They don't play tricks with death. Climbers without insurance (6 photos + 1 video)

Kristina Asmus was seriously injured on the show
Photo: Mikhail Frolov/Komsomolskaya Pravda

In early November, the extreme show “Without Insurance” will start on Channel One. 18 celebrities will test their strength: they will perform circus and acrobatic acts without any support ropes. That is, without insurance! The hosts of the project will be Yana Churikova and Kirill Nabutov, and the audience will see Irina Viner, Vladimir Vinokur, Larisa Latynina, Efim Shifrin and Yuli Gusman on the jury.

The stars began training in September. Despite the fact that there are experienced trainers next to the show participants, they have long stopped counting the bruises received during rehearsals. For the first three weeks, there was no doctor on site. “He appeared after Kostya Tszyu, a participant in the project, talked with the creators of the show and insisted on the presence of doctors,” speed skater Ivan Skobrev shared with StarHit.

Now an ambulance team is on duty at the filming pavilion. “Many stars go to their doctors, and then bring receipts from the clinic for the services provided,” Sergei Grechushkin, coach of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, tells StarHit. – This is what Christina Asmus and Maria Kozhevnikova did, for example. But we also have a magician - doctor Sergei Boltunov from the Fieldmaster medical center. He is an osteopath, specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. He's the best in the business and gets you on your feet in no time. One appointment with him costs from 3,500 rubles.” There are also emergency situations. “Roza Syabitova fell from her horse in front of me,” says

StarHit has a star coach, gymnast Anton Golotsutskov. “Since she didn’t warn anyone about the training, there was no doctor nearby. We had to provide first aid ourselves - place her correctly on the floor: arms and legs along the body. Fortunately, nothing serious - just a bruise. But for bobsledder Alexei Voevoda, everything is much more serious - he landed unsuccessfully on his knees and knocked out a joint. But he decided not to see a doctor - for him it was an ordinary injury.”

As it turns out, artists take risks while being under reliable protection. There is still insurance in the show. “Each participant signed an agreement,” Syabitova tells StarHit. “It spells out in black and white which parts of the body can be damaged while performing stunts.”

The organizers of the project valued the health of the stars at a tidy sum. “If an artist is severely injured and loses his ability to work for some time, he will receive financial compensation in the amount of a million rubles,” one of the show participants tells StarHit. “Some traded, and their figure is higher.”


Asmus did not immediately realize the seriousness of the injury, she even tried to get up
Photo: Mikhail Frolov/Komsomolskaya Pravda

The actress was performing a somersault on the gymnastics mat, landed poorly and injured her knee. After an MRI, doctors diagnosed a ligament rupture, the star even had to interrupt rehearsals for a while. “At that moment I was nearby,” coach Sergei Grechushkin tells StarHit. – Christina really fell seriously. A doctor immediately ran up to her, examined her, applied dry ice, but she refused the ambulance. Her partner, Yura Tyukin, took her to the hospital. From there she called us immediately. She reported the diagnosis, said that the operation was not needed and she would continue to participate in the show. The next day, Christina was already training—jumping rope, not putting too much strain on her leg.”

The ability of a ninja to land like a cat on the ground, asphalt and poisoned stakes without any harm to health is one of the most popular, generally accepted and, oddly enough, very realistic capabilities of shinobis and indeed BI adherents in general. Relying largely on physical training that combines flexibility, stretching and concentration, the ability to not kill yourself when you hit the ground can actually be trained by almost anyone. The main mistakes during a fall and proper insurance will be discussed below.

But still, first of all, it wouldn’t hurt to find out what fall insurance actually is. Try to drop to the ground quite sharply without leaning on your legs. Have you put your hands out? So, this is a typical example of insurance. To summarize, it can be argued that fall insurance is the damping of the force of an impact on the ground with the least traumatic parts of the body to prevent serious damage to the body. Simply put, this is the ability not to be maimed or killed after a fall.

