Square license plates are allowed in Russia according to the new GOST

Is it possible to install square license plates today?

In general, most GOSTs in Russia are not mandatory for use and are advisory in nature. These include both of the above legal acts. In general, they establish the standard sizes and relations of registration marks for cars not for car owners, but match the installation of the GRZ to the type of vehicle and regulate their dimensions during manufacture. Thus, we can conclude - if someone is already making square numbers, then it is possible to install them?

But it's not that simple! The current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for a license plate that does not comply with GOST.

As of May 24, 2021, the specified GOST has not entered into legal force... But new square license plates can still be installed, but only at the rear. This is accurate information, which we will confirm below with links to official sources... And also we will sort out all this confusion!

So, in fact, everything is simple, but there are some shortcomings. We need to understand 3 main facts in all these regulations:

  1. The new GOST, which provides for square state numbers, will come into force only on August 4, 2021 - as approved by Rosstandart, this coincides with the date of entry into force of the new law on registration, which will relieve the traffic police from the production of registration marks - they will only assign letters and numbers,
  2. Meanwhile, the same Rosstandart indicated that the provisions of the new document can be applied ahead of schedule (including today),
  3. but the old standard remains valid for 2021, and it does not allow two-level rooms,
  4. But for the driver, the main by-law remains the traffic rules, and it is they who regulate that registration plates must comply with the requirements of GOST of 1993.

New and old GOST and new registration plates in Russia

Thus, at the moment, a paradoxical situation arises when it is possible to put a new square license plate on a passenger car, as prescribed by the new GOST, but at the same time it is impossible, because the old standard remains in force.

But that’s not all – for now we are only talking about the effect of regulations. The subtleties of the method and location of installation of square numbers will be below.

Types of square license plates for cars

In the fall of 2021, a new GOST R 50577 was adopted. It set out the rules on the main registered vehicles, as well as the sizes and technical requirements. According to the new law, car license plates have been expanded. They have been divided into types:

  • type 1 has a size of 520*112 mm;
  • type 1A with size 290*170 mm;
  • off-road motorcycle vehicles will now travel with license plates of type 3 and with a size of 288*206 mm;
  • license plates for motorcycles have become smaller in size 190*145 mm (type 4).

The new GOST rules were to be introduced on January 1, 2019. However, following an appeal from Russian Standard to the traffic police service, the new date was postponed to the summer of 2021. Currently, the new GOST is in force in the Russian Federation.

What will happen in practice?

In real road life, a rare traffic police inspector or magistrate will understand the intricacies of the above chain, and there will simply be either a fine (including unsuccessfully appealed) or... there will be none.

There is little practice yet, but in most cases of the current contradictory situation, traffic police officers react normally to square license plates. However, it should be borne in mind that the traffic rules that the driver must follow refer exclusively to the old GOST, and it prescribes only rectangular license plates, and square ones, according to it, are prohibited. Therefore, formally there is a violation of the Rules, and, therefore, the fine is legal.

However, in practice, there are cases when cars with two-level license plates have already been registered. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to a number of publications, confirmed the possibility of installing such GRZs on passenger cars.

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What's the fine?

It is small - 500 rubles, and in rare cases you can get off with a warning.

A fine is issued for violating the installation of a registration plate contrary to the current State Standard - in our case, the standard referred to by traffic rules in the Basic Provisions for Admission.

How can I install according to the new GOST?

One of the main nuances of the amendments to the legislation is that you can only install a rear square license plate. You still can't put one in front.

This is regulated by Appendix G of the new document:

1 On vehicles with a non-standard mounting location for registration plates, it is allowed to install a rear registration plate of type 1A instead of a registration plate of type 1.

Type “A”, according to the same GOST, is precisely the square standard size.

Installation instructions

Traffic police units Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

There is nothing particularly difficult about putting license plates on your car.

It is important to follow some recommendations, take into account the requirements of the law and GOST

As a result, the entire procedure can be reduced to the following key points:

  • For installation, you must first prepare a set of special bolts that do not have reflective elements.
  • Screws and bolts must match the background color of the sign being used. A light galvanic coating is provided here.
  • In order not to use a conventional bolted connection, which does not look very attractive, you can use special frames.
  • When using frames, they should not cover symbols and inscriptions, or block the optics of the car.
  • When installing the license plate, the use of plexiglass and other materials covering the license plate is not allowed.
  • There should be no additional holes in the plate, in addition to those made during production.

