The procedure and cost of including another driver in the MTPL policy

Cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in insurance companies:

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Peculiarities of using driver class tables and KBM coefficients to determine compulsory motor liability insurance rates.
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How much will OSAGO cost next year?

Next year the cost of compulsory motor insurance will be:

there was an accidentnew price of OSAGOoverpayment
no accidents7512 RUR
accident with 1 payment12257 RUR4745 RUR
accident with 2 paymentsRUB 19,37311861 RUR
accident with 3 paymentsRUB 19,37311861 RUR

What does the calculation of the cost of compulsory motor insurance consist of:

Base rate4118 RURPassenger cars (“B”, “BE”)
Territorial coefficientx2Moscow
Engine powerx1.2from 101 to 120 hp (inclusive)
KBM (discount for accident-free driving)x1Insurance for the first time (class 3, kbm 1)
Age and experience of driversx0.96
Insurance periodx11 year
Driversx1Limited number of drivers
Total7908 RUR

How changes are made to the OSAGO policy

Reso guarantee OSAGO calculator

There is no clear legislative regulation of this procedure, therefore insurance companies, when asking to include another person in the MTPL policy, use general rules regarding contractual obligations. This means that either the insurer’s representative makes changes to the current policy, signs and seals them, or takes the policy away from the policyholder, destroys it, and in return gives a new one with the changes made.

Note that the legislator did not limit the number of persons included in the MTPL policy. However, based on the cost of services for adding an additional number of persons, it would be more advisable to purchase a policy without limiting the number of persons included in it. This way you can save a lot.

If you know for sure that no one else will be included in the insurance, and the insurer insists on purchasing a policy without a limited number of persons, then you have the right to refuse.

Moreover, you have the right to write a complaint against such an insurer to the appropriate authorities (police, prosecutor's office, RSA, Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights). The law is on your side, but many simply do not know this, which is what some irresponsible representatives of insurance companies take advantage of.

What are the consequences of lack of insurance for a driver who is not included in the policy?

Remember that driving someone else’s car without an MTPL policy is strictly prohibited. If a traffic police officer, when checking documents, discovers that the driver’s name is not included in the insurance, he will issue a fine in the amount of 500 rubles or more.

If an accident occurs due to the fault of a person driving someone else's car, the costs of restoring the movable property of the injured party are transferred to the person who was driving at the time of the accident. The insurance company is not obligated to compensate for damage to a damaged car.

Another significant point. If the driver independently added his name to the document, then if the traffic police officer checks who is included in the MTPL policy by insurance number, the violator will be issued a fairly large fine. But the biggest danger lies in the fact that if you get into a traffic accident, the insurance company will refuse to compensate for the damage, and “petty fraud” will lead to significant expenses.

Where to contact

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Only insurance company employees can add a new driver. You should come to the company’s office and have three documents with you:

  1. Passport of the citizen who must be included in the insurance policy.
  2. Driver's license of the person who will drive the vehicle.
  3. A valid MTPL policy.

An application must also be written requesting the entry of a new vehicle operator. During this procedure, the personal presence of the owner is required to avoid unpleasant situations. Insurers must be sure that the car is not wanted or taken without the owner's knowledge. The owner can also write a power of attorney certified by a notary, but this is a waste of money and time. The presence of the citizen who needs to be added to the insurance document is not necessary; it is enough to have copies or originals of his documents.

After the application is accepted, the insurance company employee enters the database and makes the necessary changes, then makes the appropriate note in the policy. The new OSAGO policy must be signed by the insurance agent and the seal of the company that made the amendments. But most often a new policy is issued and the old one is taken away. You cannot add one more person on your own.

Read more about the procedure for adding a driver to the MTPL policy in our article, and you can find out how many names you can add to the policy for free here.


To make changes to the insurance, the car owner or an authorized person must come to the office of the insurance company where the auto insurance policy was purchased. Edits to the current document are made by an employee of the company. The insurer may require the driver to:

  • Original passport of the car owner;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • The original of the current MTPL policy;
  • Passport of the driver whose name will be included in the policy, and his driver’s license.

In rare cases, the insurance agent may ask for a handwritten statement. There is no significant difference in the package of documents and procedure for an existing policy and when applying for new insurance.

