The management of driving schools in Krasnoyarsk is trying in every way to simplify the training of future drivers, thereby ensuring the availability of their services. But the rules for passing the qualifying exam are constantly becoming more complicated. This is due to attempts to prevent citizens from driving who have not mastered the necessary skills and knowledge to drive a car, which is widely accepted by today’s driving schools. Having acquired a driver's license, such people create problems for other road users and also negatively affect the statistics on road accidents.
The legal definition of the term road accident is explained in the Rules of the Road. This official document establishes the order of movement of all its participants. According to clause 1.2 of the traffic rules, an accident is damage to a vehicle, cargo, material damage, death or injury of people resulting from the movement of a vehicle or with its direct participation.
The incident involves the participation of a vehicle whose driver, having violated traffic rules, caused financial or physical damage to other participants: drivers, pedestrians, passengers, owners of movable and immovable property.
Causes of accidents in Krasnoyarsk
To determine the degree of guilt of each of the participants in the accident in Krasnoyarsk, it is worth finding out the causes of the accident. The main subjective preconditions for getting into a traffic accident are violation of traffic rules or poor technical condition of the vehicle.
If we take into account the objective reasons that can provoke an accident, then these include: unsatisfactory condition of the asphalt surface, unfavorable weather, etc.
Often accidents in Krasnoyarsk occur due to a combination of both subjective and objective reasons (for example, a vehicle’s wheel fell off as a result of hitting a bump due to the poor technical condition of the car).
My city Krasnoyarsk
Since this year, the traffic police of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been changing its phone number
From January 10 this year, in Krasnoyarsk, the single telephone number of the traffic police service 002 will be changed to 127.
As the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Krasnoyarsk Territory reported, two numbers are now operating in test mode. Residents can call the traffic police regiment at 127 or 002 to call the traffic police crew. Unfortunately, for now this service is available only to Rostelecom (ETK) subscribers, but the police are also negotiating with other telecom operators: Beeline, MTS and Megafon.
You can also report an accident to the police central operational line 02 (from a cell phone 02*).
The Krasnoyarsk traffic police switches to a new number – 127
Since January 10, the Krasnoyarsk traffic police will abandon the telephone number 002 and switch to number 127.
It will be impossible to reach the inspectors using the old number,” the city traffic police regiment reported. Currently in test mode, telephone numbers 002 and 127 work together on the same telephone line. Rostelecom already provides this communication service. Its subscribers who are involved in traffic accidents can call the traffic police regiment at 127 or 002 to call the traffic police crew.
Negotiations are underway with other cellular communication companies (Beeline, MTS, Megafon). You can also report a traffic accident to the police central operational line 02 (from a cell phone 02*). It should be noted that a single number 127 will operate in all regions of Russia on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 N 142 On the approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan (as amended on December 29, 2008 .).
This order allocates numbers for access to special services of local communication networks, to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services.
What to do in case of an accident: detailed instructions and traffic police numbers
So, absolutely every driver, even a very experienced one, can get into an accident, so it is extremely important for every motorist to know what needs to be done in this event. And first of all, you need to be psychologically prepared for this.
Already after an accident, a person, as a rule, experiences severe stress, from which his behavior, especially in the first minutes, can become #171 unusual and inadequate #187 . This can manifest itself as slow reactions in some people (the driver sits motionless behind the wheel for a long time), aggression in others (threats begin), thoughts in the head are confused, etc. Therefore, it is extremely important to control yourself, it is especially difficult to do this in the first minutes. Do not succumb to threats and provocations and do not accept blame, even if it seems obvious to you at that moment. Just breathe deeply and evenly #8212 the adrenaline will subside and your head will begin to think adequately.
- Immediately stop the car, turn on the emergency lights, set up a warning triangle and, if necessary, provide first aid to the victims (it is better to call an ambulance, all telephone numbers will be given below).
- If possible, collect as many witnesses to the accident as possible and be sure (!) to write down their coordinates: name, phone number, address. You may need this later when considering a road accident case.
- BE SURE to write down the coordinates of other participants in the accident: full name, phone number, OSAGO policy number, state. car number. You may need this in the future.
- Try to keep the location of the items in their original form until the traffic police inspector arrives. It’s best to carefully photograph everything (at the time of writing, it’s 2010 outside the window, so finding a mobile phone without a camera is much more difficult than with one): the location of cars, fragments, tire tracks, license plates, damage to cars (!), and also faces of other participants in the accident.
