How to check a car by PTS number

A used car is always a “pig in a poke”. External well-groomed appearance and the presence of all documents do not mean anything: modern technologies make it possible to easily and quickly turn a neglected car with numerous defects into an attractive, marketable vehicle. As for documents, they are forged everywhere and en masse, and in many cases the fact of forgery can be recognized only through a complex examination.

Even when buying a car at a car dealership or autohouse, you cannot be completely sure that it:

  • is legally clear;
  • is not listed as stolen and is not wanted, for example, for participation in an accident;
  • has no claims from customs, banking and insurance companies;
  • is not under arrest or on bail;
  • is not the subject of civil, judicial or other disputes;
  • has no restrictions on use and alienation, as well as other encumbrances.

But currently it is possible to check a car for free using the PTS number on the traffic police website online. This service is a truly effective measure against fraud and dishonesty of sellers, and allows you to receive detailed and up-to-date information about the vehicle of interest in just a few minutes.

What is PTS and why is it needed?

A vehicle passport is a document that stores all the basic data on the vehicle, sufficient for its unambiguous identification. These include the vin code, which consists of 17 characters and is indicated not only in the title, but also on the car itself; depending on the model, it can be located on the frame, under the hood, under the windshield, etc. When buying a used car, first of all It is the VIN code that is verified.

In addition, the transport information passport indicates the make, model and color of the car, its license plate number, engine volume and number, vehicle weight, chassis number, and production date.

Before checking a car using its PTS number in the traffic police database, you need to verify the authenticity of this document. To do this, pay attention to the following features.

  • Passport ornament. This is a specific pattern that should not lose clarity upon closer examination.
  • Hologram. It should also be easy to read and clear. Falsification of this information is the biggest problem for scammers.
  • Volumetric drawing. It is located on the back of the document, made in the form of a kind of “rose” and can be detected by touch, and also changes its color under different viewing angles.
  • Watermark. It is visible in the light and represents the inscription RUS.

A vehicle passport can be issued by the vehicle manufacturer or by organizations involved in converting vehicles into special equipment, by the traffic police or by the customs service. In the latter case, you should be especially vigilant if Lithuania or Belarus is indicated as the country of origin of the car. These countries have a well-developed business in restoring vehicles after serious road accidents, as well as in assembling cars from fragments of several different cars.

How to find out the date of issue of PTS by series and number?

After realizing such a seemingly trifle as the date of issue, the question arises: how to find it in the document? To answer this question, you must first understand the structure of the PTS as a whole.

The document consists of 25 columns:

  • identification number (VIN);
  • make and model;
  • name of the vehicle;
  • category (A, B, C, D, trailer);
  • when the vehicle was manufactured;
  • model, engine number;
  • chassis (frame) No.;
  • body (cabin, trailer) No.;
  • body color (cabin and trailer);
  • engine power, hp (kW);
  • engine displacement, cubic meters cm;
  • engine's type;
  • environmental class;
  • maximum weight of the vehicle with cargo, kg;
  • actual vehicle weight, kg;
  • who manufactured the vehicle (country);
  • compliance with vehicle type standards No.;
  • country of export of the vehicle;
  • series, No. TD, TPO;
  • restrictions imposed by customs;
  • owner of the vehicle;
  • his address ;
  • Passport issued by;
  • her address;
  • date of issue of passport.

As you can see, the information we need is in the last column , at the bottom of the document.

What do you need to know about a copy of PTS?

You can check a car by PTS number online based on both the original and a copy of the document.

However, you should be careful when purchasing a car with a copy of the vehicle title. Using a duplicate is one of the most common schemes for selling problem cars. In particular, this is how credit cars are usually sold (since the original title in this case remains with the bank), as well as vehicles that are listed as stolen.

You can recognize a problematic credit car by a combination of the following signs:

  • small age;
  • low mileage;
  • duplicate PTS;
  • transit numbers.