After examining the submitted documents, the manager will carry out the necessary calculations and name the amount of additional payment for the remaining days. After payment, the insurer will fill out a new form or add the driver’s name to the current MTPL policy. If changes are made to a valid document, it is additionally certified by the signature of an authorized person and the company’s seal. Information is submitted to the database within 3 working days .

You can also add a person to the electronic MTPL policy online. To receive an electronic version of the policy, you need to log in to the official website of the insurer where you purchased the current document, and then log into your personal account of the insurance company. Using the system’s prompts on how to add a driver to the electronic MTPL policy, the insurer must fill out all significant fields of the form. including the new driver's age and driving experience. After automatically determining the amount of the surcharge, you need to transfer money from your bank card to the insurance company’s account online. The document can be printed on a printer. A printed auto insurance policy has the same legal force as a printed paper one. This norm is defined in the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance (MTPL) in Article 32, paragraph 1.

The advantages of registering a vehicle license via the Internet are obvious. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, the manager will not be able to impose on the policyholder services that he does not need. All accumulated discounts and bonuses for accident-free driving are retained by the insured person. The history is stored in the RSA database, to which all insurers and state traffic inspectors have access. If you lose your policy, the form can always be printed again.

Dependence of the cost of the policy on the added driver

Based on length of service and age, the cost of the issued or existing policy changes. After all, these parameters are related to the age/experience coefficient and the KBM coefficient.

Age-experience coefficient

How much does it cost to include a driver without experience in the insurance? This question interests those who add people who have recently received a license. If a person does not have driving experience, his license was issued less than 3 years ago, then the price of the policy increases by 70 or 80%. In this situation, it is worth considering additionally the age of the person. Upon reaching age 22, a 70% increase is calculated. When the driver is 22 years old or older, but his license is less than 3 years old, the policyholder will have to pay an additional 80% of the full cost of insurance.

In addition to an increase in the price of insurance due to the addition of a person without experience, an additional payment is possible when adding a person with more than 3 years of experience, but under 22 years of age. You will need to pay an additional 60%.

Bonus-malus coefficient

An important role when changing policy data is played by the individual KBM coefficient. It is assigned to each driver separately. This value depends on accident-free conditions when included in the MTPL insurance policy. When a person is first added as a driver to insurance, he is assigned class 3, and his BMR is equal to 1. After a year, the class will increase if no insured events occur due to the fault of the included person.

The discount for break-even insurance will also increase (BMR after the first accident-free year is 0.95). Accordingly, the price of a car title decreases every year by 5% (if other rates and coefficients do not change).

Given the bonus-malus ratio, the total cost of the policy may remain the same or increase depending on the added driver. Conditions when the policyholder does not have to pay extra:

  • The person entered has more than 3 years of driving experience;
  • Admitted to driving corresponds to the age category - more than 22 years;
  • The BMR of a new driver is equal to or greater than that of the people already insured.

You can check the bonus-malus coefficient on the RCA service or on the service of another site. Nowadays, services for checking this coefficient are widespread on the Internet. There are online calculators for calculating the cost of compulsory motor insurance. You should indicate the region of insurance, validity period, age and length of service of persons allowed to drive, and vehicle power.

“Unlimited insurance” option

There are often situations when, when contacting an insurance company, an employee suggests that the policyholder change the policy to “unlimited”. This involves driving a car by any person who has a license. The price of such a policy will increase by 80%. This is convenient to do when you want to register young drivers without experience. But this option has several disadvantages:

  • Drivers will not be assigned a bonusmalus coefficient, which in the future may provide a significant discount when added to another MTPL policy. In this case, KBM will be accrued only to the owner.
  • Large surcharge - if the cost of compulsory insurance is about 10,000 rubles, then you will have to pay an additional 8,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth considering maintaining “limited” insurance. After all, sometimes an added driver will not affect the cost of the policy.

The driver receives a discount for break-even driving if he has fully covered his annual insurance. When included in the current policy, the discount will be assigned to those who were added during the initial registration of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Video: Calculation of how much it costs to add one more driver to MTPL insurance

How much does it cost to include an experienced driver in your insurance?

