How to change your Kazakh license to a Russian one 2021

How long can you drive with a Kazakh license in Russia?

If a citizen of Kazakhstan plans to stay in Russia for less than 90 calendar days, there is no need to change his driver’s license. It is enough for him to provide the officer at the border with a valid license, internal passport, STS and Green Card policy for review. After verification, he will be asked to fill out a migration card, on the basis of which he will be able to stay in the Russian Federation. After 90 days, he must leave the country unless a temporary residence permit has been issued.

If you have a temporary residence permit, you can travel with a Kazakh license, but not more than 60 days from the date of receipt. If the permit was issued in Kazakhstan, the countdown of the specified period begins not from the moment of receipt, but from the date of crossing the border.

Note! After replacing the rights, a new certificate is issued for a period not exceeding the validity period of the temporary residence permit or residence permit - that is, 3 years and 5 years, respectively. Migrants can renew their residence permit an unlimited number of times, or apply for Russian citizenship.

“Previously, foreign citizens could drive around Russia on the basis of their national driver’s licenses. Several years ago they no longer had this opportunity, and now in order to drive vehicles in the Russian Federation, they need to obtain a new license.”

Chernikov M.Yu., Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

How to change a foreign ID to a Russian one?

If a driver requires several categories of license, then for each of them he will have to undergo separate training and pass separate exams. When choosing this option, driving experience from a foreign license is not transferred. As for the cost of training, it can be comparable to the cost of a trip.

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. In particular from:

  1. The period during which the foreigner plans to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  2. The validity period of his Kazakhstan ID,
  3. The type of activity that the Kazakhstani intends to engage in in Russia.

Without this document, you cannot freely drive a vehicle. The procedure for replacing a driver's license may seem complicated if you do not know the nuances.

If there are several open categories in the license, the exam is conducted in the highest of them or in any other chosen by the driver. All categories lower than the one for which the exam was passed are transferred to the Russian driving license.

When is driving with a Kazakh license prohibited in the Russian Federation?

It is important to take into account that there are situations when Kazakhs will not be able to drive with a Kazakh license even for 90 days - in fact, the period of their validity in Russia.

These include the following:

  • Management of route vehicles, buses, trolleybuses (city, intercity, suburban). A foreigner will not be able to work as a driver - this ban on the employment of foreign citizens as public transport drivers without a Russian license has been in effect since 2021;
  • Working in a taxi, driving trucks - you will need a license issued in the Russian Federation.

Thus, you can travel in Russia with a Kazakh license only for personal purposes, or in transit when transporting goods. In other cases, you need to obtain a license that is valid in the Russian Federation.


If a foreign citizen does not comply with the legislation regarding the validity of the R. Kazakhstan license and obtaining a Russian license, while driving vehicles in the Russian Federation, he will face a fine of 5,000 rubles. A carrier who hired a driver without a Russian Federation license may also be fined. For him, the fine will be significantly higher - 50,000 rubles.

Change your Kazakh license to a Russian one 2021

Foreign rights can only be used for personal purposes. If a foreigner intends to work as a driver, he will have to obtain a Russian license. The exception is citizens of Kyrgyzstan, as well as countries where Russian is used officially. In Russia, there is a Federal Law dated May 9, all foreign drivers engaged in professional activities in Russia must go to work with a Russian license.

For permission to drive a vehicle without a Russian driver's license, persons responsible for the technical condition and operation of the vehicle are punished with a fine of 50 thousand rubles. The provision is enshrined in Article 12.32.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

There are certain rules for replacing a driver's license when changing citizenship. To exchange a foreign license for a Russian one, a citizen will need to confirm his knowledge of the rules through theoretical testing and practical exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate, without attending a driving course.

When contacting the traffic police, you must provide a standard package of documents, as well as a driver’s license obtained in another state; if the document does not comply with the international standard, it is necessary to prepare a notarized copy of it, translated into Russian. Persons who have a residence permit in Russia provide an additional copy.

First of all, let's look at the general algorithm for exchanging foreign rights:

  1. Check your rights and make sure they can be replaced.
  2. Prepare for exams.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Contact the traffic police to take the exam and obtain a driver's license.

Such a violation is punishable by an administrative fine in the amount of 5 to 15 thousand rubles (Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Attention! The labor activity of Kazakhstanis related to driving a car or other vehicles without first replacing their license with a Russian one is illegal. It is punishable by a fine for the driver himself in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. The employer will also be held accountable. The fine for the organization will be up to 50 thousand rubles.

