Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 N 1177 (as amended on September 13, 2019) “On approval of the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses”

Basic Concepts

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The rules for transporting children's groups include requirements for vehicles, the bus driver and the employee accompanying the children's group. These rules were developed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Most often, a group of children is transported by bus. This could be an excursion or sending children to a summer camp. Parents deliver their child to the designated bus parking area and hand it over to the person who will subsequently accompany the minors on the trip.

If there is an excursion, then such a person is the class teacher. Children in Russia are considered to be citizens under 18 years of age. Therefore, there must be an accompanying person when high school students also go on a trip.

The teacher travels with the children, whom he will continue to educate in the camp owned by the kindergarten. It is difficult for one person to cope with small children, so there should be several of them.

If there is a shift at the summer camp in which a new children's group must be brought in, a full-time employee will accompany the trip.

Strict requirements are imposed on the transport in which children will be transported. Children are not allowed to travel on buses or cars that have faults, which must be checked.

The driver must undergo strict medical control before the trip. It is unacceptable not only for him to be in a not entirely sober state, but also simply to feel unwell. High blood pressure and lack of sleep on the eve of a trip can lead to an accident.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1177 on the transportation of groups of children, as amended and supplemented, which is valid in 2021, regulates these conditions. The resolution specifies conditions only for transportation in an organized form.

What it is

Traffic regulations treat children's trips in an organized manner as a trip on a bus, which is not considered a route vehicle. The number of children transported in a group starts from eight people. The group is not accompanied by parents or guardians, but by specially designated persons.

The requirements that should be followed when transporting children include:

  • collection of necessary documentation;
  • ensuring that children board their bus correctly;
  • compliance with the requirements for the driver and accompanying persons;
  • serviceability of transport;
  • if necessary, escorting buses with traffic police units.

The rules for transporting children were developed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to enhance safety when transporting by bus. They define the requirements and main responsibilities of persons involved in accompanying the trip.

The rules contain the requirements:

  1. To professional driver skills.
  2. To the suitability of transport for transportation and its technical condition.
  3. Availability of satellite navigation on the bus.
  4. Availability of a traffic pattern.
  5. Providing food and drink during long trips.

Who approved

The rules regulating the organized transportation of children by buses were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1177 on December 17, 2013.

Changes to the rules for organized transportation of groups of children

Dear colleagues.

On October 1, 2021, changes made to the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by buses, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177 “On approval of the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by buses,” came into force. The changes were introduced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2021 No. 1196 “On Amendments to the Rules for the Organized Transportation of a Group of Children by Buses,” and became effective on October 1, 2021.

One of the main and serious changes is the mandatory use of seat belts. From October 1, 2021, when transporting children by bus, the carrier is obliged to use buses equipped with seat belts. In the previous edition of the Rules, paragraph 3 looked like this:

  • To carry out the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds in purpose and design to the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, is approved in the prescribed manner to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as equipment satellite navigation GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS.

As you can see, nothing is said about belts. However, in the new edition, paragraph 3 is amended and supplemented with the words “and equipped with seat belts.” Thus, from October 1, paragraph 3 looks like this:

  • To carry out the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds in purpose and design to the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, is approved in the prescribed manner to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as equipment satellite navigation GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS and equipped with seat belts .

If there was a mandatory requirement for the use of buses equipped with seat belts, accordingly, a requirement for the mandatory use of seat belts appeared. This is stated in paragraph 16 of the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by bus:

  • Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out using seat belts .

See also: Changes in the rules for organized transportation of groups of children (continued)
Let me remind you that the Traffic Rules require the driver to transport passengers with seat belts fastened. This is stated in paragraph 2.1.2 of the traffic rules. According to this paragraph, the driver of a motor vehicle, among other things, is obliged to:

  • When driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened and do not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts.

According to Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine is provided for this violation:

  • Driving a vehicle by a driver who is not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts design of the vehicle provides for seat belts , as well as driving a motorcycle or moped or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or wearing unfastened motorcycle helmets - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount 1000 rubles .

