The procedure for replacing foreign (Ukrainian, Belarusian) rights with Russian ones in 2021

Driving a vehicle in Russia requires having a Russian driver's document. Driving with a foreign license is only possible if you are a foreign citizen.

If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, but carry out business and labor activities related to driving transport, then in accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 25 of Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995, you are required to obtain a Russian driver’s license. The exception is citizens of Kyrgyzstan and citizens of states that have established the use of Russian as the official language.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to drive only if they have a Russian license. If you, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, received rights in another state, then they are subject to mandatory exchange.

If a foreign license meets the international requirements enshrined in the Vienna Convention, you can exchange it for a Russian one without going to a driving school, you only need to pass an exam. If the license does not meet the requirements, you will have to undergo training at a licensed driving school.

Where and how can you exchange rights

You can take the exam and get a license at the State Traffic Inspectorate. To do this, use the service or sign up at the department itself.

Using the portal you will make an appointment with the traffic police. Log in or register, find the “Driver’s license” section, select “Obtaining a Russian national driver’s license after exchanging a foreign national driver’s license.” Choose a convenient date and time to take the exam and obtain a license from the traffic police. At the appointed time, you will need to go to the selected branch, having a package of documents with you.

You can visit the State Traffic Inspectorate without going through the government services website. To do this, check the days and times of reception on the official website of the traffic police using this link: https://gibdd.rf/divisions. The schedule differs in different departments, so immediately check the information on what days you can get your license in the department. After you register, you will need to appear at the appointed time with a package of documents at the department to take the exam and obtain your license.


  • citizen's passport or other identification document;
  • document confirming completion of training;
  • medical certificate confirming completion of a medical examination, form No. 003-в/у;
  • foreign driver's license;
  • written consent of legal representatives (if the candidate for obtaining rights is a minor);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

There is no need to take photos in advance; you will be photographed directly at the State Traffic Inspectorate office.

Where to get a medical certificate form No. 003-в/у

The certificate will be issued to you at any state, municipal or private medical institution that has the appropriate license. To obtain one, you must undergo a medical examination. The list of doctors changes depending on the category of rights that you plan to receive; you can clarify the necessary information at the medical institution. To apply, men will need a passport and military ID, and women will need a passport. As of 2021, a photograph is no longer required for reference. The cost of a medical examination is not subject to regulation and depends on the medical institution.

List of documents

To replace a foreign driver's license with a national driver's license, you must prepare the following list of documents:

  • An identification document (passport of the Russian Federation) issued to a foreign citizen upon receipt of Russian citizenship;

Copies of the pages with the photograph and place of registration should be attached to the original passport.

  • Completed application for replacement of a driver's license;

A sample application for a replacement driver's license can be downloaded freely on the Internet or you can receive a form to fill out by directly contacting the traffic police.

application for replacement of driver's license.doc

  • Medical certificate;

It is recommended to provide a “fresh” certificate received no more than a month ago.

  • Foreign driver's license;

If the certificate does not meet international standards, a photocopy with translation must be attached to it.

  • A check confirming payment of the state fee for obtaining a national certificate;
  • If a foreigner has only received a residence permit, a photocopy of the certificate of temporary residence must be attached to the list of documents;

Foreign driving licenses in 2021: how to exchange for Russian ones

Often foreigners are faced with the problem of replacing a foreign driver’s license with a Russian one. I was no exception either. Having moved to the Russian Federation from Armenia, I completed all the necessary migration documents in a timely manner and decided, without postponing the issue, to exchange my Armenian license for a Russian one.

As it turned out, this is not very easy to do. First, I went to the traffic police for consultation, and then began to collect the necessary documents.

During the registration process, I learned that replacing a foreign license in 2021 is the responsibility of any visiting person if he plans to drive a car in Russia. I would like to talk about the procedure and features of the replacement in my note.

When it is necessary

In accordance with the current international agreement on road traffic, of which the Russian Federation is a member, foreigners are able to move freely within the country. Therefore, not everyone understands why to exchange a driver’s license when obtaining Russian citizenship. This need arises due to the fact that a person is obliged to issue all the basic identifying documents of the state in which he is located.

According to the law, foreign IDs are valid for 60 days after crossing the state border. This means that for 60 days a citizen can drive his car on the territory of the federation without restrictions. At the end of this period, he must change his license to Russian.

