The official way to get a beautiful number
The only clear way to get a nice license plate is to purchase it with the car on which it is currently registered. The Internet is filled with such advertisements.
The procedure for purchasing such a number is as follows. Person X wants to buy a license plate from person Y, person Y sells him a vehicle with nice license plates. Next, person X, as the owner of two vehicles, puts a beautiful number on his car when registering, and puts new license plates on the car of person Y in the traffic police. Then the car is often sold or given to person U. This depends on the agreement. This scheme for purchasing a beautiful state license plate is not prohibited by law. Of course, there are risks, but people take them deliberately.
There are also minor changes to this scheme. For example, selling your car to a person who has beautiful license plates, he transfers them to your vehicle and sells it back to you. Of course, “sells” and “buys” conditionally, only on paper.
Vehicle registration numbers and plates
The federal law deciphers 2 new concepts: registration number and vehicle registration plate. Previously, drivers believed that we were talking about the same thing, but Article 13 of the law “On Vehicle Registration” says something different:
Article 13. State registration number of the vehicle and state registration plate of the vehicle
1. State registration number of a vehicle is an individual alphanumeric designation assigned to a vehicle by the registration department.
2. State registration plate of a vehicle - a product manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the national standard and containing the state registration number of the vehicle.
The essence of the changes is as follows:
- The registration plate is a plate that is installed on the car. Those. It is this that is currently commonly called a number.
- The registration number is the inscription that is printed on the plate.
At first glance, it is not clear why the familiar picture should be so complicated. However, the following innovation sheds light on this problem.
Do cars need plate numbers?
I will sell beautiful license plates for cars.
Any car owner knows that even an ordinary person has the opportunity to buy himself a criminal license plate. The only question is the price, which varies depending on its beauty. As the availability of thieves' numbers has increased, they have somewhat lost their value. Too many owners of criminal numbers began to appear on the roads. Moreover, many of them are not related to government agencies.
So they no longer impress traffic inspectors. So is there any point in buying? It is worth purchasing them only for the purpose of decorating your own car. So if you don’t have a lot of money and special requirements, then purchasing cool government signs is not the best idea.
Planned changes in legislation
In 2010, a project was developed aimed at legalizing the issuance of signs. Sales were planned to be carried out through auctions, but this idea stalled.
In 2017-2018, the government announced a new idea - to sell signs directly when buying a car in a dealership or during registration with an inspection. This means that the question “Is it possible to officially buy a beautiful license plate for a car at the traffic police” may be closed in the near future.
There are many offers on the Internet for purchasing treasured signs . If you purchase them separately, without purchasing a donor car, you can run into trouble during the first check of documents or when a criminal conspiracy between the buyer and a traffic police officer is revealed.
As before, such cases are not uncommon and license plates are distributed to relatives, acquaintances, and traffic police officers themselves for use on civilian cars.
Therefore, if you are wondering: “How to buy a beautiful license plate for a car from the traffic police officially” - use the legal methods indicated above.
Video: License plates “VOR” and “HAM” are proposed to be banned
One comment
- Alex:
I believe that the license plate for a new car, at the request of its owner, can and must be linked to his personal data: the first letters of his full name, digital data of the day, month, year of birth of the owner (s). Payment should be higher than standard no more than twice, and the number itself should not be considered beautiful. The owner of the car submits an application with justification for his desire, which should not encroach on the category of beautiful. With rare exceptions, when the birthday falls on the first nine days of the month. This solves many issues and everyone is happy, both the owner and the plate manufacturer. And the beauty of the room is determined by the owner himself. , driver since 1978 changed during this time. seven cars, all from scratch, started from nine. One of the cars had the number 943. These were the last digits of my year of birth in 1943. The whole family was glad and happy. A B Booth, an experienced driver...Answer
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Problems when buying cool numbers
Rear license plate light does not light up fine
If you have enough money and can afford to buy a beautiful room, you should be prepared for the main problems that arise when making a transaction.
It should be understood that:
- In order for a car to be registered, it must be running. If you buy a car that has an overdue inspection, you will have to spend extra money to get the inspection done. Ask the owner of the car to perform a technical inspection before selling it.
