Taxi stop at a public transport stop

During rush hour, you can see how the driver dashes out of the traffic and slows down near a bus or trolleybus stop, taking advantage of the fact that there is always free space on this section of the road. How legal are the actions of such road users, and what are the consequences of such a choice of place to stop?

  • What is the fine for stopping and parking near a bus stop?
  • Rules for stopping and parking in traffic regulations
      How far away can I park? How many meters from and to?
  • Parking at the tram stop
  • Road signs and markings
  • What to do if the inspector issues a fine?
      Payment of the penalty
  • Appeal against the decision
  • Is it possible to stop and stand at a bus stop?

    According to clause 12.4 of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the driver does not have the right to park the car near organized public transport stops. The law specifies a specific distance - 15 m (before and after a stationary stop). Thus, a minimum of 15 meters of distance, as well as the designated stopping point itself, must remain free for the access of buses or trolleybuses.

    We are talking about parking next to the stop, marked and not marked with special yellow markings 1.17.1 on the asphalt. If there are no markings, you should focus on road sign 5.16 with the image of a bus or trolleybus, which is installed in places intended for public transport stops.

    Stopping means keeping the vehicle stationary for 5 minutes. If the car does not move for a longer period of time, the vehicle is considered parked (in the parking lot).

    Is it allowed to pick up or drop off passengers?

    Yes . There are exceptional situations in which a temporary stop at such areas is permissible. The rules do not prohibit stopping to drop off or pick up passengers, but there is an important caveat: the car must not in any way impede the operation of public transport (arrival or departure of buses, boarding or disembarking of passengers).

    The car can be temporarily stopped not only to unload passengers, but also to unload or load things.

    You can stop only in those areas where there is no special sign 3.27, prohibiting stopping for any reason.

    Forced stop at a public transport stop

    The law does not prohibit forced stops:

    • in case of breakdown : if the car breaks down and the nearest point where it is possible to park the faulty vehicle is a bus stop, then the driver stops in this zone*;
    • in case of a sharp deterioration in health : if the driver suddenly becomes ill while driving, he has the right to stop at any place (including a bus or trolleybus stop) so as not to create emergency and dangerous situations;
    • during anti-emergency maneuvers : if the stop occurred as a result of a maneuver aimed at preventing an emergency situation on the road, such a decision by the driver is considered legal.

    * If the vehicle breaks down, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle, place a warning triangle on the roadway and begin troubleshooting. The law contains an instruction: a person driving a faulty car is obliged to take all possible measures so as not to violate the Traffic Rules and not park in places prohibited by law. The law describes specific examples of malfunctions that may cause a stop in an unintended place:

    1. Malfunction of the brake or steering system.
    2. Breakdown of windshield wipers (if the weather requires the use of windshield wipers while driving).
    3. Malfunction of lighting devices (especially if the car is driven at night).

    If the driver cannot cope with the problems on his own, you need to call a tow truck or seek the help of a visiting team of specialists.

    If the driver becomes ill, it is necessary to notify other road users or passers-by about his condition in any way.

    Are taxis allowed to park at stops?

    The law makes no exceptions for drivers of passenger taxis: a taxi driver has the right to stop briefly in a public transport area if there is a need to drop off or pick up passengers (unload or load things). It is important not to interfere with buses arriving or departing from a stationary stop.

    Parking to the bus stop sign

    You can stop at a public transport stop sign or a traffic stop.
    The question is - where? There is usually a “two-way” distance ban.

    That is, there should be 15 meters left before the sign, where you cannot park or stop. This is done so that other drivers can see the sign in a timely manner and react to it correctly.

    You can stop within 15 meters of the sign only for the same reasons as in the stop area. In all other situations, a violation will result in a fine.

    It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”. The first concept implies a short duration of action, its duration does not exceed five minutes. Parking is a longer event, exceeding 5 minutes.

    What is the fine for stopping and parking near a bus stop?

    In accordance with the provisions of Part 3.1 of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles threatens the driver with an administrative fine.

    If the driver parked the car at a bus stop or at a distance closer than fifteen meters before or after the stop point, and there was no good reason for such a maneuver from the number of cases defined by law, this entails the imposition of an administrative fine. Currently, the fine is 1,000 rubles.

    If parking interfered with the movement of buses, trolleybuses, trams or public transport passengers, the fine will be 2,000 rubles, according to Part 4 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    If the violation in question was committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the amount of the monetary penalty increases to 3,000 rubles based on Part 6 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    In addition to penalties, the law provides for other measures to punish violators. If the driver left the car at a stop, the vehicle is evacuated to the impound lot , in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 27.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this situation, the amount of the fine will increase.