- VERY IMPORTANT! If you are insured under CASCO, then IMMEDIATELY call your insurance company #8212 the operator will provide all the necessary instructions. It is important to understand that if you do not do this immediately after an accident, then with a high degree of probability you will be left without any payments under CASCO #8212, this is our world! If you are insured only under MTPL, then it is also advisable to call the insurance company immediately and receive further instructions.
- Call the traffic police inspector (see phone numbers below).
- While the inspector is on the way, you can fill out #171 Notice of Road Accident #187 (which is an attachment to your MTPL policy) together with other participants in the accident. This document is mandatory (!) for applying to an insurance company for payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. Your MTPL policy provides detailed instructions on how to fill out this document.
- After the arrival of the traffic police inspector, the details of the incident will be clarified with all participants in the accident, after which a package of documents will be generated *:
- protocol on administrative offense
- certificate of accident **
- resolution in the case of an administrative offense ***.
(*) If the guilt of each participant is obvious, and everyone agrees with this, then copies of the above documents are issued at the scene of the accident.
(**) If the guilt is not obvious or there are disagreements, then #171 analysis group #187 #8212 is assigned to additional investigation of the details of the accident already at the traffic police department in additional time. Based on the results of the investigation, copies of the above documents are issued.
(***) A copy of the decision on an administrative offense is issued only to those responsible for the accident.
- IMPORTANT! Carefully ensure that the traffic police inspector records all damage to car #8212 in the documents; this is extremely important for the insurance company. In addition to the listed visible damage, the documents must indicate the phrase #171 hidden damage is possible #187.
After collecting documents (notification of an accident, a copy of the protocol on an administrative offense, a copy of the certificate of an accident), you can contact insurance company #8212, perhaps you will be lucky with the payment. If you are insured under CASCO, then you need to contact the insurance company with which the CASCO agreement has been concluded. And if only under compulsory motor liability insurance, then you must first contact #171 your #187 insurance company (the rule is valid from March 1, 2009), which issued the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. If your case turns out to be #171 complex #187 , you will have to contact the insurance company of the culprit.
For CASCO payments, it is extremely important to fulfill all the terms of the insurance contract, so always read the papers you sign!
According to compulsory motor insurance, everything is still complicated #8212 they may not pay anything, because, for example, they consider the documents from the traffic police to be executed incorrectly. And then the ball is in your court #8212 if you want, sue. An example from life that happened to the author of this article in October 2009 in Moscow. There was a four-car accident #8212 classic #171 locomotive #187 . After the debriefing group, each driver was found guilty before the one whose car he drove into. The fact that each driver is guilty is recorded in the administrative offense protocol. The author of the article, as the third #171 car on this train #187, contacted the insurance company that insured the fourth #171 car participating in the #187 accident. So, the insurance company of the culprit refused to pay until an additional investigation into the circumstances of the incident was carried out, because it considered that indicating the fact of guilt in one report was not enough, but it was necessary that the certificate of the accident also indicate the fact of INNOCENCE TO THEIR CLIENT! The insurance company's sober calculation, based on many years of statistics and taking into account many parameters, such as the amount of damage to the victim, the possibility of legally giving such an absurd refusal, the company's possible losses in court and the main bet that the victim will not proceed with the case, completely justified itself # 8212 The author did not waste his nerves and time over 5,000 rubles.
112 #8212 is a single rescue telephone operating throughout the Russian Federation, by which you can call traffic police officers, ambulances, firefighters, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations .
Call the traffic police depending on the location of the incident in Moscow:
15.02., 20:07 | Konstantin Kuzinsky (Krasnoyarsk)
In Krasnoyarsk, the traffic police and the accident commissioner service have organized a center for processing road accidents without victims, which will issue accident certificates on a commercial basis, necessary for receiving insurance payments. This is the first joint business between traffic cops and insurers.
