Administrative penalty or restriction of the right to drive
If a red light was passed, Article 12.12. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine of 1,000 rubles. If convicted again for the same offense, the car owner will have to pay 5,000 rubles. The penalty in this case may be deprivation of a driver’s license from four to six months. The location of the violation also plays an important role.
If the offense was committed on a railway track, then the motorist will be forced to pay a penalty in the amount of 1000 rubles. or lose the ability to drive a car for a period of 3 to 6 months. When such an offense is committed repeatedly, the deprivation of rights is carried out for 1 year. To eliminate the occurrence of emergency situations on the railway, CCTV cameras are now installed everywhere.
ATTENTION !!! Driving a car through prohibitory markings when the signal is red will be subject to a fine of 800 rubles. At this road sign you must stop only at those intersections that are regulated. Stopping at an unregulated intersection is possible only if there are markings provided for by traffic regulations, which the driver is warned about by this sign.
If a car enters an intersection and there is a traffic jam behind it, then this is also considered an offense and will be equivalent to driving through a red light at an intersection. A car causing a traffic jam will interfere with other cars.
This year, a penalty for crossing an intersection with a prohibitory signal can be obtained by practically driving not through a red light, but when there is no signal permitting movement. This is especially true if, in addition to the main position, there is an additional section at the traffic light.
IMPORTANT !!! If the green sign is not lit when crossing an intersection, then the motorist may receive a fine of 1,000 rubles for crossing.
What are the dangers of driving through a red traffic light?
First of all, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the signals that the traffic light gives to the driver.
According to clause 6.2. Traffic rules and traffic lights indicate the following:
- movement is allowed when the light is green;
- when green is flashing, you should stop driving through the traffic light area, as the red signal will soon turn on;
- when the signal is yellow, you cannot move, however, there are exceptions;
- If the light is red, vehicle traffic in that direction is prohibited.
What exceptions does a yellow traffic light provide?
If the yellow light comes on and the driver approaches the area of the sign, he must stop. However, if the yellow light comes on when the driver is already performing a maneuver, then he must complete it, since if he stops, the vehicle will become an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles and may create an emergency situation, with all the ensuing consequences when a penalty is imposed.
It should be borne in mind that of all the traffic lights, yellow represents the greatest danger for the driver, since he must calculate the traffic situation in advance and complete the maneuver or stop.
When making a decision, you should evaluate all the circumstances that are developing at the moment: this is the speed of movement, weather conditions, and the condition of the roadway, with the presence of vehicles in the same, oncoming and cross direction of traffic.
If the driver drove through a yellow traffic light and was stopped by a traffic police officer, then he must prove to the inspector that there was no opportunity to brake urgently, since there were cars closely behind him, and by continuing to move, an emergency situation was not created. The driver needs to know that emergency braking is prohibited by traffic rules.
If there were passengers in the car, they can be brought in as witnesses on your side. Even more convincing will be the recording from the DVR installed on the driver’s vehicle.
The set of traffic lights is complemented by various sections that allow or prohibit traffic in certain directions or lanes.
Punishment for drunk driving without a license. Read about the consequences for running a red traffic light here.
Find out what awaits a driver for driving without a license after deprivation by following the link:
If the driver does not react to the signal of such an additional device, then he is subject to punishment in the same way as for driving through a red traffic light.
When there is no heavy traffic, usually at night, the traffic light switches to a flashing yellow signal.
This means that when driving through this section, the driver must focus not on the traffic lights, but on the road signs. And in their absence, be guided by the rules that regulate the passage of an intersection that is not regulated.
What punishment awaits a driver when driving through a prohibited signal?
When a driver passes a section of road with a red traffic light on, and this is equivalent to the fact that the traffic controller is making a gesture prohibiting movement, such a violation entails an administrative fine of one thousand rubles.
If such a violation is repeated, the punishment is much more severe: the driver may be deprived of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months or fined 5 thousand rubles.
The repetition of a violation is determined as follows: no more than one year must pass from the date of the first violation.
In addition, drivers need to monitor changes that have been made to the current traffic rules.
Even if the red light is not on, but the green light has not yet turned on, you cannot start moving. In addition to this, even if the green light is on, but the additional section that indicates the direction of further movement is not green, then you cannot move.
But if the traffic light is red and your additional section is green, you can continue driving in the direction that the additional section is pointing to. If the driver violates these requirements, then he is subject to a fine of 1 thousand rubles.
That is, the passage of vehicles in the direction indicated on the additional arrow without a permitting signal is equivalent to a violation of the requirements of the traffic light signal.
