Rules for retaking exams in the traffic police to obtain a license in 2021


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According to traffic police statistics, in the process of passing all stages of passing the exam, approximately 30% succeed in passing their license the first time. More than half of citizens cannot cope with driving in the city. Therefore, most of them take a retake. Since 2021, the rules for re-taking the driving test have been tightened, and the number of attempts has been taken under special control and strictly recorded in order to stimulate better training of future drivers.

General provisions for passing the traffic police exam

Every citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the country has the right to take the exam. To do this, you need to submit an application to any branch of the MREO of the country (AR Art. 14).

You can submit your application and documents in 3 ways:

    • through State Services;
    • through MFC.
    • in the traffic police department itself

Passing and retaking exams in the traffic police

The procedure for conducting the exam in the traffic police:

    • Theoretical exam. Available only in electronic form. 1 ticket contains 20 questions that belong to 4 blocks, distributed in random order. The examinee is given 20 minutes to complete the test. The student has the right to make a maximum of 2 mistakes. For an incorrect answer, 5 additional questions are given from the block where the error was made; additional questions must be answered within 5 minutes, during which the citizen has no right to make a mistake.
    • Practical part on the race track. After successfully passing the theoretical exam, the student is allowed to enter the race track. It is important to cross a specially equipped area without problems. The main condition for passing to the last stage is the correct completion of 7 tasks on the site; each category has its own exercises.
    • Driving around the city. The examinee, under the supervision of an inspector, must drive through a busy city. The most difficult stages are driving around traffic circles and parking. The inspector must determine not only knowledge of traffic rules, but also practical skills.

After successfully passing all stages of the test, the driver will be issued a driving license corresponding to the category for which he took the test. The certificate is valid for 10 years. But what to do if the student did not pass one of the stages and was sent to retake?


How to sign up for a retake

Repeated theory and practice sessions are available by appointment. There are several ways to register:

  1. Contact the driving school where the driver was trained. The date is set by the manager of the organization.
  2. Apply online using the State Services portal. This is a fast and convenient option that allows you to sign up for any convenient date.
  3. Visit the traffic police department. Here the motorist needs to take a ticket for the electronic queue.

To submit an application through the State Services website, you must do the following:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. We go to your personal account by entering your registration data.
  3. Select the “Transport and Driving” category.
  4. A list of services will open, where you need to select “Obtaining a driver’s license.”
  5. Click on “Get a service”.
  6. Enter the data on the page that opens.
  7. Select the traffic police department, then click “Select appointment time and appointment.”
  8. We indicate the date and time.
  9. We send the application.

In what cases can they be sent for a retake?

The exam will not be accepted in the following cases:

    • If there are many errors in the test.
    • If at the race track you did not meet the set time of 10 minutes to hand over the site (30 seconds to start driving, after the driver candidate is ready) or did not complete the tasks.
    • If, while driving around the city, the student created an obstacle on the road and did not let a vehicle with the right of way pass, drove into the oncoming lane, did not comply with the requirements of the signs, did not allow a pedestrian to pass or interfered with him, drove through a prohibiting traffic light, did not complete the examiner’s task, etc. These errors are classified as the most serious and are punishable by up to 5 penalty points. For errors when driving in the city, you are awarded from 1 to 5 points. For example, mistakes for which 1 penalty point is awarded - did not look in the mirror in a timely manner or drove uncertainly, 3 penalty points - did not buckle up or did not make sure that the passengers buckled up (at the time of delivery, the inspector).

Is it possible to pass a license 10 years after studying at a driving school?

It often happens that a person graduated from a driving school, but did not come to take the exams at the traffic police. And after some time, he finally realized that he wanted to get his license. What to do in this case: study again or will the past stage of training be counted?

Situation one. I have a certificate of completion of a driving school, but I have not passed the traffic police exams.

