Road signs. Service signs. methodological development on the topic

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the previous article in the “Traffic Signs” series, we began to consider the next subsection of the traffic rules - service signs. Today we will again talk about service marks.

This article will cover the following road signs:

  • resting-place;
  • highway patrol post;
  • police;
  • transport control point;
  • customs control point;
  • radio station reception area;
  • radio communication zone with emergency services;
  • pool or beach;
  • toilet;
  • emergency telephone;
  • fire extinguisher.

Let me remind you that service signs are practically not mentioned in other sections of the traffic rules, so it is most often not possible to violate their requirements. However, they carry information that is important to the driver, so you should remember the meaning of these signs.


The road sign “Rest Place” is one of the service signs that is mentioned in the text of the traffic rules:

16.1. On highways it is prohibited: ...

  • stopping outside special parking areas marked with sign 6.4 or 7.11;

So, you may need a rest area sign if you need to make a stop while driving on a highway or road for cars.

If you stop for parking outside the area marked with sign 6.4 or 7.11, traffic police officers will impose a fine on you in the amount of 1,000 rubles (Article 12.11 of the Administrative Code).

On other roads you can stop for parking even if there is no resting place sign, but you should not violate the requirements of other points of the traffic rules.

Road sign 7.11 “Resting Place”

Unity with nature can be not only specially planned, but also accidental and fleeting.

Imagine this situation: following a fairly decent distance in a given direction, you decide to stop moving for a short time in order to admire the beauty of nature, breathe in the fresh, life-giving air, and enjoy the wonderful views.

Moreover, there was a road sign “Rest Place” looming ahead. As they say, desire and opportunity converge on the same plane.

The road sign “Place of Rest” (jokers call it the “crooked Pisa tree”) informs traffic participants that this is where a special infrastructure has been created for short-term recreation.

That is, in the area of ​​effect of the sign there is some kind of area (usually to the side of the road or adjacent to it), having stopped at which you can take a breath, take food stored in advance, etc. And only then continue the difficult path with renewed strength. Therefore, most often the “Rest Place” sign can be found on highways and major federal highways.

If the need arises, traffic organizers can display the “Rest Place” sign in advance: in a populated area at a distance of 100-150 meters from the object, and outside a populated area - 400-800 meters away. In the latter case, the Rules provide for the possibility of installing a sign at a greater distance - 15-20 and 60-80 kilometers from the rest area. The necessary information about the distance to the object is recorded at the bottom of the sign.

If the object of interest to us is located away from the road, the Rules recommend installing a “Recreation Place” sign at the intersection closest to the object. In the lower field of the sign, information about the distance is supplemented by an arrow indicating the direction of movement towards the object.

Thus, the “Rest Place” sign serves to inform drivers and passengers of vehicles about the location of the object of the same name, located within the road. In addition, the sign can be pre-installed: for this purpose it is supplied with relevant additional information.

If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.

Traffic regulations online from the autoass team!

The content of the article:
  • Christmas tree road sign
  • vacation spot sign
  • road sign with Christmas tree
  • road sign rest place

Tags: vacation spot

Road patrol post

The road sign “Road Patrol Service Post” is used to designate stationary traffic police posts:

Let me remind you that at the road patrol post, as well as in any other place, traffic police officers can stop a car to check documents:

Stop at a traffic police post

Reasons for stopping a car by traffic police officers

Many drivers, noticing a traffic police post sign, sharply reduce speed, try to remember the requirements of the traffic rules and begin to comply with them. A typical stop of a driver by a traffic police officer is discussed in detail in the audio course “Secrets of Communication with the Traffic Police,” I recommend studying it.

A driver may need a traffic police post sign, for example, when buying a used car. In this case, you can contact the police, and the employees will check the documents and license plates of the car for theft free of charge.

Crafts competition “Road sign for the New Year tree”

Elena Semenova

Crafts competition “Road sign for the New Year tree”

Photo report

traffic rules competition

“Road sign for the New Year tree!”


promoting safe behavior of road users, preventing accidents involving children.

The life safety of children is a serious problem of our time, therefore our preschool institution carries out serious, systematic work to prevent children's road traffic injuries. Teachers collect attractive didactic material, develop interesting manuals, make bright models of streets, courtyards, and intersections with their own hands, come up with educational games, training games, and organize joint activities (leisure activities, entertainment, quizzes, KVNs, thematic conversations, competitions, theatrical performances). Traffic rules training is carried out in various activities.