Not only individual sections of the road are regulated by traffic lights. Light signals are also installed at railway crossings. But not three, but two: red and green. In addition, automatic and manual barriers can be additionally installed.
For passing such crossings on a red signal, the driver is deprived of his driving license for 3 to 6 months. Repeated violations of such violations will result in deprivation of rights for 12 months.
If the railway crossing is equipped with a barrier, the vehicle must be stopped 5 meters before the railway tracks.
If there is no barrier, and only signal lights are installed, then when the light is red, the car must be stopped 10 meters before the tracks.
Punishment for driving into an intersection where there is a traffic jam
Even if the permitting traffic light is on, however, a traffic jam has formed at the intersection, which does not allow vehicles to continue moving further, and the driver is trying to pass, but also cannot move further, then he may be subject to an administrative fine in the amount of 1 thousand rubles, since With his movement, the driver further paralyzes traffic.
Therefore, when approaching an intersection, the driver is obliged to assess the situation and calculate whether he will be able to pass through the intersection without hindrance before a prohibitory traffic light appears. If you are unsure, it is better to stop and wait until the light turns green again.
Before an intersection regulated by a traffic light, a stop line is drawn, which indicates the place where the vehicle stops in the following cases:
- to allow pedestrians to pass along zebra crossings;
- to prevent collisions with vehicles moving perpendicularly;
- to allow other vehicles to complete the maneuver.
If the driver drove the vehicle beyond the stop line, he will be subject to a fine, which depends on the type of intersection at which such markings are applied:
- if the intersection is controlled - a fine of 800 rubles:
- if the intersection is unregulated, however, there is a sign “passing without stopping is prohibited” - a fine of 500 rubles.
At the same time, the driver of the vehicle must know that punishment is possible if the vehicle drove its front wheels onto the line or drove its wheels beyond the line.
If the line is covered only by the bumper, and the front wheels did not drive over the line, then this is not considered a violation.
This line also indicates the need to stop at it if there is a traffic jam at the intersection.
Fixing the crossing of an intersection with a prohibitory signal
Already from the beginning of 2021, all major cities of Russia began installing automatic crime recording systems. These cameras work automatically. They can be programmed to record certain moments of traffic.
Since last year, such devices are usually programmed to fix:
- crossing an intersection on a yellow light;
- ignoring the red signal when crossing an intersection;
- a vehicle crossing an intersection regulated by an inspector or a traffic light with a yellow or red signal;
- turning when the green sign at the intersection is dead.
When the camera has recorded a violation of traffic rules by one or another car, then after recording, the report is transmitted to the central server. Finding out information about the owner of the car is not a problem for the traffic police. After registering an offense, a letter is sent to the car owner’s address by Russian Post, which contains a photo of the traffic violation, a protocol drawn up and a collection order.
ATTENTION !!! It is not always possible for a camera to record an offense correctly, therefore, if the car owner does not agree with the penalty, he can challenge the traffic police fine in court. The amount of the fine can be significantly reduced if no more than 20 days have passed since the decision was issued. In this case, the offender is entitled to write off 50% of the fine.
If you drive through a red light, the 2021 fine under the camera is repeated - the discount system does not apply.
Penalty for third offense
In accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, repeated commission of an administrative offense is the commission of a violation during the period when the citizen is subject to administrative liability. This period is twelve months. According to Article 4.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, repeated commission of a similar violation is an aggravating circumstance that will be taken into account when assigning punishment. Therefore, if a driver runs a stop sign for the third time within a year, he will most likely face the loss of his driver's license.
How can you appeal an administrative penalty?
When a car owner does not agree with the fine, he may well challenge the decision of the traffic inspector. You can prove a traffic police officer’s mistake in court.
Before applying to the courts, you must collect the following documents:
- vehicle owner's passport;
- driver's license;
- identification code;
- registration certificate;
- protocol.
You can appeal to the court only within 10 days after signing the protocol. It must be remembered that when drawing up a protocol, the car owner can add his own explanations or vision of the situation if it differs from the opinion of the inspector.
IMPORTANT !!! In addition, the driver is not prohibited from filming his own video using a mobile phone or camera. You can also use data from the DVR.
You should make sure that the protocol is completed correctly. Mistakes made by the inspector can lead to victory in the dispute between the parties. It is highly not recommended to draw the attention of a traffic police officer to them.
The court's decision may:
- Leave the amount of the penalty unchanged;
- Mitigate the punishment;
- Cancel the fine;
- Remove the driver from driving the vehicle.
IMPORTANT !!! Therefore, before filing a claim, you should consult with a car lawyer. An excellent option would be to invite a lawyer to the court hearing. In this case, the chances of winning will increase significantly.