The easiest option for further developments is to have a diploma-certificate in your hands stating that you have completed training at a driving school and successfully completed internal tests. After all, it is indefinite. True, only if the educational institution has a valid license. In 2014, driver training was equated to vocational training, so many driving schools lost their licenses. After completing such courses, you are not allowed to take exams at the traffic police. This means that the certificate of completion of this educational institution will be invalid. We wrote about how to check the availability and validity of a driving school’s license in our previous articles.

If the educational institution continues to function successfully, and there are no problems with the license, then this greatly simplifies the matter, because there is no specific period between graduating from a driving school and passing the driving test. You can take it at least after 10 years, or at least after 40. The next step is to collect the necessary documents: a certificate of completion of a driving school, a driver’s medical certificate with a current validity period and a passport. Then pay the state fee for issuing a driver's license. It is 2,000 rubles and is paid once. The receipt is also valid when retaking exams at the traffic police. By the way, from January 1, 2017, the state fee can be paid on the government services website with a 30% discount. We recommend! 1400 versus 2000 rubles is still a significant saving. And finally, contact any traffic police department, since at the moment the exam is not tied to permanent or temporary registration. You pass the theoretical and practical exams - and your rights are yours.

What should those whose schools did not survive the 2014 reform do? Of course, most likely you will have to start studying again. But there is an option that someone will accept the old diploma. So if you suddenly categorically refuse to register for an exam in one traffic police department, don’t despair and try your luck in another department.

Situation two. I have a diploma-certificate of completion of a driving school, I tried to pass the exams at the traffic police, but did not pass and did not receive a license.

This option differs minimally from the previous one. However, if the driving school has problems with its license or has ceased to exist altogether, then recording the fact of passing the exams at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in this case will guarantee that the certificate of completion of this driving school was current. According to unofficial data, the traffic police stores documents for three years, which means that if for some reason you did not pick them up earlier, then you need to contact the REO where you tried to pass your license and sign up there for a theory exam.

Situation three. I graduated from driving school, but my diploma-certificate of completion was lost.

If a driving school exists, you can obtain a duplicate certificate of completion: the educational institution is obliged to store information about all students within its walls. If the driving school is no longer functioning, then according to the rules, when closing its activities, they were required to submit all documents for students (certificates) and personal files to the Ministry of Education. We advise you to go to the Ministry of Education office in your area with your passport and ask them to open the archive and give you a copy of the diploma of completion of this driving school.

Situation four. I studied at a driving school, but did not pass the internal exam or did not reach it at all.

In the best case, if the driving school still exists and will meet you halfway, then you will make a small payment, pass internal exams and receive a “fresh” certificate of completion of the educational institution. This is definitely better than starting from scratch. It would be good to study the agreement that you concluded before enrolling - perhaps there is an answer to the question: “what to do if you did not complete your studies at a driving school?” Be persistent, but don’t make demands - in fact, the driving school doesn’t owe you anything, and has fulfilled its obligations to you.

If there are no traces of the driving school, then there is only one option - to undergo training again.

Situation five. I successfully passed the traffic police exams, but did not receive a driver's license.

It happens. The reasons are different for everyone: someone was drafted into the army, someone gave birth, someone got involved in business. There is only one result - the finished licenses will gather dust in the traffic police archives. But only three years. After this period, unclaimed documents should, in theory, be destroyed. But don’t despair and try contacting the REO where you took the exam. Maybe you'll get lucky. Otherwise, the traffic police test will have to be repeated. But it’s not so scary the second time, right? :)

We wish you to always finish what you start. And if the circumstances are not in your favor, then don’t be afraid to continue this path and finally become a real driver!

How many times can you retake the exam?

The number of attempts to pass the traffic police exams in 2021 is not limited. After negative results, anyone can try to retake the tests every seven days. But there are several nuances regarding how many times you can retake your license and the rules for retaking it:

    • if the theory is unsuccessful three times in a row, then you can come back for a retake only after a month;
    • The validity period of the document on the passed theory is valid for up to 6 months and if the cadet does not have time to retake the practical part on the site and the city within this period, he will be forced to go through the entire passing procedure again from the very beginning.