But, according to new changes to the Rules for transporting groups of children by bus, the responsibility to ensure that children are fastened with seat belts also lies with the accompanying person. This obligation is specified in paragraph 14 of the new edition of the Rules:

  • to make sure that children are fastened with seat belts before the bus starts moving , to control their use of seat belts along the route , to ensure order in the cabin, preventing children from rising from their seats and moving around the cabin while driving.

Let me remind you that for violations identified during the transportation of children by bus, administrative fines are provided for, as described in Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles; for officials - 25,000 rubles; for legal entities - 100,000 rubles.
  • Organized transportation of a group of children by buses that do not comply with the requirements of the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses, or by a driver who does not meet the requirements of the specified Rules, or without a charter agreement, if the presence of such a document is provided for by the specified Rules, or without a route program, or without a list of children, or without a list of appointed accompanying persons provided for by these Rules - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles; for officials - 25,000 rubles; for legal entities - 100,000 rubles.

In addition to seat belts, there are a number of significant changes made to the Rules for transporting groups of children by bus. We will talk about them in one of the following articles.

See also: Temporary cancellation of technical inspection

Let me remind you that on the website, in the “Road Traffic Safety Documents” section, you can find samples of documents necessary for organizing work to ensure road safety.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to develop documents yourself, then on the “Transport Department” website, in the “Services” section, you can purchase a ready-made package of documents for organizing work to ensure road safety. The cost of the package is 2500 rubles.

Head of Transport Department Zuev Seraphim

Government Decree 1177 as amended

The government regulations governing the rules by which children must be transported are printed with the changes made.

Changes include the inclusion of new and additions to existing items. Additions are made based on government regulations. Information about the changes made is freely available.

The government decree is regularly amended to clarify the rules by which children's groups are transported and to clarify terms and requirements. The document indicates the dates from which the changes are officially introduced.

As of January 1, 2021, school bus transportation regulations apply. The main focus is on safety when traveling.

The school bus must be painted yellow. There must be a clear inscription “Children” on the outside.

General points

Documents that must be prepared for transporting children in an organized manner:

Charter agreementsigned by the customer and the transport organization
Information about the accompanying medical workerFull name, license. Required if the duration of the trip is more than 12 hours
The decision to accompany buses with children with State Traffic Inspectorate vehiclesor notification of upcoming transportation
List of food and drinksincluded in packed rations
List of traveling childrentheir name and age
List of travel companionstheir full name, telephone numbers, passport information
Driver datatheir driver's license numbers
A document that specifies the procedure for boarding childrenmay include a seat for each child
Traffic schedule, rest stops

When drawing up a route, you should take into account the schedule, the speed of movement in various sections and the time required for this, and the places of planned stops.

What does it contain

The rules for transporting children in organized groups contain:

  1. How should children traveling in groups board the bus?
  2. Prepared documents necessary for transportation.
  3. Compliance of vehicles, drivers and accompanying persons with the requirements.
  4. Escort of several buses by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

How to transport an infant in a car according to the 2021 rules can be found in the article: rules for transporting children in a car. If you are interested in the question of what features the VDO DTCO 3283 tachograph has, read here.

Main rules

Requirements for buses in which transportation is carried out:

Designs and characteristicsmeeting technical requirements
Availability of tachograph
Availability of satellite alarmwhich provides location of the bus
Availability of diagnostic cardwhich indicates the date of the last technical inspection

Recent changes in legislation allow children to be transported on buses whose age does not exceed 10 years.

Drivers driving a bus must meet the following requirements:

Have rightsin which category “D” is open
The time spent driving category “D” vehicles over the last three calendar years must be one year or more
Have no administrative traffic violationsthat involve revocation of a driver's license or arrest within the past year
Have a license to transport children

Before starting the trip, drivers must be briefed on how to ensure the safety of transporting groups of children that comply with the rules. Before the trip, drivers must undergo a medical examination, the rules of which are established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

If transportation occurs by no more than two buses, then the authorized person responsible for safety submits a notification to the traffic police department, which informs about the upcoming transportation of a children's group.

