Equipment worth your life. Safety rules for beginner motorcyclists

Is availability required?

Separately, it is advisable to dwell on what exactly should be included in the kit of a category A vehicle when using it. At the moment, the list is no different from the requirements established for a regular car.

Main positions:

  • first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • helmet.

Who must give way, according to traffic rules, when the road narrows, is shown in the article: give way according to traffic rules. Read about driving in a bus lane according to traffic rules here.

First aid kits

A separate category of items is the first aid kit. Since this type of vehicle is extremely dangerous. It is worth noting that special requirements have been established for its availability.

There is a special regulatory document - GOST R 41.27-2001. The document as amended by Government Decree No. 767 of December 14, 2005 is valid.

But do not forget about the nuance: the requirement for a first aid kit is established only for cars equipped with a motorized stroller.

In the absence of one, there is simply no need to carry one with you. Nevertheless, many motorcyclists carry a first aid kit with them for their own safety and to avoid problems. This is not mandatory. But many try to do this.

Fire extinguisher

It will be quite difficult to place a fire extinguisher on a two-wheeled vehicle. That is why you should familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features of this type of device in advance.

According to the law, as in the case of a first aid kit, it will be necessary to use a fire extinguisher only with equipment equipped with a motorized stroller.

Again, in accordance with the law, it is not allowed to carry out the process of checking the presence of a fire extinguisher and first aid kit by traffic police officers.

Such checks are carried out only during technical inspection, when it is necessary to obtain a diagnostic card.

This point is also reflected in the legislation. At the same time, if a fire extinguisher and first aid kit are required, they must be provided. Otherwise, the diagnostic card will not be issued.


The use of a helmet is strictly mandatory on all types of vehicles of category A - such a rule is uniform. Moreover, this applies not only to A, but also to A1.

These requirements are established based on safety conditions. Moreover, in the presence of such a violation, the traffic police inspector not only has the right to impose a fine, but also to suspend operation - until the very moment the violation is eliminated. Therefore you should be especially careful.

There are no special requirements for the helmets themselves. It is enough just for it to be classified as a motorcycle. But choosing high-quality protective equipment is in the interests of owners of mobility devices.

Since in the event of an accident, especially at high speed, there is a high probability of not only injury. But also fatal.

A high-quality turtle suit will help you avoid this kind of trouble. At the very least, the spine will be protected, as well as vital organs.

We should also pay attention to the helmet. There is no need to try to save money on this. It is not uncommon for devices to save the lives of their carriers.

The use of a helmet is strictly mandatory for all passengers without exception. Regardless of whether the equipment has a side trailer.

We respect the law so as not to get a fine

When you are not traveling alone, remember that the rules provide for a fine if the following is not followed:

  1. The passenger must wear a fastened motorcycle helmet.
  2. The bike must be equipped with a rear seat.
  3. Disembarkation and landing are carried out at a complete stop: the side where the curb and sidewalk are located. It is advisable to use parking spaces for these purposes.
  4. If a malfunction is felt during the journey, you need to stop and unload the passenger.
  5. When transporting children, there is a speed limit of up to 50 km/h.
  6. If the child is under 12 years old, he is transported in front of the driver or in a motorized stroller, additionally equipped with a special child car seat. You can also sit him with an adult.

Does the ban apply to transporting passengers in category A with less than 2 years of experience?

Actually, this paragraph arose due to the fact that many motorists are ready to understand clause 22.2(1) in such a way that 2 years of experience relates only to subcategory A1. However, in the explanatory note to the resolution there are the following lines that will dot the i’s.

Restrictions have been introduced for drivers with up to 2 years of driving experience. Thus, they cannot tow other motor vehicles with the vehicles they drive. They are also prohibited from transporting people on a motorcycle (drivers with category A, A1) or moped (drivers with any category).

Here it becomes finally clear that the restrictions apply equally to both categories A and A1. That is, hiding behind category A and saying that I have it and I don’t need 2 years of experience to transport passengers will not work!