Starting from 2021, the number of attempts to pass the circuit and the city for a student is not limited, but it is necessary to comply with the deadlines established by law. Most students try to take the exam in a large number of attempts, which creates a heavy workload at the traffic police. Therefore, each cadet must approach preparation with special attention in order to save both his own and other people’s time.

Note! Having passed the theoretical exam unsuccessfully 3 times, you will have to take the course again from the very beginning and study the traffic rules in detail.

Obtaining rights

What exams do I need to take?

In order to obtain the right to drive a car, a number of conditions must be met. Here is the required list for admission to the exam:

  1. Check your capabilities in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”. It contains information about the age at which you are allowed to drive different types of transport.
  2. Choose a school that is accredited by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The full list can be seen on the official website.
  3. Enter into a formal agreement with the school. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents: a passport, 3 copies of a 3x4 photo, a medical certificate in format 003-B/u.
  4. Complete full training: theoretical and practical.
  5. Pass the internal exam. It consists of theory and practical driving. If you don’t pass it, your documents will not be sent to the traffic police, and there will be no official exam.
  6. Take the traffic police exam. It consists of two parts: theory and practice. Theory - passing the test. Practice - driving demonstration on the race track and in the city.

According to statistics, only one third of students in the city manage to pass the exam. Let's take a closer look at what to do if you are not among the lucky ones and fail at one of the stages.

How to retake the traffic police exam

Traffic police inspectors are not always informed about what mistakes were made during the driving test, so you should independently review all your actions, re-read the rules and learn from them. If all these points have been completed, then you should understand the documents that you need to bring with you, how to sign up and how much the retake will cost.

How to sign up for a retake

A cadet can sign up to retake the exam in the following ways:

    • Contact the manager of the driving school where you took the training to re-register. He will fix the next date for the exam.
    • Arrive on your own early in the morning at any traffic police department, stand in line, stand for a couple of hours and then take a ticket for the electronic queue.
    • Apply online through the Unified State Services website. This option is one of the most convenient, since it offers the opportunity to sign up for any convenient free date.

Receiving services through the State Services portal:

  • Pre-register on the site and enter the necessary personal data so as not to fill out the application yourself each time.

Select a service

  • From the available categories, select "Transport and Driving".

Transport and driving VU

  • Among the available electronic .

Tab obtaining a temporary residence permit

  • The “Get a service” tab will appear on the right.

Get a service

  • In the window that opens, fill in the required data, starting with the vehicle category

Vehicle category

  • After entering data such as: Last name First name Middle name, age, and so on, go to the column “Information about the driving school and medical certificate.”

Information about the medical certificate

It is not necessary to indicate the driving school number.

  • After this, we determine the appropriate traffic police department for retake and click on “Select registration time and reception”

Choice of traffic police

In the next window, select the date and time to go for the retake.


  • After agreeing to the processing of personal data, we expect an email confirming your appointment. The notification will include the date, location and time. You can also print out the necessary data so as not to make a mistake with the retake time.

Consent to the processing of personal data

What documents are needed

The following list of documents was approved in PP No. 1097:

    • a statement in accordance with the established regulations in writing (RA Appendix 2);
    • passport or its copy;
    • a medical report indicating the absence of contraindications to driving or the mandatory presence of special items (for example, glasses);
    • existing rights (with a possible retake or retake);
    • confirmation issued by the driving school where the cadet studied;
    • parental consent for citizens under 18 years of age.

How much does it cost to retake the exam?

Until 2021, a state fee for retaking was charged, but now it has been cancelled. A citizen must pay a fee of 2,000 rubles before the start of the exams, which is paid for issuing a certificate only 1 time, after which there is no need to pay anything to the traffic police. Only the rental of a training car is paid additionally.

You can pay in two ways:

    • directly to the traffic police (that is, using a bank receipt);
    • through State Services.

Note! That when paying through State Services you can save 30%. That is, the final cost will be 1,400 rubles.

When should you take a coronavirus antibody test?

