“The paper forms will be destroyed.” From November 1, the PTS became electronic


  • How does an electronic PTS differ from a paper one?
  • What are the benefits of introducing EPTS?
  • Is it necessary to change a paper PTS to an EPTS?
  • How to buy a used car with a paper title
  • How to buy a car on credit with a new electronic title
  • How to register a car with an electronic title

The issue of switching from paper PTS to electronic ones in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) has been discussed for a long time. It was planned to create a unified electronic passport system (EPS), which would help make all transactions with cars transparent.

In our country, the first electronic vehicle registration certificates were issued at the beginning of 2021 when selling new cars from dealership centers, and by November 100 thousand electronic vehicle registration certificates were registered in the system. By August 2020, according to Autostat, their number reached 1 million. The final transition to new electronic PTS (EPTS) occurred on November 1 of this year.

What is an electronic passport? How is it different from paper? What benefits does it provide to customers? How to sell and purchase cars with EPTS? We look for answers to these questions in the material.

How to obtain an electronic vehicle passport?

The issuance of electronic documents in Russia is carried out in the following order:

  • Russian customs and manufacturers will issue EPTS for cars leaving the factory. Dealers will work with ready-made passports in electronic form. The dealer must indicate the DS number in the purchase and sale agreement.
  • Electronic passports for imported cars will be issued by laboratories that confirm the safety of models and issue SBCTS.
  • For used cars that are already in use, it is not necessary to obtain an electronic passport. But if you really want to get it, then you can do it at the State Traffic Inspectorate or at the chief administrator of Electronic Passport JSC in Russia. When you issue an electronic passport, the paper one automatically becomes invalid.
  • When selling, purchasing, donating, or inheriting a vehicle, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is responsible for re-registration and amendments to the document.

How does an electronic PTS differ from a paper one?

Electronic PTS 2021 does not have a physical medium. This is a record in a single electronic database, which has its own unique 15-digit code. Such a record will not be lost, unlike a paper document, and the car owner will not have to receive a duplicate PTS. Plus, this will eliminate fraudulent activities with a lost car passport.

The new electronic PTS contains more data about the car. If in the paper version the information is recorded in 21 fields, then in the electronic version - in 150. Information entered into the EPTS is divided into two parts: mandatory and additional.

The mandatory part indicates the number and status of the electronic passport and technical data of the car. Additional columns include information about the owners, the presence of a loan, collateral, accidents, registration restrictions, information about repairs, insurance, the fact of theft or arrest, etc.

Information is entered into the EPTS only by representatives of authorized organizations. The default is:

  • manufacturing plants;
  • customs Service;
  • Traffic police

Technical inspection operators, tax authorities, certification authorities, dealers, credit organizations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Bailiff Service will have limited access to the database within their competence.

Data in the electronic PTS is entered by replenishment and cannot be adjusted. If, when re-registering a car to a new owner, the previous owner does not consent to the storage of his personal data, they are deleted. Removal occurs at the time of transfer of ownership. However, the traffic police will retain information about the current owner of the vehicle.

An extract is attached to the electronic PTS. This is a mini version of the EPTS, which displays the original data of the vehicle: VIN number, make, model, chassis number, engine number, body number and color, year of manufacture, environmental class, weight, etc.

An extract is required when purchasing an MTPL policy. You can obtain it after registering on the e-passport system portal or at the MFC. The extract is provided free of charge.

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What are the benefits of introducing EPTS?

The introduction of EPTS, on the one hand, will reduce scams with the sale of used cars on the secondary market, on the other hand, it will protect buyers from purchasing a problematic vehicle. The operating history will be clearly visible, so a careless seller will not be able to hide the real number of owners and other problems of the car, and the buyer, in turn, will know the real state of affairs.

At the moment, complete information about the car can be obtained through special online services for checking car history. Avtocod.ru collects information from more than 13 databases and shows how many owners the car had, whether it was damaged, whether it was leased or pledged, when it underwent technical inspections and other data. View an example report

By automating the process, the influence of the human factor and the risk of errors will be reduced. Information about registration (as well as about changes in the design or color of the car) is added to the database immediately, and government agencies will be able to work more quickly.

