How to import and how much does customs clearance of a car from Georgia to Russia cost? step by step process

Recent events in Tbilisi are not stopping you from buying a car, but you don’t know how to clear a car from Georgia to Russia through customs? I hope you can find useful information below.

Customs clearance is the process of registering a vehicle that was purchased abroad and registered in the Russian Federation. The Customs Code of the Russian Federation describes strict regulations of the procedure, since customs payments replenish the state budget. When this procedure was legislated, the same amount of customs duties was established throughout the Russian Federation.

The cost of customs clearance of a car from Georgia to Russia is not affected by the location and method of importing the vehicle - the tariffs are the same throughout the country.

Cost of customs clearance of a vehicle

Buying a custom car from Georgia to Russia is quite expensive. For example, if the price of a car is $3,000, then to legalize its import with the help of a broker, an average of 1.5-2 times that amount is required.

The cost of customs clearance of a specific car consists of customs duty, recycling fee, customs clearance fee and excise tax.

Benefits are provided only for certain charitable organizations and companies.

Table for calculating customs duties

Used cars from 3 to 5 yearsUsed cars over 5 years old
Engine volume, cm3Rate per 1 cm3 in eurosEngine volume, cm3Rate per 1 cm3 in euros
up to 10001,5up to 10003
from 1000 to 15001,7from 1000 to 15003,2
from 1500 to 18002,5from 1500 to 18003,5
from 1800 to 23002,7from 1800 to 23004,8
from 2300 to 30003from 2300 to 30005
more than 30003,6more than 30005,7

You can most accurately calculate the cost of importing a car from Georgia to the territory of the Russian Federation by using an online calculator. Indicate the price of the car, the year of its production, the type of vehicle, engine power, and also for whom the registration is being made - a legal entity or an individual.

What are the import features?

The main convenience in purchasing a car in Georgia is visa-free entry into the country where the owner of the car has the right to stay for 3 months without receiving any documents. Similar rules also apply to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, so there are all conditions to conduct a successful business with a minimum of costs and wasted time. But it is important to take into account that customs may not allow a citizen of the Russian Federation into the territory of Georgia if he has previously visited Abkhazia or South Ossetia. If, after a visit to the mentioned states, they issue a pass to Georgia, then any manipulations with vehicles will be excluded. As a rule, customs clearance of a car does not have any difficulties. In any case, you will have to go through all the stages, correctly prepare the requested papers and pay the state fee.

But among all the advantages of importing a car from Georgia, there are also some disadvantages. It is worth considering when choosing a suitable brand that a significant part of the vehicles on the Georgian car market were purchased in America after accidents and other unpleasant incidents, such as natural disasters (cars damaged and repaired after hurricanes). Therefore, when choosing a suitable transport, it is necessary to pay maximum attention and professional assessment. It would be a good idea to use the help of an auto expert with a professional paint thickness gauge and other devices that allow you to read any errors and breakdowns from the on-board computer.

Did not find an answer to your question? Call a lawyer! Moscow: +7 (499) 110-89-42 St. Petersburg: +7 (812) 385-56-34 Russia: +7 (499) 755-96-84

Transporting transport from Georgia is not difficult if you adhere to the rules established by Russian law. But this procedure is not cheap, so you should be prepared to spend a significant amount at the border, especially when your car was produced in the last 5 years and is highly expensive. If all paper formalities are followed, then no problems should arise at the above stages and the car will be allowed through without any complaints.

Procedure for importing a car from Georgia

Car customs clearance includes the following actions:

  • registration of the vehicle during customs control;
  • presentation of documents that would confirm the purchase of a car in Georgia;
  • Carrying out a technical inspection, checking the VIN number;
  • assignment of a transit number.

During customs clearance:

  • The VIN number of the car is entered into the database;
  • information about the car is transferred to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service;
  • the driver pays mandatory customs duties and receives a vehicle transit number to cross the border.

How much does customs clearance of a car cost?

Where to contact? What are the rates? They also say that for new companies whose founders are not residents of Abkhazia, preferential taxation applies (for the first three years of its existence, the company is exempt from paying all taxes).

Is it true? What resources on the Internet can you read on this topic? Hello! I am interested in information on customs clearance of cars for local residents in Abkhazia, that is, it’s not a matter of putting it on stream, but driving a car for yourself and clearing it through customs (+registering+getting a state number) for a good person for some kind of gratitude

For citizens of the Russian Federation, it is possible to travel by car with Abkhaz license plates: 1. The car is purchased in Abkhazia.2.