According to infectious disease doctor Sofia Rusanova, an antibody test indicates that a person has had some kind of immune response. However, in some cases, even if a person has had coronavirus, this test may not show anything. But when only IgG antibodies are detected in the blood, this indicates that the patient has recovered and has developed immunity to SARS-CoV-2.

“In principle, there may be no antibodies at all, even against the background of a previous illness with all clinical manifestations. An IgM antibody test can be taken during an illness. With COVID-19, IgM antibodies are produced 7-14 days after infection and indicate the acute phase of the disease. Starting from the third week, you can take an IgG antibody test. The test itself will not give anything, but it will show the presence of antibodies. And if the disease is asymptomatic, the PCR smear was negative, then if the antibody test is positive, you can take care of your loved ones and take measures not to infect them,” says Rusanova.

There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Why may they refuse to take the exam?

The following reasons may be grounds for refusal to take the exam:

    • The application was submitted by a minor and/or without parental consent.
    • Serious medical contraindications.
    • An old-style medical certificate was found among the documents.
    • The package of documents has not been completely collected.
    • There are all kinds of corrections in the documents or application.
    • Any of the documents are expired.
    • Forged documents.
    • The person submitting the documents is wanted.

All these points can serve as a reason for refusal to accept documents. If possible, correct the shortcomings.

Purchasing rights

If you fail to pass any of the exams for a long time and a citizen decides to buy a license, this threatens:

    • Criminal or administrative punishment. In the best case, the violator will pay a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, and in the worst case, he will be sent to prison for 6 months or to correctional labor for up to two years (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 327).
    • Without the proper experience and knowledge, a driver with a fake document poses a danger to others. Even experienced drivers do not always cope with control.

Since all types of vehicles pose a danger to human life and health, the court has the right to toughen the punishment.

The following factors may be the reasons:

    • alcohol or drug intoxication;
    • inability to drive a vehicle driven by the culprit;
    • attempt to hide the incident;
    • consciously committing actions that can harm the life and health of people.

One situation is if the license was purchased by a person who already has significant driving experience on the roads, and another thing is when a citizen simply does not want to waste his time passing exams and believes that his existing knowledge is enough for him and allows himself to be in a state of narcotic or other types of intoxication. There is a high probability that the result of such actions will be the death of a person.


What you need to remember about retaking the driving test:

    • The theory can be retaken three times, after which you will have to undergo training again; for the race track and the city, the number of attempts is not limited.
    • Submit only genuine valid documents without corrections. Also check that you have all the required papers.
    • The state duty is paid only for issuing rights only once and amounts to 2,000 rubles, with a discount through State Services of 1,400 rubles.
    • Buying counterfeit licenses will result in administrative or criminal penalties.

If you have any questions or want to share your experience, be sure to use the comment form below.

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How much does a retake cost?

The initial attempt to obtain rights is free, and rightfully so. But if the first pancake turns out to be lumpy, you have to pay. Driving schools charge money for re-transfer of your license.

The amount depends on the region and the organization itself. The price includes both internal and external exams. For internal Moscow driving schools they charge about 500 rubles for theory, 1000 rubles for driving - these amounts may vary. The same goes for paying for external exams at the traffic police: about 1000 for theory and 1500 for driving.

A completely natural question may arise: what are you paying for? In fact, this is the cost of delivering a car. In order for you to retake the license exam again, you need to bring the car to the traffic police department, as well as fill out documentation for you and write down your data. This additional “headache” is what the fee is charged for. In some cases it may not exist.

You have the right to refuse to retake the exam: to do this, you need to refuse the help of a driving school. This is done simply: come to the company where you were taught driving and write a letter of resignation. After this, you will need to drive up to the traffic police, hand over the documents, and then sign up for a retake.

All these manipulations can be done for 0 rubles 0 kopecks. In this case, you save significantly, but resolve bureaucratic issues yourself.

That is, according to the law, you can retake your driver's license exams for free, the driving school just asks for a separate amount for its services and car rental. This needs to be taken into account.

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