Documents Required for Registration of Kamaz with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

How to register a truck with the traffic police?

Registration of freight transport does not take much time from the owner. As in the case of passenger cars, the car owner will receive a truck registration certificate on the day of contacting the traffic police.

Where and when to apply?

You can register a truck at any branch of the MREO State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Russia, regardless of both the place where the vehicle was purchased and the residence of its owner. After registration, the driver will be issued license plates indicating the region in which the car was registered.

Important! The owner is obliged to register the truck within 10 days from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. After the specified time has passed, operating a vehicle without registration will be illegal.

Required documents

The required package of documents for registering a truck with the traffic police will depend on who the owner is - an individual or a legal entity. For individuals you will need to provide:

  • application for registration of a vehicle (according to the standard form);
  • civil passport identifying the car owner;
  • a vehicle passport issued at a car dealership, at customs, or transferred by the previous owner of the car;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the truck (sale and purchase agreement, deed of gift, cargo customs declaration, etc.);
  • compulsory motor vehicle insurance policy;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • power of attorney certified by a notary (in the event that the registration of the car is not carried out by the owner himself, but by an authorized person).

If domestically produced freight transport has increased cross-country ability, the application will need to be marked by the regional military registration and enlistment office.

The list of documents for legal entities will be more voluminous. In particular, the following will be added to the list of required papers:

  • a copy of the organization's charter;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • copy of TIN certificate;
  • a copy of the certificate from the State Statistics Committee.

All listed copies must be notarized.

Cost of the procedure

Based on Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the state duty for registering a truck is 850 rubles. This amount includes:

  • 350 rubles – making changes to the PTS;
  • 500 rubles – registration of a vehicle registration certificate (VRC).

If the truck owner decides to change the license plates, he will have to pay an additional 2,000 rubles.

Important! When a car is registered by a legal entity, the state duty can only be paid by the organization. Receipts for payment from authorized representatives, employees of the enterprise or other individuals are not accepted.

What documents are needed for registration?

Before making an appointment at the traffic police registration department, prepare the following list of documents (for individuals):

  1. The applicant's passport (or other identity document) and a power of attorney from the owner, if registration is carried out by an authorized person.
  2. PTS and STS (if the car is used).
  3. OSAGO policy.
  4. Document on the ownership of the car (sale or gift agreement, inheritance document, court decisions, etc.).
  5. A receipt indicating that the state duty has been paid.
  6. Application for registration. The application form under clause 6 is not issued in all traffic police departments, however, in many of them there is an “unobtrusive service of filling out such a form for a fee. If the applicant does not want to overpay for this service, and the selected registration office does not issue an application form, it can be printed from the government services website or from the official traffic police portal.

Sample of filling out an application to the traffic police

You must fill out the registration application carefully and carefully - inaccuracies may be grounds for registration department employees to refuse to accept the application for consideration.

The list of documents for registering a car owned by an organization is different for individuals. In addition to the registration application, documents for the car (PTS and STS, if the car is used), MTPL insurance and a passport of the person representing the interests of the organization, the following is required:

  1. A power of attorney from an organization issued to a person representing its interests. It states the right of this person to act on behalf of the organization when registering the car.
  2. Document of ownership (in addition to the purchase and sale agreement, this may be a balance sheet statement, deed of transfer and other documents accepted for organizations).
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).
  4. Payment orders (in a copy) with the bank’s execution mark, indicating that the organization has paid the state duty.

The amounts of state fees for organizations are the same as for citizens.

Registration through State Services

Owners of cargo vehicles also have access to the vehicle registration service through the State Services portal. This opportunity is available to both individuals and legal entities. In order to use it, you need to scan all the required documents.

After this, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  1. log into your personal account on the State Services website;
  2. in the “Services” section, select “Vehicle registration”;
  3. fill out the required form and select the date and time for your visit to the traffic police;
  4. attach scanned documents to the application and send it for processing;
  5. on the appointed day, appear at the traffic police MREO and provide all documents in their original paper form.

When registering with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, a State Services user can save 30% of the cost of the state duty by paying by bank transfer.

How to register a truck with the traffic police: stages of registration?

Registration of a cargo vehicle is a mandatory requirement for all citizens and legal entities. To register a car you will need:

  • undergo a technical inspection of the vehicle;
  • purchase an MTPL or CASCO insurance policy;
  • collect a package of necessary documents;
  • pay state fees for document preparation services;
  • drive to the nearest traffic police MREO office with a registered vehicle;
  • fill out an application for registration;
  • submit the package of collected documents to the department employee;
  • adjust the car to check numbers (VIN, engine, chassis) and comply with safety regulations;
  • obtain new documents and license plates (if necessary).

This list of measures is mandatory for all citizens purchasing a vehicle or re-registering it for certain purposes.

