Car first aid kit 2021 - 2021. What is the composition according to GOST, price and shelf life?

Why does a driver need a first aid kit?

Help in case of an accident. If people were injured in an accident and the ambulance has not yet arrived, it is important to be able, for example, to stop the bleeding.

Stanislav Marfin, worked in the rescue service for 20 years, responded to road accidents

If an accident occurs and the victim is bleeding, it is important to stop the bleeding before a specialist arrives. The car first aid kit has everything for this. There is no point in taking complex rescue devices, such as a ventilator, with you - an ordinary driver will not be able to use it correctly.

Show it to the inspector. A traffic police officer has the right to stop a car to check documents. In addition to documents, the inspector can also check the presence of a fire extinguisher, warning triangle and first aid kit. These items are needed for the safety of the driver and passengers in emergency situations.

Pass inspection. The inspection requirements state that the car must have a first aid kit. Without it, the technical station employee has the right not to issue a diagnostic card.

Help with minor injuries. It happens that a driver gets his finger pinched during minor car repairs, or children play with something sharp and get hurt. For such simple help, you don’t need a doctor - bandages from the first aid kit will suffice.

Requirements for a first aid kit during maintenance

As we have already found out, technical inspection of a vehicle today is carried out without presenting a first aid kit. However, the medical kit must be in the car, and the driver faces penalties for not having it. What must be included in a first aid kit and how to equip it, we will consider further.

Contents of the first aid kit

The main means that make up a car first aid kit are items and aids for providing first aid to a person injured in an accident: gloves, sterile and non-sterile bandages, cotton wool, bactericidal and roll adhesive plasters, scissors, tourniquet. Starting from 2021, the first aid kit must also include medications that help stop bleeding. Drivers are taught first aid techniques when receiving a driver's license.

Each driver has the right to put any medications he requires in the first aid kit. On the road, any health problem can happen: a stomach ache, a tooth ache, a headache. It is difficult to protect yourself from all cases, but the car owner can supplement the first aid kit based on the individual characteristics of the body and the tendency to any disease.

Best before date

Each medical product has a certain period of time for use, recorded on the packaging. Similarly, a car first aid kit has an expiration date, but it is not required for technical inspection. The time of permitted use is not the same for each drug. For example, the shelf life of a bandage is 5-10 years, and an adhesive plaster is about 5 years. Based on the fact that there are no perishable drugs in the first aid kit, a complete set can last about 5 years.

Read also: Requirements for passing a technical inspection in 2021 Diagnostic card 2021

Cost of the set

Despite the fact that a car owner will not need a first aid kit to pass a technical inspection in 2019, it must be available when traveling. You can buy a first aid kit as a pre-assembled kit or assemble it yourself. Pharmacies sell first aid kits, the cost of which varies from 350 to 500 rubles. The difference in cost is determined by the quantity and variety of drugs, as well as the design of the packaging of the medical kit itself.

What should be in a car first aid kit for 2021

The Ministry of Health changed the composition of the car first aid kit in 2009, and since then the composition has been the same. In the future they plan to add medical masks to it, but so far there is no such requirement. Here is a complete and current set of car first aid kits for 2021.

Bandage non-sterile 5 m × 5 cm, 2 pcs.
5 m × 10 cm, 2 pcs.
7 m × 14 cm, 1 pc.
sterile 5 m × 7 cm, 2 pcs.
5 m × 10 cm, 2 pcs.
7 m × 14 cm, 1 pc.
Band-Aid bactericidal 4 × 10 cm, 2 pcs.
1.9 × 7.2 cm, 10 pcs.
roll 1 cm × 250 cm, 1 pc.
Tourniquet 1 PC.
Sterile dressing bag 1 PC.
Sterile wipes 16 × 14 cm, 1 pc.
Device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth” 1 PC.
Scissors 1 PC.
Medical non-sterile gloves 1 pair
Recommendations for using the first aid kit 1 PC.
Case 1 PC.

What shouldn't be in it? There are no prohibiting laws regarding the list of medications and the composition of the first aid kit. If additional medications are required, it is better to put them in a separate case - this will help in an emergency to quickly get to the main equipment, for example, bandages or a tourniquet.

What else to put in the first aid kit. Each driver prepares his own personal first aid kit depending on chronic diseases or possible situations.
For example, “heart patients” often take Validol or Mildronate with them on trips. If there are problems with the stomach and intestines, take drugs like Polysorb, Smecta or activated carbon.

