How many mistakes can you make when passing the 2021 traffic theory theory exam in a year?

traffic police

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Many drivers who received their license a long time ago remember that driving school graduates were allowed to make no more than 2 mistakes during the theoretical exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. However, since 2016, the rules for conducting the exam have undergone changes - thematic blocks and additional questions have been introduced. At the moment, you are allowed to make the same two mistakes, but each will add 5 more questions on this topic, which in total can result in 10 additional ones.

But in the near future it is planned to introduce a number of changes to the testing of future drivers, which can be found out below.

The assessment system has also changed - in some situations, 2 mistakes made will allow you to pass the exam, in others - they will lead to test failure. Therefore, in this article we will analyze in detail how many mistakes can be made when passing the traffic rules in 2021, how the exam is assessed now, as well as what innovations are planned to be introduced in the future.

Rules for passing the traffic police exam in 2021

The main components of the traffic police exam in 2021 have not changed, but some amendments have been made to the regulatory framework governing the rules for passing it:

  • You can now submit an application to take the driving test through the State Services website by filling out an electronic form;
  • the training period has been increased to 190 hours, only with which the applicant will be admitted to the exam;
  • the training program includes safety issues of cargo and passenger transportation;
  • it is permissible to retake the exam or any of its parts after a week’s break;
  • positive grades based on the results of passing any part of the exams are valid for six months;
  • Problematic issues will be resolved by a video recording device, which must be installed in the vehicle in which the exam is being taken;
  • taking and retaking the exam is allowed in any of the traffic police departments, without limiting the applicant to the region of training;
  • if the applicant has passed the license with the right to drive a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission, then he is prohibited from driving a car with a manual transmission;
  • It is planned to make the practical part of the exam more difficult by combining the site and the city. But the bill is still under consideration.

How does the exam work and what does it consist of?

The following persons are allowed to take the traffic police exam:

  • have completed training at a driving school and passed an internal exam;
  • having a medical certificate of the established form;
  • paid the state fee;
  • who filled out the application and signed up for the examination testing.

Applicants for a driving license are tested on their knowledge of traffic rules on a computer. Then they begin the practical part of the exam.

Confirmation of the right to drive a vehicle occurs in three stages:

  1. Testing theoretical knowledge . The applicant is provided with a workplace equipped with a personal computer. A ticket consisting of 20 questions with multiple answer options is automatically selected.

The exam is a testing type where the cadet selects the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. Testing practical driving skills in a closed area (autodrome) . The cadet is given five standard tasks that allow him to evaluate the correctness of actions when turning, parking, entering a garage, performing a “snake” and entering an overpass.

  1. Departure to the city and travel along the route . Driving and maneuvering skills on the road are tested. In this case, there is a driver inside the car together with a traffic police inspector. While driving, he carefully monitors not only the cadet’s ability to navigate the road situation, follow road markings and signs, but can also ask questions on knowledge of the theoretical part. All errors are recorded in the appropriate protocol.

Attention ! During the exam, the inspector may deliberately push you to violate. Do not give in to his “advice” and follow only the traffic rules.

Do you know! How to get a license after passing the exam through State Services?

New errors in the practical exam for categories B, C, D

The draft administrative regulations provide for a new error that automatically leads to termination of the exam.

The first part is represented by a platform on which it is necessary, at the inspector’s command, to practice maneuvering. This can be “starting on a hill”, “three-step turn”, “entering a garage”, “parallel parking” and “snake”. Provided that all the tricks are flawlessly practiced, you are admitted to the final stage of the exam, the most exciting stage - the city.

Checking your insurance policy by number. The community played a large role in social relations of the Yin era. Each of them writes down information about themselves and their vehicle, and also indicates information about their existing insurance policy.

Many mistakes are made due to inattention. Here is a list of the most popular:

  1. Confused signs. This often happens with the designations 6.16 “Stop line” and 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” The first sign requires stopping only when there is a prohibitory signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller, and the second sign requires stopping in any case. Thus, these signs do not have the same meaning.
  2. Error while determining priority. Traffic lights and traffic controllers have priority over priority signs.
  3. Examinees forget that the intersection cancels the effect of the prescriptive signs installed earlier.
  4. We are always ready to yield to public transport and pedestrians. This is, of course, a noble desire, but public transport has an advantage when leaving public transport stops, and also when it is on an equal footing with other cars. Pedestrians have priority only at pedestrian crossings and footpaths, as well as when boarding or exiting public transport.
  5. It is mandatory to let vehicles with flashing lights on only when there is an accompanying sound signal (siren).
  6. For many, it is a problem to allow stopping and parking on the left side of a two-way street with one lane in both directions without tram tracks in the middle of the road. And even more so, such parking is allowed on one-way roads (here it doesn’t matter how many lanes there are). However, trucks with a permit (over 3.5 tons) can only stop for loading or unloading on the left side of a one-way road.

