Deprived of license while intoxicated and fined 30,000 rubles. 2 years have passed. Can I not pay the fine and take away my license? Can they be canceled or has the statute of limitations passed?
A drunk driver poses a danger not only to himself, but also to other road users.
How the exam in traffic police theory 2018 works
How to successfully pass driving exams in 2021? 13 useful tips
There should be no mistakes When passing the theory to MREO, previously they were allowed to make 2 mistakes.
Do I need to remove the “Spikes” sign when changing tires to summer ones?
To remove the thorns sign for the summer or not: when to attach the “Thorns” sign According to the current
Maternity capital for the purchase of a car: has the law been adopted?
There have been discussions about the possibility of using maternity capital to buy a car for almost 10 years. Repeatedly
New rules for returning driver's licenses from October 20
In recent years, the consequences for neglecting traffic rules have become significantly more serious. According
Examination of drivers for the presence of alcohol in the blood of more than 0.3 grams per liter
Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm in 2021 in Russia
What is ppm? This is the name of the indicator; in our case, the degree of alcohol intoxication of a person is established,
Sign on the rear window of a car
Is it now necessary to put on the sign “Ш” - studded tires?
On April 4 last year, changes were made to the set of road safety rules,
For what violations will a driver's license be revoked in 2021?
A complete list of violations that are best avoided by drivers. At first glance, it may seem that
what should the sign Ш look like?
SHIP me: fines for not having a “Spikes” sign on a car turned out to be no joke
Why is the “Ш” sign needed? In fact, there is nothing mysterious about the “Ш” sign:
All about the “Spikes” sign - 2021: traffic rules, dimensions according to GOST, fines
According to the amendments to the “Road Rules”, effective from 04/04/17, on the territory of Russia it is mandatory
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