Punishment for driving through a red traffic light and driving beyond a stop line
Meanwhile, the punishment for driving through a red traffic light from a relatively small amount of 1000 rubles after a single violation has been tightened to temporary deprivation of a driver's license after a repeated violation.
Today, the fine for running a red light is 1,000 rubles (Article 12.12, Part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) for the first violation, and 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months for a repeated violation (Article 12.12, Part 3 of the Administrative Code). Read more below.
An experiment is being conducted in Moscow and Belgorod, which, if successfully applied, will be reflected in the Traffic Rules. Its essence is simple. On several streets it will be possible to turn right on a red light, but only after the driver gives way to other road users. Drivers will be warned about this possibility by an additional reflective sign at the traffic light.
- from Velozavodskaya st. on the street Avtozavodskaya
- from Nagatinskaya st. on Andropov Avenue
- from 3rd Krutitsky lane. on Novospassky proezd
- on Peasant Outpost Square from 3rd Krutitsky Lane. towards Volgogradsky Prospekt
- from st. 1905 on Zvenigorodskoe highway.
- from Mosfilmovskaya st. on the street Kosygina.
If you do not agree with the protocol drawn up, then you can always go to court. But the expediency of actions exists when there is evidence. You need to have arguments that will prove: there was no driving through the red light or it was a justified, necessary action. If you really violated and simply want to avoid punishment, then this is not the option.
You can make a U-turn at an intersection along two trajectories – near and far. When choosing a trajectory, you need to focus on the place where your car will go after completing the maneuver. The presence of a dividing strip requires the use of a long-range trajectory. If there is none, you have the right to choose your own trajectory.
In the opposite situation, there will be no one to let through, so the driver will be able to complete the started maneuver as soon as possible, making sure that other drivers standing on the stop line of the adjacent road are letting him through.
- If you choose the wrong trajectory and make a U-turn at the border of the intersection, you may end up in the oncoming lane. For the first violation of traffic rules, the minimum fine - the most lenient punishment - will be 5,000 rubles. When a repeated violation is recorded, deprivation of rights for 4-6 months is possible. One more trip into the oncoming lane will result in deprivation of your driving license for 1 year.
- The driver is not deprived of his license if, due to an incorrect maneuver, the car drove beyond the boundaries of the intersection of 2 roads. Only a fine of 1,500 rubles is possible.
- A fine of 500 rubles is issued when a vehicle is reversing or making a multi-stage turn at a T-junction. Since such actions greatly increase the risk of an emergency, another similar violation may result in deprivation of the right to drive.
- Your license can also be taken away for making a small-radius turn at an intersection where there is a dividing line. The period for which the right to drive is not available is 4-6 months.
Is it possible to challenge a fine?
Let us note that in some situations traffic police officers apply sanctions unlawfully and they can be appealed. For example, driving beyond the stop line is only considered complete if the wheels are already on the line or have crossed it.
In some large cars, where the hood protrudes significantly, the bumper can be used to cover the line. This is not prohibited, since wheel-to-wheel collision is a prerequisite. The decision for violation must be challenged by providing video or photo evidence of innocence.
Advice! A fine for driving through a red light in 2021 under a camera can also be challenged, since not all systems record such violations. Even fines from Odyssey and Avtodoriya are rejected if the motorist explains that he had to apply sharp braking to stop.
Driving through a red light is one of the most common and dangerous violations. It entails catastrophic consequences, including accidents with victims. For driving through a red light in 2019, the fine will be from a thousand rubles and five times more if done again.
What is the fine and when is the risk of deprivation of rights?
Paragraph 6.2 of the Traffic Regulations regulates the issue of driving with a prohibitory traffic light signal, and this paragraph of the Rules indicates an unequivocal ban on driving when the red traffic light is on or flashing.
On a note. Punishment for a repeated violation is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely Part 3 of Article 12.12 of the said Code, which provides for monetary sanctions in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months.
When driving through railway tracks, liability is regulated by part 3 of Art. 12.10 Code of Administrative Offences. The punishment in this case is deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for one year.
On the prohibition of crossing a red (prohibited) traffic light
In order for everything to be logical and consistent, we must start with what a pedestrian violates when he crosses the road at a red light. Here we again turn to the “bible” of all those involved in road traffic, to the traffic rules. So, clause 4.4 of the traffic rules states...
In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must follow the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light... |
Now we think everything has definitely fallen into place. A pedestrian crossing the road at a red light violates not only common sense, but also traffic rules. Apparently this is a more significant argument for many, since it can be answered with money, and not with health and life!