Reasons for refusal

Traffic police officers have the right to refuse to register a car owner. There are several legitimate reasons for this:

  • The applicant provided an incomplete package of documents.
  • The information in the documents about the car or its owner is incorrect.
  • Suspicion arose of forgery of documents.
  • Changes were made to the design of the vehicle that were not recorded in the documents (for example, when replacing the engine).
  • There were signs of concealment or alteration of markings identifying the truck.
  • The vehicle or the registration plates installed on it are stolen.
  • The documents provided are entered into the traffic police database as stolen or lost.
  • A restriction has been placed on the vehicle (for example, by a bank or bailiffs) prohibiting its registration.
  • The PTS does not contain a mark on the recycling fee, which is mandatory for vehicle passports issued after September 1, 2012.
  • The car was not insured and does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  • The owner did not pay the state duty.

Reference! In addition to all the reasons listed, registration may also be denied if the owner of the vehicle has unpaid traffic fines.

What to do if they refuse?

If a motorist is refused registration, he has the right to appeal this decision. To do this you need:

  1. require the refusal to be issued in writing with a mandatory indication of the reason;
  2. file a complaint with the traffic police to higher authorities, personally delivering an application with a request to review the decision;
  3. If the management of the traffic police does not satisfy the car owner’s complaint, the only option is to go to court.

You can apply to the court no later than three months from the day the owner of the vehicle received an official refusal to register.

State duty for car registration

When registering a car with the traffic police, the following state fees are used:

  • 350 rubles - for making changes to the PTS.
  • 500 rubles - for issuing a paper certificate of registration (or 1,500 rubles for a plastic STS - from August 3, 2021).
  • 2,000 rubles for issuing numbers.

Attention ! When registering a car through the government services portal, you can get a 30 percent discount on state fees. T. . the total registration costs in this case will be 1,995 rubles .

The discount is valid from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2021. You can find out more about it in this article.

The first two fees will have to be paid. The latter must be paid only if your car does not have license plates, or you want to replace existing license plates with new ones.

Providing receipts for payment of state duties is not mandatory, but I recommend taking them to the traffic police. They might come in handy.

Can the procedure be declared invalid?

In some situations, the traffic police has the right to cancel the existing vehicle registration. In this case, the previous registration procedure is considered invalid and must be cancelled. There are several reasons for deregistration:

  • errors made in documents during customs clearance of a vehicle;
  • fake documents;
  • loss of vehicle passport;
  • mistakes made when registering a car;
  • vehicle recycling.

What if it's cancelled?

If the truck's registration has been deregistered, the owner should:

  1. contact the traffic police and find out the reasons;
  2. wait for the official response from the traffic police;
  3. determine whether it is possible to eliminate the reason for cancellation;
  4. after correcting all the shortcomings, contact the traffic police again and try to restore the registration;
  5. If the traffic police refuses again, you will need to receive an official refusal in writing and go to court with this document.

Important! When canceling the registration, the owner of the truck must either provide evidence of the illegality of the traffic police’s actions, or correct these shortcomings and restore the vehicle’s registration.

Registration of a truck with the traffic police by an individual

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 1994 N 938 “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation”, registration of a truck with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate requires the presence of certain documents, among which are: Registration of a truck in the traffic police by an individual is a mandatory procedure for every owner of a vehicle. Without it, legal ownership and full use of the car is impossible. When purchasing a truck, you need to immediately take care of its registration (when it is a new vehicle) or re-registration (when the truck is used).

In most cases, the registration process is a major headache for truck owners due to the fact that the process is considered too energy-intensive. It requires incredible patience and extreme care. To register a vehicle, you need to collect the required documents, and then pay the fee in full and receive license plates. In fact, registering a truck with the traffic police is not that difficult if you follow all the procedures according to the rules.

When it is not possible to provide your car for inspection, it is possible to present the inspector with a single inspection report. In another case, the car owner may receive a fine. Documents Required for Registration of Kamaz with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

Read on the Russia-Ukraine website:

  • Documents for Replacement of International Passport after Expiration of Period
  • Documents for replacing an expired passport
  • Wife's Share in Inheriting a Privatized Apartment
  • Additional payment for traveling nature of work for Drivers
  • Unified Simplified Declaration for Individual Entrepreneurs Sample Filling Out
  • Attention!

    Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer can advise you free of charge - write your question in the form below.

    Responsibility for violation of registration rules

    If a truck driver does not register the vehicle within 10 days, then, according to Part 1 of Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he will be punished with a fine, the amount of which is:

    • 1500 – 2000 rubles – for individuals;
    • 2000 – 3500 rubles – for officials;
    • 5,000 – 10,000 rubles – for legal entities and organizations.

    Also, a traffic police inspector who stops a truck that is not registered with the traffic police has the right to bring the driver to administrative responsibility. In particular, part 1 of article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles.

    In case of repeated violation, the punishment will be much more severe:

    • a fine of 5,000 rubles;
    • deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.
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