Penalty for crossing a stop line in front of a traffic light in 2021
If the driver drove without stopping when the stop sign was installed, this will be a traffic violation. Based on the Code of Administrative Offences, a fine is provided for this violation. The corresponding article in the code is Part 1 of Article 12.16 - for non-compliance with signs or markings installed on the road, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.
The driver must stop before the stop line, before the intersection or just before the sign. If you drive without stopping, this will be a violation for which the traffic police officer will issue a fine of 500 rubles.
The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersection, and if there is a sign 8.13 - along the main road.
It happens that a driver notices a yellow traffic light late, and other cars are driving right behind him. Then it is safer to drive through a yellow light than to resort to emergency braking before the stop line.
Stop line is a road marking numbered 1.12, indicating the place where the driver is required to stop in the presence of a 2.5 (STOP) sign, a prohibitory signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller.
Where do you need to stop according to the rules?
In most cases, the “STOP” sign is placed together with markings 1.12 on the roadway. In this case, the driver of the car is obliged to stop in front of the line.
If it is missing, then it is necessary to stop driving before reaching the edge of the roadway that you plan to cross, giving way to all vehicles moving along it.
When crossing rails or approaching a quarantine post, you must also stop in front of the marked markings (stop line). If it is not marked, the vehicle must stop moving in front of the sign.
Important! Do not allow the car bumper to be above the markings. Many people believe that if the wheels have not reached the border marked by it, then there is no violation in this.
The recording camera will certainly react to such an action, and the driver will receive a decision to impose penalties.
Stop control sign - rules and application features
According to Part 3 of Art. 12.14. will be attracted in all other cases of failure to provide an advantage. The punishment under this article is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.
The places of its mandatory placement include:
- Customs and border control zones located at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. This includes road and railway crossings, as well as entrances to cargo terminals of airports, sea and river stations located close to the border. When entering the specified territory, the driver and his passengers are required to comply not only with traffic rules, but also with other regulations - the Customs Code, migration legislation and relevant Federal Laws.
- Locations of traffic police posts (or the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies). Such placement occurs on the borders of large settlements or regions of the republics of the North Caucasus, on the territory of which compliance with a special legal regime is required.
- On the border of areas with a quarantine regime established by law. When crossing this zone, the driver will need to present a document permitting entry or transportation of certain categories of cargo, and the vehicle itself and the luggage in it will be required for sanitary processing.
- Protected areas, settlements or zones bordering hazardous enterprises. This includes military training grounds and various closed administrative towns, garrisons, Ministry of Defense facilities, nuclear power plants, and specially protected natural sites.
Some motorists were allowed not to undergo technical inspection for now in order to avoid an increased burden on operators. Thus, diagnostic cards whose validity period expires between February 1 and September 30, 2021 are automatically extended for six months, but not less than until October 1, 2021.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 of October 23, 1993 stipulates that signs are more important than the horizontal marking line.
Therefore, in addition to the traffic police, law enforcement agencies may also be involved in investigating the causes of an accident. Legally competent determination of the causes and conditions of the incident have a decisive influence on the consequences of the investigation: identifying the culprit and his punishment, as well as payments to the victim.
Also, from March 1, according to the new scheme, owners of buses and taxis began to undergo technical inspection, which, according to the law on technical inspection, must be inspected once every six months. The traffic rules do not exclude the possibility of installing a “Stop Control” sign in advance in combination with plate 8.1.1. This combination should warn the motorist in advance about a section of the road where strict compliance with the prohibitions of this sign is required.
The main idea is to abandon two practical tests: first on the site, and then in the city. Traffic police inspectors will start checking driving skills one time at a time in a situation as close as possible to the real road situation - right in the city.
How to pay a fine for a stop line?
If there is a pedestrian crossing, marking 1.12 (stop line) in 2021 is placed 1 m in front of it. When a traffic light is located in front of a railway crossing, a stop line will be drawn at a distance of 5 m.
If you do not live at the place of registration and doubt whether you drove over the stop line, you can find out online whether the camera recorded the manipulation. A day or two after the violation, all fines appear in the database of the State Information System - GIS traffic police.
