Where and how to get a driver's license

Here we are talking about obtaining your first driver's license. If you need to change your driver's license or get it after deprivation, read the material Replacement of a driver's license
  • Who can get rights
  • Where can I get a driver's license?
  • Documents for obtaining a driver's license
  • How to get rights. Algorithm: Enter and graduate from a driving school
  • Sign up for an exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (State Services or State Traffic Safety Inspectorate)
  • Pass the traffic police exam
  • Sign up for a driver's license (State Services or Traffic Police)
  • Get a driver's license
  • Reasons on which you may be denied a certificate
  • How much does it cost to get a license?
  • Get an international driver's license
  • Who can get rights

    Any capable citizen of the country over 18 years of age can obtain a driving license.

    For category M (mopeds and light quadricycles) and subcategory A1 (motorcycles with an engine capacity of up to 125 cc) - persons over 16 years of age.

    Graduate of a driving school accredited by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

    Obtaining rights in the traffic police department

    When your application has been reviewed and a notification has been received, you should go to the traffic police on the appointed date, take the exam and get your license.

    Please remember that to obtain a driving license you must provide originals of the following documents:

    • Passport.
    • Certificate confirming completion of a driving school.
    • Duty payment receipt.
    • Certificate from a medical institution with permission to drive.

    It should be noted that you will not stand in line. After filling out the application, a number will already be assigned to you and the specialists themselves will call you.

    The department employee will check the submitted electronic documents with the originals. In 1–2 hours, your driver's license will be ready.

    Important! Russian driving licenses must be changed after 10 years.

    How to get a license

    Full algorithm for obtaining a driver's license:

      • Enroll and graduate from a driving school
    1. Sign up for an exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (State Services or State Traffic Safety Inspectorate)
    2. Pass the traffic police exam
    3. Sign up for a driver's license (State Services or Traffic Police)
    4. Get a driver's license

    Enroll and graduate from a driving school

    Now this is a mandatory condition and without a driving school diploma you simply will not be allowed to take the traffic police exam.

    More information about enrolling in a driving school is written in the section “How to choose a driving school”

    Upon completion of the driving school, you pass internal exams, theory and practice of driving, you receive a diploma as a vehicle driver.

    Now you need to sign up for the exam at the traffic police.

    Sign up for an exam at the traffic police

    You can take the exam at any examination unit of the State Traffic Inspectorate, regardless of your registration.

    To take the exam, you must register for it. You can do this in two ways:

    • On the State Services portal
    • In person at the traffic police department

    Registration for the exam through the State Services portal

    1. Go to the portal.
    2. Log in to the portal (enter your username and password or register)
    3. Fill out the application form with the following information:
        passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document;
    4. a document confirming completion of training (issued after graduation from a driving school);
    5. certificates of passing a medical examination;
    6. written consent of the legal representatives of the minor;
    7. Select the appropriate department, date and time of visit.
    8. Visit the State Traffic Inspectorate unit on the date and time selected when sending the electronic application.

    Print and take with you an electronic ticket that confirms your registration for the exam.

    Register for the exam in person at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

    1. Select and visit the nearest traffic police department. Most buildings have electronic terminals that you can use to sign up for the exam. If there is no terminal, go to the nearest window and ask an employee where you can sign up.
    2. Pay the state fee at the bank.
    3. Visit the State Traffic Inspectorate unit on the date and time selected when sending the electronic application.

    Pass the traffic police exam

    We won’t describe how the exam goes here, but everyone can read about it in the material on how the exam is held in the traffic police

    After successfully passing the exam, you will need to register with the traffic police again, but this time to obtain a driver’s license.

    Applying for a driver's license

    Let me remind you once again that you can get a license after the exam only at the state traffic inspectorate.

    You won’t be able to just come at any time and get your license; now you need to make an appointment in advance.

    You can register in two ways:

    • Through the State Services portal
    • In person at the traffic police department

    Registration for obtaining rights on the State Services portal

    1. Go to the portal;
    2. Log in to the portal (enter your username and password or register);
    3. Fill out the application form with the following information:
        passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document;
    4. a document confirming completion of training (issued after graduation from a driving school);
    5. certificates of passing medical examination No. 003-в/у;
    6. written consent of the legal representatives of the minor;
    7. Select the appropriate department, date and time of visit;
    8. Pay the state fee for the exam. When submitting an application electronically and paying the state fee non-cash through State Services, a 30% discount is provided - the amount of the fee is 1,400 rubles;
    9. Visit the State Traffic Inspectorate unit on the date and time selected when sending the electronic application;

    Print and take with you an electronic ticket that confirms your registration for the exam.