If the number of buses is at least three, then an application is submitted to the traffic police for the need to escort them. Special requirements are imposed when groups of children are transported at night, which is considered to be the period from 23 to 6 am.

At this time, transportation of children's groups is permitted under the following circumstances:

  • for transportation to train stations, airports or, conversely, from them;
  • completion of the trip and movement towards the final destination;
  • moving to the place where the children should spend the night;
  • deviation from the travel schedule caused by emergency circumstances.

When traveling with children at night, the transportation distance is no more than 100 km, and the speed is no more than 50 km/h.

The presence of a medical worker during group transportation of children is necessary when buses with children carry out organized transportation between cities for at least 12 hours. The location of the medical worker is in the trailing bus.

The number of accompanying persons on one bus is determined on the basis that they should be located near each door. The main accompanying person, who is responsible for the correct transportation, coordinates actions between the other accompanying persons and the driver.

When two or more buses are used, a primary person must be designated to transport children and coordinate all necessary activities. He must be on the last bus.

If children are present on the bus according to the schedule for more than 3 hours, they must be provided with dry rations and bottled water. Products included in the range established by Rospotrebnadzor must be used.

It is unacceptable to transport children under the age of 7 years if the scheduled route is more than four hours.

Several buses are escorted by representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate if the number is three or more. A representative of the traffic police provides permission to transport a group of children on a bus. While driving, this permit is kept by the driver of the first bus.

An application for a permit must be submitted no later than two days before the trip. When a traffic police inspector stops a convoy of buses, you must present the permit upon his first request. The original document is stored for 3 years after the end of the trip with children.

The manager submits notification of the upcoming trip in person or through the electronic portal of the traffic police.

The notice states:

Timenecessary for accompanying
Routealong which buses will travel
  • about the driver and accompanying persons indicating their full names;
  • driver's license details and the presence of a category in them that allows you to drive a bus
Number of people transported
State Bus Number Details

If transportation is carried out by no more than two buses and traffic police escort is not required, then the notification must contain:

  • travel start date;
  • details of the company organizing the upcoming trip;
  • how many passengers under the age of majority are traveling, indicating their specific age;
  • route with indications of planned stops;
  • details of those accompanying the trip;
  • make of the bus, its license plate number.

The driver must have a copy of the application with a traffic police record stating that they received information about the upcoming trip. Accompanying persons must ensure proper boarding and subsequent disembarkation of children.

Before landing you should:

  1. Using the lists, check whether the data available there corresponds with the arriving children.
  2. Gather arriving children in a safe location.
  3. Organize the loading of children's things into the luggage compartment.
  4. Check your hand luggage for compliance with the Baggage Transportation Rules.
  5. Provide instructions to the children.

When conducting the briefing, the following issues should be covered:

  • how to behave when the bus stops and when it is moving;
  • how the procedure is carried out when boarding and disembarking the bus;
  • behavior in case of emergency or health problems.

During a trip with a group, the accompanying person is obliged to monitor the health, behavior of children and the regularity of their nutrition. It is necessary to monitor the correctness of the route and, if there is a deviation, clarify these circumstances with the driver.

What is the punishment for violations?

Violation of the requirements prescribed by the rules of group transportation is an administrative violation. Both drivers and transportation organizers may be punished for this. This is indicated in parts 3-6 of Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Recent changes in legislation have increased the amount of fines for the following violations:

According to Part 3 of Art. 12.23 traffic violation entails a fine for the driver - 3,000 rubles, for officials - 25,000 rubles, for legal entities - 100,000 rubles
According to Part 4 of Art. 12.23 in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the Organized Transportation of Children a fine is imposed on the driver - 3,000 rubles, on officials - 25,000 rubles, on legal entities - 100,000 rubles
According to Part 5 of Art. 12.23 for transportation at night the amount of punishment increases - for the driver - 5,000 rubles (or deprivation of the right to drive for 4-6 months), for an official - 50,000 rubles, for a legal entity - 200,000 rubles


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