    Legal requirements

    In accordance with the traffic rules, stopping at a distance of less than fifteen meters from places intended for stopping route vehicles is prohibited.

    However, there are exceptions to any rules, which will answer the question of whether it is possible to stop at a bus stop.

    So, the exception to the traffic rules is that stopping to disembark or pick up passengers is allowed. Only on condition that the car does not interfere with the movement of route vehicles or taxis.

    Rules for stopping and parking in traffic regulations

    Parking or stopping in the immediate vicinity of a public transport stop must be organized taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulations.

    When planning a stop or parking near a stationary stopping point for public transport or passenger taxis, the driver of a passenger vehicle must take into account the following requirements:

    • the car can be placed at a distance of no closer than 15 meters to the stop (from any side);
    • the distance to the stop is determined by the presence of special yellow markings on the asphalt or by the presence of a road sign (5.16 - 5.18) indicating a stop for public transport or passenger taxis;
    • a parked or temporarily stopped car should not interfere with the work and movement of buses, trolleybuses or passenger taxis, or impede the movement of public transport passengers.

    How far away can I park? How many meters from and to?

    Paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules states that the minimum distance between a parked or standing car and a public transport stop (on any side) should be 15 meters. The specified interval must be measured from the special instruction sign if there is no marking 1.17.1.

    If there is marking 1.17.1, then there is no need to measure 15 m, the main thing is not to stand on this line.

    Parking at the tram stop

    According to clause 12.4 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, drivers are prohibited from stopping on tram tracks and those areas where stopping (parking) will impede the movement and stopping of the tram, as well as the boarding and disembarking of passengers.

    Accordingly, when planning a stop near the tram traffic area, the driver must make sure that:

    • the car is not located on tram rails;
    • the vehicle is not positioned in such a way that it is impossible for the tram to pass or stop;
    • a passenger car does not interfere with tram passengers going to the stop or boarding.

    How long can you stand

    Passengers disembark and pick up at the bus stop within a time interval of 5 minutes. The same time frame applies to parking for loading and unloading operations - within 5 minutes, no fine will be imposed.

    In addition to these requirements, adhere to one more thing: a private vehicle should not create an emergency situation:

    • cover road signs;
    • interfere with the stopping of public transport or the free access of passengers to a municipal vehicle.

    Failure to comply with the time limits will result in a violation in the form of a fine.

    As for forced parking related to the driver’s health or a breakdown, traffic regulations limit the driver’s time and allow him to stay until the cause is eradicated. At the same time, the requirement not to create emergency situations for other means of road traffic remains relevant; if it is not observed, the driver will face a fine.

    Road signs and markings

    Public transport stopping places are indicated by special road signs, according to GOST R 52290-2004:

    5.16Bus and (or) trolleybus stop location. A vertically oriented rectangle with an image of a black bus on a white insert on a blue background.
    5.17Tram stop location. A vertical rectangle depicting a silhouette of a tram in black on a white insert on a blue background.
    5.18Taxi parking area. A vertically located rectangle with an image of a passenger taxi and a black taxi inscription on a white insert on a blue background.

    The coverage area of ​​the road sign is 5.16 – 5.18 – fifteen meters!

    Solid single zigzag line 1.17.1, located along the edge of the roadway, and indicating the stopping place of public transport. Yellow color. Bus and trolleybus stops are marked with similar markings.

    Example of marking 1.17.1

    What to do if the inspector issues a fine?

    If you happen to stop or park in violation of the rules, a traffic police inspector may approach the driver to issue a fine. What to do in this situation? The driver has two options: pay the fine or try to appeal the inspector’s decision.

    Payment of the penalty

    If it is not possible to prove that the stop occurred for a good reason (and this will have to be proven; police representatives reasonably do not trust words), a fine will be issued. A representative of the traffic police will draw up a report on the offense and support the document with the testimony of witnesses. The imposed fine will need to be paid in accordance with the procedure established by law within two calendar months. The sixty-day period starts 10 days after the offender receives the official notification. If the driver has the opportunity to pay the fine within 20 days from the date of the offense, the amount will be halved (Part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Please note that evading payment of an administrative fine within a certain time frame is another offense that will entail additional sanctions.

    If the fine is not paid on time, the unscrupulous road user will have to (by court decision):

    • pay double the fine;
    • fall under administrative arrest (for up to 15 days);
    • perform forced labor (within 50 hours).
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