Additional first aid kit for the car

What should be in a first aid kit in a car besides items from the mandatory list of medications and consumables? A car first aid kit may also contain additional medications that are not approved by regulations. These include analgesics, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The medicine cabinet may also contain medications for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the car owner has any chronic diseases, then it is appropriate to include the necessary medications in the first aid kit, which should always be at hand.

When deciding to retrofit a medical kit for a car with new drugs, the car owner must know how they are used and monitor their shelf life.

What is the difference between cases with the new and old set

Since 2009, there have been no medicines in the first aid kit - only means to stop the bleeding, plus a device for artificial respiration.

Old first aid kit New
adhesive plaster
sterile wipes
mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration device
latex gloves
Activated carbon
cotton wool
sodium sulfacyl
atraumatic bandage
hypothermic container bag
ammonia solution

Criticism of the new first aid kit

With the introduction of new rules for completing a car first aid kit, not all drivers reacted positively to this initiative. Many complained that the usual medications were removed from the composition and bandages and cotton wool were left. They complained that they had to complete the first aid kit themselves. There were even opinions expressed that allegedly excluding medications from the first aid kit would increase the death rate on the roads. This is, of course, speculation. The old first aid kit included nitroglycerin, analgin, Corvalol, acetylsalicylic acid, activated carbon, validol, ammonia solution and brilliant green. The absence of these drugs is unlikely to affect mortality.

Even at the development stage of this project, the Ministry of Health analyzed domestic and foreign experience in the use of standard first aid kits by drivers, and compared the compositions in different countries. As a result, we decided to reduce the list of drugs in the first aid kit. The decision was based on the fact that car first aid kits are used by people who do not have a medical education. Its main purpose is to provide first aid to victims of road accidents. These factors determined the difference in the composition of the new and old first aid kit. Medicines were removed from the new one and the number of dressings was significantly increased.

What is the expiration date for a car first aid kit?

The expiration date is indicated on the label if it is a plastic case, or on the instructions if the first aid kit is in the form of a bag with a zipper.

Usually the period is about 4 years, it depends on the manufacturer. For example, the “Fest” first aid kit is good for 4 years, “Leiko”, similar in composition, is good for 5 years, and “Mizar” is good for 3 years.

After the expiration date, the first aid kit can be disposed of as household waste.

Expiration date of a first aid kit

Due to the fact that medications with a short shelf life were removed from the first-aid kit, according to the new requirements, the shelf life of the first-aid kit increased threefold. Now it is 4.5 years. A longer period of use applies to patches and hemostatic tourniquets (5-6 years). After this period, the car owner must replace the first aid kit within six months.

You can determine when to replace your first aid kit using the information located on its case.

How much does a car first aid kit cost?

Price. A first aid kit costs an average of 400 rubles.

How to choose. Focus, first of all, on the composition - it must meet the requirements: bandages, plasters, tourniquet and mouth-to-mouth device. If you plan to add additional medications to your first aid kit, choose a model with a larger capacity. You can complete the first aid kit yourself and put it in any convenient handbag or plastic case - there are no packaging requirements.

Where can I buy. First aid kits are sold in any pharmacy and almost every gas station. You can order it online - in marketplaces like Yandex.Market, Ozona or Wildberry. The composition is almost the same everywhere. The price depends on the case material and design. The cheapest ones are in plastic boxes. A bag with a zipper is more expensive.

What to do with the current car first aid kits?

According to clause 2 of Order No. 1080n dated October 8, 2020, automobile first aid kits manufactured (equipped) before the day the new requirements entered into force are subject to use during their expiration date, but no later than December 31, 2024 .

Below is an explanation from Roszdravnadzor clarifying paragraph 2 of order No. 1080n dated 10/08/2020

Occupational safety training in a virtual production environment


  1. The fine for not having a first aid kit is 500 rubles.
  2. A first aid kit in the car is needed to prevent the victim from dying before the ambulance arrives in the event of an accident.
  3. You won’t be able to pass the inspection without a first aid kit; the inspector may ask for it.
  4. The new first aid kit contains no medications, only dressings and a mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration apparatus.
  5. The shelf life of a first aid kit is on average 4 years. It costs about 400 rubles.