What do we insure first? In no case and under no circumstances , spine , ribs, knees and elbows be allowed to make first contact with the ground . This is fraught with severe injuries and even death. You can place bent legs (on the soles of your feet) and hands (with your fingers together), as well as (after extinguishing the main impulse) your hips and shoulders.

In order to figure out how to insure yourself in falls from a small height (during sparring or when moving on slippery surfaces - ice, for example, in winter), you need to learn and practice all three types of insurance: forward on your stomach, back on your back and to the left. \to the right side. Other types of fall will combine the nuances of the above.

Fall forward protection

Final body position during landing:

  1. Knees are straight, one leg can even be raised off the ground
  2. The head is turned to the side to avoid hitting the chin
  3. Elbows are placed to the sides.
  4. The arms in front of you are bent and tense; it is on them that the entire force of the blow falls. The palms are approximately at face level.
  5. The fingers are not spread out in the palm

That is, when falling forward, you need to put your hands in front of you, protect your face and head by turning around, and try to soften the blow using the muscular strength of your hands (as with regular push-ups).

Don't forget to turn your head! This isn't necessary on the mats, but in real life it's easy to smash your face on a curb.

Fall back insurance

  1. The chin is pressed to the chest.
  2. The back is in a bent position, but the shoulder blades are straightened.
  3. The arms are spread wide apart and even go behind the back, palms facing back, fingers together.
  4. Knees apart (to avoid facial injuries)

When falling backwards, you should first absorb the blow by clapping your palms on the ground, then lower your heel and back. This is unusual, but having learned the correct back belay, you will not be afraid of slipping on the most dangerous ice, or entering into battle on the hardest surface.

Another video from Akban .

Side fall insurance

  1. One hand (closest to the side of the fall) is extended forward with the palm facing the surface of the fall, the second at armpit level covers the ribs or is directed upward.
  2. The legs are slightly or completely bent to increase the area of ​​contact with the ground.
  3. The head is directed against the side of the fall and pressed against the opposite shoulder.

The order is the same: clap the hand and the whole body in order of increasing importance of the organs.

Again, don’t forget to turn your head.

To successfully understand the correctness of the belay, try not to get carried away with practicing it on a soft surface. All it takes is one unfortunate fall outside of training and you can be out of the training schedule for a long time. Once you understand the principles on the mat , work on parquet , dirt , or wood floors. Then gradually switch to asphalt and concrete surfaces - having understood the principles of insurance, you can do this without any fear. Just wash your hands one more time.

But learning to fall carefully at will is a small matter. Once you have mastered the principles, continue to train in changing conditions, try the following options:

  • Fall from a small height (mat, curb, stone,...).
  • Falling from a moving object (trolley, stretcher,...)
  • Falling after being pushed or hit by a partner.
  • Falling through objects (first through something soft and then progressively).

That is, when you can confidently enough, without numerous fractures, sprains and other injuries, fall backwards over the handrails from a skateboard onto the asphalt, having first received a blow from a friend’s foot in the chest, then you can already be at least a little confident in your safety. And the ninjas, with their fall on spears and daggers, will become a little closer and more understandable to you.

Note: belaying yourself after a fall from a height greater than your height requires a more complex approach - going into a somersault. But more on that in another article.


Evgeniy, even despite his experience, could not avoid injury
Photo: Evgenia Guseva / Komsomolskaya Pravda

“Even though I’m a professional dancer, I often hurt my back during training. The tension is simply insane, the stretches are very difficult,” the artist shares with StarHit. – Now I’m preparing a number with a ribbon that girls perform in rhythmic gymnastics. Girls! But not men. It’s a lot of work, so lately the warming and pain-relieving gel has become my best friend.”


First aid to Kozhevnikova was provided by the organizers of the project
Photo: Evgenia Guseva/Komsomolskaya Pravda

“You could say I was born wearing a shirt,” the actress and State Duma deputy shares with StarHit. “Everything happened literally in a matter of seconds.” I was doing a somersault over the goat when my hands slipped off the mat. Fell. She lay there without moving for twenty minutes! I was terribly scared. The organizers too. They ran to the pharmacy for dry ice, and after that I went to the hospital for an MRI and CT scan of my head and neck. It turned out to be a sprain of the cervical spine. Thank God it’s all over.”