Can a foreign citizen obtain a driver's license in Russia?

Undoubtedly, a foreign driver's license is an official document authorizing the driving of a vehicle, but even if it is available, a visiting person does not have the right to drive on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that in Russia such a document has no legal significance.

As I noted earlier, replacing the driving license of another country with a Russian license is the responsibility of a foreign citizen, provided that he plans to drive a car in Russia. The key point that determines whether a foreigner can obtain a permit in the Russian Federation is his current status.

If he came to Russia for a short time, limited to 90 days from the moment of entry, then he should not change his driver’s license and, moreover, does not have any legal right to do so.

This opportunity appears to foreigners only after receiving a temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit. This means that it is possible to replace the certificate, and it does not matter at all what citizenship the foreigner has, as long as he complies with all the rules for carrying out such a replacement.

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Deadlines for receipt

When replacing the rights of a foreign state with Russian ones, the foreign citizen receives national rights.

Obtaining a national ID is possible in the following cases:

  • The foreigner received Russian citizenship;
  • A foreigner lives on the territory of the Russian Federation on a permanent basis;
  • A foreigner came to Russia for a long time;

According to the Law, upon arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation, a foreigner can drive a vehicle with a foreign driver’s license for no longer than two months (sixty days).

The sixty day countdown begins:

  • From the date of issue of the residence permit, which is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • From the day of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that the residence permit was issued at a consulate on the territory of a foreign state;

The sixty-day period is considered the maximum. After which, appropriate measures will be applied to the foreign citizen for illegal driving (driving without a license).

Read about what fine a foreign citizen will have to pay if he overstays the sixty-day period required for replacing his license.

How to exchange a foreigner's driving license for a Russian ID

Following the adoption of the new law regulating the replacement and use of the ID, some exceptions should be highlighted. For example, when a truck driver with the citizenship of Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan moves through the territory of the Russian Federation in transit, it does not matter what rights he has. It does not require any replacement.

The same rules apply to drivers who deliver goods to Russia or go empty. But if a foreign person wants to get a job at a Russian company, then he must first complete an exchange of temporary residence permit. You need to act in the following order:

  1. First, you will need to translate it into Russian and have this document certified by a notary. This condition is established for documents without translation initially (for example, as in the Belarusian VU).
  2. At the next stage, you will need to go through the standard medical examination procedure and obtain a certificate from a Russian clinic.
  3. Pass the exam.
  4. Prepare a complete package of necessary documentation and submit it to the traffic police for review. This can be done in any region of the state, regardless of where the citizen is registered or received a residence permit. The exception is persons who have issued a temporary residence permit. In this case, you can exchange your license only at the territorial State Traffic Inspectorate.

After completing all these stages, you will be able to receive a plastic card and start using it.

How to exchange foreign licenses for Russian licenses

In order to exchange Kazakh rights for Russian rights, you must first make a notarized translation of them, if they are not in Russian. The next stage will be passing a medical commission in Russia. After receiving the relevant document, you will need to collect a package of documents to submit them to any traffic police department. If a citizen of Kazakhstan has a residence permit, then this can be done in any region of Russia, regardless of in which subject of Russia the residence permit was obtained. If you only have a temporary residence permit, then you need to choose the traffic police in the region of Russia in which this permit was obtained.

What documents may be required

In terms of required documentation, the requirements for foreign citizens are minimal. The candidate already has some of the required papers on hand, and the remaining documents will not be difficult to prepare. In addition, it is worth considering that this is a one-time procedure. So, to obtain rights you will need the following papers:

  • a foreigner’s passport with a translation into Russian certified by a notary office;
  • A driver's license issued in the home country, with a translation if available;
  • Residence permit or temporary residence permit, depending on which option of residence permit in the Russian Federation the applicant has;
  • medical certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state fees for exams.

The license photograph is taken on site. It should be noted that the inspector does not have the right to demand a document confirming the transfer of the fee, but if there is no receipt, you will have to wait until the money arrives in the treasury account.

What documents will be needed to exchange a Ukrainian driver's license for a Russian one?

Important! The foreign national driver's license will remain with the applicant - the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate does not confiscate the document when issuing a Russian-style license.

