What does category M mean on a driver's license?

Why do you need special marks on your license?

Special marks on driver's licenses set restrictions on the validity of open categories or on the validity of a full driver's license. For example, if you did not have an open category A, you will be able to drive buggies of category B1, but you cannot drive ATVs, which are also category B1. Restrictions may also be introduced for medical reasons.

Below we will look at the current restrictions on driver's licenses for 2021.

Right hand drive

In Moscow alone, according to conservative estimates, about one and a half thousand people will receive a new license today. This number of people on average in the capital receives licenses either for the first time or through the exchange of those whose term has expired. The traffic police do not see any problems in issuing new licenses, because the driver’s license form itself does not change. Only its reverse side changes. And it has nothing to do with the production of special products, that is, with any organizations like Goznak engaged in the production and supply of such forms. At the traffic police, this reverse side of the license is printed onto the form using a printer thanks to a special program. The software on all exam department computers changed overnight.

Let us remind you that from today new columns have appeared in driver’s licenses, such as category “M”, indicating the right to drive mopeds and scooters, as well as subcategories. “A1” - gives the right to drive light motorcycles with an engine capacity of up to 125 cubic centimeters.

“B1” - the right to drive ATVs and tricycles.

“C1” - will allow the driver to get behind the wheel of trucks whose maximum weight does not exceed 7.5 tons.

“D1” - will make it possible to drive buses with no more than 16 seats. Also, such subcategories as “C1E” (driving a truck of category “C1” with a trailer with a maximum weight of more than 750 kg) and “D1E” (a minibus with the same heavy trailer) appeared in the license.

In this case, there will be no mass exchange of rights.

All driver's licenses will be valid until the expiration date stated on them. However, no one will stop those wishing to exchange their rights ahead of schedule. And here we need to take into account several points. Since some categories cover some subcategories, not only categories that already exist will be marked as open, but also those subcategories that they cover. For example, your driver’s license, in which only category “B” was open, has expired. You come to the department of the State Traffic Inspectorate and receive in your hands an exchange license in which category “M”, subcategory “B1” and category “B” are open.

The fact is that, according to amendments to the road safety law, any open category gives the right to drive a moped. Therefore, category “M” will be opened automatically. But with the subcategory “B1” everything is much more complicated. The fact is that, according to the same amendments to the road safety law, the right to drive this category of vehicles, in addition to those who received licenses specifically for it, also have those who have an open category “A” or “B” . But with one condition. Those who have opened category “A” can drive quadricycles with a motorcycle seat. That is, these mini-all-terrain vehicles have a motorcycle steering wheel and vehicle controls the same as on a motorcycle. Those who have opened category “B” can drive quadricycles that are equipped with automobile controls - a round steering wheel, gas pedals, brakes, clutch pedals, if this equipment is equipped with a manual transmission.

As the RG correspondent was told at the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, road patrol officers have already been informed how to recognize those who have the right to drive certain all-terrain vehicles. Everything is very simple: if in addition to “B1” category “B” is open, then you can drive quadricycles only with car controls. If, in addition to “B1”, category “A” is open - only with motorcycles. And no others.

Until driver training programs are adopted, everything will remain this way. When they are accepted and drivers begin to be separately trained for subcategory “B1” in special license marks, that is, in the 12th column, opposite this category the ability to drive both types of vehicles included in this subcategory will be written down.

By the way, it is in this column that control restrictions will be entered depending on the type of transmission. According to the same amendments to the road safety law, it is now possible to study and pass exams in a car with an automatic transmission. However, in this case, a corresponding mark will appear in the rights. It will also be placed opposite the category in which the exam was taken.

One more point must be taken into account. Requirements for a medical certificate of admission to management have come into force. Now the driver can undergo the entire medical examination at the appropriate medical institution with the appropriate license. But you will have to undergo testing by a narcologist and a psychiatrist only at dispensaries at your place of residence or temporary stay. This was done for a good purpose: after all, doctors do not have a single database for all patients. Therefore, information about whether a particular driver is registered with a narcologist can only be obtained from a dispensary. But the opportunity to obtain such a certificate at the place of temporary stay gives advantages to those who come from other regions and republics. After all, local dispensaries will not have information about newly arrived patients.

New restrictions pertaining to certain categories

What does the MS mark mean on a driver's license?

A special MS mark is placed on a driver’s license in the case where there is an open category A, and no open category B. In this case, the mark is placed opposite category B1 and means that, according to the traffic rules, this driver is allowed to drive only those vehicles of category B1, where the landing motorcycle driver – i.e. checking on the saddle and motorcycle handlebars (for example, an ATV).

What does the AS mark mean on a driver's license?

