Sample of filling out and deadlines for issuing certificate 154 about an accident

There is no need to submit a certificate of an accident to receive insurance compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance, since it has been excluded from the list of required documents since March 24, 2018. Police officers stopped issuing certificates of road accidents even earlier, from October 20, 2017 (clauses 273, 289 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 23, 2017 N 664

You can read more about canceling a road accident certificate in ConsultantPlus. If you don't have access to the system yet, you can get it for 2 days for free. Or order the current price list to purchase permanent access.

The following material describes the previously existing procedure for obtaining a certificate of an accident.

A certificate of an accident is attached to the application for payment of insurance compensation under the MTPL policy. The responsibility for drawing up a certificate of an accident and issuing it lies with the traffic police officers who go to the scene of the accident and analyze it. However, in practice, police often violate the rights of participants in road accidents by refusing to provide a certificate in a timely manner. Knowledge of some departmental orders and requirements for the preparation of such documents will help prevent this.

Why do you need a certificate?

The previously issued certificate was a special document that officially recorded the fact of the accident. Since the document was formalized, it was necessarily compiled according to established requirements and rules. The main documents that regulated the drafting procedure were: methodological recommendations, as well as administrative regulations.

Compliance with the established requirements was mandatory, since violations of the rules could become grounds for refusal to provide insurance benefits. The certificate was drawn up right on the spot and was issued after completion to all interested parties.

ATTENTION !!! Previously, the certificate was used to receive insurance payment in the organization. There have always been difficulties in receiving payments, since insurers try their best not to provide compensation. For this reason, there was practically no chance of compensation for harm without a certificate issued in the prescribed manner.

To receive the payment, the driver had to complete the following steps:
  • register the accident in the prescribed manner, collect the necessary documents;
  • receive from a traffic police officer a certificate drawn up in a special form, which will be the main evidence of the fact that an accident occurred. In this case, it is important to check the consistency of the real data and the completed certificate, since a discrepancy would result in the invalidity of the document. If there were discrepancies, it was necessary to contact the employee with a request to eliminate the inaccuracies;
  • After collecting all the required documents, the insurance company was contacted. Further actions are not much different from those that should be performed today. The documents must be submitted to the insurance company of the person at fault.

It is worth noting that there are no special deadlines for contacting an insurance company by law, so general civil deadlines apply. If there are good reasons, you can expect to receive payment within 3 years, and the time of submission of documents does not matter. In certain cases, restoration of the missed deadline is allowed.

IMPORTANT !!! Today, traffic police officers do not draw up certificates of this type; in addition, they are not issued at all. This provision has been repealed and no longer applies. This means that in order to receive payment from the insurance company, you do not need to confirm the fact of an accident by providing such a certificate. The insurance company cannot refuse on the basis of its absence. Any such actions are illegal and can be appealed in court.

Who issues a certificate of road accident in form 154 and within what time frame?

A reasonable question arises: certificate of road accident form 154, where can I get it? So, according to the information letter of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate No. 45-1468, it is issued and filled out directly at the scene of the accident, on the same day. This responsibility rests with the traffic police inspector who arrived at the scene of the incident.

What should I do if I hit a car in the yard? Read how to file a claim for compensation of insurance payments here.

Find out about the accident scene inspection protocol at the following link:

Provided that the damage to the vehicles is minimal and there are no casualties, registration occurs fairly quickly. However, there are situations when it is difficult to issue a certificate on the spot. For example, a traffic police officer must urgently go to the scene of another incident, or vehicles require evacuation. In this case, a certificate is issued at the nearest department or at a stationary traffic police post. The maximum period for receiving a document is 24 hours from the moment of the traffic accident.

Important! If there are victims in the accident, a certificate of accident is issued only after they are taken to the hospital and the severity of the injuries is determined.

The certificate must bear the signature of the inspector who issued it. His position, rank, surname and initials must also be indicated. After this, the document is certified with a round seal and issued to the driver.

Who issues a road accident certificate in the form and within what time frame?

Requirements for the certificate

The certificate was used as an official document, so it must be compiled in accordance with established norms and rules. Even the slightest violation of the order could become grounds for refusing to provide insurance benefits to the driver. It could be very difficult to prove that you were right in the future.

The certificate was drawn up on a special form in the prescribed form. The filling form was always standard and it was enough to just enter the required information.

According to the established rules, the certificate should contain the following information:
  • information about the accident that occurred, where, when and under what circumstances it happened. Information should always be detailed so that the insurer receives the maximum picture of what happened;
  • information about the accident site. The address is indicated, and, if not possible, terrain features or other landmarks. In some cases, information received from GLONASS may be used;
  • information about all drivers who were directly involved in the accident. Information is entered on the basis of documents: driver’s license, compulsory motor liability insurance policy and others;
  • information about cars, which are also entered on the basis of existing registration documents;
  • qualification of the offense committed due to which the accident occurred;
  • the degree of damage caused, harm to human health. Since it can be problematic to assess this on the spot, approximate information is entered, however, it is always necessary to proceed from real objective signs, since obvious discrepancies may lead to the recognition of the document as invalid by the insurance company;
  • other information that is relevant to the incident, if it was not possible to include it in the main points.

The recommendation contained instructions that suggested filling out the document in block letters to make it easier to parse in the future. This requirement was not mandatory, but nevertheless it seriously simplified the process in the future.

What is a certificate of road accident in form 154

A certificate of an accident (form No. 154) is an official document containing primary data about the accident, namely:

  • date and exact time of the accident;
  • details of all participants (full name) and driver’s license numbers;
  • state license plates of vehicles involved in the incident;
  • the names of the insurance companies whose clients are the participants in the accident, as well as their insurance policy numbers;
  • data on victims during an accident (if any);
  • detailed descriptions of all damage that was caused to vehicles as a result of the accident.