Let us turn to the text of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 No. 1097. A former citizen of Ukraine, after obtaining Russian citizenship, will need the following documents to exchange a driver’s license:

  1. Application to exchange a driver's license.
  2. Russian passport or other document recognized as an identity document in Russia.
  3. Certificate from the center of medical commissions in form No. 003-В/у (only from a Russian medical institution).
  4. National Ukrainian driver's license (with notarized translation, if the document is not international).
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. Certificate of registration (if residence in the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of a residence permit).

Additional nuances: examination, no need for replacement, categories

To guarantee and quickly exchange rights, you should follow all the necessary step-by-step steps. In some cases, the rights do not need to be changed at all.

We are talking about such moments:

  • if the VU fully complies with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on DD of 08.11.1968;
  • if the rights are translated into Russian and contain all the necessary data that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As for the examination, the Russian authorities put forward very strict requirements. Theoretical tests and practical testing are mandatory. If the university has a group of categories at once, you will not have to take tests and practice for each. It is enough to choose the highest one and pass the re-examination on it.

Replacing Kazakh driver's licenses with Russian ones

You can use a Kazakhstani ID no longer than its validity period. If it has expired, then it will not be possible to replace it with a Russian one. It will be necessary to increase it in the Russian Federation and replace it with a new one in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Replacing with a Russian ID immediately before expiration will not solve the problem if you have not received a residence permit or temporary residence permit.

Attention! The labor activity of Kazakhstanis related to driving a car or other vehicles without first replacing their license with a Russian one is illegal. It is punishable by a fine for the driver himself in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. The employer will also be held accountable. The fine for the organization will be up to 50 thousand rubles.

Where to find help in replacing a driver's license for foreign citizens

Replacement of national driver's licenses is required for residents of the CIS who are in the Russian Federation for the purpose of earning money (196-FZ). To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination, organize training at a driving school and pass exams at the traffic police.

Replacing a driver's license is an “exchange” of a foreign document for an equivalent Russian license. The procedure is strictly regulated according to the Russian standard.

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Consultation with a lawyer is required only at the first stage of registration. At the second stage, training should be organized according to a similar principle as Russian driver candidates of different categories and subcategories are trained.

This problem is relevant for foreign citizens arriving in Russia from abroad. Of course, the purpose of foreign citizens will not be a tourist one.

Such people are interested in staying in the cities and villages of our homeland in order to earn income.

The “commercial streak” has taken root among residents of the CIS. This includes: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other former republics of the once existing USSR.

Residents of these regions are confident that their experience and professionalism will be more useful on the territory of the Russian Federation. The exception is the Kyrgyz Republic, since in this state documents are issued in Russian.

When is replacement needed?

To the question whether it is possible for foreigners to work in Russia as a professional driver, there is a clear answer. Citizens of the CIS are strictly prohibited from driving on Russian roads without the appropriate permission from the traffic police.

You can travel by personal transport. Labor and commercial activities are not allowed.

Any foreign driver can have 3 types of driver’s license “in the glove compartment”:

  • Russian national rights;
  • international law;
  • driver's license of the state where the citizen is registered.

So, if a migrant is a citizen of another state and does not perform commercial tasks, which is easily confirmed by documents, he remains able to travel without registration with the inspectorate.

When stopped by traffic cops during execution, you must present an international or national license.

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Situation – a foreigner performs entrepreneurial or labor activity

Already in 2013, amendments appeared that do not allow employers to hire migrants without Russian rights and without Russian citizenship (temporary or permanent).

The same applies to the organization of an individual entrepreneur by a foreign citizen, the main area of ​​which is considered to be driving a vehicle.

Possible areas of activity:

  • cargo transportation;
  • passenger transportation;
  • excavation;
  • Taxi;
  • management of special equipment during road works;
  • control of machines when organizing construction work.

Situation – a foreign employee is registered temporarily and is engaged in activities related to driving a vehicle

Law 196 “On Road Traffic Safety” prescribes procedures for obtaining a certificate in the case where a foreign citizen plans to obtain permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

For those who temporarily live and work, it is enough to present documents of international standard.

The grace period lasts no more than 60 days. After 2 months, the employee should either leave Russia or arrange for Russian documents to be processed.