The “Stop Control” sign can be installed at quarantine and police posts for the duration of operational special events.
If the camera records a violation, the driver will receive a notification within a few days. It will arrive at the address indicated in the vehicle registration certificate. The fine must be paid within 60 calendar days from the date of the decision. Plus, there are an additional 10 days to appeal penalties.
The driver can continue to follow his route only after all the procedures provided for by law and the Traffic Rules have been completed (checking documents, inspecting or inspecting vehicles, etc.), and naturally, after the appropriate permission from the checkpoint officer.
Everyone who once tested their license knows that there is such a “Stop” sign. But not everyone already remembers what requirements it interprets.
Driving without stopping is prohibited other 3.17.3. Control I have heard different interpretations of these signs, for example that at the Stop Control sign you need to stop and wait until the guard waves his wand to move on. Here the question arises: what to do if there is no guard. In fact, everything is very simple, you don’t need to guess and read numerous interpretations, you just need to look at the rules, where everything is quite clearly written. Moreover, knowledge of the rules often helps to avoid unnecessary fines due to ignorance of traffic police officers. Don’t be afraid to politely argue with them if you are sure you are right.
All car owners undergo the maintenance procedure, regardless of whether they want it or not. To insure a car under MTPL, you need to undergo maintenance. Authorities very often change laws regarding the frequency of technical inspections.
Let's imagine that the driver did not react in time to a red traffic light and braked with his front wheels on the line.
In mandatory mode, this plate is installed together with the priority road sign 2.4. "Give way."
If the offense was committed at an intersection not regulated by a traffic light or traffic controller, then there will be a minimum punishment under Part 1 of Art. 12.16. Code of Administrative Offenses – a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, which, in accordance with Part 1.3. stat. 32.2. Code of Administrative Offences, can be paid with a 50% discount (if payment is made within 20 days from the date of the decision). The actions of a government representative, in this case, may include: personal inspection, inspection of the vehicle, checking documents not only of the driver, but also of all persons present in the car.
The number in the designation means nothing for drivers, but you should pay special attention to the advanced functionality, otherwise there is a risk of receiving an unexpected fine.
The traffic police believe that with such requirements, instructors in driving schools will stop training drivers to perform the same exercises on the site. In addition, candidates will not be able to memorize city routes that were known in advance.
What does the sign look like?
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Road sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is known to both pedestrians and drivers. In most countries of the world, it is depicted in the same way: four white Latin letters are written on a red octagon: “STOP”. The edging of the figure is also done in the form of a white stripe.
A special geometric shape is necessary so that the sign can be recognized even if it is dirty, damaged by vandals, or covered with frost or snow.
According to the recommendation of the Vienna Convention of 1968, other variations of the image can be used: a red circle with a triangle located inside with a yellow or white background in the middle.
Black and blue letters are allowed. The UN Convention explains that the word “stop” does not have to be written in Latin: each state has the right to approve a sign made using its official alphabet.
In our country, only the first variety is used. In addition to it, the traffic rules provide information plate 6.16, which is used in conjunction with marking 1.12 “Stop line” or instead of it, marking the border on the roadway before the intersection.
These graphics serve a slightly different function: they inform the driver where in front of a traffic light he needs to stop to wait for the green signal.
When should you stop before the stop line?
Some drivers break the rule by simply not paying attention to the stop line. And some try to drive through a yellow light, fail to make it in time, and end up at the stop line. Therefore, do not rush, if there is a traffic jam, it is better to wait in front of the stop line until the intersection is clear.
The “Stop Control” road sign (established in clause 3.17.3 of the Traffic Regulations), as well as the “STOP” sign (2.5), require the driver to stop the vehicle before continuing to drive. This is the main similarity in the requirements of these two road signs.
It is therefore unacceptable to install this sign at the entrance to private territory (for example, an unfenced plot of land on someone’s property) or at the entrances to resorts and recreation areas (this is often practiced in resorts).
Customs and border control zones at all types of state border crossings - road, rail. The sign is installed at the entrance to cargo and customs terminals of airports, sea and river terminals, etc.