“Currently, any traffic accident where there are no injuries and the drivers are determined to be at fault can be registered without calling the traffic police in accordance with paragraph 2.6 of the traffic rules. In this case, the amount of damage does not matter. This procedure is described in detail in the traffic rules - the procedure for how drivers should act when registering such accidents. Now it will be possible to register an accident in our press service of the traffic police in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Drivers will be offered the service of registering accidents not at the accident site, but in a specially created center in Krasnoyarsk. Instead of traffic cops, you can call an emergency commissioner to the scene of an accident, or fill out documents to receive compulsory motor liability insurance according to a simplified scheme - no more than 25 thousand rubles. After registration on the spot, drivers with an accident diagram drawn up by the accident commissioner are sent directly to the Road Accident Registration Center on Bryanskaya Street, 23. There, on site, a specialist from the accident commissioner service prepares a full package of documents, and the administrative practice inspector, having examined the damage to the car, fills out a protocol and resolution and a certificate of accident.
Traffic cops and commissars promise that all procedures will take no more than 40-60 minutes.
After this, the victim can be sent directly to the insurance company to receive payment, while the driver does not need to go to the district traffic police department, undergo an analysis, or stand in queues.
The service will be paid. The head of the accident commissioner service, Viktor Kutsak, said that commissioners will visit clients of insurance companies that have an agreement with the “Road Accident Clearance Center” for free. The rest will have to pay depending on the remoteness of the accident site. “We have compiled a whole list of services. For example, an independent auto examination will cost from two thousand rubles (depending on the damage). Calling a commissioner to the scene of an accident will cost 500 rubles, and assistance in preparing documents for an accident without involving traffic police officers will cost one thousand rubles.”
Alexander Trukhin, head of the administrative legislation enforcement department of the traffic police department for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, said that he considers the creation of the center promising. “Officers from the traffic police regiment will work here and will complete the registration of the traffic accident. The process is accelerated due to the fact that a traffic police officer does not arrive at the scene, says the inspector. — That is, we exempt our teams from working on the registration of minor accidents. And employees continue to serve to ensure road safety.”
Experts fear the monopolization of the accident commissioner market in Krasnoyarsk, since all accidents will be registered through one company tied to work with the traffic police.
We ourselves have many questions about this “road accident registration center,” said Egor Frolov, coordinator of the central council of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia, to Gazeta.Ru. — Perhaps some disagreements will begin between the insurers and the accident registration center. If, nevertheless, the service is free and in practice it is in demand, then, of course, we are for such centers.
Krasnoyarsk is in second place in Russia after Vladivostok in terms of the number of cars per capita. Over the year, the number of cars in the city increases by 15-20%. According to experts, the level of the number of cars in the city has approached a critical level. This entails an increase in the number of accidents and an increase in mortality. About 200 accidents are registered in Krasnoyarsk per day. At the same time, participants in 40 traffic accidents are waiting for inspectors.
Several interlocutors of Gazeta.Ru noted that the Krasnoyarsk experience of replacing traffic cops with commissars could be transferred to other regions.
— The database has been loaded into the system and is available for purchase. — The database is available, but not loaded into the system. To purchase, contact support and they will post it.
bases , video catalogue.
Since February 8, traffic Naberezhnye Chelny can be tracked online. http
Addresses and telephone numbers, opening hours and other background information about organizations in Naberezhnye Chelny and the region.
Naberezhnye Chelny - traffic police . Found: 6 organizations (6 addresses).
Classification and characteristics of the main types of accidents
To make it possible to conduct a full investigation of road accidents, the legislator classifies them according to certain situational characteristics:
- the vehicle collided with another car or vehicle;
- the car has overturned onto its roof or side;
- a pedestrian or group of persons was hit;
- a cyclist was hit;
- the vehicle collided with an obstacle;
- an animal was hit;
- a man fell out of the car.
General power of attorney for a car in Krasnoyarsk in 2021
There are special situations of road accidents in Krasnoyarsk, during which there was an accident with driving onto the sidewalk, a collision with horse-drawn vehicles, and an injury was caused by a wheel that fell off the car.
If, as a result of the accident, one of the participants suffered physical damage, it is classified as severe, moderate or mild.
In case of severe injuries, the culprit may face punishment in accordance with the sanction of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In the second and third categories - on the basis of articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
If the perpetrator of an accident faces criminal liability, the penalty can be imposed exclusively during court proceedings.
