.

And now we look at the same list above - the same measures of responsibility will be applied to the culprit if he did not leave the scene of the accident, but also turned out to be in a state of intoxication based on the results of an examination by the arriving traffic police officers. Of course, except for cases where there were no injuries in a minor accident or there were moderate or minor injuries. In this case, Part 1 of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is applied with a fine for driving while intoxicated in the amount of 30 thousand plus deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years.

Let us note that a separate sanction will also follow for a traffic violation that caused an accident (the state of intoxication itself cannot be such a cause).

That is, in fact, for a drunken accident there will be more stringent penalties than if the culprit was sober.

Traffic police fines for violating quarantine (self-isolation) by camera

According to the law, police and traffic police officers can record offenses and issue orders. Other authorities responsible for monitoring compliance may record a violation, but do not have the authority to issue fines.

Cameras above the road only record traffic violations, so traffic police fines online for violating quarantine (self-isolation) cannot come from the camera. True, if the resolution goes to court, then the court, in addition to information about violation of traffic rules, may request permission to move around the city in a vehicle and, in its absence, additionally punish for failure to comply with self-isolation.

Legal fines for non-compliance with quarantine

Driving a car without a digital permit in Moscow will be illegal and punishable by various fines until the end of May 2021. Moreover, there is an assumption that due to the fact that the incidence in Moscow is not declining, control on the roads will become stricter, fines will be issued more often, so you should not go into the city without a good reason. Even if a light bulb in a car is not changed in time, it can cause the vehicle to stop and be a reason for an exorbitant fine.

Take care of lamps for automotive optics in advance, order from the Wesem-Light online store with fast delivery.

What is the fine if you get into an accident without a license?

And in this case, no more severe punishments will follow for those injured or killed in road accidents, as well as for property damage caused. However, in addition to the fine for the violation that caused the incident, the culprit will be fined for driving without a license.

Road accident with victims, the culprit without a license

But here you should understand what exactly is meant by lack of rights:

  • if you forgot your driver’s license at home or lost your driver’s license (even though you have the right to drive), you face a fine of 500 rubles or a warning under Part 2 of Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code,
  • in the event that you have never received a license, or your license has expired, or your license was suspended for medical reasons, then the fine after an accident will be from 5 to 15 thousand under Part 1 of Article 12.7,
  • if you are deprived of your rights (provided that you are driving sober), then Part 2 of the same article is applied with a sanction of 30,000 rubles (or administrative arrest for up to 15 days or compulsory work for 100-200 hours).

What are the fines for traffic violations in road accidents? Table

Now let's look at the list of sanctions for the most common violations, which often directly cause a collision with cars or other vehicles.
Table of fines for violations in road accidents

Traffic violationFineNorm of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Vehicle malfunction (non-functional brakes, steering, wheel flew off, etc.)500 rubles12.5, part 1
Exceeding the speed limitFrom a fine of 500 rubles to deprivation of rights for 1 year, depending on the amount of excess12.9
Violations of crossing railway tracks (in case of an accident with a train)From a fine of 1,000 rubles to deprivation of rights for a year12.10
Driving through a red traffic light1,000 rubles12.12, part 1
Creating an obstacle (failure to give way) when passing an intersection1,000 rubles12.13, part 2
Failure to take the extreme position before a maneuver or an illegal turn500 rubles12.14, parts 1.1 and 2
Failure to give right of way to another vehicle (except for accidents at intersections), including in case of accidents when changing lanes500 rubles12.14, part 3
If you drove into a car parked on the side of the road or an accident due to failure to maintain a distance1,500 rubles12.15, part 1
Accident while overtaking in oncoming laneFine 5,000 rubles or imprisonment for 4-6 months12.15, part 4
Pedestrian hit at crossing1,500 – 2,500 rubles12.18
For violations in case of an accident in the yard3,000 rubles in Moscow or St. Petersburg or 1,500 rubles in other cities and regions12.28
For damage to a road sign, bump stop, or if any other road structure was hit5,000 – 10,000 rubles12.33
If you did not select a speed that corresponds to road or weather conditions (at the same time, you did not exceed the established speed limit)No fine (a determination is made to refuse to initiate an administrative case)
For an accident while driving in reverseNo fine (a determination is made to refuse to initiate an administrative case)
For hitting a moose or other animal80,000 rubles (per moose)Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources No. 948

As we noted above, the traffic police may impose other fines when certain violations are detected after an accident (for example, for the lack of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy).

Fines for road accidents

Registration of an accident
In the Russian Federation, the following fines are provided for violation of traffic rules during an accident by the culprit of the accident:

  • If a driver violates traffic rules by leaving the scene of a traffic accident in which he was a participant, then he faces arrest for a period of up to 15 days or deprivation of his license for a period of 12 to 15 months.
  • If a driver who did not display the appropriate sign during an accident moved the car from the scene of the accident or did not comply with any other requirements stipulated by the traffic rules, then he will have to pay a fine of up to 1000 rubles.