- Do not purchase buses, trucks or other vehicles that do not qualify for your license. Indeed, in this case, you may be refused to register your car.
- Be sure to check the availability of the MTPL policy. To register a car, you must have a valid MTPL policy.
- A cool number must be original. It must not be a copy, otherwise it may be confiscated along with the car. Be sure to check its connection to the VIN code. This way you can find out what license plate the car is actually registered with.
List of special numbers
- A-AA - persons who serve in the state security.
- V-AA - heads of the presidential administration, presidential assistants, presidential press secretary, his authorized representatives, etc.
- A-AB are members of the Government of the Russian Federation, assistants, heads of federal services and various federal agencies.
- A-AS - deputy chairmen of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, members of the Federation Council.
- A-AO - First Deputy, Chief of Staff of the State Duma.
- A-AM - State Duma deputies.
- A-AK - Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia.
- A-AR is the highest official.
Volkswagen vehicle VIN numbers. Where are the body and engine numbers located?
Special license plates for cars
As a rule, civil servants, high-ranking church leaders or large businessmen get special license plates for personal or company cars. For example:
- the letters “A….AA” and “B…AA” are assigned to people who are provided with state protection;
- “A...AB” goes to members of the government and officials who are not lower than the minister in the “table of ranks”;
- “A...AS” belong to the Federal Assembly;
- “A...AM” are on the personal cars of State Duma and Federation Council deputies;
- “A...AO” is the property of an official car of the State Duma or the Federal Assembly;
- “A...AK” or “K...OO77” means that the car is carrying an employee of the Constitutional Court;
- “A...AR” is installed on the transport of governors and presidents of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation;
- “A...ER” belong to the cars of high-ranking members of United Russia, most of them members of parliament;
- “E...KH” means that this is the car of an FSO or FSB employee;
- “X...KX77” is also attached to the cars of special services, but they can also be “carried” by the cars of private individuals.
The presence of one of these numbers may also indicate that a relative of an official or a crime boss is traveling on the transport.
What information can be learned by number, and how to do it
Not long ago, changes to the legislation regulating the process of buying and selling a vehicle came into force. Now you can make a purchase without turning to a lawyer for help. What is the disadvantage of such innovations?
You can find out the past of a vehicle by its license plate number. This is a great way to check the legal purity of equipment. For information you can contact:
- to the nearest traffic police department;
- to the official portal of the Traffic Inspectorate;
- to information sites that have special databases.
The choice of methods is quite large. However, if you do not want to waste time on a trip to the nearest traffic police department and there are no extra funds to obtain data from information portals, the State Traffic Inspectorate website will be the ideal solution.
The portal allows you to find out whether there are prohibitions on the alienation of the vehicle, whether the car is the subject of a pledge, and whether it is pledged to the bank.
In addition, the state license plate allows you to find out whether there are unpaid fines for this equipment.
Having studied the information presented above, we can conclude that a fairly large amount of information can be found out from the state license plate.
How to get a red license plate for a car
It is impossible for an ordinary person to get a red license plate for a car. After all, the color of the plate indicates that the car belongs to a Representative Office of a foreign state or an international organization in the Russian Federation, or to an employee of these structures.
There are known cases when people who do not have diplomatic immunity and do not work for foreign funds drove cars with red license plates. But such stories ended in scandals and troubles for both those who bought the sign and those who sold it. You can legally obtain red license plates for a car only by getting a job at a representative office of a foreign country, and then only if you travel by official transport.
How to evaluate a car license plate
You can evaluate a beautiful license plate for a car on websites that mediate the purchase and sale of plates. But the owner of such a registration mark can do this himself, by viewing similar advertisements on social networks and on Internet sites, and by communicating with other owners of similar value.
The cost depends on the region and character set. For many, the most important thing is the letter code, which makes it clear to the police that an important person is riding in the car. Such license plates are more expensive. The highest prices are in the capital, St. Petersburg and the Caucasus.