When purchasing and registering a car, your personal presence in Abkhazia is MANDATORY3. The car is registered directly with an LLC or individual entrepreneur in Abkhazia. Requires a stay in Sukhum of up to 2 days. The fastest and easiest way to purchase a car is: A lease agreement from an individual CITIZEN of Abkhazia, the owner of the car you purchased, to an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

You receive a package of documents (Employment Agreement for LLC, waybill, travel sheet and copies of statutory documents + additional documents if it is under a lease agreement)

Recently, information appeared in the media that import duties on cars could be increased, which immediately caused discussion in society.

The press service of the Ministry of Economy denied this information and explained that this measure is not a final decision and is only considered as one of the options for compensating for lost income in connection with the entry into force of the Agreement between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Russian Federation on the duty-free trade regime.

04/02/2021 Time zone: UTC + 3 hours [Summer Time] Registered: Fri Aug 08, 2008, 21:01 Registered: Sat Jan 13, 2007, 02:54 From: Riga, LatviaChevrolet Avalanche 5.3 '04 Ford Explorer 4.0 '97 -= Sold=-Dodge Durango 4.7 '00 -=Sold=-Dodge Grand Caravan 3.3 '97I live in Russia.

I wear fufaika, valenki and shapka-ushanka. I drink vodka right from the samovar, and my bear plays on the balalaika.

Registered: Fri Aug 08, 2008, 21:01 Registered: Sat Jan 13, 2007, 02:54 From: Riga, Latvia The only thing - maybe we are talking about the region where you are constantly sent, that’s where, as far as I understand, everything can happen Chevrolet Avalanche 5.3 '04 Ford Explorer 4.

0 '97 -=Sold=-Dodge Durango 4.7 '00 -=Sold=-Dodge Grand Caravan 3.3 '97I live in Russia. I wear fufaika, valenki and shapka–ushanka.I drink vodka right from the samovar, and my bear plays on the balalaika.Registered:

Almost all categories of citizens (with the exception of some exceptions) are required to undergo customs clearance of a car. If this does not happen, then sanctions in the form of criminal or administrative liability will be applied to them.

The main documents that regulate the rules for importing cars into the country and contain penalties for violations:

  • Customs Code of the Customs Union;
  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

When a car crosses the border, its owner is obliged to submit the necessary package of documents to the customs inspector and pay all duties and taxes.

The customs clearance procedure can take place according to a full-fledged scheme or a simplified one, depending on the grounds on which the car enters the country. The amount of duties varies depending on design options, machine power, age or cost.

Abkhazia is not part of a single customs space with Russia, therefore, no benefits or simplified procedures are provided for importing cars from this country.

Features of car export from Georgia

To enter Georgia, persons who are citizens of Russia do not need a visa if the person stays in the country for no more than 3 months.

You must have a foreign passport and first make sure that its validity does not expire earlier than six months after crossing the border. If your passport contains notes about visiting South Ossetia or Abkhazia, entry into Georgia may be prohibited. The restriction on the import of currency into the country is also important (according to the law - no more than 14 thousand US dollars).

If you do not want to delve into the topic of customs expenses in detail and the question of how to drive a car from Georgia to Russia seems too complicated, we recommend contacting a specialist who will import the vehicle for you to avoid problems with registration.

How much does it cost to clear a car through customs in 2021?

It is worth moving a car from another country for several reasons:

  • if you want to save money on buying an imported car;
  • get a reliable car from the manufacturing country;
  • purchase a rare model that is difficult to buy in Russia.

It seems that bringing a car from abroad is simple. I bought it and returned with the long-awaited new thing to Russia (or brought it with the help of an intermediary).

In fact, you will have to go through several stages of customs clearance, otherwise you will not be able to register the car with the traffic police, and therefore not use it in our country either.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

These countries are members of the Eurasian Economic Union and provide for a single customs territory. Belarus and Kazakhstan have the same amount of duties. After paying for them, upon entering Russia, all that remains is to pay the recycling fee and equip the GLONASS system. Belarus is also popular because of its proximity to Europe; good models go there.

There will be no significant savings with Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, although preferential customs clearance rules apply there. But at the border with Russia, you will most likely be asked to pay the remaining amount for registration, recycling fees and installation of GLONASS.