    Sign up to obtain a license in person at the State Traffic Inspectorate.

    1. Select and visit the nearest traffic police department. Most buildings have electronic terminals that you can use to sign up for the exam. If there is no terminal, go to the nearest window and ask an employee where you can sign up.
    2. Pay the state fee at the bank - 2000 rubles.
    3. Visit the State Traffic Inspectorate unit on the date and time selected when sending the electronic application. You must have the following documents with you:
        passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document;
    4. a document confirming completion of training (issued after graduation from a driving school);
    5. certificate of passing medical examination No. 003 at the university.
    6. written consent of the legal representatives of the minor;

    Get a driver's license from the traffic police

    An employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate will check your document data, take a photograph of you and issue you a driver’s license. Usually this procedure takes no more than an hour.

    The validity of a driver's license in Russia is 10 years.

    Traffic police addresses where you can replace your driver’s license in Moscow

    Branch addressDivision name and codeDepartment operating hoursTelephone
    Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 8 2 OER MO STSI TNRER No. 1 (division code 1145101) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow * only replacement of VUMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off
    Moscow, st. Lobnenskaya, 20 1 OER MO STSI TNRER No. 1 (division code 1145110) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow * taking exams for the right to drive a vehicle and issuing a driving licenseMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (495) 485-59-73
    Moscow, st. Pyalovskaya, 21 MO STSI TNRER No. 2 (division code 1145220) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for MoscowMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (499) 905-72-58
    Moscow, st. Tvardovskogo, 8, bldg. 5 MO STSI TNRER No. 2 (division code 1145220) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for MoscowMonday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Sunday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00 (499) 740-11-30
    Zelenograd, st. Krupskaya, 1 MO STSI TNRER No. 2 (division code 1145100) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for MoscowMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (499) 733-84-54
    Moscow, st. Nizhnie fields, 35 building 2 1 OER MO STSI TNRER No. 4 (division code 1145104) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow * taking exams for the right to drive a vehicle and issuing a driving licenseMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (495) 349-65-51
    Moscow, Varshavskoe highway. 170d DMO STSI TNRER No. 5 (division code 1145250) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow * on Sunday, citizens are received only by appointment through the State Services websiteMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00;
    Moscow, st. Kyiv, 20 MO STSI TNRER No. 5 (division code 1145250) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow * only by appointment through the State Services portal. Exams are not acceptedMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (499) 249-11-55
    Moscow, Troitsk, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 20MO STSI TNRER No. 5 (division code 1145250) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for MoscowMonday is a day off; Tuesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-20:00; Wednesday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Thursday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Friday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-18:00; Saturday - 08:00-14:00, 15:00-17:00; Sunday is a day off (495) 851-33-70

    Reasons on which you may be denied a certificate

    1. appeal of an applicant who has not achieved the requirements established by Art. 26 Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety” age or does not have a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving vehicles or has not completed appropriate professional training in the prescribed manner.
    2. an appeal regarding the issuance of a driver’s license, the exchange of a foreign driver’s license of an applicant who has not reached the age established by Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety” or does not have a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving vehicles or who, in the prescribed cases, has not passed the relevant exams provided for in paragraph 9 of the Rules.
    3. availability of information about the deprivation of the applicant’s right to drive vehicles.
    4. submission of documents that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as containing false information.
    5. submission of documents that have signs of falsification, as well as those that are among the lost (stolen).

    Is it possible to buy the rights and is it worth it?

    Oddly enough, some people still believe that “buying” a license is easier than going to a driving school and getting a legal driver’s license. It is worth noting that due to the length of training, some at their own peril and risk choose this short option, which they soon regret. Prices for fake documents range from 50 thousand rubles.

    The fact is that discovering the authenticity of a driver’s license is as easy as shelling pears - traffic police officers have an online database through which it will not be difficult to “punch” your license. Naturally, the law of the Russian Federation provides for serious administrative and criminal liability - fines of about 100 thousand rubles, compulsory and correctional labor, as well as arrest for six months. The person who sold the “fake” certificate will not go unpunished - he will face forced labor, restriction or imprisonment for 1 year.

    In addition, after all these frauds are discovered and fines are paid in full, those who want to acquire a driver’s license will still be forced to pay for tuition at a driving school and receive medical care. certificate, pay the state fee for issuing a license.

    Think about whether you want to pay twice?

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