All articles by the author: Evgeniy Lesnov

Punishment for not having a first aid kit in 2021

Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia establishes two possible types of punishment for the lack of a first aid kit: a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Considering that a new first aid kit costs on average 300-500 rubles, there is no point in risking a fine and abandoning it. Moreover, it may turn out that you are risking not only a fine, but also someone’s life. Perhaps your own.

Moreover, the following circumstance should be kept in mind. The Russian Criminal Code has articles 124 and 125, which provide penalties for failure to provide assistance to a patient and leaving a person in danger. If a situation occurs in which you were supposed to help someone, but were unable to do so because you did not have a first aid kit, you may well be charged with a criminal offense. And this is no longer a 500 ruble fine, but fines of tens of thousands of rubles, forced labor or even imprisonment for up to one year.

What is required for a technical inspection in 2021

When the law on technical inspection was updated several years ago, the procedure for passing changed for the better. The coupon and link to the place of registration are gone, and for certain types of vehicles up to three years old, the need for the procedure has disappeared altogether. However, liability for untimely preparation of a diagnostic card has not decreased. Therefore, it is important to know exactly what you need to pass a technical inspection in 2021.

Where to go for maintenance

The traffic police no longer carries out technical inspections. The function of checking the condition of the vehicle is completely transferred to technical inspection operators (TIOs), accredited by the RSA and connected to the EAISTO.

The list of persons who will be served can be found in a special register on the RSA website. You can order an examination from insurance companies that provide. And even with a home visit. Also, accredited dealers can inspect the cars being sold.

In paragraph 9 of Ch. II of the rules put into effect by Government Decree No. 1008 of 12/05/11 states that the applicant has the right to contact any operator and at any point, regardless of the place of registration of the vehicle. The procedure and the required package of documents are identical everywhere.

What is checked during a technical inspection?

Technical inspection standards in Russia, as well as the process itself, have remained almost unchanged. The owner prepares the car, the necessary papers, agrees on a date and, at the appointed time, drives up to the selected GTO. After checking the documents, technical condition and equipment, he receives a diagnostic card necessary for issuing an MTPL policy.

It is also important to know what is checked during a vehicle inspection. The main rule for successful completion is that the car must be clean, technically sound and fully equipped.

Vehicle requirements

In Art. 4 Federal Law N 170-FZ dated 07/01/2011 “On technical inspection of vehicles” states that the purpose of the procedure is to assess compliance with safety requirements. This and other regulations set out in detail what is necessary to pass inspection on a passenger car.

From a technological point of view, maintenance is a certain sequence of testing without disassembling the vehicle. In addition to visual inspection, testing is carried out using instrumental control. Appendix 1 to the above law sets out all the requirements for a car. The parameters of the tested units, systems, assemblies and components must comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

The owner can partially assess the condition of the car even before maintenance. In this case, you need to pay attention to:

After eliminating all known faults and deficiencies identified during preparation, maintenance will no longer be a stumbling block.

What documents are needed

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 170, the owner of the car or his representative for maintenance must submit:

  • identification document (passport or other document);
  • power of attorney for inspection by someone other than the owner of the vehicle;
  • SOR or PTS.

Now about what else they are looking at. In addition to the listed documents, beneficiaries (pensioners, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and so on) will additionally need certificates confirming their status.

About the fire extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is required for inspection as it is a safety feature. A portable device for extinguishing fires must be a powder or carbon dioxide type, in good working order, and have a volume: for passenger cars - at least 1 liter, for trucks - at least 2 liters (Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 N 877 (as amended on December 25. 2021)). The current expiration date is also important.

Checking suitability for use is carried out by weighing the cylinder, which is included in the vehicle inspection. Attention is also drawn to the presence of markings on the body with dates of filling, manufacturer’s details and instructions for use.

Do you need a warning triangle?

It is necessary to submit for inspection everything that should be in the car, including the so-called warning triangle - an emergency stop sign. The mandatory requirement is enshrined in Appendix 1 to the technical regulations. But what kind of warning triangle is needed specifically, nothing is said there. But the requirements for it are defined in GOST R 41.27-2001. Here are the main ones:

  • the material of manufacture can be either plastic or plastic;
  • in shape it should be an equilateral triangle with sides 50±5 cm and a red border along the edge 2.5-5 cm wide;
  • between the outer side and the reflective strip (since 2013, the presence of an internal red reflective triangle is mandatory), a red edge no more than 5 mm wide is allowed;
  • radius of external curves – at least 1.5 cm;
  • the hollow inner part should be a triangle with sides of at least 7 cm;

The kit includes a case and instructions for use, which you must have in your car during a technical inspection.