Getting help

This certificate was always drawn up at the scene of the accident and was issued to the participants in the accident immediately. There was no need to go to the traffic police post and wait for a long time. Before issuing, the certificate was checked to avoid errors that could make it difficult to receive payment in the future.

Despite the ease of obtaining, it was impossible to delay the time of document registration, so in any case, the participants in the accident had to wait until the moment of final registration. Postponement of the time of issue was allowed only if there were good reasons. For example, when people were injured or killed as a result of an accident.

ATTENTION !!! After the certificate was issued, it was valid for 3 years and you could receive an insurance payment at any time.

It was extremely important to check the certificate before receiving it. The presence of inaccuracies was not allowed, so the authorized person was obliged to correct them at the first request of the driver. In practice, situations often occurred when inspectors suggested not paying attention to minor errors. Such actions subsequently created significant troubles primarily for drivers.

When a certificate is not needed

The execution of the document was not mandatory in all cases. Already at that time, there were ways to simplify the registration of an accident. The main one is the European protocol, which is still in force today, but is becoming increasingly widespread. Its key feature is that there is no need to call traffic police officers and wait for registration.

Drivers can independently agree and record the fact of the accident on a special form. Despite the simplified procedure, this method cannot be used in all cases. For example, there should be no casualties in the accident, the collision caused damage only to property, and the amount of damage does not exceed the established maximum amount. Throughout this time, the amount of this amount has changed and increased several times in order to make the procedure accessible to a large number of drivers.

Thus, the certificate did not need to be obtained if the following conditions were met:
  • there is no reason to call the traffic police;
  • drivers were able to negotiate on their own;
  • both parties have an MTPL policy.

IMPORTANT !!! In this case, the registration consists of filling out the form according to a simplified scheme. It is accompanied by photographs from the scene of the incident, as well as a rough diagram of the accident. At the request of the parties, the list of materials from the scene of the incident may be increased. The injured party contacts the culprit's insurance company, which must make compensation.

It is important that the protocol is drawn up in accordance with all the rules, since without this the insurance company has every right to refuse to provide compensation.

Certificate of road accident form 154: sample filling

According to the rules, filling out the form is the responsibility of the police officer who arrived at the scene of the accident. But, in order to avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings during the procedure, it would be useful for each driver to become familiar with its appearance.

Certificate of road accident form 154: sample filling

So, certificate of road accident form 154: a sample filling is presented in Fig. 1 (the document was approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 154 dated April 1, 2011).

Important! It is the driver’s responsibility to carefully check all the data in the “Damage” section. It is best to simultaneously document the damage on a camera. Thanks to these photographs, in the future you will not have to prove to insurance agents that the dents on the body appeared as a result of an accident, and not before.

If people were injured as a result of the incident, then an application must be filled out in addition to the main part.


The application is also filled out by a traffic police officer. It must contain the following information:

  1. General information about the victims. It is possible that their identities cannot be immediately established. Then a special note is made about this.
  2. The category to which the victims belong is pedestrians, drivers or passengers.
  3. Information about calling an ambulance.
  4. The severity of the harm caused or an indication of the fact of death.

In total, you can indicate 4 affected people in the application. If there are more, the inspector is required to fill out an additional form.

Certificate of road accident form 154: the sample form is very clear. However, even police officers can make mistakes and not include all the damage on the form. This is especially true for breakdowns that are invisible at first glance. Therefore, you need to check each letter to avoid inconsistencies, since any inaccuracy may lead to a reduction in the amount of compensation.

Receive payment today

Since the certificate in question has been cancelled, insurance companies cannot require it as proof of the fact of the accident. However, a new form has been introduced that has a similar purpose. In addition, there are other ways to confirm that an accident has occurred.

Today, when contacting an insurance company, you need to have:
  • a notification of an accident, which is also issued on the spot and signed by a traffic police officer. A special feature of this document is the possibility of declaring oneself innocent by indicating this directly in the text;
  • a copy of the administrative violation protocol. There are practically no accidents without violation of traffic rules, so a report is always drawn up against the guilty person, or a resolution is issued. Instead of a protocol or resolution, decisions to refuse to initiate a case or other procedural documents may be provided.

IMPORTANT !!! As before, there is a simplified form of registration, when traffic police officers are not called to the scene, and drivers negotiate on their own. In this case, it is enough to provide a correctly drawn up European protocol, on the basis of which the payment will be made.

Despite the abolition of the form in question, the general procedure for receiving payment from the insurance company has remained virtually unchanged. Only a few formal documents have changed, but every driver must be aware of this in order to avoid possible troubles.

Nuances and features


Owners of motor vehicles who plan to receive compensation under CASCO without having received certificates from local police officers should know what pitfalls they will have to face:

  1. You can count on no more than 10,000 rubles. (3.00% -5.00% of the market price of the car) with the cost of the car equal to 200,000 rubles.
  2. If the second driver is at fault for the accident, then his insurer must compensate the first driver’s costs. To contact this company, the victim will have to collect a package of documentation, including a certificate from the traffic police for the insurance company.
  3. Insurers, as a rule, limit the number of payments under CASCO, for which a form from the district police officer is not required. As practice shows, from one to five such requests per year are allowed. At the same time, insurers develop their own lists, including damage that is subject to compensation: cracks, abrasions, scratches, etc.

Attention! If the driver cannot give an objective assessment of the damage caused under CASCO without a certificate from the traffic police, then he will most likely have great difficulties when communicating with the insurer. The company may refuse to pay compensation, citing untimely application, incomplete package of documents, etc.

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