Figuring out how to install the issued license plate with your own hands is not difficult. If you do not use a frame, simply take the license plate and apply it to the holes on the bumper or other structural element where the plate is intended to be placed from the factory. When the holes on the sign and the car match, the fasteners are tightened.

If a frame is used, then the structure itself is first mounted, and the license plate is inserted into it. It is worth considering that there are several types of frames, and not all of them comply with current requirements.

It also happens that the holes in the license plate and on the car do not match. Then an adapter is purchased from a specialized store, it is installed on the vehicle, after which a plate with the state registration number of the vehicle is attached to the adapter.

Most often, motorists do not encounter any particular difficulties with installation. If the car is officially sold in the Russian Federation, all the holes will necessarily match, and therefore installation can be completed in a matter of minutes. With unofficially imported transport, a few more problems may arise, but they can be easily solved with the help of adapters and frames. The main thing is that in the end the sign is located as prescribed in GOST and in the current Russian legislation. Then you definitely won’t have to worry about a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 3 months.

What does the new square sign look like?

In truth, it is still not completely equilateral - it is rectangular. But the main difference between it and the old one is that:

  • square numbers in Russia in a new way are slightly larger in width than in height, and the letters with numbers on it are located in 2 tiers,
  • the old GRZ is much wider than above, and the characters in it are on one line (except for the region and the inscription “RUS” with a flag).

This is what the official diagram looks like with the standard sizes of the new square state number:

Square number plate for a new car according to GOST 2021

And here are his photos on cars:

Photos of rear square license plates on cars

But they are not really for Japanese cars!

Let's destroy the myth floating around the Internet that these numbers are designed specifically for Japanese cars.

The fact is that the standard size of a square on cars from the land of the rising sun is 330x165 mm. And the dimensions of the new square license plates in Russia – 290×170 mm – are exactly the same as those of American cars. That is, in fact, they may not be suitable in height for a number of “Japanese” ones, where there is no margin of 5 millimeters. But in fact, all right-hand drive models have such reserves.

In the example of the photo above, you can see that the Russian square number does not reach the edges of the space under it, which slightly spoils the appearance. But in any case, this is better than curved wide GRZs.

Where can I get a duplicate?

Today, quite a lot of companies in large cities produce new square numbers. Meanwhile, they, of course, will not give a guarantee against a fine from the traffic police, but in most cases they will assure that they are completely within the law, and they were allowed. Above you have already seen confirmation that this is not entirely true.

At the traffic police?

Officially, as of 2021, you will not be able to install square registration plates on passenger cars at the State Traffic Inspectorate - the traffic police do not provide the service of replacing the registration plates with such ones until August 4, 2020 - the date of entry into force of the new GOST.

And after this date, the Federal Law “On State Registration” comes into force, according to which the traffic police will generally only assign license plate symbols, and they will have to be produced externally - at the corresponding point of their production.

And where to do it?

It is precisely such points, in a small number, that provide the service of producing square numbers; you can also order from other cities - many organizations send by transport companies and mail.

The procedure for replacing them is quite simple:

  • you provide your passport (as an identification document, although in practice they may only ask for a driver’s license) and a registration certificate - these are legally required documents for the possibility of producing new square plates,
  • within literally a few tens of minutes - a maximum of an hour, an updated duplicate of your registration mark will be made for you.

At the same time, the letters and numbers on your number will not change - they will simply make you signs that comply with GOST (or do not comply - this must be checked)

Please note that by default you will be offered the production of square numbers in the amount of 2 pieces: front and rear. But according to the law, even after it comes into force, you can hang and drive only with a square license plate on the back. Therefore, there is no point in overpaying.

Passenger cars can be driven with square state signs

How much does it cost?

Prices for new plates do not vary much between individual manufacturers:

  • in Moscow and St. Petersburg, square registration plates can be made on average for 1,800 - 2,700 rubles per number,
  • in large cities such as Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok (where there are more Japanese cars), the service can cost 1,500 - 2,200 rubles (example).

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When will the new numbers be operational?

GOST comes into force in January, but this does not mean that the numbers specified in it will begin to be received in the same period. This will probably happen in a few months. The reason for this “delay” is quite simple: first, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to use stocks of old-style plates. Besides this, there are not even drawings according to the new standards yet. When such problems are solved, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin purchasing new options from manufacturers who won the tender. In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to reconfigure all cameras on the roads so that they can perceive all the new type of license plates.

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