The following violations can also lead to an accident:

  • driving a vehicle if it has any malfunctions or conditions that result in a risk of violating road safety, of which the driver knew in advance, is punishable by a warning or a fine of 500 rubles;
  • a driver who knowingly drives a car with a breakdown in the brake system (the parking brake does not engage) or in the steering will have to pay 500 rubles. Sometimes the punishment consists of suspension from driving the vehicle, or even detention of the vehicle;
  • If the driver or the passengers he is carrying are not wearing seat belts, the fine will be 1,000 rubles. This also includes driving and transporting a motorcycle without special helmets or wearing unfastened helmets;
  • A driver who drives a vehicle while intoxicated is subject to a fine of 30,000 rubles with an additional deprivation of driving privileges for 1.5–2 years. The vehicle is detained. The same penalty is provided for handing over a car to a person who is intoxicated;
  • If the driver is intoxicated and does not have a license to drive a vehicle, or has previously lost these rights, then a penalty of arrest for 10–15 days is provided. Drivers who are not subject to arrest are fined 30,000 rubles. The vehicle is detained;
  • for driving on pedestrian and/or bicycle paths, sidewalks, a penalty of 2,000 rubles is provided;
  • for driving a vehicle on oncoming roads where one-way traffic is provided, the driver will be punished with fines in the amount of 5,000 rubles and/or deprivation of driving privileges for 4–6 months;
  • for using a mobile phone while driving, if it is not equipped with special technical equipment. devices for hands-free conversations, the driver will have to pay 1,500 rubles;
  • a driver who has crossed a traffic controller's prohibited gesture or a traffic light signal will have to pay a fine of 1,000 rubles. If such a violation is repeated, then the amount of payment increases to 5,000 rubles or the culprit is deprived of his rights for 4–6 months;
  • if you did not stop in front of the stop line or at a traffic light signal, the fine will be 800 rubles;
  • crossing during a traffic jam, thereby creating obstacles to general traffic, as well as going to an intersection, faces a fine of 1,000 rubles;
  • stopping for non-compliance with markings and road signs - 1,500 rubles, as well as detaining the vehicle. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine is larger - 3,000 rubles;
  • The driver of a vehicle who parks 5 meters in front of or directly at a pedestrian crossing or on the sidewalk must pay a fine of 1,000 rubles. The vehicle is then detained;
  • parking or stopping at a stop for public vehicles, as well as less than 15 meters from it, is punishable by 1000 rubles. fine and detention of the vehicle;
  • parking or stopping on tram tracks - 1,500 rubles fine and detention of the car;
  • if the stop/parking was made in a tunnel, or created obstacles to the general flow of traffic, a fine of 2,000 rubles is imposed, and the vehicle is also detained.

For failure to pay the fine within the allotted time, the driver faces paying it twice (at least 1,000 rubles), or compulsory work for up to 50 hours, or arrest for a period of up to 15 days.

Who will be discharged if the guilt is mutual?

The participants are mutually guilty when they are all found to have violated the Rules. But you should not confuse together violations that did or did not cause the accident. For example:

  • if one inexperienced driver was moving in reverse and the other did not turn on the turn signal, then the person driving in reverse will be considered the culprit in the accident,
  • if the first participant was driving without a license or drunk, and the other interfered with him, then the one who did not give the advantage to the drunk will be found guilty (although the drunk driver will be charged with a violation),
  • and if the first one was driving in reverse, and the second one was changing lanes, then the fault is mutual.

If both drivers are guilty, fines are issued to both drivers. The obligation to compensate for damage is also established for both: either half the amount of damage (if there are two participants), or to a certain extent based on the degree of guilt (this is established only by the court).

How to avoid punishment and leave without a fine?

In 2021, legislation provides the opportunity not to call traffic police officers to the scene of an incident. In this case, the fine will not be issued to anyone, because, in fact, there is no one to assign it to.

Thus, drivers can draw up a European protocol, but subject to the following conditions:

  1. damage was caused only to cars (no other damaged property),
  2. no injuries or deaths,
  3. 2 vehicles collided
  4. The accident was not non-contact,
  5. both have valid MTPL insurance,
  6. the circumstances do not give rise to disagreements, including regarding guilt (or if there is disagreement, the accident was registered using the application).

Drawing up a European protocol is the best working way to avoid a fine for an accident. But please note that you also may not write it, but only if the conditions listed above are met - this is what clause 2.6.1 of the traffic rules says.

Regression under OSAGO

Do not forget also that, in addition to a fine for committing an accident, in some cases the culprit may face a recourse claim from the insurer. This is when the insurance company under your MTPL policy pays compensation to the victim, but then collects the entire amount from the guilty party.

This happens in the following cases:

  • if the accident occurred due to the intent of the culprit, and there were injured or dead,
  • if the driver fled the scene of the accident or was drunk or refused a medical examination,
  • if the participant was not included in the policy as allowed to manage,
  • if the person did not have a driving license (not to be confused with a driver’s license),
  • if you have drawn up a European protocol, but did not provide your car for inspection at the insurer’s request or have it repaired within 15 calendar days after the accident,
  • if your diagnostic card is expired and the accident occurred due to a malfunction of your car (valid only from March 1, 2022),
  • When purchasing a policy, you provided inaccurate information in the application for its purchase, which resulted in a reduction in the cost of insurance.
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