Only their new Russian rights will be valid for exactly as long as the migrant intends to live on the territory of our state.

On the other hand, a minimum of Russian citizens are employed in passenger transportation in the city of Moscow alone. Migrants allow us to compensate for the lack of professionals. And not only in this area.

Statistics show that the accident rate on Russian roads is increasing due to “foreign” citizens.

Considering that road accidents involving foreign citizens are not uncommon, Russian legislators decided to limit the number of people from the former CIS republics coming to Russia “to earn money.”

Legislative acts have been adopted since 2013, which contributed to the outflow of labor.

In order to preserve professionals who once received a driver's license in the territory of the former USSR, the Government is delaying the adoption of amendments regulating the receipt of a Russian-style driver's license.

The last date to which the deadline for taking action has been postponed is June 01, 2021.

Read about driving licenses after 60 years of age here.

Legal advice: foreign driver's license after obtaining Russian citizenship

At the moment, the answers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (the Main Directorate for Road Safety) on the issue of replacing a foreign driver's license with a Russian one after obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation are unambiguous. The traffic police refers to paragraphs 12, 13 of Art. 25 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety”, which states that persons (citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons) permanently or temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, are allowed to drive vehicles on the basis of Russian national driver's licenses, and in the absence of such (for those who have received Russian citizenship) - foreign national or international driver's licenses, subject to the restrictions specified in paragraph 13.

If the driver at the time of issuing a Russian passport has a foreign driving license that complies with the Geneva Convention, it is possible to use the foreign license until its expiration date. If a document does not comply with the Geneva Convention, it must be replaced with a Russian document. In addition, it is not allowed to drive vehicles on the basis of foreign national or international driver’s licenses to carry out entrepreneurial and labor activities related to driving vehicles. This requirement does not apply to citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Let me also remind you that until January 1, 2021, you can replace your driver’s license at the traffic police, and from January 1, 2021, you will first have to take courses at a driving school, and then contact the traffic police.

The obligation to exchange a foreign driver's license for a Russian one and the terms of exchange after obtaining Russian citizenship are not established by Russian legislation. Thus, by law, it is not required to exchange a license if the driver intends to drive a vehicle privately (not professionally), but provided that the license complies with the Geneva Convention, otherwise the driver’s license will have to be changed according to the exam system or after passing a driving school and subsequent taking exams if this occurs after January 1, 2021.

Lawyer, Dmitry Yaroshenko

What difficulties may foreigners encounter?

A foreigner who wants to earn extra money in Russia or a Russian employer must organize a procedure for replacing driver’s licenses.

According to Russian law, to obtain a driver's license you will need:

    undergo a medical examination;

A medical examination for different categories and subcategories includes examination by narrow specialists, a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

At a driving school, driver candidates learn the basic rules of the road depending on the type of car. In some categories, a course is organized on repairs, checking the technical condition of the car, and replacing main parts and assemblies.

The practical part of the training is necessary to adapt driving to Russian road conditions (precipitation in the form of snow, rain, sudden climate changes, poor-quality road surfaces).

Driving school instructors independently test the knowledge of students.

Traffic police officers independently take tests from driver candidates. Each task consists of questions and several answers, of which one is correct. The main difficulty for migrants is their low level of knowledge of the Russian language.

Positive test results are valid for 3 months and allow you to proceed to the practical part of the exam. Negative results give the right to retake only after a seven-day period.

  • “don’t fail” the practical part, which consists of 2 parts – driving on a race track (closed area) and in a city.
  • Carrying out all the procedures will take a lot of time and effort. As a result, the migrant driver must have the following documents:

  1. Medical certificate of health indicating suitability to work on a particular category of vehicle.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty ( 2000 rubles ).

Replacement of Kazakh rights with Russian ones in 2021

  1. A completed form for obtaining a driver’s license in accordance with Appendix 7 to the Rules. This document is not provided to the State Corporation
  2. Identity document (required for personal identification)
  3. Medical certificate and its copy
  4. Certificate of completion of courses and its copy, or a document received through an automated information system (except for cases of self-preparation)
  5. Document confirming payment of state duty
  6. Document confirming work experience (certificate from place of employment) for assignment to categories “C”, “D1”, “D”, “Tm”, “Tb”
  • check whether all exams have been completed;
  • check whether the state fee has been paid;
  • then issue a certificate in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 365 of May 13, 2009;
  • correlate which categories can be transferred to our national rights according to the medical report (clause 138 of the Regulations);
  • enter information about the issuance of a license into the information systems of the State Traffic Inspectorate;
  • finally, the citizen of the CIS (other countries) puts his signature on the application, which confirms that he has received the certificate.