Everything here is also strictly individual. The coefficient will also depend on age. So, for drivers under 22 years of age with 3-4 years of experience, it is 1.66. Experienced drivers over 59 years of age will have to pay the least for insurance. After driving for only 3 years without an accident, they receive a reduction factor of 0.93. For example, if the regional coefficient is 1.2, the base rate is 3000 rubles, and the power factor is 1.6, then they will have to pay 5356.8. In this case, 9561.6 will be required from the young driver.

Basic tariff x KT x KBM x KVS x KO x KN x KM = Price of compulsory motor liability insurance for an experienced driver


In order to register a driver with experience, it is enough to pay the difference with the initial cost of compulsory motor insurance.

NExperience, years\Age, years0123 — 45 — 67 — 910 — 14more than 14
123456789 10
116 — 211,871,871,871,661,66
222 — 241,771,771,771,041,041,04
325 — 291,771,691,631,041,041,041,01
430 — 341,631,631,631,041,041,010,960,96
535 — 391,631,631,630,990,960,960,960,96
640 — 491,631,631,630,960,960,960,960,96
750 — 591,631,631,630,960,960,960,960,96
8over 591,601,601,600,930,930,930,930,93

Having studied all the innovations, we can absolutely say that according to the new rules, compulsory motor liability insurance for experienced drivers has become cheaper. And the more experience and age of the motorist, the greater the benefit he receives. But for beginners the picture is not so joyful. They will have to pay even more for insurance than before.

List of documents

The Civil Code does not contain specific rules on the operation of “automobile insurance”, but only introduces the concept of liability insurance. The general legal principle is the individual liability of the tortfeasor.

Many people know that ten days after purchasing a car they can drive without insurance. This period is established in the law, which requires the driver to insure his motor third party liability no later than ten days after purchasing the car (as well as receiving it for rent, free use, operational management, etc.). Some citizens, based on this, practice driving without policy, carrying with you a periodically updated purchase and sale agreement.

This is a very undesirable behavior model, because... it is designed to help circumvent the requirements of the law, and most importantly, it undermines legal principles.

The compulsory nature of road insurance is due to the fact that the culprit may be insolvent and, even if he wants to, will not be able to pay the victim, and he, in turn, will not be able to give the car for repairs without money and will actually be left without personal transport. Loss insurance provides guarantees of financial stability in case of unforeseen events.

Motorists suffered from the uncertainty of the consequences after an accident, when a careless maneuver and a blow to someone else’s property caused a simultaneous blow to their pockets. Car insurance brought guarantees that damage up to 400 thousand rubles (for 2021) will be paid from insurance funds.

For the initial registration of compulsory motor liability insurance you need:

  1. Policyholder's passport.
  2. Vehicle passport
  3. Vehicle registration certificate.
  4. Driver's license of each insured person.
  5. Vehicle diagnostic card.

If a husband and wife decide to buy a car, but one of the spouses (usually the wife) does not drive, although he has a license, it is better to insure both of them just in case, incl. and to reinforce the joint status of the property.

Several years ago, motorists complained en masse about a strange “coincidence”: insurance offices did not have forms for compulsory motor vehicle insurance, but they appeared paired with insurance for a house or apartment. Even Rosgosstrakh, one of the most popular Russian insurance organizations, complained about the “shortage” of forms. However, electronic contracts were not executed due to “technical problems.”

Registration online is not difficult: large insurance companies, “Max”, “VSK”, “Nadezhda” offer sections on their websites in which the user enters data about the car and people. The fields must be filled out carefully and the correct data must be entered, because an error can slow down the formation of the contract, and in some cases lead to a recourse claim against the insured after an accident.

Bankruptcy of a company does not deprive the beneficiary of the right to payment, nor does it remove the obligations of recourse and subrogation from the perpetrators. In March 2021 the insurance company was declared bankrupt, and bankruptcy proceedings were introduced in its respect by the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. Its former “daughter” with a similar name, Yuzhuralasko, is not affected by the bankruptcy procedure, and the organization’s interaction with clients proceeds as usual.

As for ASKO policyholders, payments in their favor, if necessary, will be made at the expense of the DIA. The DIA will file recourse and subrogation claims. IC "Yugoria" went through bankruptcy proceedings, but as of 2021. Yugorie has no problems with creditors, the company operates normally.

