The procedure for calculating transport tax Owning a car obliges the owner to pay a fee to the regional treasury, called
What is a roundabout? Circular traffic occurs on sections of roads shaped like
Additional payment for an MTPL policy, or how to extend the period of use You can extend the minimum period of MTPL
A newly purchased car requires the mandatory conclusion of a compulsory motor third party liability insurance agreement and registration
What to do first in such an accident? As with any other accident,
What is loss of marketable value of a car? TTC is the loss of the marketable value of the car, which
Structure of ADR The rules of the document regulate many issues during the transportation of dangerous goods: established danger signs;
What does a blue traffic light mean on a railway? | Topic author: Artyom Oleg On shunters
Is it possible to pick up a car from an impound lot without compulsory motor liability insurance 3.1 (61.18%) 34 vote[s] Availability of a car
What is car recycling? When the machine has already served its purpose, repairs are not justified by further operation,