Who provides assistance in replacing a driver’s license for foreign citizens

An intermediary company provides assistance in collecting documents and organizing specialized training. Only such organizations exist legally, on the basis of an issued license. The migrant is only advised to check whether the current license has expired.

Assistance in replacing a driver's license for a foreign citizen in 2021 is provided legally by many institutions.

To find an organization’s office located near the migrant’s place of residence, you need to perform a number of manipulations:

  1. Ask friends, relatives, colleagues who have been in a similar situation. Finding a company by recommendation is an excellent solution to the problem.
  2. Type a request in the search bar Google, Yandex. On the pages issued by search engine optimizers, you can familiarize yourself with the nature of the services and prices.
  3. Scroll through the sections of Advertisements in periodicals.
  4. Study the information posted in Double GIS.

As for the choice of the traffic police inspection, the migrant has the right to apply to any territorial office within their competence.

Cost of services

Before ordering the help of an intermediary, it is recommended to plausibly assess your chances.

Maybe a consultation is enough for a migrant? Or sign up for driving school courses on your own without spending money on support? Or reduce the time required to reissue a driver's license by contacting an experienced lawyer?

The prices of intermediary firms vary by region:

City, company namePriceName of service
Moscow, website gai-help ru2 900Replacement of driver's license, not including costs of training, medical examination, etc. (escort)
Replacement of driver's license, not including costs of training, medical examination, etc. (support) Moscow, legal 3 000Legal advice in the office
Replacement of driver's license, not including costs of training, medical examination, etc. (support) Moscow, legal 25 000Assistance in applying for jobs for migrants from scratch, collecting a complete package of permits
St. Petersburg, Auto Service Center3 000Replacement of a driver's license excluding state duty and other expenses
Kaliningrad, Autoregion2 000Replacement of a driver's license excluding state duty and other expenses

Where to go in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Some migrant drivers decide to take the exam on their own. If they successfully completed the test tasks, then all they have to do is contact the traffic police department.

But the fastest way to re-register rights is through the MFC (website gosuslugi ru). 8-10 days and the entrepreneur-driver becomes a full-fledged Russian driver.

Every migrant driver who wants to settle in Russia and conduct active business activities here should decide to replace their driver’s license. Otherwise, fines will follow. But it is not possible for professionals to work in such conditions.

Constant violations will lead to the aspiring businessman being deported from the Russian Federation. And such a prospect is frightening.

To avoid this, spend precious time on a medical examination, training and re-issuance of a driver’s license at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Welcome, professionals!

How to write an application for an international driver's license in 2021, see the page.

Find out what the state fee is for an international driver's license in 2021 from this information.

Video: Federal Law that will determine the procedure for issuing driver’s licenses to foreign citizens

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    Help in replacing a driver's license

    Replacing a driver's license is necessary, but not the easiest thing. You have to stand in line for a long time and waste precious time. And the situations themselves are different and then you cannot do without hassle. What to do if, God forbid, your rights are stolen. The fact itself does not add positive emotions, and restoring rights takes a lot of time and requires attentiveness and knowledge in many issues.

    The first thought is how to restore your driver’s license as quickly as possible, preferably without a lot of time and loss of energy? What documents need to be prepared in advance?

    We provide assistance in a variety of cases related to the replacement of a driver’s license, and we help ensure that the license is restored without much effort.

    40 minutes for registration

    Services only for citizens of the Russian Federation

    We work only in Moscow and the Moscow region

    Request a call

    Prices for replacing a driver's license

    Service listPrice
    Replacement at expiration datefrom 2,900 rubles
    Replacing the V/U when changing the surname.from 2,900 rubles
    Exchange of rights from changing passport datafrom 2,900 rubles
    Replacement of foreign rights with Russian onesfrom 2,900 rubles
    Replacement with an international certificatefrom 2,900 rubles

    What documents will be required?