Please be aware that a copy of the PTS has a structure and details identical to the original document (watermarks, three-dimensional image, etc.). The only difference is the presence of a “Duplicate” stamp in the special notes column.

As for legal cases of using a copy of a PTS, this usually occurs due to the loss of the original document, or when registration or personal data are changed. A duplicate is also issued if the vehicle passport runs out of fields intended for making entries about various registration actions. In this situation, the original document must be disposed of in the manner prescribed for such cases by current legislation.

Find the owner by state number online

The most popular way to find out the owner of a car is to obtain the necessary information through an online service. This is explained by a number of features. First of all, you don’t need to travel anywhere else or contact someone. It is enough to have access to the Internet, then everything can be done independently. No extra hassle or worries. However, before you try to identify the owner using the state number online, it is worth considering several significant nuances:

  • decide on a resource – there are a lot of options for such services, but it is important to find a reliable resource that can guarantee the desired result. Read reviews about the PTSINFO service posted on the service pages. Remember that, as a rule, low prices or assurances that access to data is absolutely free are popular tools of scammers and scammers. Make decisions carefully, then later you will not have to regret wasted money;
  • correct data entry – the accuracy of the information provided by online services directly depends on the correctness of the entered data. Be careful before entering in a special field the vehicle number, digital designation of belonging to a certain region of our country, the color of the car and other parameters that may help obtain the necessary information. Remember that the service must be protected, and the search request must be carried out after registering and activating your account in your personal account;
  • returned result – if all data was entered correctly, the automatic service will produce the required result within a few minutes. Using the online resource, you will have access to data on the owner of the car license plate, namely: a copy of the vehicle registration certificate, a copy of the passport with registration. In certain cases, information about the car owner's mobile phone number is revealed.

The automatic PTSINFO service fully meets these requirements. Only with us you can find out who the car is registered to with a guarantee of obtaining the desired result. Our resource has a high degree of reliability and accuracy of the data provided. We have ample opportunities for every user. This includes an affiliate program, various promotions, and bonuses.

Checking a car using PTS online

You can check your car using its title either in person at the State Traffic Inspectorate or via the Internet. The advantages of the latter option are obvious: the corresponding online services are available around the clock, the result is displayed immediately after sending the request (sometimes you have to wait a couple of minutes), the information is updated automatically. This check allows you to:

  • obtain information about fines for traffic violations committed on this vehicle:
  • check the information specified in the PTS;
  • find out whether the car is under arrest and whether there are any restrictions on registration actions;
  • check whether the car is listed as stolen;
  • obtain information about road accidents committed on this car (if any).

Currently, there are several online services that allow you to quickly check a vehicle using its passport. But it is best to use the appropriate section of the traffic police website for this, since it contains the most complete, accurate and up-to-date information about vehicles. On other resources, database updates may occur with a certain delay.

Is it possible to check a car’s title via the Internet using the traffic police database?

At the moment , there is no such possibility; it is impossible to check the car’s title via the Internet using the traffic police database , either on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate or on third-party online services.

Be vigilant and do not trust dubious sites that promise to check the PTS by number online using the traffic police database, personal information, and especially do not enter your bank card payment information.

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Checking a car by PTS number on the traffic police website

You can check your car using its title on the traffic police website in just a few minutes. The process is carried out step by step, the service is provided free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Verification can be carried out based on the following data:

  • vehicle chassis number;
  • vehicle vin code;
  • body number.

To perform the check, you need to go to the traffic police website at On the right side of the page there is a section “Online services of the traffic police” - in it you need to select the item “Vehicle check”.

Next, in the appropriate field, you need to enter the vehicle’s vin code or its body or chassis number, and then click on the “Request verification” link in the section that interests you at the moment.

After clicking the link, you will also be required to enter a verification code. After a minimum time, information about the results of the scan, including its date and time, will be displayed on the screen.