All work with children to develop their skills for safe behavior on city streets takes place in close cooperation with parents, since the family is the most important area that determines the development of a child’s personality in preschool age. Only we adults, by our personal example, can teach our children to cross the road correctly, to behave politely and civilly in transport, to train children in the ability to navigate relative to road elements and vehicles, to develop attentiveness, observation, memory, and to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street. Teachers, parents and children jointly produced reflective elements for the children to make them brighter and more visible, developed and published reminder booklets for pedestrians “For road safety - all together!” and distributed them on the streets of the city, posted and distributed leaflets for drivers “Buckle up your most expensive!” By holding these events, we want to encourage city residents - both adults and children - to strictly adhere to traffic rules and mutual courtesy on the roads. On the eve of the New Year, we decided to hold a craft competition “Road sign for the New Year tree!” between parents of all age groups, and we decided to send the most interesting works to the city Christmas tree so that they would delight all the townspeople.

Crafts competition “Road sign for the New Year tree”

"Inspector -2019"

"Road Snowman"

"Inspector on duty"

"Christmas tree of signs"

"Road Snowflakes"

"Wise hedgehog"


“The Snow Maiden is a polite pedestrian”

"Santa Claus with a gift"

"Traffic lights"

"Road Clock"

"At the post"

"New Year's sign"

"Road sign for Santa Claus"

Our parents are not simple, they have golden hands!

Transport control point

The road sign “Transport Control Point” is used to indicate the corresponding control point. Let me remind you that this sign does not impose any special requirements on the driver and it is not possible to violate its requirements. Those. In this case, it is not at all necessary to stop at the control point.

This sign is mentioned in paragraph 2.4 of the traffic rules:

2.4. The right to stop vehicles is granted to traffic controllers, as well as:

  • authorized officials of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport in relation to stopping trucks and buses at transport control points specially designated by road sign 7.14;

That is, transport supervision officers (not traffic police) can stop trucks and buses at this sign.

What does the Christmas tree and bench road sign mean?

A small sociological survey among drivers revealed that the most favorite road signs are:

Sign 3.31. The end of the zone of all restrictions is the favorite of the vast majority of Russian drivers. 44% of respondents love him. It removes restrictions on overtaking, maximum speed, stopping and parking.

Sign 2.5 Movement without stopping is prohibited, or the Stop sign is supported by 2% of people, apparently due to its unusual shape.

Among the other signs that received a small number of votes, drivers warmly mentioned signs with steam locomotives, deer, cows and other funny pictures.

Why is the stop sign shaped like an octagon?

Stop and Yield signs have their own unique shape. One is made in the shape of an octagon, and the other in the shape of an inverted triangle. They are unlike any other sign, while most signs are categorized and similar to each other.

This form of Stop and Give Way signs is associated with their special meaning. In conditions of poor visibility, for example snowfall, when the sign may be covered with snow, these signs can be recognized from afar . In addition, drivers from the opposite direction, even from the opposite side, can understand which sign is on the road.

Funny traffic signs

In addition to the illogical placement of road signs on the highway, when on one pole there may be two signs with opposite meanings, for example, Main Road and Give Way, there are also downright funny road signs. Road signs in other countries look especially unusual, although for the local population they seem completely familiar.

It is not known whether there are zombies in Arizona; in any case, the local police have not received such reports, but they put up a sign just in case.

Never do that! says a German warning sign on the road. Otherwise, you will hit the bottom of your head and you will be completely dead.

For numerous tourists, the Crimean authorities have developed a new road sign, showing not only the direction of travel to the nearest settlement, but also to the nearest kiosk.

Purely Russian Brick sign, three-dimensional for greater clarity.

Sometimes the abundance of road signs on the road does not help the driver, but on the contrary, can lead to complete confusion.

Unity with nature can be not only specially planned, but also accidental and fleeting.

Imagine this situation: following a fairly decent distance in a given direction, you decide to stop moving for a short time in order to admire the beauty of nature, breathe in the fresh, life-giving air, and enjoy the wonderful views.

Moreover, there was a road sign “Rest Place” looming ahead. As they say, desire and opportunity converge on the same plane.

The road sign “Place of Rest” (jokers call it the “crooked Pisa tree”) informs traffic participants that this is where a special infrastructure has been created for short-term recreation.

