Traffic police 08/28/2018 4 comments 68849 An exam is always a holiday, I remember, one hero said
What is a bicycle zone? A new concept has been introduced into paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules: “Bicycle
When should you not go out on the road? You must not go out on the road if it is
Dear readers! Our article is for informational purposes only, which does not imply the provision of services described
Unfortunately, even excellent driving skills and impeccable knowledge of traffic rules cannot be 100%
Buying a car always involves a lot of expense. In this case, correctly executed documents -
Is the new law on retaking traffic rules when replacing a driver’s license true? No. Such
Permille: what is it? Permille is one thousandth of the content of a substance in something.
Grounds for replacement The law provides for circumstances in which it is possible to obtain a driver’s license in another
The need to register a car with the traffic police sooner or later faces almost any car owner. How