How to officially get a beautiful license plate for a car
There are many offers of assistance in buying license plates or selling a state license plate for a car, but the question is, how legal are all these methods? Some countries around the world have adopted laws that allow you to buy license plates at auctions and then legally register your car on them. In Russia, according to the law, it is impossible to buy or negotiate license plates directly from the traffic police. Number plates must be issued in turn, and traffic police officers are prohibited from postponing numbers or juggling the queue. But we all understand that the practice of “delaying” to the right people is a working scheme. Yes, it's not legal.
In 2021, a bill was submitted to the State Duma, according to which the traffic police would have the right to sell license plates, this is how they wanted to fight corruption and replenish the budget. However, this bill was not adopted and everything remains as it was. Official sources insist that you can get an official state number from the traffic police with a beautiful combination of numbers by luck when re-registering a car. There are cases in practice when, when re-registering a car, the lucky owner came across beautiful numbers, but it is extremely rare for it to be a number with three identical digits.
Termination of registration and deregistration
Another interesting change is the introduction of two similar procedures:
Article 18. Termination and renewal of state registration of a vehicle
Article 19. Removal of a vehicle from state registration and restoration of state registration of a vehicle
Let me remind you that until July 10, 2021, in Russian legislation there were 2 concepts “termination of registration” and “deregistration” and drivers were constantly confused. On July 10, 2017, the division was abolished, and both concepts began to mean the same thing.
However, the new law again separates these concepts. Each of them is described in more detail in a separate article:
Termination of registration and deregistration
What is the procedure at the traffic police department?
To register a vehicle and receive a registration plate, the owner needs to take the following actions:
Make an appointment at the MREO within 10 days after purchasing the car. This can be done directly in the department or through the State Services portal. The car owner will be given a date and time when he should come for the license plates.
When making an appointment at the service department, you can express your desire to receive a special combination of numbers and letters on the registration plate. Although the MREO employee has the right to ignore the request.
- Collect a package of documents. You will definitely need a passport of the owner of the car, a purchase and sale agreement and a title. If you purchased a used car, you also need STS. For a foreign car imported from abroad, you need a document from customs. Submission of an application for vehicle registration and payment of a fee are required. The car must already be insured, but you do not need to present the policy; the traffic police will receive information about it from the electronic database.
- The documents are handed over to the MREO employee. While he is entering information into them or filling out a new STS, the car owner sends the car for inspection to a special site.
- After checking the vehicle's VIN with what is indicated in the title, the procedure is completed. The owner receives new documents and license plates. Before leaving, you should check the entries made in the papers so as not to miss possible errors.
It is allowed to register a car at any inspection office in the country. And those who want to get a special license plate do this where there is a familiar employee who will help solve the problem.
To learn how to register a car and get a license plate, watch this video:
To get license plates for your new car, you will need to register it with the traffic police. As a rule, if the vehicle is used, then it can be registered faster. This is due to the fact that when a car is new, it is registered for the first time, and the owner acquires registration plates. But in any case, you are given exactly 10 days to contact the traffic police. Moreover, the deadline will not be extended due to holidays or weekends. Therefore, a person must calculate the day of purchase so that he can register the car without any problems.
Important! If the driver fails to obtain a license plate in a timely manner, then for the first violation there will be a fine of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. But if you repeatedly ignore the rules, your driver’s license may be temporarily revoked.
Now let's figure out how to register the car. A person can go through the procedure independently or contact a company that can register the car instead of the owner. In any case, the principle of obtaining numbers from the traffic police is the same.
What do you need:
- Make an appointment at the MREO traffic police department. This can be done by telephone or via the Internet. You can, for example, go to the State Services website. In this case, it is recommended to download the application form, print it and fill it out. Alternatively, you can submit your application online. Then you won’t have to stand in line, thereby saving time.
- Complete the registration of the MTPL agreement. New cars must be insured, and this will need to be done before contacting the traffic police. You can obtain insurance directly upon purchase at the salon or contact the company yourself. The policy must be issued for one year, and then go for license plates.
- Pay the government fee. You must first clarify the payment amount and details. You can view them on the official website of the traffic police or at the MREO branch.