Among the well-deserved insurance companies, it is worth mentioning AlfaStrakhovanie, the largest private insurer; Alfa clients have access to offices from the so-called Vyshny Volochok to Khabarovsk; RESO-Garantiya, one of the most stable insurers, as well as SOGAZ, which, according to SPIEF news, signed an agreement with the VTB group to merge insurance companies.

What is the difference between regular and electronic MTPL

For many drivers, technological progress has not yet been achieved, so they prefer to use the standard procedure for obtaining or renewing a motor vehicle license agreement.

First of all, the main difference that an electronic auto liability policy has is that it can be issued via the Internet in 30 minutes. No more wasting time on the road to the insurer’s office, no longer sitting in traffic jams in any weather, wasting money on gasoline and time in line

The procedure takes very little time, and if you provide reliable information, in an hour you will be able to travel on more important matters with brand new insurance. The second and important advantage is that the insurer cannot impose unnecessary additional services on you, threatening to refuse to issue compulsory motor liability insurance. Such actions are illegal, but unfortunately, they occur in many remote regions. A significant advantage of electronic OSAGO is that you will not be able to lose all the accumulated discounts for accident-free driving, since your history is stored in the RSA database and all insurance companies have access to it

The calculation occurs automatically, the representative only checks the information. The electronic policy can be printed on plain paper for your own convenience and quick verification by a traffic police officer. If you have lost this piece of paper, you can always print it out again, whereas a regular policy will have to be restored through the insurance company. The car owner does not need to provide a lot of documents for the car to the insurance company; all the information is already in the RSA and AIS databases.

Registration of an electronic motor vehicle license is quick and convenient, and its cost is the same as when concluding an agreement on a paper OSAGO policy.

Today, one common myth about compulsory motor liability insurance is that in electronic form you will have to pay more for it. Fortunately, this is not the case, thanks to an automatic calculator you can find out the cost of your insurance within 3-5 minutes.

The online process differs from the usual one in that it takes about 30 minutes. They will not be able to impose unnecessary services on you, threatening to refuse to complete documents.

Advantages of an e-policy

As written above, the main advantage is the speed of registration. There is no point in wasting time and money on gas to get to insurers. No need to stand in line and spoil your nerves. Decorating the house takes 20-30 minutes.

Opportunity to keep all acquired benefits. The history of each car owner is stored in the RSA register, and any insurance agent has access to it. Calculations are carried out automatically.

Absence of any imposed services. Usually agents offer to buy life insurance, health insurance, in general, everything that you won’t need, but will force you to spend your savings on it. For insurers this is a loss, but for ordinary motorists this is a huge benefit.

The E-policy can be printed on a plain sheet of paper. You do not need the original document. If you lose a document, simply print it again. This solves the issue of paid renewal.

Many car enthusiasts ask the question: what is the difference between a familiar insurance contract and an electronic one? If we compare the terms of the contract, there are no differences. For each contract, the insurance company is guaranteed to pay funds to the culprit, within the approved limit.

Standard OSAGOElectronic OSAGO
  • purchased only in the office, or through an authorized specialist (agent)
  • paid by making a payment at the cash desk
  • issued in color, on company letterhead
  • purchased independently, on the insurer’s website or the portal of a trusted broker
  • paid by card or electronic money
  • printed independently in black and white

Electronic MTPL CASCO calculator Passenger cars Passenger taxis Route buses

Buses Buses

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Highlights of the service

To start the procedure you will need:

  • passport of the person who will be included in the policy;
  • new driver's license;
  • valid MTPL policy.

Please note: you cannot make changes to the MTPL policy yourself. If you violate this rule, you may not qualify for payments upon the occurrence of an insured event.

In addition, for non-compliance of documents, traffic police officers can initiate a criminal case for forgery.

It is advisable that the owner of the vehicle be present at this moment. If this is not possible, it is necessary to issue a general power of attorney for the representative. Such a document gives the person you choose maximum opportunities, up to the sale or pledge of the car

Please note: issuing a general power of attorney is a paid service, the cost of which must be confirmed with a notary

You can fill it out yourself or in his presence. In the first case, do not sign and date the form - this must only be done together with a notary. The validity period of a general power of attorney is 3 years, unless otherwise specified in the document. An error in specifying the validity period (i.e. more than 3 years) will invalidate it.