The check can be carried out repeatedly. Please note that the latest changes may not appear in the database immediately, but after a certain period of time. It is necessary to understand that scammers are trying to get rid of problem cars as quickly as possible - before they manage to get into the appropriate traffic police databases. Therefore, even if a car check according to the title shows that the vehicle is legally clean, does not have any restrictions on use/alienation, as well as claims from the traffic police and other authorities, it is recommended to carry it out again after a certain time.

In any case, it is advisable to begin re-registration of the car in the presence of its current owner.

Find the owner of the car through the ptsinfo database.

You can identify the owner by state number online, knowing the car’s VIN code, both through official and unofficial sources. You can obtain similar information through open government portals, for example, the website of the State Road Safety Inspectorate in the “Vehicle Check” section. Unofficially, some resources on the Internet provide such information, but no one here can give you a guarantee that the data received will be relevant and reliable. Only the automatic PTSINFO service will allow you to obtain accurate data on the owner of the car license plate in a short time and with a high degree of reliability.

Check the car at the State Traffic Inspectorate

The owner can check the vehicle's title directly at the State Traffic Inspectorate. In this case, all documents for the vehicle are transferred to an authorized traffic police officer. He receives information on them from the relevant databases.

This method is considered inconvenient, since it requires spending time visiting the State Traffic Inspectorate office, standing in line, waiting for an authorized employee, etc. However, at the same time, it is recognized as the most reliable way to obtain information about a car. The information comes directly from the traffic police officer, and it is the most up-to-date. At the same time, the receipt of information on online services may take some time, and accordingly, changes may not be reflected immediately.

In some departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate, you can check your car by phone. In this case, its owner names the details of the documents for this vehicle. Some inspectorates offer the use of special applications for mobile phones.

Find out the owner of the car's license plate

One way is to contact a traffic police officer. He can identify the owner by state number online using a database. The process is quite fast, but obtaining complete information is only possible in certain situations. After all, such data is strictly confidential and is subject to disclosure only when absolutely necessary. To do this, you will need to contact the road safety inspection department, describe your problem in detail, indicate all the main points, and fill out all the necessary official documents. Everything here resembles the situation with a credit card number. Knowing the number, you go to the police. Of course, in the event of a traffic accident, law enforcement officers will give you the necessary information without unnecessary delays or help you find the offender. After all, the traffic police are also interested in finding the criminal. If you do not have a compelling reason to contact law enforcement agencies, then in this case it is unlikely that anyone will be able to officially help you. Informal and personal attempts to establish contact or contact directly the traffic police officers with requests to identify the owner by state number will in most cases be unsuccessful. It must be remembered that not every inspector has access to the database, and the disclosure of such confidential information is strictly prohibited, and is also a direct violation of the Law “On Personal Data”.

When do you need a car title check?

Checking a vehicle using its passport is most often required when purchasing a used car. However, it may be required in other cases.

A typical example is when two or more people use one car. If one of the drivers violated traffic rules and earned a fine, he can hide this fact from his colleagues and management, and checking the car with a PTS to see if it is in the traffic police fine databases will help establish the truth in such a situation. The same applies to information about a vehicle being involved in an accident, and checking the car’s registration history will help obtain information about its unauthorized re-registration to another person.

You can also check traffic police fines on our website. Other online services are also offered, including payment for Rosreestr services, repayment of tax debts, etc.

Find out the owner of the car

The next way to find out who the car is registered to is to purchase an electronic medium (flash drive or CD) with a database indicating the owner of the car number. There are also features and nuances here. Such databases are not distributed in the public domain, for example, on the Internet, and they cannot be officially purchased. Information, like the medium itself, can in most cases be obtained through intermediaries or former employees of the road safety inspectorate. And here again a wide field of activity opens up for scammers who will offer counterfeits or dummies for fairly decent money. You can quite often come across such scammers on the Internet. And, of course, you need to take into account that even if there is a correct database on an electronic medium, there is always a possibility that you will not be able to find the necessary information here. The database may simply be outdated, it has lost its relevance. Are you ready to take risks? It's up to you to decide anyway.

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