What can a traffic police fine in the amount of 800 rubles be issued for in 2021?
For which offenses in the field of traffic safety does the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for a fine of 800 rubles?
Discount fine
The innovations have come into force – what changes to traffic rules await drivers on the roads?
Published: 01/31/2016 Innovations in traffic rules always come into force from the New Year,
When were the last changes made to the composition of the car first aid kit?
What you need to have with you to pass a technical inspection in 2021: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, vest
Drivers of which cars are required to have a first aid kit? There is an appendix to the current traffic regulations in Russia
Who can tell me what is needed to return the rights?! The deadline has passed, we need to take back our license!
How to receive maternity capital in 2021 Initially, the maternity capital project was supposed to be terminated
Is it possible to drive on different tires: driving law and practice
Winter and all-season tires in extreme conditions Let's take a closer look at how the tires will behave
The driver violated the rules, and the organization paid the fine
It happens that employees do not perform their duties in good faith, which is why not only the general
An ophthalmologist's table for checking vision - how to remember for parents
Through the organs of vision, a person receives most of the information. This is why it is so important to take care of your eyes
Determining the number of lanes with signs
9. Location of vehicles on the roadway
In other words, you should imagine this section of road as an “ideal” road on which
Deprived of license while intoxicated and fined 30,000 rubles. 2 years have passed. Can I not pay the fine and take away my license? Can they be canceled or has the statute of limitations passed?
A drunk driver poses a danger not only to himself, but also to other road users.
On September 4, new rules for issuing the “Disabled” badge came into effect. What changed?
New Disabled Badge: what it looks like, where and how to get it
Just ten years ago there were very few cars with the “Disabled” sign on Russian roads.