Amount of fine

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various amounts of material penalties for committing administrative offenses related to the lack of insurance, namely:

  • Driving a vehicle without a policy due to its loss or other reasons is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code);
  • The absence of issued insurance, in principle, entails a monetary penalty in the amount of 800 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code);
  • Driving a car with an expired insurance document provides for a penalty in the amount of 800 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code);
  • Violations related to driving a car outside the period specified in the insurance policy, as well as the lack of driver data in such a document, provide for a fine of 500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code).


The skater spent several days in the hospital due to severe damage to his leg
Photo: Instagram

“I personally don’t rely on anyone and always carry a first aid kit with me,” the speed skater tells StarHit. - So I can provide first aid not only to myself, but also to others. By the way, I already did this once when I dislocated my shoulder. And he treated a hematoma on his right leg at the Lapino Clinical Hospital. Although it is expensive, everything is at the highest level. Thanks to the leeches, they quickly got me back on my feet. I sent all documents and receipts after treatment to the project manager. Now I’m waiting for compensation to be paid.”

Can I be fined again for not having insurance?

It often happens that the car owner carries with him an expired insurance policy for quite a long time or does not take out one at all. Such situations raise a logical question: can traffic police officers draw up an administrative protocol for such a violation several times a day? This situation seems controversial only if the citizen is not familiar with the current legislation. So, first of all, it is necessary to refer to the requirements of paragraph 5 of Art. 4.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to which it is prohibited to hold citizens accountable more than once for the same administrative violation.

The above article often disorients a motorist who does not take into account another rule of law. Namely, paragraph 2 of Art. 19.2 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, according to which any inspector has the right to fine the driver for not having an insurance policy. Therefore, having driven away from one traffic police post that just fined you, you are likely to receive a fine from another inspector a few kilometers later. In this case, the official has legal grounds for carrying out such actions and any attempt to appeal them will not bring any results.

What fine for driving without insurance can an inspector issue again?

Exactly the same size as was provided for in the first protocol on an administrative offense.


The Univer star still wears a special brace during training
Photo: Instagram

“Nastasya is a fighter,” the actress’ coach Anton Golotsutskov tells StarHit. – He never complains about pain, he fulfills all my requirements clearly. She received the injury, and such a serious one at that, by accident - doing a back somersault with a partner. She hit her foot so hard that her kneecap flew out. Doctors immediately ran up to her, put her on a stretcher and took her to the hospital. The pain still bothers me, so we are trying to take care of it.”


Kristina Asmus managed to star in only three episodes, and was forced to see a doctor. The doctors’ diagnosis shocked the actress - a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal damage. She even had to undergo emergency surgery, and now the star walks on crutches.

Dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili suffered a sprain in his back, and now, according to him, he cannot do without a warming and pain-relieving gel.

Actress and deputy Maria Kozhevnikova, performing a difficult stunt, landed unsuccessfully and simply miraculously did not break her neck. “The crunching of the vertebrae was terrible,” she wrote on her page on the social network. — Visiting doctors all day: MRI, CT, X-ray, other examinations. Thank God, everything worked out. I was born wearing a shirt!”

Okay, let Kozhevnikova be a pampered actress unprepared for such tests. But the famous speed skater Ivan Skobrev! But he also spent several days in the hospital - with a huge hematoma and a dislocated shoulder. By the way, the athlete collects all the receipts so that he can present them to the project manager and seek compensation.

But that's not all - the list of injured celebrities is truly inexhaustible. Univer star Nastasya Samburskaya suffered a dislocated patella and a tibia injury. It all happened by accident: Nastya was doing a somersault and hit her foot so hard that her kneecap flew out.

Another hero of the series, “real kid” Anton Bogdanov, received a severe spinal bruise. As the poor guy says, he is literally blue from head to toe from the bruises and abrasions he received.

