Registering a car with the traffic police, registering a vehicle in 2021

New rules for registering a car with the traffic police in 2021

The main responsibility of the owner of a new car is registration with the traffic police. Until 2021, the rules approved in 2008 were in force in the country. Since 2017, the legislator has made some changes to the rules. They mainly concern the introduction of new technologies:

  • In 2021, cars that are not equipped in the prescribed manner with an automatic navigation system in the event of an accident such as “ERA-GLONASS” will not be allowed for registration. This concept has already been brought to the attention of manufacturers providing vehicles to the Russian market and to car dealerships;
  • Car owners are finally freed from having to stand in lines at insurance company offices. You can now apply for a compulsory insurance policy online at your selected insurance company. In order to confirm compliance with legal requirements, when traveling on the road in 2021 you will need to have a printed copy of your electronic MTPL insurance;
  • Regarding compulsory insurance, it is planned to introduce new standards for calculating the cost of the policy. Now the dependent parameters of tariffs will include information about offenses committed on the road, including speeding or deprivation of a driver's license. The cost of the policy will increase depending on the statistics of accumulated violations for the previous year of insurance. The maximum MTPL tariff will be limited to three times the previous cost of the policy;
  • In 2021, a transition to electronic versions of the vehicle passport (PTS) is planned. Information about the owner will be stored in the unified information center of the road safety inspection. It will no longer be necessary to present the vehicle title to the traffic police; all you have to do is carry with you only the vehicle registration certificate.

New car registration rules come into force in October 2021

On September 26, 2018, the final version of Order No. 399 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “On approval of the Rules for state registration of motor vehicles and their trailers in the State Road Safety Inspectorate...” was published on the official Internet portal of legal information..., which replaces the registration rules approved by ten-year-old Order No. 1001 .

The order will come into force on October 6 this year, thereby putting on the shelf outdated registration rules that have been in force since 2008. It is worth noting that the attempt to make global updates to the registration actions failed the first time; the first version of the order remained on paper due to the fact that during its consideration many nuances changed in the legislation that the document did not take into account. Therefore, we had to make adjustments and work on the second version of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We have already written about it in detail on the pages of our online publication 1GAI.RU:

Here's how the new rules for registering cars with the traffic police will change

Today, on the eve of the October changes in vehicle registration in the country, we decided to once again go through the main points of an important regulatory draft order, which is about to become law for motorists for many years to come.

Source: YouTube channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Despite the extensiveness of the document, which details on 27 pages all the intricacies of registering cars and motorcycles, as well as trailers for them in a new way, the main updates can be grouped in the following areas:

Changes in registration actions for installing a new engine on a car;

Changing the shelf life of license plates;

Introduction into circulation of electronic vehicle passports (EPTS);

Changing the rules for registering a vehicle owned by several owners;

Cancellation of the driver's obligation to register a car exclusively using a passport

Actually, these are the main changes from which we have compiled questions to which we will immediately give answers. So:

Registration of a new car with the traffic police in 2021. Registration procedure

The general algorithm for registering a new car with the traffic police in 2018 is as follows:

  • Make an appointment at the MREO inspection. You can do this by phone, through the government services portal, or on site upon arrival at the traffic police in the department’s electronic terminal.
  • Registration of insurance.
  • Payment of mandatory registration fees.
  • Preparation of documents (PTS, owner’s passport, purchase agreement, application for registration, receipts).

After collecting the necessary documents and writing an application for inspection, the car must be presented to the inspection officer for examination and verification of the VIN code. If everything is fine, the car owner goes to the inspector, who conducts the reception. This is the final procedure in 2021, after which numbers are issued (if necessary, a certificate)

The easiest way to navigate the process of registering a new car in 2021 is to visit a traffic police department. But the main nuance of buying a new car is that you will have to take care of the proper registration of your vehicle at the stage of negotiations with the dealer’s representatives. It is at the car dealership that they must draw up a properly executed contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle, put a mark in the vehicle’s passport and certify it with the seal of their organization.

To move freely around the city or your local area within the period established by the state without registering at the salon, you must obtain transit numbers. The fact of transfer of identification marks must be reflected in the PTS. Among the changes in 2021 that affected the procedure for registering new cars is the possibility of canceling the sales agreement. This procedure is closely interconnected with the algorithm of the buyer’s actions when critical deficiencies are detected, which will allow the owner of the newly purchased vehicle to return it back, receiving their money back.

The second, no less important stage of registering a car in 2018 is its insurance. A compulsory insurance policy that is required to travel on the road is compulsory motor liability insurance. What is especially noteworthy is that the owner is forbidden to even leave the car dealership, since anything can happen while driving. There will be no time to make claims later. One of the options for eliminating this problem is to contact the services of insurers directly at the car dealership. A company representative will help you apply for a policy.

Another interesting change in 2021 in the procedure for registering a new car with the traffic police is the abolition of checking the car’s engine by license plate number. Such information will no longer be reflected in the general database.

Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the class of your car, since off-road vehicles should also be registered with the military registration and enlistment office.

How does the traffic police register a car and where can I sign up for the queue?

The deadlines for accepting documents are regulated by law. In any department, the registration time for one car should not exceed 1.5 hours. In others, reception and re-registration are carried out on certain days according to the schedule. Time is divided into the following periods:

  • submitting an application - 5 minutes;
  • document verification - 30 minutes;
  • vehicle inspection - 20 minutes;
  • announcement of results - 10 minutes;
  • paperwork - 10 minutes;
  • entering data into the traffic police database - 10 minutes;
  • issuance of documents and numbers - 5 minutes.

Pre-registration for appointments is available at state inspection departments. You will have to stand in it for about 15 minutes, provided that there is not too much influx of visitors.

According to the registration regulations, traffic police officers must do it within 1.5 hours. However, in reality, this procedure takes much longer, since departmental employees do not have time to process the huge flow of documentation in such a short time.

If you urgently need to re-register movable property, it is better to find the address of the nearest 24-hour branch and go there at night.

Registering a car with the traffic police is considered a simple procedure if you have all the documents and everything is in order with the car. Despite this, you will have to spend some time, so it is better to prepare everything in advance so as not to visit the traffic police department again later.

Registration of a new car with the traffic police in 2021. Documents for registration

Like any registration procedure, registering a car with the traffic police in 2021 requires the owner to prepare a full set of documents. The package provided by the owner must contain:

Application for registration. The form is usually provided by the state inspection body.

  • An agreement confirming a legal transaction between the buyer and seller of the car. Also, to certify his ownership, the owner of the new vehicle attaches receipts from the dealership. In exceptional situations, the owner must provide a certificate of inheritance from a notary.
  • A passport issued according to the rules for the vehicle.
  • A document that certifies the identity of the owner arriving for registration.
  • Current auto liability insurance policy. The contract can be drawn up online on the official website of one of the existing insurers.
  • A receipt for which the state duty was paid.
  • To facilitate the process of registering a new car, a pre-registration service was launched in 2018. You can also apply to be placed in line with an inspector by phone or by punching out a ticket at a special terminal. If something is missing at the time of submitting registration documents, this will result in a loss of time.

When is a car re-registered?

First of all, re-registration is carried out:

  • when changing the owner of a vehicle (purchase and sale, donation, inheritance)
  • when changing the personal data of the car owner
  • after changing the place of registration of the owner of the car;
  • when the personal data of the vehicle owner changes (name, surname);
  • after making changes to the properties of the vehicle, which must be written down in the technical passport (color, design, component numbers).

In 2021, vehicle registration is carried out at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. You can contact any branch of the MREO throughout Russia. There you will receive numbers with the code of the region where the branch is located.

When re-registering a used car, the applicant must additionally provide old license plates to replace them. When registering a new car, the license plates will be of an updated type from the fall of 2018.

Sometimes they may require additional certificates to prove that you are the owner of the car.

You will also need papers proving the replacement of license plates or vehicle design, for example, when converting a truck to a passenger vehicle, or when replacing a damaged body.

There are cases when the new owner determines that the purchased movable property is wanted by the police. Then you need to prove your right of ownership through the court, after which you can re-register the documents by court decision.

When donating a car, the donor draws up the appropriate document from a notary. This exempts the donor's relatives from paying tax. The person who receives such a gift must register the vehicle. To do this, you need to write an application and submit it directly to the MREO or electronically on the official website of the State Services online.

Installation of a new and used car is practically no different, if you do not take into account some nuances. The only difference is the payment for license plates.

If you bought a car from a dealership, then the “owner” field must contain the data of an individual or dealer who represents the interests of the new owner.

According to the new rules, registration of new and used cars can be carried out in any region of Russia. You can even apply at a location other than your place of residence; after registration, all data will automatically be sent to the tax and traffic police database at your actual place of residence.

In 2021, when buying a used car, you don’t have to wait until the old owner deregisters the car. If the former owner wants to keep the old plates, but you need to transport the car, you need to apply for Transit plates.

Registration of a car for a legal entity is carried out in accordance with the standards established for all citizens of Russia. But to register a car, a legal entity must provide more documents than for individuals. To the main list you need to add:

  • an extract from the order to place the car on the company’s balance sheet;
  • a photocopy of the company registration document and charter, certified by a notary;
  • power of attorney from a representative of the company's interests;
  • copies of cash receipts.

The application is filled out by a legal entity a little differently than by an individual. The traffic police officer at the place of registration of the company will tell you the sequence of actions in more detail.

To pay the state fee, you must provide a certificate of registration, as well as extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Individuals do not have the right to pay the duty on behalf of the company, and legal entities - only by bank transfer.

Registration of a new car with the traffic police in 2021. New car registration deadline

Planning your activities is normal for any car owner. Moreover, the legislator sets certain deadlines for car registration in 2021, which must also be adhered to by the state road safety inspection bodies. The traffic police receives all the additional information that inspectors need from a single information database, which speeds up the process on the part of the department.