I would also like to draw the attention of motorcyclists to the ban on driving a bike with one hand (clause 24.3), as well as the obligation to turn on low beam headlights when driving during daylight hours (clause 19.5).

However, there are some concessions specifically for motorcyclists. In particular, you can safely park your bike along the curb (unlike motorists) as long as it does not have a side trailer attached to it.

In general, traffic rules do not force a motorcyclist to do anything special. Drive according to the rules and you will never have problems with the traffic police.

What is allowed and prohibited according to the rules

Many who use such equipment simply do not know the basic rules of the road - which they will need to pay attention to first. At the moment, there are a number of subtleties that you need to become familiar with.

This applies primarily to the following:

  • movement between rows;
  • using a vehicle in winter, when there is ice and snow on the road surface;
  • how passengers and children are transported;
  • the location of the motorcycle on the sidewalk.

Riding in the lanes for motorcyclists according to traffic rules

According to generally accepted traffic rules, in the absence of markings, the number of nearby traffic is determined by the drivers themselves. At the same time, if there are markings, it is not allowed to create another row.

In addition, the legislation directly prohibits driving directly along the markings. Moreover, this requirement must be strictly observed.

Depending on the violation and the consequences, the following penalties are possible in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • fine;
  • revocation of a driver's license.

Traveling in winter

The question of whether it is even possible to ride a motorcycle in winter requires a separate discussion. There are a number of nuances and subtleties reflected in the traffic rules - which will definitely need to be considered.

It must be remembered that there is no direct ban on driving this type of vehicle in winter. However, it should be understood that it is not a winter mode of transport. It is in no way suitable for such events.

The standard requirement is the use of special rubber - only if it is available is it generally permissible to use the vehicle in winter. Other traffic restrictions do not apply to those using category A vehicles.

But there are some tips to keep in mind:

  • The vehicle should be charged once a week - since in the case of sub-zero temperatures it sits down an order of magnitude faster;
  • using low-viscosity motor oil is more preferable - in cold weather it thickens, it becomes difficult to start the engine and other problems arise;
  • It is advisable to lubricate the cables in advance;
  • it is necessary to install “hot” spark plugs - only if they are available, it is possible to operate the car without problems.

Traffic police officers have the right to check the condition of the tires when stopping to check documents - if there is no winter version on a category A vehicle, operation is simply prohibited.

Winter tires for a motorcycle look like this:

Transportation of passengers and in particular children

Transportation of passengers is possible only if there is a specially equipped seat (the back of the saddle or a stroller). In addition, you need to use special equipment. This applies to a special helmet.

In the absence of this, operation with a passenger “on board” is prohibited. Moreover, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the absence of a helmet is grounds for stopping the vehicle until the violation is completely eliminated.

Separately, it is worth considering the question of exactly how and when it is allowed to transport a child on a motorcycle. According to the traffic rules, it is not allowed to transport minors on the back seat of a category A vehicle, even if they wear a helmet.

At the same time, transportation is allowed if you have a helmet in a motorized stroller - but again it is necessary to use the appropriate type of helmet, a device of a certain type.

Parking on the sidewalk

Separately, you need to become familiar with parking such a vehicle on the sidewalk. Since many who use this technique believe that it is possible to take a steam bath anywhere and anytime.

This point is discussed in the traffic rules in particular detail - in section No. 12.2. This type of vehicle can be parked along the sidewalk in 2 rows. It will also be possible to park vehicles on the edge of the sidewalk.

But you need to follow special signs. There are quite a large number of them in the traffic rules. All of them will need to be disassembled in advance.

In case of violation by those using category A equipment, the vehicle will be evacuated by special services. Study all traffic rules requirements in advance and avoid mistakes. Because this can cause serious trouble.