First aid kit

Now let’s find out whether a first aid kit is needed to pass a technical inspection in 2021. Since last year, it has again been on the list of what is needed to successfully pass the MOT. In addition, its presence in the car is mandatory according to traffic regulations.

A medical kit must be in the cabin of every car in use. Sometimes it’s a matter of life or death, but more often it’s just five hundred rubles. This is the fine that will be imposed for absence or insufficient staffing.

The last time the requirements for a first aid kit were revised was in 2010. From the extensive list of mandatory medications, today only dressings and hemostatic agents remain:

  • tourniquet;
  • non-sterile and sterile bandages, dressing bags, medical wipes;
  • bactericidal and roll plasters.
  • scissors;
  • gloves;
  • device for artificial respiration.

Such materials can be stored for a very long time, so the shelf life of the first aid kit has been increased to five years.

Briefly about the diagnostic card

Since 2012, technical certificates have been abolished, and diagnostic cards (DC) have been introduced instead. As stated in Art. 19 Federal Law No. 170, DK contains a conclusion on the possibility of operating the vehicle, as well as a complete list of checks performed. In fact, this is documentary evidence of compliance with safety standards, so the card is certified by the signature of the expert who conducted the inspection.

This is a strict reporting document with a 15-digit unique number and a specific expiration date. The validity period of the card can be six months, a year or two - depending on the age, type and purpose of the vehicle.

Prepared in written (two copies) and electronic forms. One form is issued to the owner of the car, the second is stored in the OTO for two years, and the electronic form is entered into the EAISTO, where it remains available for five years. You do not need to carry this document in your car.

About maintenance frequency

The frequency of inspection is determined by the age, type and purpose of the vehicle. The new law exempted cars, motorcycles and trucks “younger” than 3 years and weighing up to 3.5 tons from the procedure.

According to Art. 15 of the Maintenance Law, older cars (from 3 to 7 years) are required to be inspected every two years, and vehicles older than 7 years - annually. The same requirement exists for trucks heavier than 3.5 tons, training vehicles and vehicles with special signals.

Special vehicles and trailers used for transporting dangerous goods undergo maintenance once every six months. Also, trucks that are used to transport passengers and have eight passenger seats must be inspected every six months.

If desired, the owner has the right to conduct an inspection in a shorter period of time. However, you cannot skip a planned procedure.


So, we looked at what is required for maintenance. It remains to draw conclusions:

  1. The examination is allowed to take place at any accredited point, even outside your region.
  2. You can find the nearest one or one convenient for other reasons on the RSA website.
  3. The car needs to be prepared for maintenance.
  4. A first aid kit is not required, but a fire extinguisher and warning triangle are required.
  5. You should follow the deadlines in the recreation center, otherwise there will be problems with the MTPL policy, and driving without it is prohibited.

Practicing lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specializations: criminal law, insurance law, administrative offenses.

Sources: tehosmotra-v-2015-godu.html punkt-tekhosmotra-avtomobiley/

Can the traffic police inspector check the presence of a first aid kit and fire extinguisher?

The traffic police inspector has a wide range of rights in relation to drivers, especially if he notices a traffic violation. Regarding the traffic police officer’s demands to show him a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher to check for availability, every motorist must remember that such requests will be illegal in 2021. In clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules it is clearly established that, at the direction of the traffic police inspector, the driver must present only the MTPL insurance policy and documents for the car, namely: a vehicle registration certificate, a driver’s license. If there is a “disabled person” sign on the vehicle, document your belonging to this category of citizens.

Attention! If you have any questions, you can chat for free with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Free call for all of Russia.

A first aid kit and fire extinguisher are not included in the list of documents required by the inspector.

The presence of a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher is checked during the technical inspection of the vehicle. Based on the results of the procedure, a diagnostic card is issued, which indicates the serviceability of the vehicle and the possibility of its further operation. Therefore, the traffic police inspector’s request to present a first aid kit and fire extinguisher in 2021 will simply be illegal. The only way to see the first aid kit in the vehicle is for the inspector to inspect the vehicle.

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