    To replace your driver's license, you must send the following documents:

    1. Application in writing to replace a driver's license.
    2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
    3. A medical certificate from a local medical organization confirming the driver’s permission to drive a vehicle, a photocopy of it.
    4. A document confirming completion of training (if any) and a copy thereof. The exception is persons who completed the individual training procedure before 2013.
    5. Old driver's license.
    6. Receipt for payment of state duty.
    7. Photos of the established sample.

    The process of replacing an expired driver's license is not difficult in itself. But if you decide to replace the documents yourself, you are guaranteed to lose time and hassle while standing in lines.

    Our team will go through these unpleasant procedures without your participation. Our highly qualified specialists will competently draw up documents and independently submit them to the traffic police. The time it takes to receive a new document will be minimal. We always fulfill our obligations clearly and consistently.

    Reasons for exchanging your ID

    Driving a car requires the owner of the vehicle to have a driver's license - a document that confirms the right to drive a vehicle (vehicle) of an authorized category. However, there are situations when, for certain reasons, there is an urgent need to replace the driver's document.

    We will help exchange rights in the following cases:

    • expiration of their validity period,
    • when opening a new category;
    • when changing the surname, name, patronymic of the owner;
    • to a foreign citizen;
    • change your license to an international license;
    • restore a driver's license in case of its loss, deprivation of rights, etc.

    We work with the traffic police of Moscow and the Moscow region. We have a team of professionals who will competently collect and prepare all the necessary documentation and exchange your rights in the shortest possible time.

    Official registration of all documents

    No queues and saving your time

    100% guarantee for all types of services provided

    Procedure for replacing foreign rights

    Art. 12 of Law 196-FZ allows driving a vehicle with an international or foreign driver’s license, if there is no Russian one, for everyone who permanently or temporarily resides (temporarily resides) in the Russian Federation. For foreign citizens and stateless persons, a separate rule is prescribed that they can drive on the basis of an international driving license if a national one is attached to it. For Russian citizens living in the Russian Federation, such a norm has not been established, so they can travel around the country with a foreign driver’s license, but observing the restrictions of Art. 13 and 15 196-FZ.

    However, judicial practice shows that not everything is so smooth in this regard. Often, courts make decisions on an administrative offense under Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, referring to the fact that a citizen of the Russian Federation registered in Russia is not a person subject to Art. 12 196-FZ. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from possible troubles, for a citizen of the Russian Federation living in Russia, it would be correct to exchange a foreign driver’s license for a Russian one.

    Replacing a foreign driver's license with a Russian one is also advisable when changing citizenship. Obtaining a Russian license after obtaining Russian citizenship will allow the driver to avoid restrictions and proceedings, even if, in his opinion, unfounded. This statement is also true in relation to foreigners, especially since obtaining a Russian license for a foreign citizen does not present any particular difficulties; the replacement of a driver’s license for foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the general procedure.

    The procedure for replacing a foreign driving license with a Russian one is regulated by Ch. IV Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097 and includes:

    1. Submitting an application with the documents attached to it to the examination department of the traffic police.
    2. Obtaining admission to exams.
    3. Passing exams.
    4. Obtaining a Russian driving license.

    Exams for the exchange of foreign driving licenses

    To exchange your license for a Russian one, you must pass three exams:

    • theoretical (knowledge of traffic rules);
    • practical on the initial skills of driving a car on a race track;
    • practical in “field” conditions, that is, on the road.

    The procedure for passing these exams is standardized by administrative regulations, which are approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 6, 2017 No. 995. It meticulously describes all the nuances that must be observed in order to obtain a license for a foreigner or a citizen of the Russian Federation. Here are some of them:

    • when testing theoretical knowledge, 20 minutes are allotted for answering 20 questions on the exam card, no more than 2 incorrect answers are considered acceptable;
    • when testing the initial skills of driving a vehicle of category “B”, stopping and driving on an incline, maneuvering in a limited area, reversing and other test exercises are performed, the examiner records the time spent performing the exercises and mistakes made;
    • Up to 30 minutes are allotted for the field exam, during which the driver must demonstrate driving skills by following the examiner’s instructions to move, maneuver, stop, etc. The exam is considered passed if the driver receives less than 5 penalty points.
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