In case of evacuation, you will not only need to pay a fine, but also demurrage in the impound lot. Basic signs that you need to follow when placing your vehicle along the road:


  • For the absence of motorcycle helmets or helmets that were not fastened (Article 12.6 of the Administrative Code) - 1000 rubles.
  • Driving a motorcycle without license plates (Article 12.1 of the Administrative Code) - 500-800 rubles. first time and 5000 rub. or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months in case of relapse.
  • For violation of the rules for transporting people (Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code) - 500 rubles.
  • If the driver was deprived of his license, but he was caught driving a bike (Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) - 30,000 rubles. or arrest for 15 days.
  • If you don’t have a license to drive a motorcycle at all (Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code) - 5,000-15,000 rubles.

Changes this year

Today, the main regulatory document in accordance with which driving must be carried out is the Traffic Rules.

You should familiarize yourself with all of them in advance; this is the only way to avoid standard errors that may occur. There are special signs for motorcycles - valid only for this type of vehicle.

An example of a prohibitory sign that applies only to this type of equipment is the following:

It is worth noting that traffic rules change every year. As a result, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all the amendments.

Since ignorance of traffic rules, as well as various other norms, does not relieve the driver of the vehicle from responsibility.

In 2021, the main changes to the traffic rules:

  • an additional stop line will be introduced - at a distance of 3.5 meters from the main one - so that those traveling on two-wheeled vehicles can pass the intersection first;
  • formal permission to move between separate rows.

The first point does not cause any difficulties. The second one is very important - and its essence was not just one more row. But there is a ban on driving along the median.

This issue is still being actively discussed; there are many proposals from legislators. Motorcyclists themselves should carefully monitor all changes.

The location of a motorcycle on the roadway according to traffic regulations requires some special features. This also applies to parking. Many drivers of such equipment believe that it is possible to drive on sidewalks, as well as in some other places.

But you need to remember that such violations are punished quite seriously. Up to the deprivation of a driver's license.


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The movement of bikers in the so-called “between rows” is a common phenomenon in many countries of the world, including Russia. In some places it is officially permitted, but in our country there is a lot of legal uncertainty around it.

Let's start with the fact that “row spacing” is a purely colloquial term. There are only markings between the traffic lanes, which make it difficult to ride a motorcycle. After all, in most cases it is slippery and too convex. So formally the biker is in one lane.

There is no direct ban on two vehicles in one marked lane in Russian traffic regulations. And, as you know, what is not prohibited by law is permitted. And before you get indignant, we recommend that motorists remember how they themselves line up in traffic jams when the width of the lane allows driving in two rows (usually the lane on the far right, designed for buses and trucks, or the only one on country roads, is this wide). Here you have the same “row spacing”.

The previous paragraph does not mean that the act is not punishable. Clause 9.10 of the Rules states:

“The driver must maintain such a distance from the vehicle in front that would allow him to avoid a collision, as well as the necessary lateral clearance to ensure traffic safety.”

Logic dictates that driving close to cars is unsafe, but Russian traffic regulations do not indicate anywhere what a safe lateral interval should be. But obviously, since the accident happened, he was not there.

Practice shows: when a motorcycle and a car “grind together” on the sides within the same lane, most often the biker performing the advance maneuver is blamed. But if the driver of a car, without looking back, opens the door and a motorcycle comes through, it will no longer be the fault of the two-wheeler.

But all the scenarios described above begin to work only in the event of an accident. However, even without an accident, a motorcyclist can be held accountable. After all, he does not move in one lane, but alternately to the left and right of the markings, depending on which side has more space left. This is a violation of the rules for the location of vehicles on the roadway (Section 9.4 of the Traffic Regulations prohibits aimless changes of lanes in heavy traffic) and the use of lighting devices (Section 8.1 of the Traffic Regulations requires turning on turn signals). So, if desired, the inspector will have an article of the Code of Administrative Offences.

By the way, there are no sanctions in the Code of Administrative Offenses yet for dangerous driving prohibited by paragraph 2.7. But the term appeared in the Rules three whole years ago. And they introduced it with great fanfare, talking about its enormous contribution to traffic safety.

  • Comprehensive information on the legal aspects of automotive life is in our “Document Park”.
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