That is, in the area of ​​effect of the sign there is some kind of area (usually to the side of the road or adjacent to it), having stopped at which you can take a breath, take food stored in advance, etc. And only then continue the difficult path with renewed strength. Therefore, most often the “Rest Place” sign can be found on highways and major federal highways.

If the need arises, traffic organizers can display the “Rest Place” sign in advance: in a populated area at a distance of 100-150 meters from the object, and outside a populated area - 400-800 meters away. In the latter case, the Rules provide for the possibility of installing a sign at a greater distance - 15-20 and 60-80 kilometers from the rest area. The necessary information about the distance to the object is recorded at the bottom of the sign.

If the object of interest to us is located away from the road, the Rules recommend installing a “Recreation Place” sign at the intersection closest to the object. In the lower field of the sign, information about the distance is supplemented by an arrow indicating the direction of movement towards the object.

Thus, the “Rest Place” sign serves to inform drivers and passengers of vehicles about the location of the object of the same name, located within the road. In addition, the sign can be pre-installed: for this purpose it is supplied with relevant additional information.

If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, I will definitely try to help you.

Road sign 7.11 “Rest place” usually designates places for short-term rest and food for drivers during a long trip, although it may also have conditions for overnight accommodation.

Signs are installed at objects.

Preliminary service signs outside populated areas are installed 400 - 800 m, and, if necessary, 15 -20 km and 60-80 km before the object, at turning points to them (intersections), if they are located away from the road. Preliminary service signs indicate the distance to the object. When indicating distances on preliminary service signs informing about objects located away from the road and installed 15-20 km, 60-80 km away, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the turn point (intersection) to the object.

Preliminary service signs in populated areas can be installed 100-150 m before the object and at the turning points closest to it (intersections).

When placing additional information on service signs (address, telephone number, types of services provided, etc.), the distance to the facility and operating hours are indicated on the additional information signs.

We can also install road signs both for the period of work and for permanent deployment


Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information

The road sign “Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information” means that on this section of the road the radio station is receiving broadcasts at the frequency indicated on the sign:

If you notice a similar sign on the road, I recommend that you tune the receiver of your radio to the appropriate frequency and check how this sign works. Such signs are quite rare, and if you happen to listen to a similar radio station, then write about it in the comments to this article.

Prohibition signs.

Prohibitory signs are round in shape with a red border; on the sign itself, something prohibiting is drawn on a white background.

Round traffic signs

The exception is sign 3.1, the sign “Entry prohibited” and a group of signs that relate to stopping and parking.

“Brick” is a serious sign and therefore needs to be noticed by the driver and distinguished from other types of signs. The same can be said about signs prohibiting stopping and parking. Fines for them... very big. And in some cases they may be evacuated.

I especially want to highlight signs that have some kind of coverage area. Most prohibitory signs prohibit any action exactly where it is located. If there is a “brick” sign, then it is now impossible to drive under the brick sign, but the “Parking is prohibited” sign prohibits parking from the sign post and at some distance. And only an intersection or a canceling sign will cancel this prohibition. You can read more about prohibitory signs in the article “Studying prohibitory traffic signs.”

Sign 7.11 - Rest Place

Where on this section of the road can you park your car for a long time?

1.Anywhere on the side of the road.
2.Only after 500 m at a special site.
3.In both specified places.

Parking for the purpose of long-term rest or overnight stay outside a populated area is permitted only in designated areas or off the road. The “Recreation Place” sign informs that such a site is located at a distance of 500 meters. Therefore, you can park your car for a long time only after 500 m.

While driving along the highway, you can make a stop:

1.Any place to the right of the line marking the edge of the roadway.
2.Any place at the edge of the roadway.
3.Only after 500 m.

In this situation, you can stop only after 500 m at a special site, as indicated by the “Rest Place” sign. Stopping outside special areas on highways is prohibited.

Which sign is used to indicate a campsite?

1.Only A.
2.Only B.
3.Only in.
4.B and V.

Service marks are used to inform participants about the relevant objects.

  • The campsite is indicated by a sign B (Camping).
  • Signs A (Hotel or Motel) and B (Recreation Place) indicate the corresponding facilities and are installed directly at the facilities or at the turning points to them.

Outside populated areas, service signs are also pre-installed 60–80 km, 15–20 km and 400–800 m before the facility. The correct answer is Only B.

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