Responsibility for violating the rules of import from abroad

If before the end of the one-year period of temporary import of a vehicle for personal use, customs clearance was not completed or the vehicle was transferred to someone without a permit or declaration, the vehicle will be detained.

Temporary import of a car into the territory of the EAEU is associated with the emergence of obligations for the new owner to pay taxes and duties, which cease if the conditions regarding the temporary import and export of the car within the period established by law are met.

Failure to export or perform other mandatory customs operations in relation to a temporarily imported car before the period of temporary import established by the EAEU has expired, or transfer of the right to use such a car to a third party in violation of the conditions requires payment of customs tax. The amount of payment may be higher than the actual cost of the imported car and depends on the engine power of the vehicle).

In case of violation of the rules for the import and use of vehicles in the EAEU member countries, in addition to paying customs duties, the owner is subject to liability - a fine with confiscation of the vehicle.

How to clear a car through customs in Russia in 2021

Have you decided to become the owner of an imported car? Be prepared for the fact that first of all you will have to prove your solvency by depositing the guarantee amount. If you don’t know how to calculate the cost of customs clearance of a car, you can deposit an approximate amount into your account. In any case, unused funds will be returned by customs after complete border control.

Confirmation that you have deposited funds will be a receipt and certificate issued by the Federal Customs Service. With these documents it is much easier to travel abroad. You should also pay attention to how you will import the car: drive it yourself, sitting behind the wheel, or use container transportation. This determines whether you need to fill out the TD-6 declaration.

From January 2021, a mandatory condition for importing a car across the EAEU border is the installation of the ERA-GLONASS system on it. It must be purchased from JSC GLONASS, installed in a certified center, enter information about the VIN number and body number and obtain a vehicle design safety certificate from a special laboratory.

When entering the territory of Russia, you must present a considerable package of documents:

  • original documents for the car and their copies (it is important that the data in the passport and on the body, engine, etc. completely match);
  • customs receipt with a certificate issued before departure abroad;
  • car insurance contract;
  • GLONASS security certificate;
  • customs declaration, which can be prepared in advance using the online form for pre-filling the passenger customs declaration

Insurance is important. The lack of compulsory insurance can be a significant argument for refusal to cross the border, and in some cases even threatens with a fine.

customs duty

Customs duty is a mandatory payment when moving goods across the border, which is determined by the parameters of this product. According to current legislation, when calculating this indicator, the type of fuel used by the car, the year of manufacture of the vehicle, the volume and power of the engine are taken into account. If you have this data, you can easily find out how much customs clearance of a car will cost.

Payment of duty

The customs duty rate is fixed for each type of vehicle, approved by the Unified Customs Tariff and other regulations. However, the registration procedure is a responsible and troublesome matter. Therefore, most often, vehicle owners and people who conduct foreign economic activity resort to the services of customs representatives. And the concern about how to calculate customs clearance of a car rests with specialists.

Recycling collection

Customs officers collect a fee for the disposal of goods from wheeled vehicles. The payer independently makes the calculation, pays it to the current treasury account and provides a package of documents to the authorized body (to confirm the correctness of the calculation). It should be noted: if the car that is imported into Russia is more than 3 years old, then the payment will be higher than the same rate for a new car.


Unlike customs duty, its amount may vary depending on the type of fuel, age of the vehicle, etc. VAT is calculated based on the total amount of all payments: customs duty, duty and recycling fee.

Excise tax

Despite its ambiguity, for imported cars there is a fixed rate and depends directly on the customs value of the vehicle.

The cost of customs clearance of a car is regulated by the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On certain issues related to goods for personal use” (Appendix 2 “Unified rates of customs duties and taxes, as well as categories of goods for personal use in respect of which customs duties and taxes are subject to payment levied in the form of a cumulative customs payment").

The amount of customs duty depends on the following factors:

  • Vehicle age.
  • Cost of the car.
  • Car engine size.

The cost of customs clearance of cars, from the date of production of which no more than three years have passed, is calculated according to the table:

Car costDuty amount 1Duty amount 2
up to 8,500 euros54%2.5 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement
from 8,500 to 16,700 euros48%3.5 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement
from 16,700 to 42,300 euros48%5.5 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement
from 42,300 to 84,500 euros48%7.5 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement
from 84,500 to 169,000 euros48%15 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement
from 169,000 euros48%20 euros per 1 cm3 of engine displacement

When calculating using this table, you need to select the largest duty amount among the values ​​in the “Duty Amount 1” and “Duty Amount 2” columns.