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Here are some nuances related to the competence of driving a vehicle with a foreign license:

  • if officials of enterprises responsible for releasing vehicles onto the line allow a driver to work without a Russian license, when, according to Part 13 of Stat. 25 of the Law, they are required; such officials will be punished with an administrative fine of 50 thousand rubles (stat. 12.32.1 of the Administrative Code);
  • according to stat. 41 of the Convention, countries that have acceded to the Convention are obliged to recognize each other's certificates when they meet certain requirements established by Annex 6 of the Convention;
  • Citizens of Ukraine need to exchange their Ukrainian license for a Russian one only when they plan to carry out work or business activities related to driving - provisions para. 2 hours 13 stat. 25 of the Law do not apply here, since, according to Art. 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the official language is exclusively Ukrainian.

If a citizen received a license in a country with which the Russian Federation does not have international agreements in the field of road safety, the issuance of a driver’s license to such persons is carried out on a general basis - after studying at a driving school and passing all qualifying exams.

According to the general rule established by Part 12 of Art. 25 of the Law, a foreign citizen may not replace a foreign driver’s license with a Russian one. A citizen who has arrived from abroad can easily travel through the territory of Russia on the basis of his rights issued by the country of his citizenship.

Do I need to take courses?

If the driver has already attended a driving school, even a foreign one, re-training is not required. But you will have to take exams at the traffic police. Russia has its own traffic rules, which you need to know and strictly follow.

If a citizen of Kazakhstan has never received a driver’s license, he needs to undergo training. To do this, it is enough to choose any institution that has a state license. The cost of courses varies from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. depending on the region. The highest prices are in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the northern regions.

After studying, internal exams are taken - theory and practice. If the student passes them successfully, he is allowed to take exams at the traffic police. As a rule, the theory is taken at the inspection department, and the race track can be taken at the school at the place of study. You will have to go to the city with an inspector, and he will set the route.

Is it possible to drive a car in Russia with a foreign driver's license?

Now migrants do not have the right to engage in business or labor activities related to the management of vehicles.

Regardless of citizenship and the country that issued the license, Russian law requires passing the following exams:

  • Driving theories (computer class).
  • Practices (autodrome and in urban conditions).

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How to get a driver's license in Russia: step-by-step instructions

If a citizen of Kazakhstan has already studied and received a driver’s license, he needs to take several steps to replace it in the Russian Federation. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Passing a medical examination

First of all, you need to undergo a medical examination, because... Without certificates you will not be allowed to take the exams. The whole process takes approximately 2-3 days, but if desired, you can complete it in one day.

To obtain a certificate, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence. In the future you will have to go through several doctors:

  • Psychiatrist;
  • Oculist;
  • Narcologist;
  • Therapist;
  • Neuropathologist.

The psychiatrist checks the migrant to see if he is registered as a psychiatric patient, conducts the necessary tests, and then puts his signature and seal. When visiting a narcologist, you need to give urine so that the doctor makes sure that there are no drug or alcohol impurities in the blood. He also looks at whether the patient has been to a drug treatment clinic before. If he was registered, this becomes an obstacle to obtaining a driver's license.

An ophthalmologist routinely checks vision using a special table; a neurologist also conducts small tests to detect problems with the musculoskeletal system and other diseases.

Based on the results, each doctor puts his signatures and seals on the certificate.

Passing exams at the traffic police

When the certificate is received, you need to register with the traffic police to take the exams. It is recommended to clarify in advance what days they are held - each department sets specific days of the week for driving school graduates and people applying on their own.

What documents will be needed:

NameWhere to getValidity
Passport of a citizen of Kazakhstan with a notarized translationNotarial office3 months
Medical certificateMunicipal or private clinic

If the future driver receives a license for the first time, he will need a training certificate from a driving school. Minor students provide written consent from parents or other legal representatives.

Having accepted the documents, the traffic police officer will sign the citizen up for the exam. After this, if the result is positive, you need to move on to photography.

Taking a photo for your ID

Now in the Russian Federation there are new certificates, and you do not need to provide photographs for them separately. Photographing takes place on the day of the exams or after, if the migrant successfully passes them. You need to contact the traffic police department where the documents were originally submitted.

Obtaining a certificate

A few hours after taking the photograph, the migrant will be given a new type of identification card, with which he will be able to travel throughout Russia. To do this, just come with your passport and receive the finished document.

State duty

The fee for replacing a license is paid in the amount of RUB 2,000. You can pay it in several ways:

  • At the traffic police department, if there are ATMs there;
  • At the Sberbank office;
  • Online through your personal account.

Payment is made according to the inspection details. They can be found on the official website of the local traffic police department. Payment must be made prior to the initial submission of documents before taking the exams.

What foreign driving licenses can be exchanged?

Foreign car licenses that do not meet the requirements of Russian international treaties cannot be exchanged for a Russian driving license.

If the driver’s license meets the requirements set out in Annex 6 to the Vienna Convention, then you can safely exchange your foreign license for a Russian driving license.

How does the traffic police exam work?