- Arrive your car at the appointed time to send it for inspection. You should have certain documents with you.
Can everyone choose state numbers?
Until the amendments to the law are officially adopted, no one chooses the combination of numbers and letters on the state car sign. The leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs say that there is no trade in “thieves” license plates in their department, just as there is no opportunity to choose the one you like based on an acquaintance or a request addressed to an MREO employee. Theoretically, every motorist can get a “beautiful” registration plate, but by chance. After all, for now they are assigned in order of priority.
In fact, “thieves” license plates can often be seen on expensive and prestigious cars, whose owners can clearly afford to spend money on such a whim. This means that you can still purchase the desired registration plate.
If the amendments to the law are adopted, every motorist will have the chance to choose a combination of numbers and letters for a license plate. How this will happen is still unknown, since the procedure is not spelled out in the amendments to the law. It must be defined separately. There are proposals to put up “thieves’ license plates” at auction. That is, the one who pays the most will buy such a sign. Actually, this is possible now, but the procedure has not yet been legalized.
We recommend reading about changing the license plate on a car. From the article you will learn about the reasons for replacing the state license plate, the restoration procedure, registration of a new license plate, cost and state duty.
And here is more information about cars with permanent registration.
Where to buy beautiful numbers?
There are several options to become the owner of not only a beautiful car, but also beautiful registration plates for it. At the same time, you should take into account that the cost of such signs can range from several thousand to a million. So, where can you buy beautiful state registration plates in the virtual space:
On the sites presented above, everyone has the opportunity to choose a beautiful combination for their car, as well as find out the price for it. In addition, there are special auctions where you can also purchase a state badge.
Ways to purchase numbers:
- You can buy beautiful signs from one of your friends who no longer needs them, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a person who would sell such numbers;
- People who have decided to sell their registration numbers most often post advertisements on the Internet, so purchasing them on the Internet is considered one of the most common methods;
Another way is this: try to negotiate with a traffic police officer. But at the same time, you must understand that this option is considered dangerous and, moreover, it is illegal. There is a low probability that you will be able to buy license plates for a car without getting caught taking a bribe.
If you decide to purchase registration plates for a car on Internet sites, then you need to be very careful, since this method of acquisition is very dubious. In the worst case, you will pay a large amount for nothing, and will be left without numbers.
Special license plates in Russian regions
Until 1993, vehicles of the capital's law enforcement agencies had series numbers MOS, MOL, etc. They weren't sold. They could be given for services rendered or out of great friendship. With the release of the new series of license plates, which have three numbers and three letters, everything has changed. For example, the combination appeared on the first car of the head of the traffic police - o100 oo 77. Although at first this combination was intended for the FSB. The market immediately reacted to this. And such figures quickly increased in price. There has been high demand for them for 3 years. They sold for at least $6,000. Because of this, no one ever slowed down such cars.
Trading in FSB numbers and letters led to the fact that the security officers themselves had only 60 such numbers left. And in 1998 they were removed from the department. And persecution began against the owners of numbers with three zeros. Such cars could be stopped until information about the owner is fully clarified. Their prices have fallen accordingly.
- Not long ago, O***OO 97 numbers appeared. They cost even less - about $3,000. They are purchased mainly by artists. For example, on Alexander Malinin’s machine there is a combination with three zeros.
- A***AA 77 is owned mainly by private individuals. They are especially popular among wealthy people. They do not have representative functions. Outside of Moscow, you should be afraid to stop cars with similar license plates. But the capital's traffic police officers may well stop and even fine the owner of such a car. People who have paid a considerable amount to buy a beautiful room are surprised. After all, when this series first went on sale, a rumor was immediately started that these were license plates of the presidential administration, which means they were inviolable.
- The A***AA99 can be purchased for about $4,000. Now such numbers are in commercial use and are available to FSB officers.
- AMO, AMO were truly inviolable. But that was a very long time ago. Today their value exceeds $3,000.
- MR will cost buyers approximately 5-10 thousand dollars. But the investment will be well worth it. A car with them can be stopped only for a serious violation.