It is impossible to definitely answer the question of how much compulsory motor liability insurance costs for a year - a lot depends both on the car itself and on the driving history of the car owner.

What to do if one of the participants does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in case of an accident, you can read here.

Changes are made based on an application to update the list of drivers. After this, the insurance company representative can supplement the existing contract or issue a new one in exchange.

Please note that although the policy only allocates five fields to list drivers, this number can be exceeded. Changes made must be sealed

Arguments for corrections

The main argument for making corrections to the current MTPL policy is a fine. Although this violation does not jeopardize traffic on the roads, you will be required to pay if it is detected. The same applies to situations where the new or second owner of the vehicle is not included in the MTPL insurance. In this case, the fine amount starts from 300 rubles.

In addition, if such a violation is discovered by the traffic police, they can detain you for forgery of documents and even initiate a criminal case. To prevent this from happening, contact your insurance company to make changes.

Please note: only a representative of the insurer can enter new data

Calculation principle

The cost of the registration procedure depends on the driving experience of the person being registered. If a person has recently received his license and has virtually no experience, an additional fee must be paid. It is provided to secure the possibility of increased risk.

Please note: if you add a new driver yourself and an accident occurs due to his fault, the insurance company will refuse to make payments. Moreover, the traffic police may impose a fine for forgery of documents.

If the registered driver is over 22 years old, has at least 2 years of experience and has previously participated in some kind of MTPL policy, the insurance company representative will issue a new policy. Usually they add a new person in a free line or print out a document with a complete list of those allowed to drive a vehicle. The changes made must be approved by the signature of the insurance manager and the seal of the organization.

Thus, when calculating the cost of registration, age and driving experience are taken into account

A discount factor of 5 percent per year is also taken into account. Its value is in the range of 1.0–1.8

It is used if:

  • the driver has not reached the legal age, and the experience is within 1-3 years;
  • the driver has reached a certain age and has less than 3 years of experience;
  • the driver is older than the age specified in the Federal Law and has more than 3 years of experience;
  • the driver has more than 3 years of experience, but does not meet the age requirement.

Register the driver at the insurance company office

As already mentioned, in order to apply for an addition to the MTPL policy yourself, you just need to contact the insurance company that you trust. The ranking of the best companies includes Ingosstrakh, Soglasie, Renaissance, MAKS, SOGAZ, VTB, RESO-Garantiya and AlfaStrakhovanie.

The procedure for registering an additional person for insurance follows the following scheme:

  1. Verification of provided documents by a company employee;
  2. Making initial changes to the system and recording another driver in the IC database. It is impossible to bypass this stage. Otherwise, the policy will be considered invalid;
  3. Recalculation of the cost of the insurance policy;
  4. Issuing payment details to the car owner;
  5. Depositing funds into the account of an insurance organization;
  6. Issuance of new car insurance with all amendments made.
  7. Fixing the authenticity of the MTPL policy with the seal of the company serving you.

If the policy is electronic

E-OSAGO is an electronic policy format that you can issue yourself without leaving your home. It has many advantages, including saving money and time. But it was not without its drawbacks. If the question arises of how to include a driver in an electronic MTPL policy that has already been issued, then there is only one answer - not at all.

The main condition for making adjustments to the insurance agreement is that they must be made exclusively by an employee of the company. Independent manipulation of the “automobile license” is useless and illegal. An insured who decides to add a driver to an electronic MTPL policy without a visit to the insurance company will face criminal liability for forgery of documents and the impossibility of receiving compensation in the event of an accident.

However, some companies provide the service of an employee visiting the home to make amendments to the electronic policy. And this is the only way to add a new driver to e-OSAGO.

Providing the necessary documents

To add a driver to your policy online, or during a direct visit to the office, you will need to provide the insurer with a specified list of documents. It includes:

  1. General passport of the policyholder.
  2. If the interests of the policyholder are represented by the principal, he will need to present a personal passport and a notarized power of attorney.
  3. A statement indicating information about the driver being registered.
  4. Personal passport and rights of the person included in the policy.

All documents are submitted in their original form, and photocopies of them are taken in the office by company employees.