Passing exams before obtaining a driver's license at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate consists of several stages. First, the examinee passes the theoretical part, and if the result is good, he proceeds to the circuit. If no gross mistakes were made there, then he is provided with a car and proceeds to passing the practical part in the city, with an inspector sitting nearby.

Theoretical part

The theory is handed over in a special room of the traffic police. In just 20 minutes, the examinee must answer 20 questions, and he can only make 2 mistakes. If the number of errors is higher, he is assigned a retake no earlier than 2 weeks later.

If the answers are given with a minimum number of errors or without them, you need to leave the room and wait for the results. Based on the results, the inspector will tell you who is allowed to enter the race track and who needs to come back later for a retake.


If the “theory” is passed, the inspector taking the exam issues a corresponding certificate, and some of the documents are passed on to those who take the exams at the race track. As a rule, all three stages take place in one day.

At the race track you need to pass several different exercises:

  • Snake;
  • Start on the rise;
  • U-turn in the yard;
  • Reversing into the garage;
  • Parallel parking.

Important! One minor mistake is made on the race track. If the examinee stalls on a climb or knocks off a cone while performing a “snake”, he will be disqualified from the exam and sent to retake.

Driving in the city

Driving in the city is the most difficult part, and the part that people most often have to retake. The whole process looks something like this:

  1. The examinee is given a car in which he will drive with the inspector.
  2. An inspector sits next to the driver on the right side - he will give tasks during the process, often with a “trick,” and also count penalty points.
  3. The driver first fastens his seat belt and makes sure that the inspector has fastened his seat belt too. If the traffic police officer answers that he does not have to do this, you should not believe him: perhaps he is testing the examinee this way, and if he is not persistent enough, he will be given penalty points for driving a car with an unbelted passenger;
  4. Before starting, it is important to remove the car from the handbrake. If this is not done, the inspector will assign penalty points.

Driving assessment

During the city exam, the inspector takes into account all errors for which penalty points are awarded. They come in coarse, medium and fine. Five points are enough to disqualify from the exam.

Failure to give right of way to another vehicle or pedestrianFailure to comply with parking or stopping rulesIf the car stalled due to the fault of the examinee
Drifting into oncoming traffic if it is prohibited by traffic regulationsEntering an intersection where there is a traffic jamUntimely activation of the turn signal
Driving through a red traffic lightFailure to use emergency signs and alarms in prescribed casesUnreasonable sudden braking
Driving onto tram tracks in the opposite directionDriving without a seat belt fastenedDriving too slow unnecessarily
Crossing the stop line while stoppingUsing gadgets while driving a carSelecting driving speed without taking into account weather or traffic conditions
Failure to comply with the rules for reversing, overtaking, or turning aroundFailure to turn on the turn signal before performing a maneuver
Over speed
Failure to comply with road markings or signs


Question No. 1. If I have several categories open, do I need to take exams in all of them?

No, exams are taken only in one, the most difficult category.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to submit an application for replacement of rights through State Services?

Yes, you can, but you will have to provide documents in person in any case. This method of filing is good because it provides a discount on the payment of state duty, and instead of 2,000 rubles. it is enough to pay only 1,600 rubles.

Driver's license: how to get it in Kazakhstan in 2021

But there are certain restrictions on vehicles. Let's take a closer look at the categories of rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan and age restrictions: subcategory “A1” - from 16 years; categories “A”, “B”, subcategories “B1”, “C1” - from 18 years of age; category “C” and subcategory “D1” - from 21 years of age, with a driving experience of at least 3 years, and a vehicle of subcategory “C1” - at least a year; categories “D”, “Tm”, “Tb” - from 25 years old, with more than five years of experience, and vehicles of category “D1” - at least 3 years.

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those wishing to obtain the right to drive vehicles of all categories, who have acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in driving a vehicle and have passed a medical examination; who independently prepared for passing the exams, since they live in places where there are no driving schools or special courses; who have undergone professional training in the automotive and tractor specialty at schools or universities.

You can also change your license online (so as not to stand in queues). To do this, you need to go to the e-government portal, fill out an application and sign it with an electronic digital signature (electronic digital signature). A photograph and a scan of the signature are attached to the application. If everything is in order, you will receive a notification that the document is ready. Next, you will simply need to contact the Special Center to obtain a new driver’s license.

  1. A completed form for obtaining a driver’s license in accordance with Appendix 7 to the Rules. This document is not provided to the State Corporation
  2. Identity document (required for personal identification)
  3. Medical certificate and its copy
  4. Certificate of completion of courses and its copy, or a document received through an automated information system (except for cases of self-preparation)
  5. Document confirming payment of state duty
  6. Document confirming work experience (certificate from place of employment) for assignment to categories “C”, “D1”, “D”, “Tm”, “Tb”
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