Lesson summary on life safety: “Transportation of students by truck and bus” (6th grade).

Body types

In one of our articles we talked about what categories of vehicles exist. We also told you in what cases, if it is necessary to transport people, it is necessary category in addition to the standard one .

Transportation of people can only be carried out in vehicles whose bodies allow the safe transportation of people . The most popular types include:

  1. Sedan . An ordinary two or four door car, which can be transported on the front and rear sofas.
  2. Station wagon . A utility vehicle that requires a large trunk. Passengers can only be transported in the cabin.
  3. Minivan . Just like a station wagon, it belongs to the cargo-passenger type of car, but it has more seats. Carriage in luggage compartment is also prohibited.
  4. Cabover body . Small “cars” designed to transport people and equipped with appropriate devices to ensure safety and comfort.
  5. Van . This closed vehicle has a partition that protects the cargo from the people sitting in it. People cannot be transported in the cargo compartment.
  6. Pickup . It looks like a van, only the cargo compartment is open. Transportation of people can only be carried out in the cabin.

What documents does a driver need to transport construction timber?

When transportation of lumber and roundwood is carried out within the Russian Federation, the driver must have the following documents:

  • license category “E” (permission to drive trucks with a trailer);
  • timber supply agreement;
  • waybill;
  • waybill;
  • technical passport of the car;
  • power of attorney if the car is someone else's property.

For transportation of timber outside the state, the following are added to this list:

  • international driver's license;
  • Invoice invoice (list of materials shipped, their quantity and cost);
  • consignment note in accordance with the Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandise par Route - CMR;
  • phytosanitary certificate confirming the safety of imported products;
  • Shipping specification – a description of each individual type of cargo being transported, indicating the quantity.

So, now you know all the features of transporting timber by road. But if after reading this article you still have questions, then write them in the comments.

How are people allowed to be transported?

As we have already said, transportation can only be carried out in bodies designed for this purpose. Seats and safety belts are required to ensure safety. To ensure safe movement, the law provides for penalties for violating transportation rules.

Usually, people who do not have enough space in the cabin, or workers accompanying the cargo, move in the cargo compartment. In general, riding in the back of a truck is not prohibited , but several points must be observed.

The fine for transporting passengers in a cargo van will not be charged in the following cases:

  1. The driver of the vehicle has at least 3 years Category D is required only if you need to transport more than 8 people (excluding the driver). If less than eight people are transported, category C will be sufficient .
  2. In the corresponding compartment, special platforms should be installed that look like side walls.
  3. The number of seats must be no less than the number of passengers carried .
  4. The mandatory height at which the seats must be attached should not be less than 20-50cm . The side railing must be at least 80cm .
  5. It is necessary to thoroughly fasten the seat backs to secure the seating of passengers.

Rules for transporting timber by road

If timber is to be transported by conventional trucks, you need to equip it with additional equipment:

  • metal racks - they create sides that the flat trailer platform does not have and hold the load;
  • anti-slip combs - ribbed bases that do not allow logs and boards to move inside and tilt towards the cabin;
  • shield panels - a device for protecting the cabin from accidental falling of timber during unloading or a steep descent during travel;
  • wheel studs and chains - in bad roads and weather conditions.

Transport companies try to have all these devices available, but if they are not available, then the equipment of machines for loading and transporting timber is entrusted to the customer’s concerns.

In addition, the one who sends the goods must:

  • sort timber according to characteristics: length and processing method;
  • ensure the correctness and safety of the installation (the driver must get out of the car in order to prevent an accident if a broken barrel suddenly hits the roof of the cab);
  • provide convenient access for road transport.

The materials are laid out between the racks so as to maintain balance. The edge should be almost even, so that not a single trunk protrudes from its row. Smaller boards, firewood, etc. are sealed in bags or packed tightly and separated by transverse partitions. People cannot be used to load (or unload) timber manually if the latter has been treated with chemicals.

Valuable tree species (Karelian birch, maple, white acacia, etc.) are additionally covered in case of precipitation. If they are planned to be delivered abroad, the controlling authority, the Federal Forestry Agency, must be informed about this. The cargo should not cover the license plates, headlights, or rear-view mirrors. Before sending a new batch of timber, the vehicle is treated with disinfectants - in case it previously transported materials contaminated by microorganisms and insects.

Cases of illegal transportation

In all cases that do not meet the above requirements, transportation will be considered illegal .
Under no circumstances should people be transported in trailers or unequipped bodies. In addition to the fact that this threatens the driver with a fine, it is also dangerous for the people themselves who agreed to such a means of transportation. Remember! You cannot carry people outside the cab, outside the cab of a tractor, self-propelled vehicle, or in the cargo compartment of a motor vehicle.

This rule applies to all cases without exception. This also applies to the transport of people with disabilities. No reason will be considered valid if you do not provide adequate security for your companions.

Please note that the law enforcement officers especially strictly punish drivers who are negligent in transporting children.