In addition to criminal liability, the violator will be deprived of the right to drive a car for a certain period. In real life it looks like this:
- if the driver unintentionally causes serious injury to third parties, he may face imprisonment for up to 2 years or a driving restriction for 3 years, arrest for up to six months, or correctional labor for up to 2 years;
- if at the time of the traffic accident the person found guilty was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, liability will be increased to 4 years in prison or forced labor for a period of up to 3 years;
- The death of a victim due to an accident can extend the prison term to 5 years, and correctional labor to 4 years. If the offender was under the influence of alcohol, the sanction involves 2 to 7 years in prison;
- If the offender was driving while under the influence of drugs/alcohol, he may be sentenced to 4-9 years in prison.
If a driver is involved in an accident in Krasnoyarsk, he must know his rights and responsibilities, which will allow him to avoid important mistakes when registering an accident.
If the insurance company refuses to satisfy all claims after an accident and you have to go to court, the injured person may receive certain “bonuses”:
- reimbursement of expenses incurred for the examination and services of a representative;
- 50% of the fine in your favor for failure to satisfy a claim submitted in pre-trial procedure;
- penalty for late payment amounting to 1% per day of the total amount;
- compensation for loss of value if the car has not reached 5 years of age.
Automotive lawyer. 11 years of experience in courts of general jurisdiction on issues related to compensation for damage from road accidents, with compensation for damage through recourse. Currently he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Civil Procedure. His enormous experience and knowledge in this area helps readers of the portal avoid unreasonable expenses and risks.
Tags: call, Krasnoyarsk, where
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What to do if an accident occurs in Krasnoyarsk?
Even if the driver is guilty of an accident where there are victims, he can either make his fate easier or complicate it. The basic rule is not to leave the scene of the accident and provide the necessary assistance to the victims until emergency assistance arrives (except for situations where the person needs to be urgently taken to the hospital). The full procedure looks like this:
- turn off the power supply;
- turn on the “emergency signal”;
- place an emergency sign at a distance of at least 15 meters behind the vehicle;
- assess the current situation;
- call traffic police officers in Krasnoyarsk to record the circumstances of the accident.
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To avoid inconsistencies, you should carefully monitor the correctness of filling out the protocol, obtain contact information from potential witnesses, and provide yourself with evidence and facts that will help prove innocence or reduce the degree of punishment.
Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the intermunicipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Krasnoyarsk"
Where to apply
Name of the organization | Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the intermunicipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Krasnoyarsk" |
Area | Central |
In what region | Krasnoyarsk region |
Address | Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Bryanskaya street, 23 |
Phone number | +7 (duty department) (telephone for inquiries) |
Working hours | Execution of administrative legislation Monday, Tuesday: from 08:45 to 16:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 |
Website | |
Regiment of the road patrol service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the intermunicipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Krasnoyarsk"
Where is it issued?
Name of the organization | Regiment of the road patrol service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the intermunicipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Krasnoyarsk" |
What area is it located in? | Central |
Telephone | +71 (duty department)0 |
Institution website | |
Organization address | Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Bryanskaya street, 59 |
Region | Krasnoyarsk region |
Operating mode | Execution of administrative legislation Monday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 18:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 Preparation of documents Road accident Monday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 18:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00, break: from 13:00 to 14:00 Saturday: from 09: 00 to 13:00 |
How to log into your personal account in the Platon system on the Internet in Krasnoyarsk in 2021
Traffic police Krasnoyarsk telephone in case of an accident
In Krasnoyarsk, starting January 10, the single telephone number of the traffic police has changed.
As the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region reported, now it will be possible to report an accident and call the traffic police crew from a mobile phone by calling “127”. Number 002 has stopped functioning.
The new number is available to mobile operators Rostelecom and ETK, MegaFon and Beeline. This number is not yet available for MTS subscribers; they can report road accidents by calling the police hotline “02” (from a cell phone 02* or 020).
The single number “127” is valid in all regions of Russia on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation “On the approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan.” This order allocates numbers for access to special services of local communication networks, to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators.
Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Name | Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory |
In what area | Central |
What is the address | Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Bryanskaya street, 23 |
Phone numbers | +7 (duty department) +7 (391) 245-96-46 (helpline) (office) +7 (391) 290-47-81 (IAZ department) (phone for inquiries) |
In what region | Krasnoyarsk region |
Operating mode | no information |
Site | |
Traffic police Krasnoyarsk telephone in case of an accident
Department code:1104112
Service area: Krasnoyarsk,
(391)226-93-47, 226-93-48 | Telephone number for road accident issues |
8(391)213-85-81 | Phone for information |
Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Bryanskaya street, 23
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