Actor Valery Nikolaev has a similar story. While performing a gymnastics routine with rings, the artist could not maintain his stance in the air and injured his muscles. I had to freeze it and inject painkillers. The preliminary diagnosis is tendon damage.

And finally, VJ Alexander Anatolyevich suffered a sprained right wrist. But that's just a joke. And the all-Russian matchmaker Roza Syabitova is no longer laughing. And not before filming - while jumping on a trampoline, she suffered a torn ligament, and now walks in a cast.


Anton Bogdanov
Photo: TNT TV channel

“I’m literally all blue from head to toe,” the star of the TV series “Real Boys” admits to StarHit. – But I get such a buzz from what’s happening! During one of the first training sessions, during the warm-up on the mats, I landed unsuccessfully. I had to go to the clinic and get an x-ray. Fortunately, the doctor said that everything was fine - I slightly sprained my back and bruised my spine. Now I'm filming on painkillers - my hand constantly goes numb during the aerial routine, where I have to hold on to the bar with my feet, hanging down and holding my partner at the same time. But the injections are helping so far!”

Fine for driving without insurance in 2021

The amount of the fine depends on a number of factors. Punishment is imposed only when the car is stopped by a traffic police inspector. If the policyholder drives a car on public roads, then, purely theoretically, he has the opportunity not to contact car insurers, since the traffic police will never stop him. If he becomes the culprit of an accident, then all responsibility for compensating the damage to the other driver also lies with him.

Important! The amount of the penalty for driving a car without a driver's license has not changed for many years, although Russian legislators have long been planning to increase it. It is expected that this will be done in 2-3 years.

If the OSAGO driver forgot his valid insurance policy at home

It is a violation to drive without the physical presence of the completed form. For example, car insurance has been issued, the form has been received, the policy is valid, but the car owner left home without this document. Inspectors impose a fine of 500 rubles. Traffic police inspectors sometimes get by with a warning.

Important! It is strongly recommended not to deceive the traffic police inspector by saying that you have insurance, but have forgotten it.

If the person driving the car says that he forgot the insurance, then the traffic police inspector checks the fact that the policy was issued by a specific car owner using the database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Related article: Can an insurance fine be issued several times a day?

When applying online, it is still recommended to print out the form to show it to the inspector. This is not legally required, but such an approach will save a lot of time - it takes about 10-15 minutes for an employee to check the policy through the PCA database.

For absence and failure to issue a policy

But what will be the fine for a car owner who did not buy compulsory motor insurance? The inspector acts in accordance with the Administrative Code. Where does it say that if a stopped car owner does not have a vehicle license, he must be fined 800 rubles.

Important! Contrary to popular belief, for failure to register a vehicle license, the police will not remove the license plate from the car and send it to the impound lot.

Whether they can take a car to an impound lot without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and how to return a car without insurance, you can find out here.

For driving a vehicle during the period during which the motor vehicle license is not valid

For driving a vehicle during a period not covered by the current driving license, a fine of 800 rubles is also provided. This is due to the fact that in fact the driver did not insure his civil liability for the duration of his trip, therefore such actions will be regarded in accordance with the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses and equated to failure to register a motor vehicle license.

For example, if a person took out insurance, but it did not take effect, then he cannot operate the vehicle. If he causes a car accident, then the responsibility for compensating the injured party falls on him. The insurance company will refuse to pay because the car was operated during a period not provided for by the concluded contract.

For a driver not included in the insurance

The presence of a valid policy for a driver, in which his name is not included, is also equivalent to the complete absence of a policy, because in the event of an accident in which the driver becomes the culprit, the insurance company will refuse to pay monetary compensation, despite the fact that the policyholder has a policy.

Related article: Fine for a driver not included in the insurance in 2019

More information about imposing a fine for a driver who is not included in the insurance can be found here.

For an expired MTPL policy

An expired MTPL policy should also be equated to a complete lack of insurance. Therefore, traffic police impose a fine of 800 rubles.

