New traffic tickets from September 1, 2021

Ticket for exams in the traffic police in categories A B M A1 and B1

New traffic tickets from September 1, 2021

The online information publication 1GAI.RU presents new traffic rules exam tickets that will become valid from September 1, 2016*. By the beginning of autumn of this year, the State Road Safety Inspectorate will present a not very pleasant gift to candidates for future drivers; it will complicate the theoretical traffic rules exam. The questions will become more difficult, the topics will become more sophisticated, and for every mistake you will have to “pay” with answers to additional questions.

*All exam papers of the new format will be posted on this page. In the meantime, we present to you examples of screenshots of traffic tickets from September 1, 2021

First innovation:

New traffic rules tickets will be divided into four sections, differing in subject matter. Each of them has five questions. Questions contain from 2 to 5 answer options. Be careful, only one of them will be correct! You can answer the questions in any order, provided that you return to the question you missed.

The main difficulty for examinees is that if they make two mistakes in one thematic block, the exam will automatically FAIL .

Second innovation:

For errors, the computer will add five additional questions on the topic where the incorrect answer was given.

Third innovation:

Exams will be conducted on a computer only. Tickets will be generated automatically before the theoretical exam.

And finally, the duration of the exam (answers to the main sections) is 20 minutes. The time cannot be exceeded. If the candidate made mistakes, he will be given an additional 5 minutes to answer additional questions. block of questions.

The theory will not be passed if:

three wrong answers

two incorrect answers in one thematic block

and in the event that the candidate answers one question from the additional block incorrectly.

Question answer

How is the test done at the race track?

Passing the exam at the race track involves first passing the theory. Only after successfully passing the theoretical part, the examinee is allowed to pass the standards at the race track, after which he proceeds to the final part of the exam - going to the city with a traffic police inspector.

The driving test itself at the motorway begins with arrival at the traffic police station. After announcing the name, the cadet gets into the car and begins to pass the standards. The examiner may sit in a separate car or next to the examinee (most often in a separate car). While passing the standards, he looks at the implementation and records errors, if any.

If the examinee scores 5 penalty points, a signal is given indicating the completion of the test. Usually the signal is given from the car where the traffic police officer taking the exam is sitting. If all the exercises are completed correctly, you complete the circuit test and park in the designated space.

If, due to mistakes made, you are not credited for passing the autodrome, then check with the driving school about the retake date, pay the amount for renting the autodrome and the car set by the driving school, and try your hand again.

Also read: How to learn to drive a car from scratch

How do the new traffic rules exam tickets differ from the old ones?

In general, the majority of traffic police tickets, which will be used for a theoretical exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate from September 1, 2021, actually do not differ from those in force before September 1, 2016, with the exception of some issues related to the new points of the traffic rules (turn right when the traffic light is red, new road and information signs, etc.).

It is worth noting that over the past 4 years there have been some changes in the current legislation in the field of road traffic. Therefore, the traffic police authorities have developed new tickets to bring them into line with the new federal changes.

What exercises are required to pass the circuit?

At the race track, the cadet must demonstrate successful completion of all exercises, avoiding penalty points.

Check-in to the garage

Passing this standard involves entering a certain limited space that simulates a parking space or garage. Successful execution is counted if the car is standing inside a limited space and no part of it protrudes beyond its limits.

Parallel parking, or “mother-in-law’s pocket”

It is necessary to drive in reverse into a certain space marked with chips or flags. It simulates parking between two cars. Ideal execution implies the location of the car within the boundaries of the marked space. At the same time, no part of it should protrude beyond the designated boundaries.


The exercise teaches you to feel the dimensions of the car. It is necessary to drive around all the signs (cones, flags) without dropping any, and not to go beyond the structure. You seem to be moving along a corridor, quickly turning the steering wheel from the extreme left to the extreme right.

Turning around in confined spaces

To pass this figure, you need to perform a 180 degree turn in the marked space. This is a kind of imitation of a U-turn in a yard full of cars. A useful skill that will undoubtedly come in handy in the future.


The exercise simulates the start of a car moving at an angle. This is a very useful skill when driving in the city. A car drives uphill onto an overpass and stops at an angle. Then you need to put the car on the handbrake. Then you need to move off without rolling back and completely drive over the overpass, sliding down from it.

Also read: What you need to know in the internal exam at a driving school

New traffic rules exam tickets that will be valid from September 1, 2016

How to prepare for the test at the race track

Preparation should begin at home. Dress comfortably. Try to choose the shoes you wore to classes at the race track when you were trained at a driving school. Nothing should drag or hinder movement.

Get your thoughts in order. Everyone is worried. Rate your level of anxiety. Understand that passing the traffic police exam is just one of the stages of your life. This is not something out of the ordinary. As they say, you are not the first, you are not the last.

If necessary, take a mild sedative with you to the exam. The main thing is that it does not cause a hypnotic effect.

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Arrive for the exam ahead of the scheduled time. As a rule, instructors arrive at the race track in advance. This way, you can run the program in a new place before the exam. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to take a test drive, before the test, walk around the race track, evaluate where there are bumps and protrusions, how the flags are located, how far they are from each other.

Also pay attention to the elevation angle of the overpass. It may be flatter than the one you were used to when you were learning, or, conversely, have a steeper angle. Also take weather conditions into account. If you rent in winter, then there is a possibility of ice in certain places. If it rained at night, then the asphalt is wet, and this should also be taken into account when taking the exercise on an overpass.

Try to go first if possible. Practice shows that at the beginning of the list the percentage of those who pass successfully is much higher. And you don’t need the extra anxiety that will accumulate while the others are passing.

Also read: How to sign up for a license through State Services

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