What kind of power of attorney is needed to undergo a technical inspection?
Why do you need a power of attorney to hand over your car for service? For what purposes can a power of attorney be issued?
Paying a fine at the terminal with a traffic police inspector
Traffic police fine does not appear in the database - causes and consequences
Was a fine issued - according to the law or not? The procedure for recording an offense is the main basis
Truck sign in red circle
Road sign white circle with red border in the Russian Federation
Traffic rules P1 3.2 Prohibitory road sign 3.2 Traffic prohibited prohibits the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles
Is it possible to install additional headlights on the roof or bumper of a car?
Fog lights and lamps This type of light source is part of the overall vehicle lighting system.
Traffic rules 2021
The beginning of movement, maneuvering The beginning of movement is the beginning of beginnings. This topic is in the exam papers
Stop line and stop in front of it
Fine for a stop sign (Article 12.10 and 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) (video)
What is the mark for? First of all, we should consider the basic definitions. There are drivers who
Recalculation of transport tax
Recalculation of transport tax for individuals
What is recalculation? Recalculation of a fee is a change in its amount as a result of some special
Important features of forensic automotive examination
What is it, what does it establish and how is it regulated? Automotive technical examination in case of road accidents -
I saw a new car with Soviet license plates on the road and found out from the driver how he got them
We are on Twitter: Login Registration Automotive news Rules for the movement of heavy trucks in the automatic zone have been adopted
Rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
The magic of crossroads: how to get rid of negativity and attract prosperity
Since time immemorial, the magic of crossroads has been considered the most powerful and dangerous. This is the place where it accumulates
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