- MO77s cost about $1,000.
So, before you buy cool license plates for your own car, you should think carefully about why you need them. It doesn't always make sense to invest a lot of money into making your car special. To begin with, it’s worth asking what the decoding of the number is. Perhaps a license plate purchased for several thousand dollars will not give you privileges on the roads.
Types of beautiful rooms
Beautiful license plates for a car have different values and different prices. This depends on the prevalence of such license plates and the combination of symbols.
The rooms are divided into:
- Mirrored: the first and third digits in the license plate match, such numbers look beautiful, they are not so difficult to obtain, and the cost is low.
- Triple digits, when three digits or three digits in a number match. For example, M346MM or N777KA, it is much more difficult to obtain such numbers, but they are the most common among “thieves” numbers.
- Premium license plates: these license plates have the same numbers and letters. For example, O555OO or N333NN.
- Hundreds: the letters in such numbers are arbitrary, and the numbers are only whole hundreds. For example, K300BB or N200EA.
- Decimals: A numeric value resembles a decimal number. For example, K007EA or N003KV. It is considered a particularly good option if the car make is written on the license plate. For example, Audi Q7, and the license plate is A007EK.
- Two identical numbers: two identical numbers next to each other in a number. For example, N338EK.
- With the characteristics of the owner. For example, B782OR (BOR) or X096AM (HAM).
The essence of innovation
In order to carry out more accurate accounting of vehicles, as well as analyze and predict the development of the situation in the regions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation proposed linking license plates to the place of registration of the vehicle owner.
If the law is adopted, the norm will come into force on August 8, 2021.
This means that now a person living, for example, in Krasnodar, will not be able to drive a car with Moscow or St. Petersburg license plates. Regardless of the region in which the vehicle was purchased and re-registered, the owner will be required to obtain plates with the code of his region.
What numbers are currently issued in Moscow?
Now in Moscow they issue numbers with series 799 and 750. This depends on the area of the capital. There are many more letter combinations:
- "K...NOT"
- "K...NH"
- "E...NV"
- "Oh...TU"
- "Oh...MH"
- "S...MH",
- "U...MO"
- “K...UV”,
- “U...NOT.”
And this is not a complete list. But it is much more important that from January 1, 2019, the signs will look different, as they are carried out according to the new GOST R 50577-2018. The content of some of them will also change. For example, the license plate of a sports car will have the letter “C”, and the license plate of a vintage car will have the letter “K”.
New license plates for passenger cars
Old registration plates are not subject to mandatory replacement; they can be used. New ones will be received by those car owners who register the car with the traffic police or issue a duplicate.
Which number will the program choose?
So, cars will now be registered in a new way. In particular, the procedure for assigning a number to a car during registration has changed. Previously, inspectors knew which number was coming next. And careless traffic police officers could make a mistake to find a nice number for friends or those who applied. Naturally, not for free.
Now they simply won’t be able to know this - the combination of letters and numbers will be chosen by a computer program. Thus, according to the initiators of the innovation, they will be able to deal with the facts of corruption in the registration departments of the traffic police. Thus, issuing numbers will be a kind of lottery.
Beautiful numbers
Not the coolest car owners have nice numbers on their cars. The cost of beautiful numbers is from 50 rubles. up to 600 dollars. It has become easier to get them - the question is money.
555 - Numbers with 3 identical numbers, as well as letters that begin and end with two zeros, cost approximately $200-$600.
There will not be many benefits from such an acquisition. It’s just that in Moscow you may not be stopped at your post. And in the regions, traffic police officers, on the contrary, can specifically stop you to find out who is driving such a car. Very cool license plates for any car will cost approximately $700-1500.
It is very difficult to obtain numbers in the format *777**77 or *999**99, since they show the prestige of the car owner. In the capital, drivers of cars with such signs are almost never stopped.
"I Eat As I Want"
This way you can decipher the numbers of the series E***KX77, as well as 99. They belong to the FSO of Russia. State traffic inspectors forgive them everything.