Important! Regardless of the amount and circumstances of the penalty, it is paid with a 50% discount within 20 days after receiving the protocol. Therefore, you will have to pay 250 and 400 rubles.

You can learn more about the specifics of driving a car with expired insurance here.


Alexander Anatolyevich
Photo: Press service

“When I agreed to participate in the project, I didn’t say a word to anyone,” the TV presenter tells StarHit. – After some time, my friends noticed that I had become more athletic and were surprised. Then he confessed. From aerial gymnastics, which I have never done, I get an incomparable thrill. But one day, while doing an exercise on the slings, I pulled my right wrist. I didn’t understand right away, I continued to rehearse. But I’m silent about the fact that my hand hurts and sometimes doesn’t obey. I turned to a Chinese doctor I knew, but he didn’t go to ours, they would have put a splint on it and said it would go away. Without interrupting my training, I went to the doctor - he gave me needles, rubbed in ointments, and stretched me. Everything is over."

How will it work?

Deprivation of a driver's license for the absence of a motor vehicle insurance policy will not occur on the road. The fact is that a police officer is not authorized to impose this type of punishment - only judges impose it.

In general, in administrative law there are 3 main stages of sentencing:

  • initiation of a case,
  • its consideration,
  • issuing a decision with deprivation of rights or a fine.

And according to the new norm, holding drivers accountable will work in standard situations as follows:

  1. you will be stopped by the traffic police to check your documents or for other reasons,
  2. when you present your policy, it turns out that you have expired or do not have it at all,
  3. as a result, the inspector issues a resolution under Part 2 of Article 12.37 rubles, according to which the motorist will be required to pay a fine of 800 rubles,
  4. then you are again caught without compulsory motor liability insurance within a year after paying this fine in full,
  5. and now a composition appears to bring you under the new part 3 of the same article with possible deprivation of rights; the employee initiates administrative material in the form of a protocol, which he proposes to you for signature and then transfers it to his department, where the case will be considered,
  6. the driver is notified of the date and time of the consideration of the case and, regardless of the presence of the driver, 3 outcomes are possible: the driver is found innocent (for example, he simply did not have the insurance policy with him, and the traffic police inspector made a mistake),
  7. the head considering the case decides to impose a fine (in the absence of gross violations or aggravating circumstances),
  8. the boss decides that the driver should be deprived of his license for not having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and takes the case to court;
  • Now, even at the court hearing, the judge decides whether to impose a fine of 5 thousand rubles on you or deprive you of your rights, and makes a corresponding decision.
  • For 2021, a similar procedure for deprivation of rights, when first the head of the traffic police considers the case, and then, at his discretion, can refer the case to the court, is provided, for example, when driving into oncoming traffic, driving against traffic on a one-way road and a small number of other traffic violations .

    Why within a year?

    We indicated above that you can be deprived of your driving privileges only if you are caught again within a year after full payment of the administrative fine. Where did we get this term from?

    The fact is that the very article of the new law deals with the repetition of violations. This means that in order to apply Part 3 with deprivation, you must be caught having already been punished under Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offences. And, according to Article 4.6, you are considered subjected just within one year from the date of full payment of the fine under Part 2.

    For example, on January 1, 2021, a traffic police inspector caught you for not having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and issued a ruling. You paid this fine on February 1st. Thus, if you get caught a second time before February 1 (but not January) of the next year, then you can already be deprived of your rights under the new law.

    What if I get caught on camera?

    Recently, automatic detection of violations such as driving a car without a valid insurance contract has been operating in experimental mode.

    However, with automatic photo and video recording, rights are not deprived. Therefore, if it is revealed on camera that a driver does not have an MTPL insurance policy, the latter will only receive a fine of 5,000 rubles.

    What if my policy is expired?

    As we noted above, we are talking about the absence of an insurance contract. You may have the policy in your hands, but if it contains the date until which it is valid in the past tense, then you do not have a valid insurance contract. Consequently, this is actually tantamount to driving without compulsory motor liability insurance, so you can be subject to deprivation of your rights in this case as well.

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