If, on the contrary, the driver has an open category B, but does not have an open category A, a special mark AS is placed in the special marks opposite category B1. It means that this driver is allowed to drive category B1 equipment only with a car seat and a car steering wheel (buggy). You cannot drive, say, a tricycle or an ATV. If a special mark is not placed next to subcategory B1, driving both types of vehicles of the specified subcategory is allowed.

What does the ML mark on a driver's license mean?

A special mark ML can be placed opposite the category M, which is responsible for driving mopeds. It means that there are medical restrictions on operating this type of equipment. For example, this may mean the presence of diseases that are incompatible with driving this type of equipment, or simply the absence of this driving category in the medical certificate provided when replacing a driver’s license.

How does the AS mark stand for?

The new type of driver's license with the subcategories A1, B1, C1, etc. that have appeared there, confuses many drivers, resulting in confusion in the explanation of the different marks. Let's take a closer look at what AS means in paragraph 12 of a driver's license. First of all, AS stands for Automotive Steering, that is, automobile steering.

In this case, the driver has the right to drive a vehicle that has an automobile type, which means a regular round steering wheel and a seat like a regular car. The AS mark is used on a license provided that the driver has one of the categories: either A or B.

If both categories are open, the AS mark is not placed in the rights. All explanations are given in Federal Law No. 196-FZ (Clause 7, Article 25). Thus, AS allows the driver to legally ride an ATV that has a steering type. Before the advent of a new type of driver's license, special documents were required to drive an ATV.

Due to the fact that subcategories A1 and B1 have appeared, the question arises what kind of license is needed for an ATV. There are different models of ATVs, that is, light ones with a motorcycle steering wheel and heavy ones with a car steering wheel, so there are two subcategories - A1 and B1. The conditions are:

  • A1 includes driving ATVs weighing up to 400 kg and with a motorcycle steering wheel;
  • to B1 – driving tricycles and ATVs weighing more than 400 kg and having a car-type steering wheel.

This distinction avoided confusion. Now, for an incorrectly issued driver's license, the traffic police inspector will fine the driver in the amount of five to fifteen thousand rubles.

Subcategory B1 marked AS

By analogy with the AS mark, a driver’s license may contain the MS (Motorcycle Steering) mark, which means driving a motorcycle or tricycle with a motorcycle seat and steering wheel type. Thus, AS is placed next to category B1, provided that the driver has undergone special training, has an open category B, and is allowed to drive car-mounted ATVs and tricycles.

The MS mark is placed only for open category A opposite A1 if the driver is driving a tricycle or ATV with a motorcycle seat. Now, the designation of categories of driver’s licenses of the new model and subcategories in them has made it possible to issue licenses to adult citizens of young people after appropriate training, which will certainly have a positive impact on road safety.

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Special notes for all categories of driving licenses

Next, let's look at the general special marks for all categories that are placed at the bottom of the back of the driver's license. This type of restriction is always placed for medical reasons, also in encrypted form: What does the MC mark on a driver's license mean - allowed to drive vehicles only with manual control. What does the AT mark on a driver's license mean - allowed to drive vehicles only with an automatic transmission. What does the APS mark on a driver's license mean - allowed to drive vehicles only with an automatic parking system. What does the GCL mark on a driver's license mean - allowed to drive vehicles only with the use of medical vision correction products (glasses, lenses). What does the HA/CF mark on a driver's license mean - allowed to drive only with the use of medical devices to compensate for hearing loss (hearing aid). Let us remind you that violation of the requirements specified in the special notes column is punishable under Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses with a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles:

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.7. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle 1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving) shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand to fifteen thousand rubles.

What is needed to obtain rights

The following persons can obtain category M licenses:

  • over 16 years of age
  • no medical contraindications

To obtain a medical certificate on a citizen’s permission to drive vehicles belonging to category M, it is necessary to undergo the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist
  • therapist
  • narcologist
  • psychologist

If during the examination symptoms of any diseases are detected, then the following may additionally be required:

  • ECG
  • fluorography
  • electroencephalography and other studies

Driving category M vehicles is prohibited if the following diseases are detected:

  • mental disorders, including schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders, personality and behavioral disorders
  • mental retardation
  • epilepsy
  • achromatopsia
  • blindness in both eyes
  • visual acuity below 0.6 in the better eye and below 0.2 in the worse eye
  • blindness of one eye with visual acuity below 0.8
  • chronic disease of the eye membranes
  • limitation of the field of view by more than 20 degrees in any of the meridians
  • the absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as deformation of the hand or foot that significantly impedes movement
  • shortening of the lower limb by more than 6 cm
  • a disease of any etiology that causes dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer
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