It's all about the high status of such numbers; they are very difficult to acquire. However, there were cases when such figures were given for special services. Their cost is about 70 thousand dollars.
- The situation is simpler with the numbers X***KX77 and 99. They belong to FSB employees. They are very difficult and expensive to buy. You will have to pay approximately $40,000.
- The C***SS77 series numbers are available from the Special Communications Center. Cars with them are not stopped in Moscow and the region. You can buy them for $4,000.
- K***KK99 were originally created for Feldsvyaz. However, they never made money.
Deputy leftist
Federal parliamentary numbers are the coolest. According to the law, the elected representative of the people, as well as a member of the Federal Council, can put it with flags on the car. But many do not do this, but sell such figures. The sale price can range from $20,000 to $30,000. They don't stop cars with them.
Most of the cool rooms can be seen in Moscow and the region. However, they are also found in the regions.
Where can I get a nice license plate for my car?
You can buy beautiful license plates, but they will be very expensive. The number of offers on the market is huge. At the moment, the State Duma is considering a project so that the sale and purchase of such figures can only be carried out at a special auction.
Where can you buy beautiful, cool numbers for your car today?
- The most legitimate way is to purchase a car from an old owner that already has cool numbers. This method has long been practiced in many car dealerships. Car dealerships buy used cars with beautiful plates from their owners. After purchasing such a car, the new owner will need to re-register it by going to the traffic police with the former owner, as well as the original documents.
- Buying cool numbers through the traffic police is illegal. Both parties will be held responsible for bribes.
- Buying via the Internet is practically the same as repurchasing numbers from the owner. This method is quite common. Owners of cars with beautiful numbers create advertisements. And the buyers negotiate the deal.
Is it legal to buy a license plate online?
The Internet is replete with advertisements for the sale of any numbers, assistance with registration. According to the law, these methods are illegal unless the license plate is purchased with the car. Then it's completely legal.
Due to the great popularity and demand for beautiful numbers, cases of fraud have become more frequent. Often, scammers take the money, and that’s where it all ends, but it happens in schemes involving re-registration of cars to obtain a license plate, they can take both the money and the car. There are many such stories, then people try for years to win their car back, but this is unrealistic, since the purchase and sale agreement was voluntarily signed by a notary.
Before you try to buy a beautiful number, you should consider the possible risks and try to avoid mistakes and not fall for scammers. It is on the Internet that victims are often searched for. There are also cases when they simply sell license plates, and when you try to register a car with them at the traffic police, questions arise about the legality of obtaining them. To be fair, it should be said that not all advertisements on the Internet are created by scammers; there are also those who will really help. But this help may also be illegal.
Registration of criminal license plates for cars
So, you managed to purchase a beautiful license plate for your car, but here a new question arises: how can you legally register it?
In any case, you need to buy or sell a car, for the reason that the law does not provide for the purchase or sale of license plates . So, today there are three ways to purchase license plates officially, that is, legally.
Buying a car with registration plates . This method is one of the simplest. The seller sells his car with beautiful license plates. Then the buyer registers the purchased car and installs new signs. After which the buyer transfers the car to the previous owner and registers the plate numbers for his car. Before you decide to take this step, you should take into account that the cost of such a purchase and sale procedure is very impressive, but most car owners are ready to go to great lengths just to get them.
The second way to receive it is to transfer your car to the owner of the car with beautiful registration plates. Then the seller of the beautiful plates registers his car and receives new plates, and he transfers the old beautiful plates along with the car back to its owner. Essentially, this method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that in this case the seller does not risk his car.
The third method of obtaining is carried out using a third car, which must be registered to the seller of beautiful license plates. The seller registers the car he buys and receives new license plates, then he installs them on his car, and registers beautiful license plates on the new car, after which he sells it to the buyer. He, in turn, registers it and receives new license plates, after which he returns the car with regular license plates to the owner.
All of the above methods are official, since the registration procedure takes place through the traffic police, but at the same time, these methods are considered quite complex , since their implementation will require a large amount of time and money. The cost of beautiful rooms can be extremely high, but if this does not stop you, then use any of the above methods and purchase the desired signs.