Timber classification

Timber products are divided according to the processing principle:

  • round - when the trunk is cut across (these include logs, ridges);
  • sawn - the trunk is cut lengthwise;
  • planed - thin cut boards;
  • crushed – sawdust;
  • peeled – subjected to spiral cutting.

And also in length:

  • short – 2 m or less;
  • medium - from 2 to 6 m;
  • long - from 6 meters and more.

The materials are transported from the harvesting site in the form of round timber and then processed at special enterprises. Timber trucks, cranes and tractors are used to load and transport lumber and wood. If the timber has to be transported far from the logging site, the cargo is moved on trucks or trains.


The fine for transporting people in a cargo van that is not designed for this purpose and does not have the proper equipment is established based on certain circumstances:

  1. If you simply violate the rules for transporting people, you will have to pay five hundred rubles .
  2. If transportation is carried out outside an equipped cabin, the fine increases from five hundred rubles to a thousand .
  3. If incorrect transportation of minor passengers is detected, the driver undertakes to pay an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles . Regarding officials, the law obliges them to pay 25 thousand rubles . A legal entity can also be punished and ordered to pay up to one hundred thousand rubles .

Possibility of evading a fine

If the transportation of people in the back of a truck, for which you were fined, was carried out, in your opinion, legally , you can challenge such a punishment within ten days from the date of the accusation.

You will have to prove that all requirements have been met , and, if necessary, provide witness testimony and video recordings. If you are unable to challenge the fine yourself, remember your legal right to seek help from lawyers who will help you assert your rights and drop illegal charges.

In what cases is it prohibited to transport people by truck?

Except as described above, all other transport of persons by freight transport, except in the cabin, is prohibited. The permit is valid for trucks and vans equipped with seats. For example, you cannot transport:

  • tractor (other similar equipment);
  • in a trailer of any design;
  • in a trailer house;
  • when there are more people than available seats.

Transporting children under 7 and from 7 to 11 years old is permitted if there are seats equipped with seat belts, according to the manufacturer’s design. For children, ISOFIX fixing systems are additionally installed, designed for the weight of the child.

Fines for transporting people by truck

Driving with any vehicle is dangerous. Transportation by truck, without special equipment, significantly increases the risk of injury. Actions that go against the traffic rules regarding the transportation of people by truck are subject to penalties. Amount: for part 1; Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses - 500 rubles (Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation No. 195-FZ (30/12-01)). The latest changes to the Law were made on 04/14-21.

But this minimum penalty applies only to those offenses that do not fall under parts 2 to 6 of this article of the Code of Administrative Offences. It should also be taken into account that individual entrepreneurs or organizations without a legal entity are liable on the same basis as an LLC. What fine, for what administrative violation is provided for by the regulations.

Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences, part 2

The driver will pay 1000 rubles. in the case when transportation is carried out in a body that is not equipped in accordance with the requirements of traffic regulations under Art. 22. Or the vehicle is not suitable for the type described above. For example, a tractor, trailer, trailer house, etc.

Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences, part 3

Fines for traffic violations related to the transportation of children are much more severe:

  • driver - 3 tr.;
  • responsible person - 25 thousand rubles;
  • legal entity - 100 tr.
Article 12.23, part 4

A similar punishment will be imposed for violations when the issue is considered in relation to transporting a group of children by bus. A fine is imposed when:

  • the driver driving the vehicle does not have the required license category;
  • there is no charter agreement;
  • there is no preliminary route plan;
  • there is no list of children;
  • persons required to accompany the group are not indicated.

Note: When mentioning buses, it should be understood that they can also be freight transport. Part 6 of this standard provides for similar punishment for all other offenses of transporting children that are not included in the list given in Part 4.

Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences, part 5

If transportation of small people occurs at night, and violations of the Rules are detected, the amount of the fine is as follows:

  • driver - 5 tr. or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months;
  • official - 50 thousand rubles;
  • legal entity - 200 tr.

The most severe punishment is provided for in the Administrative Code for travel offenses involving children. They are creatures with a low level of awareness of danger. Therefore, there are no trifles here. All instructions must be followed from cover to cover.

Conclusion: Summarizing all of the above, the question about transporting people by truck can be answered briefly. Transportation is possible if the following requirements are met:

  1. The flatbed truck (van) is equipped with seats in accordance with technical safety measures.
  2. V/u of the required category.
  3. Driving experience - from 3 years.
  4. The number of passengers does not exceed seats.
  5. There are no children among the passengers outside the cabin.
  6. Instructions on safe movement have been carried out.
  7. A chair is provided for the person accompanying the cargo.

If you want to simplify these regulations and speed up the flight, remember that traffic rules are often dictated by the blood of people killed in an accident. Therefore, transportation by a truck, and even more so in a body with open sides, requires double responsibility falling on the driver.

Authors of the article: General Director of LLC "LECHUDAROM" A.A. Subbotin. Surgeon, doctor of the highest category, retired lieutenant colonel of the medical service A.V. Subbotin

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