Is it possible to import a vehicle from Georgia without paying duties?

In accordance with Russian legislation, only persons who have registered a temporary stay in the Russian Federation, as well as Russian citizens who purchased a vehicle abroad and entered the country with it, having issued temporary import, can drive a non-customs-cleared car in Russia. The maximum duration of stay of such a vehicle in the Russian Federation is 6 months within one year. Until this period expires, you should extend temporary import at the customs office at the place of registration of the owner or leave Russia and close the temporary import.

Foreign trade with Georgia

Over the past year, trade volumes between Russia and Georgia decreased by 1.71%. The amount of trade in 2021 between our countries amounted to 1.3 billion US dollars. The trade balance was positive.

The reduction in exports over the past year reached 7.77% ($74 million). The total volume of supplies amounted to 882 million. The main categories were the following types of goods: food products - 32.91%, mineral products - 30.97%, chemical products - 11.82%, machinery and transport - 10.73%, etc.

In turn, imports of Georgian goods increased by 12.88% compared to 2021. The categories of the Georgian market that are in greatest demand on the Russian market are food, metals and machinery. Russia's imports from Georgia amounted to $449 million.

Despite the strained political relations between Russia and Georgia, this state is a very important economic partner for us. In the share of Russian foreign trade turnover, Georgia ranks 61st.

Road to the Georgian border

From Moscow and St. Petersburg there is only one road to Georgia - the Don

to Rostov-on-Don.
Then the path through the villages of Kushchevskaya and Oktyabrskaya, the cities of Armavir and Nevyinnomyssk to Vladikavkaz. And there is the finish line along the Vladikavkaz-Georgia

Entry into Georgia through North Ossetia and Abkhazia is prohibited by law; violation is punishable by fairly hefty fines - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

The Don highway is a well-maintained road with toll sections, travel on which costs a total of 700 rubles. There are also free detours that you can take at the beginning of the toll section. Experience shows that it is cheaper and faster to travel via toll sections for several reasons:

  • optimal speed mode saves fuel;
  • a detour on a toll-free highway increases travel time and entails additional costs;
  • On free sections, speed is limited, there are many traffic police posts and there is a high risk of “running into” fines.

You will have to travel about 2000 km to the border with Georgia.

How to cross the border

Since 2012, visa

Russians don't need it. No documents other than a passport are required. At the checkpoint a stamp is placed on it. All participants of the trip, including children, must have a passport with them. The person driving must present a driver's license and vehicle registration certificate along with their passport.

It can be purchased in advance on the official website

or purchased immediately after crossing the checkpoint. Those who do not own the car must issue a notarized power of attorney and additionally make a copy in English (although, according to motor tourists, no one asks for it).

The border crossing procedure is simple. The driver must drop off the passengers - they go through passport control separately. He does not have to get out of the car himself, only at the request of the border guards. The inspection of things is carried out superficially. Usually it takes more time to pass control from the Russian side. Crossing the border takes 2-3 hours.

Rules on the Georgian side

Georgia is intensively developing tourism, so the roads in the country are more or less normal. There are sections of the Georgian Military Road

, where mudflows or avalanches constantly occur. The road there is broken, although it is carefully restored every time.

For those who are going to Georgia in 2021 by car, experienced travelers give some advice:

  • At the entrance to Upper Lars,
    fill up a full tank of gasoline. Fuel in Georgia is expensive - about 60 rubles; you won’t be able to stock up on it for the entire trip - they are not allowed into the country with full canisters.
  • Traffic rules in Georgia are similar to Russian ones. It is strictly not recommended to violate them, since the police issue hefty fines, which will have to be paid before leaving the country. They can confiscate your rights, which you will only get back at the border by paying off the debt. It is useless to try to give a bribe - every police officer has a camera on his chest.
  • Travel speed on highways is no more than 110 km, in populated areas – within 60 km. When planning your route by day, take this into account. You won't find police with radars, but there are webcams everywhere.

From the border to Tbilisi

, where tourists from Russia first of all go, we need to travel another 200 km. Immediately after the checkpoint, the road is bad, rocky, and partly passes through a tunnel. There are always a lot of heavy trucks accumulated there, which are difficult to get around. This is the most unpleasant part of the way to Tbilisi.

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