What is the penalty for violating the requirements?
For violation of the requirements of the Stop Control sign, punishment is provided in the form of a warning or a monetary penalty - 300 rubles. Also, failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules to stop in front of the stop line, indicated by road markings or road signs, when there are prohibiting traffic lights or a traffic controller’s gesture, is punishable by a fine of 800 rubles.
One of the interesting points is related to the use of the Stop Control sign. Quite often, not very conscientious traffic police officers install it on highways leading to the sea, at the entrances to resorts. However, in order not to give your hard-earned money to a fine for an alleged violation of “Stop control”, you should know that this indicator is installed according to the rules only at:
- traffic police posts;
- border zones;
- quarantine posts;
- entrances to closed areas.
The sign must also be supplemented with appropriate road markings.
Therefore, if traffic police officers try to stop you in the middle of the highway for failure to comply with the requirements of the signs, then it is best to stop and demand that a protocol be drawn up in accordance with all the requirements and in which all the circumstances of this “offence” must be clearly stated. And it’s worth adding on my own that if the “Stop Control” is displayed with violations, then you can refuse to pay the fine. Although you cannot be completely sure that there are no exercises going on ahead or an accident has not occurred. So it’s best to stop and drive further only after permission from the traffic police inspectors.
How the lives of drivers will change in 2021: signs, fines, buying cars
For the situation described above, when the car ends up behind the prohibiting line due to a traffic jam, the fine will be 1000 rubles.
If the driver ignores the requirements of the Stop sign, that is, does not stop or does not stop in accordance with the Rules. Not according to the Rules, this is when the stop will be made behind the stop line, and if there is none, then not at the intersection of roadways. In this case, he will be issued a fine under Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Article 12 itself.
There are situations when the marking is supplemented with a STOP sign. In 2021, the following feature is important - when a stop line and a STOP sign on a white background are located at different distances from the intersection, you must stop in front of the sign.
So, a stop sign is installed at a road intersection; as a rule, these are roads with a significant difference in their meaning, for example, a highway and a road out of town.
Rules for installing a stop sign according to GOST
5.4.17 Sign 3.17.3 “Control”
used to prohibit travel without stopping at a checkpoint (at a police post, quarantine post, at the entrance to a border zone, closed territory, at a toll road toll point, etc.). At police posts and quarantine posts, the sign is installed for the duration of operational activities.
5.4.18 Signs 3.18.1 “No right turn”
* and 3.18.2
“Left turn prohibited”
* are used to prohibit turning at the nearest intersection of roadways in cases where the required traffic order cannot be ensured using signs 4.1.1-4.1.6 or 5.15.1, 5.15.2.
The value of the permissible weight indicated on the sign is determined by the actual load-bearing capacity of the road pavement and elements of the bridge structure in a given period of time based on the results of surveys.
5.4.10 Sign 3.13 “Height limitation”
used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign. The sign is installed in cases where the distance from the surface of the road surface to the bottom of the span of an artificial structure, utilities, etc. less than 5 m. The height indicated on the sign should be less than the actual one by 0.2-0.4 m for utilities, by 0.3 and 0.4 m for overpasses carrying roads and railways, respectively.
Penalty for entering an intersection beyond the stop line in case of a traffic jam
There is only a general list of situations when this format can be used to solve certain problems of ensuring compliance with a special legal regime.
The traffic rules indicate that "STOP" is called priority sign No. 2.5, which means that the movement of any vehicle without a complete stop is prohibited.
According to Part 2 of Art. 12.13. will be attracted if 2.5. will stand in front of the intersection, and the driver will not give way to those who have the right of way at such an intersection.
Fines, licenses and scooters: what will change in traffic rules in 2021
If there is no line on the road, the driver must stop at the traffic light in front of the cross road - so as not to interfere with pedestrians who will cross the road in front of him.
To make it clear how you still need to stop at each of the possible options, take a look at the picture. Even experienced motorists note that they rarely encounter road sign 3.17.3 “Stop Control” on the roads. This results in confusion and misunderstanding of its requirements. Where this sign is installed and what restrictions it imposes on the vehicle driver is described below.