In what case may a foreigner have the right to drive a car in our country?

The rules of civil liability for the absence of an insurance policy force motorists to purchase it without fail.

But for many, such registration will not be profitable, and sometimes even financially unjustified, especially when the vehicle will be driven by several people.

According to the current regulations, an unlimited number of vehicles can be included in the MTPL insurance policy.

That is, each motorist, depending on the case, can include his relatives and friends in the documentation. Additional pages will be included with the insurance policy.

There are three options here. The first is if he received a national license of the Russian Federation, along with the rights of his state, that is, he has several driver's licenses. You can get them, for example, while staying in Russia on a visa or residence permit.

Secondly, if your guest is a citizen of a country that has signed the Vienna Convention, then he can drive a car in Russia with his national rights, only they will need to be notarized into Russian. The fact is that the countries of the Vienna Convention have made similar traffic rules, so there is no need to relearn when moving to another country.

The third option is an international driver's license. It is required when driving in countries that have not signed the Vienna Convention, such as China.

Why does the policy price change?

The procedure for adding additional persons to the ownership of an insurance policy is regulated as free of charge. But the insurer thereby increases the number of insured events and risks for itself, and therefore must increase its own income.

Thus, the insurance company charges an additional coefficient for each motorist, based on his personal data.

The main criteria for changing the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance with additional persons are:

  1. Driving experience.
  2. Accident-free driving record.
Motorist categoryCoefficient
Under 22 years of age and without 3 years of driving experience1.8 – 80% of the policy cost
Age – from 22 years, driving experience – less than 3 years1.7 – 70% of the cost of the remaining days
Age – from 22 years, driving experience – from 2 years1.6 – 60% of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance
Age – from 22 years, driving experience – from 2 years1 – changes to insurance are made free of charge

Thus, if a motorist has reached the age of 22 years and has not been involved in an accident for a period of three years, then a loyal discount may be offered for this case.

But for a beginner, especially a younger one over 22 years old, you don’t need to count on such privileges, but on the contrary, you should pay almost the full price.

Although such additional payments for the additional inclusion of other motorists in the insurance are financially more profitable than taking out an additional policy.

The procedure itself costs nothing, but the cost of the policy itself may change if the risk of an accident increases. For example, a new participant may have less age and driving experience than the owner of the car. The cost of the policy is determined by the MTPL class of the riskiest driver, so the manager of the insurance company has the right to ask for a refund of the discount for accident-free driving that was previously given to the car owner.

If the “new guy” is over 25 years old, has more than three years of experience driving a car, and has previously entered into MTPL agreements, then it is possible that he will not have to pay anything extra. You will have to check with the insurance company how much it costs to include a newbie in your insurance, as it is difficult to calculate on your own.

Can I enter my insurance information myself?

If a motorist needs to register additional persons, he must seek help from any insurance company (for example, Rosgosstrakh or VSK).

Independently adding other drivers to your policy is illegal and entails criminal liability . In addition, such actions simply do not make sense, because if you get into an accident with serious consequences, you simply cannot count on payment of monetary compensation .


Since the electronic “vehicle citizenship” product is relatively new, there are still some nuances with its design and changes to it:

  1. Only the policyholder who has already taken out MTPL can issue an electronic contract for attractive vehicle insurance. The same rule applies to additional drivers: if the registered citizen has never taken out car insurance and has never been included in such a document, then E-MTPL will not be issued.
  2. The cost of an electronic insurance policy may increase when adding a new driver, if his class, age and experience require it. This is due to the fact that the tariff for compulsory motor liability insurance for several drivers is formed according to the highest coefficients among all entered ones.
  3. When communicating with traffic police officers and when an insured event occurs, it is best to have a printed E-MTPL policy. This is not required by law, but it can save a lot of time that law enforcement will spend verifying the authenticity of the insurance. Read more about ways to check an electronic OSAGO policy for authenticity online and offline in this material.

In general, E-OSAGO is a good, convenient and modern financial instrument. Yes, it has nuances that require corrections, but this happened at the very beginning of the introduction of paper compulsory motor liability insurance. It is better to start getting used to the new format of compulsory insurance policies now; there is a high probability that in the near future this will become the main way to insure a car.

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