How many mistakes are allowed when passing the theory to the traffic police?

The theoretical part becomes the most difficult stage for many. Here you need not only to know the traffic rules well, but also to study the standard exam papers. They contain all the answers to the questions, indicating the point of the rules. Even if you know all the correct answers, you need to concentrate and remain calm to prevent accidental mistakes.

One mistake - five additional questions

Previously, the traffic police exam was considered passed if two mistakes were made. Now in 2021, if there is one inaccuracy, 5 additional questions are given in addition to 20 questions on the ticket. The response time to them is limited to 5 minutes. Questions are selected randomly from the thematic block in which an error was made or an answer was missing.

If all five additional questions are answered correctly, the cadet is considered to have passed the exam. You cannot make a mistake, otherwise the result will not be counted.

Two mistakes - ten additional questions

Two errors in the ticket for different thematic blocks add 10 minutes of time for 10 additional questions from two topics for which the driver applicant did not give the correct answers. Their correct solution within the allotted time means passing the exam, otherwise a date and time for retaking is set.

A retake can be scheduled no earlier than 7 days after the first attempt, which was unsuccessful. The applicant for a license is given the opportunity to take the exam 3 times in a row, after which the period for preparation increases to 30 days.

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The driving school undertakes the preparation of the “student”, but the future car enthusiast himself can improve his knowledge at any time. To do this, you can use a special application for a smartphone or tablet, which will allow you not only to study various circumstances on the roads, but also to pass the exam. Formally, of course, but this often gives strength to students.

How many questions are there in the traffic police exam?

In order to successfully pass the traffic rules exam, you need to give as many correct answers to all questions as possible on a single ticket. The number of mistakes that can be made is only two. If three or more mistakes are made, the exam will not be passed and you will have to retake it again.

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To successfully pass the exam and obtain a driver's license from the traffic police, you must solve a ticket consisting of 20 random questions. In this case, you are allowed to make no more than two mistakes. For each mistake made, the examinee receives 5 additional questions. The maximum time for passing the theoretical exam is 20 minutes.

  1. Three mistakes were made while taking the exam;
  2. Answered two questions incorrectly, but from the same thematic block;
  3. At least one single mistake was made in additional questions;
  4. The candidate used cheat sheets;
  5. The candidate quit the exam.

Rules for passing traffic rules in 2021

As practice shows, passing the traffic rules exam is not difficult. Most drivers manage to solve the theory successfully the first time. exam papers 2021 online several times . You can start learning right now. Just go to the top of the page.

Previously, one ticket included only 20 questions - two of which could be marked incorrectly. Moreover, if all other questions were answered correctly, it was possible to avoid a retake. Today there is a new regulation in force, according to which, again, it will be possible to make 2 mistakes. But for every wrong answer, as many as 5-10 new questions are expected.

  • training is provided in a driving school;
  • then you will need to pass a driving test within the school itself;
  • state duty is paid;
  • all documents necessary in this case are collected;
  • an application is drawn up;
  • On the appointed day, you must contact the traffic police to take the exam.

Required documents

In the future, you will need to pass a driving practice. It consists of several elements, as well as city driving. This process has a large number of subtleties and nuances. You should pay attention to signs posted around the city. Usually, for a driver who has conscientiously learned all the signs and completed training at a driving school on his own, it is not difficult to pass the theory and practice of driving. You just need to be well prepared for the delivery procedure.

  • on the right side of the road next to the curb or curb in 1 row;
  • in some situations stopping on the sidewalk is allowed;
  • on the left side of the road in one-way traffic;
  • If a forced stop is required in a prohibited place, then after stopping you need to remove the vehicle as quickly as possible, as it can create interference.

Passed or failed the exam?

An applicant for a license is considered to have passed the theoretical exam if he answers correctly within the allotted time:

  • for all questions on the ticket (20 questions);
  • for additional questions if errors were made on the main ticket.

In other cases, the exam is considered failed:

  • 3 mistakes were made on the ticket;
  • within the specified time, incorrect answers were given to 2 questions in one thematic block or no answer was given to them;
  • the exam was stopped for violations related to the use of literature and other sources of information;
  • an error was made when answering questions given from additional thematic blocks, in accordance with paragraphs. 98 and 99 of the regulations on passing the exam without knowledge of traffic rules;
  • the examinee stopped taking the exam for personal reasons.

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