It is necessary to register a new vehicle (submit documents for registration) within ten days. This rule also applies to those owners who purchased a used car. For cases where the car is equipped with temporary metal plates, the registration period coincides with their validity period.

Violation of the established registration period entails bringing the owner to administrative liability. So, if you arrive at the traffic police department late by at least one day, in 2021 this will entail a fine of up to 2,000 rubles. It will be much worse if such a violation is recorded on the road. Sanctions will be imposed regardless of the reasons that led to such an offense. Responsibility increases if the deadline for registration is repeated.

How much will it cost to register a new car with the traffic police in 2021?

Government services are in most cases paid, with the exception of the provision of reference information. The total cost of performing registration actions on the part of the traffic police will be based on the citizen’s situation:

  • The fee for issuing a certificate confirming the registration of a vehicle in the unified traffic police database is 500 rubles.
  • You will have to pay 2900 rubles for providing a new pair of license plates.
  • A vehicle passport costs 350 rubles.

The total cost of public services in 2021 will be about 3,750 rubles. The trend of our time is that tariffs are constantly updated (increased). Today, it is already possible to save not only time, but also your money, by using a new format service on the government services portal.

Registration of a new car with the traffic police in 2021 through State Services

The presented algorithm of actions is presented for those who already have a confirmed account on the government services portal. Let's say you have collected all the documents, you will need to scan them for subsequent upload to the service. What are the steps in the step-by-step instructions for registering a car in 2021:

  • You need to find the corresponding section with the name. In our case, the car is new, so we need to go further to the registration and issuance of documents section.
  • The user will see an electronic form to fill out. The first data is for the car, select the type of vehicle and the status of the person on whose behalf the online application is being filled out.
  • Personal data (passport and residential address). This stage is the simplest, since in the authorization mode, information about the applicant will already be entered into the form. If any data has been updated over the last period, you will need to spend time changing it and confirming it via SMS. Otherwise, when receiving registration documents in person, a refusal may occur due to discrepancies in data.
  • Detailed information about the vehicle. The legislator does not prohibit leaving your old numbers, but you can get new ones. In any case, this must be indicated. The form should also reflect the need to issue a passport for the car and the category of the vehicle.
  • In the “document information” tab, you can display the insurance policy data. The form and requirements may change, so it is necessary to keep all documentation and preferably scanned copies on hand. This will facilitate and speed up the check before your personal visit to the traffic police department.
  • Next, the inspection department is selected.
  • The current promotion of the use of government services through an electronic portal involves the provision of discounts on the payment of state fees. Thus, you can save on mandatory fees when paying for fines for improper driving and for performing registration actions. For example, the fee for registering a car will be only 70 percent of the established norm for the applicant. You can pay for government services using the link in the electronic application process.

According to the new rules, is it necessary to register a new engine with the traffic police?

It will be possible to install a new engine on the car without any additional purchase and sale agreements for the power unit, as is currently required by law. That is, without any additional actions, from October 6 it will be possible to install a new engine in a car and drive such a car without any additional actions, provided that the engine is actually legally clean. A traffic police inspector checking a car on the road will not be able to make any claims. Therefore, according to the new rules, there is no need to register a new motor.

Registration of a new car with the traffic police in 2021. Nuances

Few people pay attention to the fact that recording data in the database on the owner of a car is not a mandatory norm. In any case, incoming claims will be addressed to the person who applied for registration with the traffic police and has a purchase and sale agreement in hand (the real buyer). Often, spouses prefer to arrive at registration together to make sure that the car is not intentionally registered to the second family member. There is nothing terrible, only this person will receive accrued fines for violating traffic rules on the road, as well as receipts for payment of the annual transport tax.



Required documents to the traffic police and an application for vehicle registration

To register a car, you need to collect a certain package of documents:

  • application for registration of a vehicle at the traffic police department on a standard form.
  • passport with registration. If there is no mark about the place of registration, you must provide a document confirming registration at the place of residence.
  • power of attorney if the procedure is carried out by the owner’s representative.
  • car passport.
  • car registration certificate.
  • document confirming ownership.
  • license plates when re-registering a used car.
  • OSAGO policy.
  • receipts for payment of state fees.

Most often, this package of documents is sufficient for the registration procedure, however, sometimes you will need to provide:

  • if the vehicle needs to be registered with a citizen of another country, then the foreign citizen’s passport must be presented;
  • If you have changed the engine or other units with numbers, you must present documents.

The rules for registering a vehicle imply confirmation of ownership using the following documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • gift agreement;
  • certificate of inheritance;
  • the court's decision;
  • protocol of the drawing commission upon winning.

You can fill out the application form yourself or send it electronically through the State Services portal. The fields that you must fill out are highlighted in blue.

Attention! The application must indicate the details of the new owner.

Check all documents in advance so as not to miss any important ones.

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