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Checking the title when buying a car

Above it was said that there are two versions of PTS: original and duplicate. However, there is another option that can also be found in practice - a fake PTS .

Buying a car with a fake passport can cause serious problems for the buyer. Most often, the matter ends with the fact that the car cannot be registered with the traffic police, because he is listed as stolen. After this, the car is either returned to its rightful owner, or left to the buyer for safekeeping until the owner shows up. In any case, the buyer is left without a car and without money.

Let's figure out how to identify a fake PTS in practice.

Visual inspection of the document

People who constantly deal with PTS can identify a fake from a distance of several meters. If you have never dealt with passports, I recommend using a sample.

Take the original PTS from any other car (relative, friend) and carefully compare both passports. In this case, you need to pay attention to both the quality of the form itself and the quality of the inscriptions applied. Use a magnifying glass to check thoroughly.

However, if you are not confident in your own abilities, use the second option.

Checking PTS at the traffic police post

In any case, this option is optimal. Together with the car seller, go to the nearest traffic police post and ask the traffic police officers to check the documents and run them through the databases; they will not refuse you. Traffic police officers constantly deal with car documents, so they can easily identify a fake.

In this case, another problem may arise. What to do if the seller refuses to go to the traffic police post? It's very simple, you should stop buying a car. A normal car owner has nothing to fear.

Is it necessary to change a paper PTS to an EPTS?

There is no need to change your paper PTS to an electronic one. After November 1, 2021, mandatory replacement will be required in the following cases:

  • loss or damage to a paper PTS;
  • lack of space in the paper PTS due to the large number of entries;
  • personal desire of the owner;
  • independent import of a car from abroad.

You can obtain an electronic PTS from the traffic police, customs or testing laboratory. The fee for EPTS is 600 rubles.

The simultaneous presence of both paper and electronic vehicle registration certificates is not allowed for one vehicle.

How to buy a used car with a paper title

When purchasing a used car with a paper title, the transaction procedure will not change for the owner and buyer. Participants sign the agreement, make changes to the “paper”, and the new owner goes to the traffic police to re-register the vehicle in his name.

If desired, the new owner of the car can contact authorized organizations to replace the paper PTS with a new electronic one. Authorized organizations include technical inspection operators, the list of which is published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

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How to apply in 2021?

A landmark event was the adoption of the law “On state registration of vehicles in the Russian Federation...” dated August 3, 2018 No. 283-FZ. In particular, it specifies what documents must be provided for registration (Article 15). The list remains predictable (identification of the owner, confirmation of ownership, etc.), but if an EPTS is issued, it does not need to be provided in paper form.

Let us remind you that it is no longer necessary to appear in person at the traffic police department to complete registration actions. They can be done remotely:

  • through a car dealership or manufacturer, if they are included in the register of specialized organizations. Authorized companies perform all actions on site, including issuing license plates;
  • through an online application on the official website of the traffic police;
  • through the government services portal, which provides identification of the owner. An electronic signature is required to confirm transactions;
  • through MFC.

If a person decides to change the old PTS to a digital one, then he needs to contact the inspectorate. You are required to fill out an application and attach a standard package of documents. Registration of EPTS costs less - 600 rubles. (issue of paper - 800 rubles).

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How to buy a car on credit with a new electronic title

Previously, when buying a car on credit, the bank took the paper title and kept it until the debt was repaid in full. Since an electronic PTS is just a record in a database, bank employees are physically unable to seize the document. But they will enter information about the loan and collateral into the electronic system.

It is impossible to delete information about a loan; only the bank can change its status. Potential car buyers on the secondary market have access to this information.

What does EPTS look like?

To understand where to watch the episode and number of the electronic PTS, let's find out what it generally looks like.

Essentially, an EPTS looks like a digital record in a computer database. It consists of many sections, each of which can be expanded to study the blocks inside. In total, one digital passport can include up to 150 columns, which eliminates the possibility of it being overfilled and the need for future replacement. Thus, EPTS allows you to look at the entire history of the vehicle’s operation at one moment, from production to the last maintenance. By the way, it is impossible to delete or correct anything from there. Each new change is recorded with a digital signature of the employee, so that you can always see who made it and when.

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